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Phase-pure La0.52Sr0.28Mn1.2O3 manganite nanopowders with average crystallite sizes of 30, 60, and 200 nm have been synthesized using coprecipitation and multiple cold isostatic pressing at 1 GPa. The crystallite size is shown to have a significant effect on the electrical and magnetic properties of the nanopowders: with decreasing particle size, their resistivity rises by several orders of magnitude, their Curie temperature decreases significantly, and the peak in their magnetic susceptibility broadens. The electrical and magnetic properties of powder compacts are compared to those of ceramic samples. The powder compacts show conventional magnetic hysteresis behavior, whereas the ceramics produced by sintering the compacts at 1270 K have an anomalous hysteresis. A mechanism is proposed that accounts for the anomalous hysteresis behavior.  相似文献   

研究了Cu离子掺杂对层状钙钛矿结构锰氧化物La1.2Ca1.8Mn2O7电磁性能的影响.观察到低含量Cu掺杂样品铁磁性减弱,出现金属-绝缘转变与团簇玻璃态行为;高含量Cu掺杂样品为绝缘体,出现顺磁与自旋玻璃态行为.相对小极化子跃迁模型或热激活半导体带隙模型而言,可变程跃迁模型更好地描述了载流子在顺磁状态的电输运机制.  相似文献   

Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phase (Sr0.9La0.1)3Ti2O7/xAg (x=0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) are systematically investigated with regard to their phase composition and thermoelectric transport properties. The XRD results show that all oxide samples are of two phases and they have layered microstructure. The electrical conductivity is found to be increased simultaneously. And the absolute Seebeck coefficient decreases firstly and then increases Ag addition, which leads to (Sr0.9La0.1)3Ti2O7/xAg (x=0.10) sample possesses optimum power factor. The total thermal conductivity lowers with Ag addition. The dimensionless figure of merit, ZT, reaches 0.12 for x=0.10. These results suggest that a proper of metal element Ag addition would be an effective way improving thermoelectric performance of (Sr0.9La0.1)3Ti2O7 system.  相似文献   

Samples of La1.4Ca1.6Mn2?x Cu x O7 with 0≤x≤0.075 were prepared by a solid state reaction and characterized. The cell parameters and volume increase with increasing doped content in all the samples. The metal–insulator (MI) transition was observed in all the samples except for x=0.075. The doping increases the MI transition temperature and resistivity. The application of a magnetic field increases the transition temperature. It can be referred to the suppression of the ferromagnetic–insulator state around it. The magnetoresistance (MR) of the undoped and 0.025 Cu-doped samples is observed on a wide range of temperatures (3.5–283 K). The undoped one exhibits a maximum value of 39.7 % at 5.07 K under 5 T. The 0.025 Cu-doped one exhibits a maximum value of 40.65 % at 44 K in the same magnetic field. No MR effect is shown for the 0.05 doped sample. The 0.075 doped sample exhibits a small negative MR behavior and a second peak of resistivity at a very low temperature.  相似文献   

We report magnetic and transport properties of polycrystalline samples of bilayered perovskite Sr3Ir2O7, which is synthesized by using high pressure technique. Magnetic susceptibility shows weak ferromagnetism below 290K with small size of remanent moment (10–3B/Ir). Resistivity shows insulating behavior below 290K. We discuss the magnetism and conductivity in Sr3Ir2O7 comparing with those of Sr3Ru2O7, which has a quite similar crystal structure to Sr3Ir2O7, from the view point of rotation angle of MO6 (M=Ir, Ru) octahedra.  相似文献   

We report the low temperature magnetization, electrical resistance, and magnetoresistance of La1.24Sr1.76Mn2O7 bilayer manganite system under hydrostatic pressure. At ambient pressure, the compound shows a sharp ferromagnetic transition (T C) accompanied by a metal–insulator transition (T MI) at 130 K. We observe that the T C and T MI increase with hydrostatic pressure at a rate of dT C/dP = 2.08 K/kbar and dT MI/dP = 2 K/kbar, respectively. Also, we observe an appreciable increase of magnetic moments at low temperatures with increasing pressure. The high temperature regime of temperature dependence of resistivity curves was fitted with the Emin–Holstein’s polaron hopping model and the calculated activation energy values suggest that the applied pressure weakens the formation of Jahn–Teller polarons. The magnetoresistance ratio (MRR) was measured at T C and at 4.2 K upon an external magnetic field of 5 T. The observed MRR at T C is about 210 % and the applied pressure increases the MRR significantly. These results can be interpreted by the pressure-enhanced overlap between the orbitals of Mn–O–Mn, which facilitates the charge transfer and hence enhances the ferromagnetism and metallicity.  相似文献   

