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蔡士雪  岳林蔚  尹超  邱中航 《遥感学报》2022,(11):2268-2281
随着现代遥感观测技术的不断发展,目前已经有多个版本的公开高程数据集。然而,在林区,由于植被对电磁波的遮挡或吸收作用,遥感手段探测得到的高程不能反映真实的地表信息,存在系统偏差的影响。为了分析多源DEM产品在林区高程偏差的特性,本文选取了美国马里兰州和索诺马县为研究区域,对比不同地形、不同林区类型条件下雷达DEM产品SRTM1、TanDEM-X 90和光学DEM产品AW3D 30与裸地参考高程3DEP的差值,得到3类高程产品的林区穿透率,并结合林区类型、植被冠层高度、冠层覆盖度和坡度等辅助数据进行差异分析。结果表明,SRTM1、TanDEM-X 90和AW3D 30中,C波段雷达探测数据SRTM1的整体林区穿透率最大,尤其是在马里兰州常绿针叶林,其整体穿透率可达0.771;而基于X波段雷达观测的TanDEM-X 90和光学数据AW3D 30的林区穿透率相当。3类高程产品在针叶林中的林区穿透率大于在阔叶林中的林区穿透率,且林区穿透率均随着冠层覆盖度的增加而减弱,其中TanDEM-X 90和AW3D 30的林区穿透率减弱幅度较大。除探测波长影响外,主要原因是TanDEM-X 90和AW3D ...  相似文献   

由美国宇航局(NASA)研制的新一代冰、云和陆地高程卫星(ICESat-2)于2018-09-15发射成功,其搭载的先进地形激光测高系统(ATLAS)采用微脉冲多波束光子计数激光雷达技术,可用于全球高程线采样数据的获取.目前公开发布了9种数据产品,其中包括植被冠层高度和地表高程数据产品(ATL08),为全球森林结构参数...  相似文献   

ICEsat-2/ATLAS是目前高程精度最高的星载激光数据,其数据覆盖全球,能够作为生产高精度全球地面参考高程的基础数据.基于ICESat-2/ATLAS全球激光数据产品ATL08,获取了全球ICESat-2陆地高程点,研究了基于参考高程数据和属性参数提取全球高程控制点的方法,并利用高精度参考高程数据验证了其精度.利...  相似文献   

基于Google软件的农地区高程获取及精度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相比于传统大比例尺测绘,高分遥感和雷达技术可以快速高效地获取农地地形边界和特征点位高程,因而可为农地整理和机械化前期研究提供决策依据。本研究基于Google Maps高分辨率遥感影像数字化农地特征点位和边界,开发了在Google Earth(谷歌地球)软件上获取坐标点位高程的程序,实现了农地特征点位数字化和高程获取;使用国家1:1万数字地形图对该方法进行了精度评估,并且与直接基于SRTM3和ASTER数字高程模型插值方法进行了比较。结果表明,本研究实现了高分辨率遥感影像和数字地形模型的整合应用,在农地边界和特征点位获取、影像校正方面比直接通过SRTM3数据插值获取高程有优势,有较好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

ASTER DEM是利用高分辨率卫星成像设备ASTER获取的立体影像生成的DEM,其全球覆盖范围较广、数据获取快、质量稳定。但其数据精度和质量在我国区域内存在较多不确定性,本文选取具有高山峡谷等典型地貌特征的秦岭山区的ASTER DEM数据,以相应1∶50 000地面高程库数据作参照,从总体统计、检查点法以及剖面法几个方面对其精度进行了实验与分析。结果表明,与地面1∶50 000地面高程库相比,ASTER DEM误差值所对应的点数数据分布呈正态分布,RMSE为30.109 358 028 165 158 m;且其在山峰上的高程值会有所降低,在山谷中的高程值会有所增加。  相似文献   

高精度DEM是南极科学研究的基础地理信息数据之一。德国空间局发布的TanDEM-X双站干涉影像对不仅分辨率高、覆盖范围大,而且具有零时间基线,不受时间去相关、大气变化及地面目标形变的影响。本文基于TanDEM-X双站干涉影像对和迭代差分InSAR技术获取南极高分辨率DEM;然后利用南极ICESat-2高程数据和最小二乘平差方法改正DEM产品的系统性偏移误差,提高DEM产品的绝对精度。真实数据试验结果表明,本文方法可获取分辨率优于5 m、绝对精度优于2 m的南极DEM。  相似文献   

