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1. The chief objectives were to analyse and model experimental data for maximum growth and food consumption of Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) collected from a cold glacier fed river in western Norway. The growth and feeding models were also applied to groups of Atlantic salmon growing and feeding at rates below the maximum. The growth models were validated by comparing their predictions with observed growth in the river supplying the experimental fish.
2. Two different models were fitted, one originally developed for British salmon and the other based on a model for bacterial growth. Both gave estimates for optimum temperature for growth at 18–19 °C, somewhat higher than for Atlantic salmon from Britain. Higher optimal temperature for growth in salmon from a cold Norwegian river than from British rivers does not concur with predictions from the thermal adaptation hypothesis.
3. Model parameter estimates differed among growth groups in that the lower critical temperature for growth increased from fast to slow growing individuals. In contrast to findings for brown trout (Salmo trutta), the optimum temperature for growth did not decrease with decreasing levels of food consumption.
4. A new and simple model showed that food consumption (expressed in energy terms) peaked at 19.5–19.8 °C, which is similar to the optimal temperature for growth. Feeding began at a temperature 1.5 °C below the lower temperature for growth and ended about 1 °C above the maximum temperature for growth. Model parameter estimates for consumption differed among growth groups in a manner similar to the growth models. Maximum consumption was lower for Atlantic salmon than for brown trout, except at temperatures above 18 °C.
5. By combining the growth and food consumption models, growth efficiency was estimated and reached a maximum at about 14 °C for fast growing individuals, increasing to nearly 17 °C for slow growing ones, although it was lower overall for the latter group. Efficiency also declined with increasing fish size. Growth efficiency was generally higher for Atlantic salmon than for brown trout, particularly at high temperature.  相似文献   

Effect of increased flow on the behaviour of Atlantic salmon parr in winter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of increased flow on movement and microhabitat use of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr in winter was investigated using radiotelemetry. To simulate hydropeaking operations, flow was increased four‐fold from 1·3 m3 s−1 to 5·2 m3 s−1 for 24 h periods. Flow did not affect fish habitat use or displacement and had little effect on fish activity within diel periods. During high flow periods in late winter, fish reduced night‐time activity. Stranding rates during flow reduction were also very low (only one fish).  相似文献   

1. Movements and habitat use by Atlantic salmon parr in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, were studied using Passive Integrated Transponder technology. The fish were tagged in the summer of 1999, and a portable reading system was used to collect data on individual positions within a riffle‐pool sequence in the early winter of 1999. Two major freezing events occurred on November 11–12 (Ice 1) and November 18–19 (Ice 2) that generated significant accumulations of anchor ice in the riffle. 2. Individually tagged parr (fork length 8.4–12.6 cm, n = 15) were tracked from 8 to 24 November 1999. Over this period, emigration (40%) was higher from the pool than from the riffle. Of the nine parr that were consistently located, seven parr moved <5 m up‐ or downstream, and two parr moved more than 10 m (maximum 23 m). Parr moved significantly more by night than by day, and diel habitat shifts were more pronounced in the pool with some of the fish moving closer to the bank at night. 3. During Ice 2, there was relatively little movement by most of the parr in the riffle beneath anchor ice up to 10 cm in thickness. Water temperature was 0.16 °C above the freezing point beneath anchor ice, suggesting the existence of suitable habitats where salmon parr can avoid supercooling conditions and where they can have access to low velocity shelters. To our knowledge, these are the first data on habitat use by Atlantic salmon parr under anchor ice.  相似文献   

The effect of the presence of stone blocks in the spawning habitat on the reproductive success of mature male parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar of various sizes and ages was tested in an artificial channel. Shelters allowed smaller individuals to contribute to egg fertilization as much as large parr, suggesting that the size-based dominance observed in a shelterless habitat was not maintained in a more complex habitat.  相似文献   