Large single crystals of La2–2x Sr1+2x Mn2O7 (x=0.3 to 0.525) have been prepared under controlled atmospheric conditions. The crystals were grown by the floating-zone technique in an image furnace under a mixed oxygen/argon atmosphere pressurized to 6–8×105 Pa. Rectangular single crystals with sizes up to 50×9×4 mm3 have been obtained. The phase-purity, composition, and quality of the crystals were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and electron probe microanalysis. The magnetic behavior is found to be sensitive to the composition of the atmosphere during growth.  相似文献   

A new complex magnetic material La0.65Sr0.35V0.1Mn0.9O3, suitable for the magnetic refrigeration, has been investigated. X-ray diffraction result showed that this compound had rhombohedral structure. The substitution of manganese with V leads to a decrease in the Curie temperature, TC from 378 K to 353 K. Using Arrott plots; it was found that the phase transition for this compound is of the second-order. The magnetocaloric study exposed a quite large value of the magnetic entropy change  1.56 J/kg K and the relative cooling power value of 67 J/kg at magnetic field variation of 1 T.  相似文献   

We have investigated magnetic and dielectric properties of åkermanite Sr2CoSi2O7 single crystal in which the orbital hybridization is controllable by external magnetic fields. Sr2CoSi2O7 shows the electric polarization that is originated from asymmetric orbital hybridization induced by magnetic field. This induced electric polarization was observed even at temperatures considerably higher than the magnetic transition temperature. The polarization data obtained for the paramagnetic phase are scaled with the square of the induced magnetization. By the discussion of the crystal symmetry, the space group of a polar state of åkermanite materials is probably Cmm2.  相似文献   

The structure property relationship for Ru doped La1.2Ba1.8Mn2-RuxO7 system has been studied systematically. The system crystallizes in the single-phase tetragonal structure with space group of 14/mmm. The unit cell volume is found to increase with Ru doping. The sheet type microstructure could be seen in this system, which is important for anisotropic nature of layered structure. The crystallite size is found to be 25 nm indicating nanocrystalline nature of the system. Ferromagnetic to paramagnetic (Tc) transition above the room temperature is observed in all except the highest doped Ru (x = 1.0) where the Tc is 254 K using a.c. susceptibility measurement. The large values of magnetoresistance for the x = 0.0 sample at 10 K is found to be 57% and 64% at applied fields of 5 and 10 T, respectively.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in growing single crystals of Ca3Ru2O7 by a floating zone method. The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility was measured in the temperature range from 2 to 300 K for the field along ab-plane and c-axis. The magnetic susceptibility shows anisotropic behavior. For T>55 K, the susceptibilities of both directions increase like the Curie–Weiss behavior with decreasing temperature. In the temperature range between 55 and 48 K, the susceptibility along ab-plane decreases steeply, while the one along c-axis is almost constant, which implies that the magnetic moment is aligned antiferromagnetically in the ab-plane. The susceptibilities drastically decrease in both directions at 48 K and are almost independent of temperature below 30 K.  相似文献   

In this study, samples with nominal composition of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2?x Yb x O y , where x=0.0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.25, have been textured using the Laser Floating Zone technique. The effects of different Yb doping on the structure have been investigated by electrical resistivity, scanning electron microscopy, XRD, mechanical and dc-magnetization techniques. It has been found that with increasing Yb3+ doping for Cu, the physical and superconducting properties of structure gradually decrease. J C values, calculated using the Bean??s model, significantly change, although T C is approximately the same for all samples.  相似文献   

