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数字黑河的思考与实践1:为流域科学服务的数字流域   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
多学科数据的收集和积累、多学科模型的集成以及现代化的观测系统是发展流域科学的必要前提。"数字黑河"是为黑河流域科学研究和流域集成管理而搭建的集数据、模型和观测系统于一体的信息化平台,是"数字地球"在流域尺度上的一次实践性尝试。数字黑河由数据平台、模型平台和数字化观测系统组成,其核心是观测、数据和模型平台中的信息基础设施建设,但同时也外延而扩展为以流域综合模型为骨架的各种应用。"数字黑河"已阶段性地完成了数据集成,在线数据量超过1 000 GB,并实现了完全共享,有力地支持了黑河流域的各项研究工作;在模型集成方面已初步建成了流域综合模型和空间决策支持系统。"数字黑河"的进一步构想是在e-Science的框架下将数据系统、观测系统、模型系统、信息发布系统、高性能计算及科学计算可视化集成为一个整体。  相似文献   

数字黑河的思考与实践4:流域观测系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
数字化的流域观测系统是数字流域的重要组成部分.①首先介绍了水循环卫星遥感和地面观测的最新进展,以及航空遥感在流域观测中的重要作用.②介绍了对于流域观测系统的构想.认为流域观测系统应兼顾陆面过程、水文、生态观测的不同空间尺度和时间尺度,监测与控制试验并重,地面与遥感配合,重视采样设计,重视新兴观测手段,与信息系统扣模型高度集成,科学目标导向,模型需求驱动.③黑河流域观测系统由位于流域上中下游不同景观带的野外研究站、综合观测试验以及气象水文业务化观测网络组成,在流域内先后开展了HEIFE实验、金塔试验和黑河综合遥感联合试验.④介绍了对于流域观测系统的进一步构想:增强遥感观测能力是关键,集成遥感、地面观测和模型模拟才能更好地定量估计水循环,流域观测系统应和信息系统、综合模型等共同构成流域科学研究的信息基础设施,更好地为流域科学服务.  相似文献   

针对地质钻进过程中钻遇对象未知且复杂多变、钻进事故频发的现状,采用数字孪生技术,构建了基于时序数据驱动的地质钻探数字孪生模型体系,用以满足随钻探测、工况识别、钻速优化等实际需求。将监测到的地表设备、随钻测量、钻进工艺等数据按照时间序列分解为事前数据、实时数据、延时数据和迟到数据,利用物联网技术将这些多源异构数据进行处理,采用时序数据进行特征分析,基于事前数据建立典型工况,实时数据进行随钻预测和钻进过程工况识别,延时数据和迟到数据演进融合进行钻后优化,建立了数字孪生智能钻进周期服务平台,平台设计了设备物理层、虚拟模型层、数据处理层及钻探服务层4层交互系统,实现钻前、钻中、钻后全数据的全过程集成融合,达到了钻进系统参数最优化配置和安全高效钻探的目的。基于上述平台,利用Unity3D软件开发了数字孪生智能钻进原型系统,实现了钻前设备的数字化设计、钻进过程孔内三维可视化和钻进过程参数实时监测与控制的功能。结果表明,基于时序数据构建的数字孪生模型可有效提高钻进过程的效率和可靠性。研究结果为智能钻探优化提供了全新的路径和方法,有望在煤炭、石油、天然气、页岩气等钻探领域实现工程应用。  相似文献   

数字流域模型的河网编码方法   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在数字流域模型中提出了一种基于二叉树理论,并以二元形式表示的河网编码方法。这种编码方法能够实现任意河段的直接定位和高效的拓扑关系运算。阐述了数字流域模型河网编码方法的主要思路和基本定义,给出了这种编码方法对河网拓扑关系的描述方式,并结合实例分析了其数值特征。给出了数字流域模型的河网编码中若干具体问题的算法。  相似文献   

黄河数字流域模型的建立和应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
黄河数字流域模型是“数字黄河”的重要组成部分,在数字流域模型框架下,以坡面为基本单元,建立了包括植被截留、融雪、地表蓄滞、表层土蓄滞、中层土蓄滞和深层土蓄滞共6层的产流模型.模型在垂向上考虑3层出流:地表超渗产流、表层土侧向渗流和中层土侧向渗流,既反映当前的降水过程,又体现前期降水过程和土壤前期含水量的影响,比较适合黄河流域的产流特点.在坡面产流的基础上,还给出了坡面单元侵蚀产沙公式,用于建立流域产沙数学模型.应用建立的模型,给出了3个计算实例:黄河全流域水量计算、小花区间汛期洪水模拟和多沙粗沙区产沙计算.实践表明:建立的模型基本具备了在黄河全流域进行降雨-径流模拟、侵蚀产沙计算的功能,辅以降雨预报模块则可进行洪水预报.  相似文献   