刘娇  赵尚民 《测绘通报》2022,(11):90-95
本文首先以DEM数据为例,将输入数据与参考数据配准至同一像素位置,然后分别将均方根误差和标准差作为参考指标,在不同坡度等级的区域内,通过权重系数从0至1的遍历探寻最佳加权融合系数,从而确定融合方案并进行NASA DEM与AW3D30 DEM的数据融合,最后对融合效果进行定量评价。结果表明:配准前,NASA DEM沿xyz方向的位移分别为-2.65、2.41、0.60m,AW3D30 DEM位移分别为1.04、7.51、-3.33m;配准后,原始数据各项误差均减小,且NASA DEM的系统误差基本消失。融合DEM相较于NASA DEM,平均误差和均方根误差分别减小了25.0%和36.8%;对于AW3D30 DEM,误差降幅分别为86.5%和13.2%。  相似文献   

何兆培  杨斌 《地理空间信息》2013,11(1):104-107,14
利用3个不同的软件对四川省龙门山中段ASTER 15 m分辨率的立体像对进行了DEM提取,并对其精度进行了初步评价。分别使用立体测量法和干涉测量法提取DEM,并通过检验点法和剖面线法对比分析。结果表明,利用ERDAS的干涉测量法提取出的DEM效果较好,高程精度可达30 m,对后续数据深挖掘和高层次地形分析具有应用价值。  相似文献   

传统光学遥感手段以及SAR获取的数字高程模型(DEM)包含一定的植被信号,如何准确估计植被高度并将其从包含植被高信号的DEM中扣除,对生成高精度DEM具有重要意义.基于此,提出一种基于ICESat-2/AT-LAS数据和TanDEM-X DEM的林下地形生成方法.首先利用ICESat-2 ATLAS数据联合MODIS、温度、降雨及高程等辅助信息通过随机森林进行建模及预测,实现空间连续植被高反演;之后,在估计X波段InSAR森林区穿透深度基础上,利用反演所得植被高,扣除TanDEM-X DEM中的植被高信号,得到林下地形.选取我国东北地区作为试验区,实验结果表明:反演林下地形精度为9.14 m,相比原始Tandem-X DEM的精度提高21.2%.  相似文献   

在DEM支持下,通过引入投影视差光线,以数字正射影像为基础,制作立体辅助影像,并与原正射影像共同构建正射立体影像对,产生与实地相似的几何模型,进行立体观察与量测,可以量测地貌高程,是另外一种构建立体三维环境的思路.然而生成正射影像和辅助影像的原始DEM是含量有误差的.这种误差是否会对产生的立体正射影像对的高程量测结果产...  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) data of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) are distributed at a horizontal resolution of 90 m (30 m only for US) for the world, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM data provide 30 m horizontal resolution, while CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) gives 2.6 m horizontal resolution for global coverage. SRTM and ASTER data are available freely but 2.6 m CARTOSAT-1 data are costly. Hence, through this study, we found out a horizontal accuracy for selected ground control points (GCPs) from SRTM and ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM to implement this result (observed from horizontal accuracy) for those areas where the 2.6-m horizontal resolution data are not available. In addition to this, the present study helps in providing a benchmark against which the future DEM products (with horizontal resolution less than CARTOSAT-1) with respect to CARTOSAT-1 DEM can be evaluated. The original SRTM image contained voids that were represented digitally as ?140; such voids were initially filled using the measured values of elevation for obtaining accurate DEM. Horizontal accuracy analysis between SRTM- and ASTER-derived DEMs with respect to CARTOSAT-1 (IRS-P5) DEM allowed a qualitative assessment of the horizontal component of the error, and the appropriable statistical measures were used to estimate their horizontal accuracies. The horizontal accuracy for ASTER and SRTM DEM with respect to CARTOSAT-1 were evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative root mean square error (R-RMSE). The results from this study revealed that the average RMSE of 20 selected GCPs was 2.17 for SRTM and 2.817 for ASTER, which are also validated using R-RMSE test which proves that SRTM data have good horizontal accuracy than ASTER with respect to CARTOSAT-1 because the average R-RMSE of 20 GCPs was 3.7 × 10?4 and 5.3 × 10?4 for SRTM and ASTER, respectively.  相似文献   

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a quantitative representation of terrain and is important for Earth science and hydrological applications. DEM can be generated using photogrammetry, interferometry, ground and laser surveying and other techniques. Some of the DEMs such as ASTER, SRTM, and GTOPO 30 are freely available open source products. Each DEM contains intrinsic errors due to primary data acquisition technology and processing methodology in relation with a particular terrain and land cover type. The accuracy of these datasets is often unknown and is non-uniform within each dataset. In this study we evaluate open source DEMs (ASTER and SRTM) and their derived attributes using high postings Cartosat DEM and Survey of India (SOI) height information. It was found that representation of terrain characteristics is affected in the coarse postings DEM. The overall vertical accuracy shows RMS error of 12.62 m and 17.76 m for ASTER and SRTM DEM respectively, when compared with Cartosat DEM. The slope and drainage network delineation are also violated. The terrain morphology strongly influences the DEM accuracy. These results can be highly useful for researchers using such products in various modeling exercises.  相似文献   