The (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3)1?x /(Er2O3) x composites with x=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 15, 17, and 20% were prepared by a solid state reaction process. The magnetic and electrical transport properties of the composites were investigated. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), and the calculation of lattice parameters of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO) indicated that there is no reaction between La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and Er2O3; especially, compared with pure LCMO, a new metal-insulator transition temperature (T P2) was observed at a lower temperature in some composites with x=1,2,3,4, and 7%, which may result from the existence of a new phase related to Er2O3 dopant at grain boundaries or surfaces of LCMO grains. An enhancement of low field magnetoresistance (LFMR) is obtained at temperature below 130 K for the composites with higher Er2O3 content, but the intrinsic CMR at T P1 decreased monotonously with increasing Er2O3 content. The increased LFMR results from the spin-dependent scattering and spin-polarized tunneling at the grain boundaries and the decreased intrinsic CMR due to the Double Exchange (DE) interaction between Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions.  相似文献   

The layered perovskite oxide Sm1.5SrBa0.5Mn2O7 was synthesized by the conventional method of co-precipitation. Its structure has been solved by powder X-ray diffraction. The diffraction patterns are consistent with the I4/mmm symmetry, with tetragonal lattice parameters a=3.8398(7) Å and c=20.3814(5) Å. The structure of Sm1.5SrBa0.5Mn2O7 is similar to Sr3Ti2O7. Magnetic measurements were also performed in the temperature range 2–360 K. They showed a strong presence of antiferromagnetic interactions below Neel temperature T N=25 K. The variation of the magnetization with the magnetic field in a temperature of 5 K was also analyzed. No saturation was observed up to the high applied magnetic field of 10 T.  相似文献   

The effects of Mn substitution on the physical properties and structural characteristics of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3−x Mn x Oy (Bi-2223) superconductor system have been studied. For this, the samples of nominal composition Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3−x Mn x Oy (x=0.00, 0.10, 0.15 & 0.20) was prepared by the solid-state reaction method. It has been found that the effects of Mn substitution favor the formation of Bi-2223 phases. The phase identification/gross structural characteristics of synthesized (HTSC) materials explored through powder X-ray diffractometer reveals that all the samples crystallize in orthorhombic structure with lattice parameters (a=5.4918 ?, b=5.4071 ?, and c=37.0608 ?) up to Mn concentration of x=0.20. The critical transition temperature (T c) measured by standard four probe method has been found to depress from 108 K to 70 K and transport current density (J c) has been increased from 4.67×102 to 3.52×103 A cm−2 as Mn content (x) increases from 0.00 to 0.20. The surface morphology investigated through scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscopy (SEM and AFM) results that voids and grains size increases as the Mn concentration increases besides the nanosphere like structures on the surface of the Mn doped Bi-2223 sample.  相似文献   

Bi-2212 coatings on Sr1 – x Ca x CuO2 (x = 0, 0.5) and Sr14 – x Ca x Cu24O41 (x = 0, 5) substrates were prepared by partial melting at 890 and 950°C. The effects of the partial-melting temperature and the temperature and duration of subsequent heat treatment in air on the phase composition of the coatings and substrates and the electrical resistance and superconducting transition temperature of Bi-2212 were studied. After partial melting and heat treatment, the T c(R = 0) of Bi-2212 attained 85–86 K. Sr1 – x Ca x CuO2 and Sr14 – x Ca x Cu24O41 substrates caused no degradation of the superconducting properties of Bi-2212, in contrast to Al2O3, and ensured a higher thermal shock resistance of Bi-2212.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Sr 2 Y 0.8 Ca 0.2 Co 2 O 6 is orthorhombic below 270 K (Immm, a = 3.84029(7) Å, b = 3.80691(6) Å and c = 19.4980(3) Å at 20 K), transformed from tetragonal (I4/mmm, a = 3.82765(6) Å and c = 19.5795(3) Å) at 295 K. The crystal structure distortion is accompanied by an anomalous temperature dependence of the degree of buckling of the CoO 2 plane and is correlated with the development of anisotropic antiferromagnetic ordering of magnetic moments (2.93(2) B per Co at 20 K). A magnetically glassy state below about 35 K and variable range hopping conduction below about 64 K for were found by magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements.  相似文献   

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