Many upland rivers in the Northern Hemisphere contain important habitat for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Owing to their sensitivity to environmental change, salmon are often used as bio-indicators. In Scotland, rivers containing potentially suitable habitat for salmon fry are often also regulated for hydropower. Regulated flow regimes can differ substantially spatially and temporally. Thus, where river management may be needed to maintain, restore, and protect their ecological functioning, this needs to be based on evidence of such spatio-temporal effects. This study investigated the effects of different types of river regulation on the hydraulic characteristics of downstream river reaches and the inferred consequences for salmon fry using hydraulic habitat quality models. The study focussed on the River Lyon (390 km2), a tributary of the Tay (4587 km2), Scotland, UK. Hydraulic habitat variability was assessed for three reach-scale sites with contrasting flow regimes characterised by (a) releases from hydropower generation, (b) compensation flow and (c) partly re-naturalised flow conditions. For each site, high resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) were developed from bathymetric surveys and 2D hydraulic models were used to assess hydraulic characteristics. Discharge time series were used to simulate hydraulic conditions for regulated and simulated natural flows. Depth and velocity data were extracted from the hydraulic models and used to infer habitat quality using a habitat model developed for Atlantic salmon fry in similar-sized Scottish rivers. Results showed the effects of regulation can vary substantially within reaches and between seasons. Comparison to natural flow regimes suggested that flow alteration has a variable influence on habitat quality depending on the type of regulation and time of year. This work has improved understanding of the effects of regulation on biophysical processes and may also be useful for managing trade-offs between management, restoration, and societal benefits.  相似文献   

To elucidate possible mechanisms behind the endocrine control of parr–smolt transformation, the daily plasma profiles in thyroid hormones (TH; free thyroxine (FT4), total thyroxine (TT4), and total 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (TT3)), growth hormone (GH) and cortisol were studied in Atlantic salmon parr and smolts under simulated-natural winter (8 L:16D) and spring (16.5 L:7.5D) photoperiods, respectively. Overall, TT4, TT3 and GH levels were higher in smolts than in parr, whereas FT4 levels fluctuated within the same range in parr and smolts. Significant diurnal changes in plasma TH were present in parr. Both FT4 and TT4 levels increased during the photophase and decreased during the scotophase, while TT3 levels followed an inverse pattern. Growth hormone showed no significant changes in parr. Changes in FT4, TT4, GH, and cortisol, but not TT3, levels, were observed in smolts with peak levels during both the photophase and scotophase for FT4, TT4 and GH. Plasma cortisol was not assayed in parr but in smolts the peaks were associated with dusk and dawn. In addition to the general increases in TH, GH and cortisol, the distinct endocrine differences in nighttime levels between parr in the winter and smolts in the spring suggest different interactions between TH, GH, cortisol and melatonin at these different time points. These spring scotophase endocrine profiles may represent synergistic hormone interactions that promote smolt development, similar to the synergistic endocrine interactions shown to accelerate anuran metamorphosis. The variations in these diurnal rhythms between parr and smolts may represent part of the endocrine mechanism for the translation of seasonal information during salmon smoltification.  相似文献   

A telemetry study in a Norwegian regulated river was conducted through a 12-day period in mid-winter 2003. The objective was to study activity (defined as number of movement per hour) and movement (defined as distance moved per hour) during different ice formation events. Twenty-four Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr were radio tagged and continuously monitored by both manually tracking (N = 24) and by fixed recording stations (N = 15). Detailed data on climate, flow and ice formation and its spatial distribution were collected and used in the analyses. Fish activity was not found to be affected by their size (L F). There was a significant difference in activity between diel periods with highest activity during dusk (5–6 p.m.). Between high and low flow (mean ± SD, 21.1 m3 s−1 ± 1.7 SD and 11.1 m3 s−1 ± 1.7 SD, respectively) no significant difference in activity was found. During the experiment extensive anchor ice growth occurred mainly in the riffle part with thickness up to 50 cm. Juveniles tend to avoid riffle section during anchor ice formation and exploited ice covered areas, indicating critical and preferable habitats respectively. Further, a significant difference in movement was found between five selected ice events with highest mean movement during an anchor ice event and lowest mean movement during an ice break up with no anchor ice formation. No significant difference in activity or movement between parr exposed to frazil ice and parr not exposed were found.  相似文献   