尚浩  严姗姗  李虎 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):599-605
将数字孪生理论应用到城市建设的地质工作中,并基于此打造一套四维地质环境信息系统。以济南泉域为例,根据已有的海量、多源、多比例尺、实时的城市地质数据,结合数字孪生理论,建立四维地质环境数据库和数字孪生模型,搭建地质环境实时监测网络,研发四维地质环境信息系统,从而实现城市地质数据挖掘分析,辅助政府在信息化、智慧化建设中的科学决策,推动创新技术支撑智慧城市建设。应用数字孪生理论,研发海量异构数据的全空间融合展示分析系统具有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

李春红  王建平  陈建  谢小燕 《水文》2013,33(6):58-62
针对传统站网论证方法难以与降雨分布的影响因素相关的局限性,将数字流域引入站网论证方法中,阐述了数字流域建设和信息提取的相关技术,并将数字流域与站网密度、相关分析、雨量等值线、历史洪水预报分析4种站网论证技术进行集成和应用研究。研究结果表明,数字流域与雨量站网论证技术的集成考虑了地形等因素影响,论证结果更合理,其基本思想可为类似的站网论证分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   

数字黑河的思考与实践3:模型集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了"数字黑河"模型集成研究的进展.①流域科学研究中的模型集成由发展流域集成模型和建模环境这2个主题所构成,前者可概括为"水-土-气-生-人"集成模型,后者是支持集成模型的高效开发的软件工具,注重于应用先进的信息技术为建模提供支撑.②将模型集成分为知识途径和技术途径,讨论了建模环境在模型集成中的作用,以及科学模型和流域管理模型的关系.③回顾了黑河流域模型集成的总体目标是发展两种类型的集成模型,其中第一种回应科学目标,是地球系统模型在流域尺度上的具体体现,以建成能够综合反映流域水文-生态-经济相互作用的模型为标志;第二种集成模型回应管理目标,以建成空间显式的流域水资源决策支持系统为目标.④对黑河流域已有的水文、地下水、水资源、陆面过程、土地利用、生态、社会经济与生态经济建模工作做了系统的综述.⑤分析了黑河流域集成模型研究中存在的问题和所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

数字黑河的思考与实践2:数据集成   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
数据集成是流域集成研究的核心环节,是发展、改进和验证模型的基础。介绍了"数字黑河"数据集成研究的进展:①定义了数据集成;提出数据库集成应具有数据的完整性、可获取性和有效管理3个基本特征;而模型数据集可根据流域集成模型对科学数据的需求,概化为驱动数据、参数集、验证和诊断数据三大类。②进一步丰富和完善了"数字黑河"信息系统;扩展了黑河数据库,较为系统地收集了黑河流域的基础地理数据、各类观测数据、科学试验数据和现有的模型数据集,在线数据量已扩充至1 000 GB,并且广泛共享。③介绍了模型数据集取得的进展及目前存在的问题;发展了制备高分辨率驱动数据的统计和动力降尺度方法;依靠数据融合方法制备了适用于模型的黑河流域土地覆盖图和土壤图。④指出了数据集成所面临的挑战和需要优先完成的迫切任务,核心是以发展流域集成模型为导向,进一步完善"数字黑河"信息系统,并且制备高分辨率和可靠的模型数据集。  相似文献   

数字高程模型分辨率对流域地形特征参数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地形特征(如高程和坡度)和水文特征(如河流长度和河流坡度)是分布式流域水文水质模型的基础输入参数,用于量化描述模型模拟流域的自然特征。这些特征参数的准确性直接影响水文水质过程模拟的准确性。应用数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)在4个不同地形的子流域研究了10种不同分辨率DEM对平均高程、流域面积、坡度、河流坡度、最长河长等参数的影响。结果表明,随着DEM分辨率降低,流域地形变缓,流域平均坡度逐渐减小;随着DEM网格分辨率的变化,子流域划分范围和河道位置也都可能发生变化,且该变化在地形起伏较小的丘陵平原地区较明显,子流域集水面积和河长进一步随之改变;河流坡度随DEM分辨率降低则呈无规则变化。从地形和水文参数两方面揭示了DEM 分辨率在分布式流域模型中的不确定性影响。  相似文献   

