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电网和技术的发展给输变电设备检修计划决策带来了新的机遇和挑战。分析了输变电设备检修计划决策关联技术,提出了新形势下检修计划决策研究及应用技术面临的主要问题和挑战,对输变电设备风险评估、计划方式下电网安全校核及风险评估、检修计划协调优化算法、系统研发等关联技术的发展现状进行了评述,并从输变电设备风险评估、检修计划优化决策、研发自动化系统方面提出了建议和技术展望。  相似文献   

基于SOA的输变电设备优化检修系统架构设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
输变电设备优化检修是集状态检修、预防性试验检修和可靠性检修为一体的综合性检修方式,能大幅提升电网企业设备检修管理水平,而当前电网企业却缺乏相应的检修管理系统支持.基于面向服务架构(SOA)规划输变电设备优化检修系统的层次模型和相关服务,其中业务流程服务包含状态监测与评估、故障诊断和预测、检修决策与管理等核心业务,通过业务抽象封装和业务流程编制建立服务层,提供涉及应用和业务流程的三大类服务,并采用WebServices管理该服务层.  相似文献   

本文提出了基于累积量法的直接修改模型法安排多区域互联系统发电机组计划检修的新算法,结合由陕、甘、宁、青四省电网组成的西北电力系统编制了发电机组的检修程序,并用该程序对机组的检修进行了优化安排.  相似文献   

输变电设备状态检修是在对电气设备运行状态进行诊断的基础上,制定停电检修计划的一种设备检修方式.状态检修对比以往的周期性检修具有缩短停电时间、降低检修成本、提高企业效益等诸多优势,但是对于设备试验数据分析和设备状态评价工作的准确性和及时性有极高的要求,以SG186生产管理系统数据为基础,以电气设备试验相关规程为依据的输变...  相似文献   

叙述了设备状态检修的必要性、基本思想和实施的基本思路,以及对状态检修管理的实践.  相似文献   

机组检修计划问题的GA&SA组合算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了以可靠性指标为目标的机组检修计划模型,在考虑可能出现的各类的约束条件后,提出了一种由遗传算法与模拟退火算法结合而成的组合优化算法,该算法考虑了检修类型及检修安排对本次检修计算的影响,应用组合算法对实际的和了仿真计算,同时给出了不同算法的比较结果,证明该组合算法是可行而有效的。  相似文献   

在全状态集成法的基础上提出了求解设备故障率的新方法:等效状态评分法。以设备等效状态评分为模型,模型参数随着设备所经历的过程变化而变化。通过对经历过检修后的状态评分的折算,表征出检修对设备故障率的影响,求得设备可能的故障率。最后,通过算例运用等效状态评分法求解设备的模型参数和故障率,等态状态评分法和全状态集成法的计算结果相同。与全状态集成法相比,等态状态评分法简化了计算,并且物理意义更加明确  相似文献   

矿区铁路设备维修工作是铁路运输生产正常进行的重要保障,但是在日常设备维修工作中,维检修作业又时常与运输生产工作存在着相互影响甚至严重冲突,因此如何有效协调运输生产与维检修作业的关系,一直是铁路运输生产中一项十分重要的工作,结合永煤矿区铁路生产实践中存在的问题,详细分析了问题产生的原因,提出了解决问题的措施.  相似文献   

随着工商业发展迅猛,我国每年的电力需求越来越大,随之,电网规模日益增大,电网架构与系统运行日渐复杂,电网在运行中难以避免故障的出现.为了提高供给电能的质量、保证电网调度进行过程中的安全性与可靠性,对电网检修计划进行合理安排与执行起着重要作用.本文对电网调度检修计划的重要性、检修中存在的问题进行了概述,并提出了电网检修计划如何进行科学合理的在安排以及执行管控中的具体措施,希望对电网检修计划有指导意义.  相似文献   

检测设备的维护保养情况关系到检测设备的精度和准确度,也直接影响到安检机构对机动车检测的准确、科学和公正,关系到安检机构对车辆检验能否顺利进行.论文阐述了实行GB21861-2008新标准后机动车安全检测线的检测设备的维护保养方法.  相似文献   

This paper discusses asset management for transmission and distribution companies. It first presents the goals and objectives of asset management, a corporate framework, and the competencies required to make it all work. It also discusses some of the pressing issues facing transmission and distribution companies today and the ability of asset management to help address these issues in an effective manner.  相似文献   

水压试验智能监控系统从根本上改变了传统水压试压的检查方式与操作方法,此系统应用到实际工作中后,发现系统内个别部件出现不兼容性,进而造成试验结果的误判.在经过详细分析和调研后,对系统内关键部件进行改进和升级,确保系统精准高效运行.  相似文献   

In order to improve the safety management of urban gas transmission and distribution system, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) was used to construct the reliability analysis system of the pipeline network. To solve the problem of subjectivity and uncertainty of the multi-expert decision making, the correlation operator was introduced into the calculation of the risk priority number (RPN). Using FMEA along with weight analysis and expert investigation approach, the FMEA evaluation table was given, including five failure modes, risk priority numbers, failure causes and effects, as well as corrective actions. The results show that correlation operator can directly process the linguistic terms and quantify the priority of the risks.  相似文献   

分析了捣固车动力传动系统的特点,介绍了捣固车动力传动系统的布置、动力传递路线、柴油机功率的确定以及传动箱匹配特性.  相似文献   

Photovoltaic system for transmission substation application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper suggests using a photovoltaic system to supply the required power for the operation of switching substations. This suggestion is justified by the low power demand needed for this type of substations and the high cost of conventional means for performing this task. A design methodology for the PV system is described and a comparative study showing the superiority of photovoltaic system is given.  相似文献   

A novel control approach is proposed to optimize the fatigue distribution of wind turbines in a large‐scale offshore wind farm on the basis of an intelligent agent theory. In this approach, each wind turbine is considered to be an intelligent agent. The turbine at the farm boundary communicates with its neighbouring downwind turbines and organizes them adaptively into a wind delivery group along the wind direction. The agent attributes and the event structure are designed on the basis of the intelligent agent theory by using the unified modelling language. The control strategy of the intelligent agent is studied using topology models. The reference power of an individual wind turbine from the wind farm controller is re‐dispatched to balance the turbine fatigue in the power dispatch intervals. In the fatigue optimization, the goal function is to minimize the standard deviation of the fatigue coefficient for every wind turbine. The optimization is constrained such that the average fatigue for every turbine is smaller than what would be achieved by conventional dispatch and such that the total power loss of the wind farm is restricted to a few percent of the total power. This intelligent agent control approach is verified through the simulation of wind data from the Horns Rev offshore wind farm. The results illustrate that intelligent agent control is a feasible way to optimize fatigue distribution in wind farms, which may reduce the maintenance frequency and extend the service life of large‐scale wind farms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current practices and future requirements for the storage, transmission and distribution of hydrogen are discussed and analyzed to identify demonstrated or anticipated inadequacies which must be corrected before hydrogen utilization can achieve full potential as a substitute for diminishing supplies of fossil fuels. These inadequacies are presented as challenges for R & D activities to eliminate impediments to the increased utilization of hydrogen.  相似文献   

提出的精细化配煤技术,以锅炉运行经济指数来表征配煤的合理性,改变了以往研究中以配煤价格最低为单一目标函数的研究方法。同时,还介绍了智能配煤技术系统的功能、技术先进性及应用实例。  相似文献   

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