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The Institute of Atmospheric Physics Land Surface Model (IAP94) has been incorporated into the IAP two-level atmospheric general circulation model (IAP GCM). Global and regional climatology averaged over the last 25 years of 100 year integrations from the IAP GCM with and without IAP94 (“bucket” scheme) is compared. The simulated results are also compared with the reanalysis data. Major findings are:(1) The IAP GCM simulation without IAP94 has extensive regions of warmer than observed surface air tempera?tures, while the simulation with IAP94 very much improves the surface air temperature.(2) The IAP GCM simulation with IAP94 gives improvement of the simulated precipitation pattern and intensity, especially the precipitation of East Asian summer monsoon and its intraseasonal migration of the rainbelts.(3) In five selected typical regions, for most of the surface variables such as surface air temperature, precipitation, precipitation minus evaporation, net radiation, latent heat flux and sensible heat flux, the IAP GCM with IAP94 pro?vides better simulations.  相似文献   

Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon by Using an Improved AGCM   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
The IAP 2-L AGCM is modified by introducing a set of climatological surface albedo data into the model for substituting the model’s original surface albedo parameterization. The comparison between the observations and the simulation results by the modified model shows that the general features of the East Asian summer monsoon can be well reproduced by the modified IAP 2-L AGCM. Especially for the simulation of monsoon precipitation, the modi-fied model can well reproduce not only the monthly mean features of the summer monsoon rainfall over East Asia, but also the stepwise advance and retreat of the East Asian summer monsoon rainbelt. Analysis results demonstrate that the good simulation of the monsoon rainfall is closely related to the reasonable simulation of the large scale gen-eral circulation over East Asian region, such as the western Pacific subtropical high, Asian monsoon low and the low level flows. The good performance of the modified model in the rainfall simulation shows its great potential to serve as a useful tool for the prediction of summer drought / flood events over East Asia.  相似文献   

利用IAP九层大气环流模式模拟全球季风系统   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用IAP九层大气环流模式模拟了全球季风系统。结果表明,模式成功模拟出对流层低层的季风系统,包括经典的热季风以及副热带季风和温寒带季风。此外,模式也真实再现了对流层高层的行星季风。另一方面,平流层季风的模拟效果则较差,这与模式中西风系统性偏强有关。  相似文献   

Simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon with IAP CGCM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SimulationofEastAsianSummerMonsoonwithIAPCGCMChenQiying(陈起英),①YuYongqiang(俞永强)andGuoYufu(郭裕福)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,Ch...  相似文献   

IAP94陆面过程模式在淮河流域的验证试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用IAP94陆面过程模式对淮河流域不同季节(春、夏、秋)、不同下垫面(旱地、森林、水田)进行了单点数值模拟试验,结果表明IAP94不但能较好地模拟出观测的地气间各种能量通量以及植被的冠层温度,同时还很好地模拟出整层土壤含水量的变化趋势,从而证实了IAP94陆面过程模式具有正确描述东亚半湿润季风区陆气相互作用的能力。另外比较结果还揭示了水田表面强烈蒸发作用的重要性,需要在陆过程模式中予以重视。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the intraseasonal variation of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) simulated by IAP AGCM 4.0, the fourth-generation atmospheric general circulation model recently developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In general, the model simulates the intraseasonal evolution of the EASM and the related rain belt. Besides, the model also simulates the two northward jumps of the westem Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), which are closely related to the convective activities in the warm pool region and Rossby wave activities in high latitudes. Nevertheless, some evident biases in the model were found to exist. Due to a stronger WPSH, the model fails to simulate the rain belt in southern China during May and June. Besides, the model simulates a later retreat of the EASM, which is attributed to the overestimated land-sea thermal contrast in August. In particular, the timing of the two northward jumps of the WPSH in the model is not coincident with the observation, with a later jump by two pentads for the first jump and an earlier jump by one pentad for the second, i.e., the interval between the two jumps is shorter than the observation. This bias is mainly ascribed to a shorter oscillating periodicity of convection in the tropical northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   

中尺度海-气耦合模式GRAPES_OMLM对台风珍珠的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球/区域同化与预报系统GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)和改进的Mellor-Yamada型海洋混合层模式OMLM(Ocean Mixed Layer Model),建立了一个新的中尺度海-气耦合模式GRAPES_OMLM,并利用该模式对发生于南海的台风珍珠(0601)进行了模拟研究,检验了GRAPES_OMLM对台风的模拟性能,并分析了局地海-气相互作用对台风的影响。结果表明,GRAPES_OMLM基本能模拟出台风天气过程中的主要物理过程。考虑了海-气相互作用的耦合试验所模拟出的台风强度、近台风中心最大风速以及台风后期移动路径,相对于两组控制试验(单独大气模式)的模拟结果都有较大的改进。而且,采用逐日变化海表温度作为下边界条件的控制试验2的模拟结果相对于SST不变的控制试验1更接近观测。耦合模式GRAPES_OMLM能较好地模拟出台风过境海表温度的变化,台风珍珠在其路径右侧有超过4.0℃的降温。SST的变化和海表风应力的变化呈反相关系,风应力的增大伴随着海洋近表层湍流动能(TKE)的加强,大风动力作用是SST降低的主要原因。SST的降低致使海洋向台风输送的热通量减少,进而削弱了台风的强度并改变台风环流结构,同时通过改变位势涡度趋势的一波结构(WN-1)来影响台风的移动路径。  相似文献   