First Nations in British Columbia (BC), Canada, have historically been—and largely continue to be—excluded from colonial governments’ decision-making and management frameworks for fresh water. However, in light of recent legal and legislative changes, and also changes in water governance and policy, there is growing emphasis in scholarship and among legal, policy and advocacy communities on shifting water governance away from a centralized single authority towards an approach that is watershed-based, collaborative, and involves First Nations as central to decision-making processes. Drawing on community-based research, interviews with First Nations natural resource staff and community members, and document review, the paper analyzes the tensions in collaborative water governance, by identifying First Nations’ concerns within the current water governance system and exploring how a move towards collaborative watershed governance may serve to either address, or further entrench, these concerns. This paper concludes with recommendations for collaborative water governance frameworks which are specifically focused on British Columbia, but which have relevance to broader debates over Indigenous water governance.  相似文献   

Recent political and military events in Ukraine have brought into sharp focus concerns over the security of European gas supplies from Russia. At the same time, the creation of an infrastructural and political ‘energy union’ has become a key stated priority for the governing bodies of the European Union. Both contingencies have highlighted the 28-nation bloc’s dependence on energy sources well beyond its state boundaries, underpinned by the existence of a transnational network for the transport and distribution of natural gas. We develop a theoretical framework predicated upon assemblage and governance approaches to explore the regulatory practices and spatial features associated with this hitherto largely unexplored infrastructural realm. Qualitative evidence from interviews, policy documents and media reports is interrogated interpretively and with the aid of social network analysis techniques. The paper reveals the existence of a socio-technical assemblage for the transmission of natural gas across national boundaries emerging as a result of the erosion of decision-making power away from established state actors, and the rise of new institutional orders. While undermining the organizational arrangements that have traditionally dominated the European gas sector, these contingencies also challenge existing understandings of transnational energy governance as they apply to overland gas transit.  相似文献   

The Diyung river descends in Nagaon district of Assam. After its confluence with main channel Kopili it causes enormous losses to life and property due to floods. Appropriate watershed treatment measures are, therefore, required for moderating the flood damage. In the present study landscape information viz., the hypsometric integral has been analysed. The Diyung watershed has been subdivided into 23 sub-watersheds for hypsometric analysis. The hypsometric integral for the entire Diyung watershed ranged from 0.14 to 0.56. According to the present study there are two stages of geologic/geomorphologic development, namely equilibrium stage and monadnock stage. The hypsometric integral indicates that surface runoff is the dominant process. Although static, the topographic characteristics indicate response of watershed to various natural phenomenon and dominant processes such as runoff and erosion. Based on the intensity of the processes sub-watershed can be prioritized for taking up appropriate conservation measures. The study also highlights the use of hypsometric integral for prioritizing watershed for planning engineering measures to mitigate the impact.  相似文献   

完善新时期水资源管理指标的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
气候变化和人类活动极大地改变了流域水循环和水资源分布, 以供需管理为核心的水资源管理方法难以缓解缺水的局面。中国提出了新时期水资源相关管理政策, 然而受数据、对象和方法的限制, 新政策采用的管理指标和内涵目标间存在差异, 在缺水地区还必须增加耗水总量控制的约束指标, 实施取水与耗水的双向管控。本文通过综述国内外最新进展和案例, 提出新时期水资源管理指标的完善方法: 建立以蒸散监测为核心的现代耗水要素监测体系;健全以耗水上限为核心的水资源刚性约束方法, 通过综合考虑环境流量用水和生态服务耗水的需求, 核定流域人类活动水资源可消耗量的上限, 实现水资源的刚性约束;实施耗水约束机制, 通过约束农业规模、合理规划生态恢复治理的规模和方式, 实现水资源发展的“四水四定”既定原则。期望通过数据、方法和措施的创新能够切实保障新时期水资源治理模式的有效实施。  相似文献   

Despite questions currently raised about the future of neoliberalism, it remains embedded within Australian agricultural policy and practice. This paper explores the strengths and limitations of mechanisms contributing to neoliberalism’s survival through a close examination of the restructuring of Australian agricultural production and governance processes under the influence of both globalising impulses and adherence to neoliberal strategies. We trace the changes in governance flowing from the dismantling of regulatory structures in the Australian dairy industry, and the creation of new forms of governance that have both facilitated this transition and dealt with its adverse, often unintended, consequences. The changing governance of Australian dairying is analysed through the lens of three arenas of governance: state, industry and place. Drought has played an important part in re-spacialising dairying and re-shaping the balance between farmers and industry, demonstrating the contingency at play in emerging governance structures. This study of processes of change within the highly export-oriented dairy sector of Australia focuses attention on resistance and on some of the messy actualities of the interplay between state, place and industry - and nature - in neoliberal agri-food governance.  相似文献   