Hydraulic habitat models are logistically and technically challenging and expensive to produce. They are therefore frequently transferred between rivers, often with different environmental conditions, without validation. Although studies have recognised problems with model transfer, few have assessed the consequences for model predictions. This study investigated the local (within sub-catchment) transfer of hydraulic habitat models developed for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry. Two adjacent reaches were chosen for the study, each containing pool, riffle, glide and run habitats. Detailed topographic surveys were used to develop hydraulic models for the study reaches. Substrate and cover were characterised using transects. Seasonal fish habitat use was characterised by electrofishing. Uniform saturation stocking was employed to ensure standard starting densities across all habitats. Generalised additive models were fitted to fry abundance data. Depth, velocity, dominant substrate and cover were used as predictor variables. The distribution of depth, velocity, dominant substrate and cover differed between the two reaches, but was consistent within reaches across seasons. Substrate exhibited the greatest inter-reach difference. Velocity and depth were the most important individual predictors of fry abundance, with the highest densities observed at moderate velocities (∼0.4 m s−1) and low depths (∼0.1 m) across all seasons. When models were transferred locally between reaches, those that were adjusted for inter-reach differences in mean fry abundance (i.e. those predicting changes in relative abundance) performed better than those transferred without adjustment. Complex models that included substrate and cover typically explained some of the variation in abundance in the transferred reach but performed less well than models containing hydraulic parameters alone. This potentially reflected inter-reach differences in the distribution of substrate and cover. This study suggests that (1) uniform stocking is useful for examining habitat-abundance relationships free from the influence of patchy egg deposition; (2) habitat models should be developed at sites offering maximum environmental complexity at a local level; (3) scientists and managers should avoid transferring models between locations with different environmental characteristics, especially in the absence of model validation; (4) complex models should be avoided, and those containing hydraulic variables alone should be considered, if predictions of habitat quality are to be made at new sites.  相似文献   

As water temperature is projected to increase in the next decades and its rise is clearly identified as a threat for cold water fish species, it is necessary to adapt and optimize the tools allowing to assess the quantity and quality of habitats with the inclusion of temperature. In this paper, a fuzzy logic habitat model was improved by adding water temperature as a key determinant of juvenile Atlantic salmon parr habitat quality. First, salmon experts were consulted to gather their knowledge of salmon parr habitat, then the model was validated with juvenile salmon electrofishing data collected on the Sainte-Marguerite, Matapedia and Petite-Cascapedia rivers (Québec, Canada). The model indicates that when thermal contrasts exist at a site, cooler temperature offered better quality of habitat. Our field data show that when offered the choice, salmon parr significantly preferred to avoid both cold areas (<15 °C) and warm areas (>20.5 °C). Because such thermal contrasts were not consistently present among the sites sampled, the model was only validated for less than 60% of the sites. The results nevertheless indicate a significant correlation between median Habitat Quality Index and parr density for the Sainte-Marguerite River (R2 = 0.38). A less important, albeit significant (F-test; p = 0.036) relationship was observed for the Petite-Cascapedia river (R2 = 0.14). In all instances, the four-variable (depth, velocity, substrate size and temperature) model provided a better explanation of parr density than a similar model excluding water temperature.  相似文献   

A system for monitoring automatically the movements of individually identified small fish in natural habitats is described. The system incorporates novel flat-bed antennae to detect the passage of miniature passive integrated transponders.  相似文献   

The mean column velocity preference of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (LF 30–55 mm) was investigated by observing their spatial pattern of habitat use in a laboratory flume while varying discharge (Q) over a 18‐fold range (Q=2·6–46·8l s‐1). Based on 341 fish observations at three discharges (Q=2·6, 15·0 and 46·8l s‐1), three separate velocity preference curves were developed using standard procedures. The mean column velocities measured at 0·6 depth for the fish positions at the set low, medium and high discharges had medians of 7, 10 and 24 cm s‐1, respectively, and varied significantly between the discharges. Across the range of flows, the fish utilized mean column velocities between 0 and 56 cm s‐1, but the three velocity preference curves differed. Differences between juvenile Atlantic salmon use of habitat, defined according to mean column velocities at different discharges, were greatest at the lower end of the available range of velocities (<20 cm s‐1). Weighted usable area (WUA), the output of the instream flow model PHABSIM that is used to describe the available habitat at a given discharge, was calculated for the flume using the preference curves built at the three set discharges. The model was highly sensitive to differences between the three preference curves and WUA varied by up to a two‐fold difference. Furthermore, habitat‐discharge relationships derived from the three preference curves were very different. Predicted habitat losses across the modelled range of discharges varied by up to 150% depending upon which velocity preference curve was used in the model. Thus, the assumption that a single preference curve can be applied across a range of discharges is not valid and is likely to result in large errors when employing PHABSIM and other models that use similar principles.  相似文献   