The frequency of coastal flood damages is expected to increase significantly during the twenty-first century as sea level rises in the coastal floodplain. Coastal digital elevation model (DEM) data describing coastal topography are essential for assessing future flood-related damages and understanding the impacts of sea-level rise. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) are currently the most accurate and freely available DEM data. However, an accuracy assessment specifically targeted at DEMs over low elevation coastal plains is lacking. The present study focuses on these areas to assess the vertical accuracy of SRTM and ASTER GDEM using Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite, Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (ICESat/GLAS) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) field survey data. The findings show that DEM accuracy is much better than the mission specifications over coastal plains. In addition, optical remote sensing image analysis further reveals the relationship between DEM vertical accuracy and land cover in these areas. This study provides a systematic approach to assess the accuracy of DEMs in coastal zones, and the results highlight the limitations and potential of these DEMs in coastal applications.  相似文献   

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) contain topographic relief data that are vital for many geoscience applications. This study relies on the vertical accuracy of publicly available latest high-resolution (30?m) global DEMs over Cameroon. These models are (1) the ALOS World 3D-30?m (AW3D30), (2) the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 1 Arc-Second C-Band Global DEM (SRTM 1) and (3) the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Global DEM Version 2 (ASTER GDEM 2). After matching their coordinate systems and datums, the horizontal positional accuracy evaluation was carried out and it shows that geolocation errors significantly influence the vertical accuracy of global DEMs. After this, the three models are compared among them, in order to access random and systematic effects in the elevation data each of them contains. Further, heights from 555 GPS/leveling points distributed all over Cameroon are compared to each DEM, for their vertical accuracy determination. Traditional and robust statistical measures, normality test, outlier detection and removal were used to describe the vertical quality of the DEMs. The test of the normality rejected the hypothesis of normal distribution for all tested global DEMs. Overall vertical accuracies obtained for the three models after georeferencing and gross error removal in terms of Root Mean Square (RMS) and Normalized Median Absolute Deviation (NMAD) are: AW3D30 (13.06?m and 7.75?m), SRTM 1 (13.25?m and 7.41?m) and ASTER GDEM 2 (18.87?m and 13.30?m). Other accuracy measures (MED, 68.3% quantile, 95% quantile) supply some evidence of the good quality of AW3D30 over Cameroon. Further, the effect of land cover and slope on DEM vertical accuracy was also analyzed. All models have proved to be worse in the areas dominated by forests and shrubs areas. SRTM 1 and AW3D30 are more resilient to the effects of the scattering objects respectively in forests and cultivated areas. The dependency of DEMs accuracy on the terrain roughness is evident. In all slope intervals, AW3D30 is performing better than SRTM 1 and ASTER GDEM 2 over Cameroon. AW3D30 is more representative of the external topography over Cameroon in comparison with two others datasets and SRTM 1 can be a serious alternative to AW3D30 for a range of DEM applications in Cameroon.  相似文献   


Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM-GL1), Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer- Global DEM (GDEM-V2), recently released Advanced Land Observing Satellite (‘DAICHI’) DEM (AW3D30) and Indian National Cartosat-1 DEM v3 (CartoDEM-V3.1) provide free topographic data at a 30-m resolution for Indian peninsula. In this research study, the vertical accuracy of DEM is evaluated for above data-sets and compared with high accuracy dual frequency GNSS of a millimetre accuracy. The extensive field investigation is carried out using a stratified random fast static DGPS survey for collecting 117 high accuracy ground control points in a predominantly agriculture catchment. Further, the effect of land cover, slope and low-lying coastal zone on DEM vertical accuracy was also analysed and presented in this study.  相似文献   

ASTER立体像对提取玛尔挡坝区DEM及精度评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ASTER立体像对提取DEM已经成为近年来DEM提取研究的热点问题。本文基于ENVI软件,利用AS-TER立体像对提取青藏高原玛尔挡坝区DEM,并对其进行精度评价和误差来源分析。结果表明,利用ENVI软件提取ASTER-DEM方法可行,提取的DEM效果较好,能与地形图重叠,高程精度可达30m,而且地形较平坦地区精度高于地形陡峭地区;控制点的多少及精度、成像时的环境和气象条件、波段特性、影像空间分辨率等都影响着DEM的精度。  相似文献   

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