矿井地质透明化是智能化煤矿建设的基础,三维地质建模是实现矿井地质透明的重要手段,以往采掘工作面地质建模存在插值算法不符合地质规律、多源异构地质数据融合程度低,以及煤矿生产装备与地质信息耦合少等问题。提出煤矿采掘工作面地质信息数字孪生的概念,采用离散光滑插值(Discrete Smooth Interpolation,DSI)算法,利用钻探数据及地震构造解释数据地质建模,建立DSI平行相似约束后迭代计算得到的地质综合模型。开发了三维地质建模软件,实现了点(地质点)、线(地质界线、地层界线)、面(三维地质界面)、体(封闭地质体)4种地质对象的构建,在体对象基础上开发了立方网功能,基于区域统计学算法对体对象内的空间数据进行属性插值。使用建模软件构建掘进、回采工作面数字孪生的地质模型载体,接入微震监测系统、电阻率监测系统、随掘地震监测系统、随采地震监测系统实时监测数据,实现工作面地质信息数字孪生,反映采掘扰动下的地质变化;为煤矿掘进生产提供基于地质模型的场景仿真和掘进规划巷道断面曲线下发,指导掘进机自主掘进,提供掘进前方地质异常距离预警,保障掘进地质安全;为回采工作面提供基于地质模型的场景仿真和规划截割曲线,指导采煤机自主规划截割,提供回采前方地质异常构造位置、应力集中区位置距离预警,提高回采工作的安全性。该技术在内蒙古鄂尔多斯唐家会煤矿进行了应用,为安全、高效采掘工作提供地质保障。   相似文献   

Degraded water quality due to water column availability of nitrogen and phosphorus to algal species has been identified as the primary cause of the decline of submersed aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay and its subestuaries. Determining the relative impacts of various nutrient delivery pathways on estuarine water quality is critical for developing effective strategies for reducing anthropogenic nutrient inputs to estuarine waters. This study investigated temporal and spatial patterns of nutrient inputs along an 80-km transect in the Choptank River, a coastal plain tributary and subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, from 1986 through 1991. The study period encompassed a wide range in freshwater discharge conditions that resulted in major changes in estuarine water quality. Watershed nitrogen loads to the Choptank River estuary are dominated by diffuse-source inputs, and are highly correlated to freshwater discharge volume. in years of below-average freshwater discharge, reduced nitrogen availability results in improved water quality throughout most of the Choptank River. Diffuse-source inputs are highly enriched in nitrogen relative to phosphorus, but point-source inputs of phosphorus from sewage treatment plants in the upper estuary reduce this imbalance, particularly during summer periods of low freshwater discharge. Diffuse-source nitrogen inputs result primarily from the discharge of groundwater contaminated by nitrate. Contamination is attributable to agricultural practices in the drainage basin where agricultural land use predominates. Groundwater discharge provides base flow to perennial streams in the upper regions of the watershed and seeps directly into tidal waters. Diffuse-source phosphorus inputs are highly episodic, occurring primarily via overland flow during storm events. Major reductions in diffuse-source nitrogen inputs under current landuse conditions will require modification of agricultural practices in the drainage basin to reduce entry rates of nitrate into shallow groundwater. Rates of subsurface nitrate delivery to tidal waters are generally lower from poorly-drained versus well-drained regions of the watershed, suggesting greater potential reductions of diffuse-source nitrogen loads per unit effort in the well-drained region of the watershed. Reductions in diffuse-source phosphorus loads will require long-term management of phosphorus levels in upper soil horizons. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00021  相似文献   

Recently, water and soil resource competition and environmental degradation due to inadequate management practices have been increased and pose difficult problems for resource managers. Numerous watershed practices currently being implemented for runoff storage and flood control purposes have improved hydrologic conditions in watersheds and enhanced the establishment of riparian vegetation. The assessment of proposed management options increases management efficiency. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of watershed managements on runoff storage and peak flow, and determine the land use and cover dynamics that it has induced in Gav-Darreh watershed, Kurdistan, Iran. The watershed area is 6.27 km2 which has been subjected to non-structural and structural measures. The implemented management practices and its impact on land use and cover were assessed by integrating field observation and geographic information systems (GIS). The data were used to derive the volume of retained water and determine reduction in peak flow. The hydrology of the watershed was modeled using the Hydrologic Engineering Center–Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC–HMS) model, and watershed changes were quantified through field work. Actual storms were used to calibrate and validate HEC–HMS rainfall–runoff model. The calibrated HEC–HMS model was used to simulate pre- and post-management conditions in the watershed. The results derived from field observation and HEC–HMS model showed that the practices had significant impacts on the runoff storage and peak flow reduction.  相似文献   

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