Occurrence of Atlantic salmon parr in redds at spawning time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several Atlantic salmon parr of different sizes were found alive in salmon redds under a 10–30 cm layer of stones at spawning time. Parr, both mature and immature, remain inactive in redds during daylight but show nocturnal activity.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry and parr were subjected to 5 min of forced activity and the subsequent changes in oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were evaluated over a 24 h period. In a second experiment, individual Atlantic salmon fry and parr were freeze‐clamped in liquid nitrogen, before, immediately following a 5 min activity period, or after periods of recovery up to 2 h. Samples were analysed for whole body phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP and lactate. Five minutes of forced activity resulted in significant increases in both oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates. Changes in the oxygen consumption rates were greater in the parr compared with the fry. In contrast, the post‐exercise ammonia excretion rates were nearly twice as high for the fry compared with the parr. Exercise also caused a marked decrease in PCr levels (c. 47 and 65% in fry and parr, respectively), no change in ATP levels and a significant increase in lactate levels in Atlantic salmon fry and parr. Recovery of PCr occurred quickly (between 15 and 30 min) in fry and parr. Although the post‐activity levels of lactate were lower in fry (c. 3 μmol g?1) compared with parr (c. 14 μmol g?1), lactate levels returned to control levels within 60 min in fry, but it took >2 h for this metabolite to recover in parr. Compared with parr, these findings show that Atlantic salmon fry possess a reduced anaerobic capacity, and these results are consistent with the theoretical and experimental evidence that smaller fish support burst swimming through aerobic processes.  相似文献   

The incidence, relative abundance and biological characteristics of mature male parr of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied in two subarctic (69–70 N°) river systems in the northernmost part of Scandinavia. The proportion of mature males was low (0–25%) among ≥1 year‐old parr, and clearly lower than reported earlier in more southern rivers. The ages of mature males ranged from 1+ to 6 + year, the most abundant age group was 3 + year. Both age structure and size of the mature male parr varied between rivers and years. Mature male parr in the main stem were younger and also smaller than the parr of the same age in the tributaries.  相似文献   

River discharge and water temperature are frequently cited as controlling the upstream migration of adult salmonids to their spawning areas. The results of earlier studies on the effect of these environmental factors were examined. The statistical methods employed in some of these studies failed to consider the serial correlation often found in migration time series. To assess the effects of discharge and temperature on the migratory activity of the landlocked Atlantic salmon (ouananiche, Salmo salar ), 12 years of data on spawning migrations in the Mistassini R., Quebec, Canada, were analysed and the results obtained by ordinary least squares regression and time series regression were compared. In six of the 12 years, upstream migratory movement was related negatively to changes in river flow, suggesting that fish favour falling water phases for ascent. Water temperature appeared to have little effect on migratory movement. The mean body size of migrating fish decreased significantly throughout the summer; early migrants were on average 11.4% larger (mean fork length 522mm) than late migrants (469 mm). Larger, 3-lake-year salmon migrated 7.2 days earlier than 2-lake-year salmon. Because the residuals from ordinary regression exhibited strong autocorrelation, time series regression was more appropriate than ordinary regression for the analysis of migration time Series.  相似文献   

The proportion of Atlantic salmon parr (146 265 mm total length) that fed in laboratory tanks during autumn was 0% in fish filled with intragastric transmitters compared with 78 100% in controls.  相似文献   

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