区域海气耦合模式是研究局地海气相互作用过程影响气候变率的重要平台,也是对全球气候模式进行"动力降尺度"的重要工具.本文介绍了LASG(State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)/IAP(Institute of Atmospheric Physics)发展的区域海气耦合模式FROALS(Flexible Regional Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model),并总结了过去五年围绕该区域海气耦合模式开展的研究工 作.FROALS的特点之一是有两个完全不同的大气模式分量和海洋模式分量选项,可以适应不同的模拟研究需 求.针对区域海气耦合模式在西北太平洋地区的模拟偏差,通过分步骤考察不同大气模式分量和不同海洋模式分量对模式模拟性能的影响,指出大气模式是导致区域海气耦合偏差的主要分量.通过改进对流触发的相对湿度阈值标准,有效地改善了此前区域海气耦合模式在亚洲季风区普遍出现的"模拟海温冷偏差".改进的FROALS对西北太平洋地区的大气和海洋环境有较好的模拟能力,合理地再现了西北太平洋地区表层洋流气候态和年际变率.较之非耦合模式,考虑区域海气耦合过程后,改进了东亚和南亚地区的降水和热带气旋潜势年际变率的模拟.最后,针对东亚—西北太平洋地区,利用FROALS对IAP/LASG全球气候模式模拟和预估的结果进行了动力降尺 度,得到了东亚区域50 km高分辨率区域气候变化信息.分析显示,FROALS模拟得到的东亚区域气候较之全球气候模式和非耦合区域气候模式结果具有明显的"增值",显示出区域海气耦合模式在该区域良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

The present study validated the capability of the AM2.1, a model developed at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), in reproducing the fundamental features of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet Stream (EASWJ). The main behaviors of the EASWJ are also investigated through the reanalysis of observational NCEP/NCAR data. The mean state of the EASWJ, including its intensity, location, structure, and seasonal evolution is generally well-portrayed in the model. Compared with the observation, the model tends to reproduce a weaker jet center. And, during summer, the simulated jet center is northward-situated. Results also demonstrate the model captures the variability of EASWJ during summer well. The results of the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) applied on the zonal wind at 200 hPa (U200) over East Asia for both the observation and simulation indicate an inter-decadal shift around the late 1970s. The correlation coefficient between the corresponding principle components is as great as 0.42 with significance at the 99% confidence level.  相似文献   

新疆东部黑戈壁气候恶劣、人迹罕至,是具有黑色砾石下垫面的生态脆弱区。利用东疆哈密戈壁陆气相互作用站2018年全年观测资料,给出该戈壁地表动力学与热力学粗糙度、比辐射率和地表反照率等陆面过程特征参数,并将这些参数代入Noah模式对该戈壁热通量、地表温度及土壤温湿度进行模拟。结果表明:(1)东疆黑戈壁下垫面动力学粗糙度为1.13×10-3 m,热力学粗糙度为0.32×10-3 m,比辐射率为0.905。(2)地表反照率日变化呈早晚高,中午低的“U”型曲线。12月因地面积雪,反照率最高,年内极大值出现在12月8日,为0.79,年均反照率为0.29。地表反照率关于太阳高度角的参数化方案为:α=0.78-0.47×(1-e^((-h)/1.12)),地表反照率关于5 cm土壤湿度的参数化方案为α=0.28-0.136w_s。(3)将改进后的陆面过程参数带入Noah模式,大大提高了模式在戈壁区域的模拟能力。  相似文献   

Comparison of Surface Wind Stress Anomalies over the Tropical Pacific Simulated by an AGCM And by a Simple Atmospheric ModelN...  相似文献   

Using the output data of 20 coupled climate models used in IPCC AR4 and observational data from NCEP, the capability of the models to simulate the boreal winter climatology of the East Asian sea level pressure, 850-hPa wind, and surface air temperature; the decadal variations of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) intensity and EAWM-related circulation, and the interdecadal variations of EAWM-related circulation are systematically evaluated. The results indicate that 16 models can weakly simulate the declining trend of the EAWM in the 1980s. More than half of the models produce relatively reasonable decadal variations of the EAWM-related circulation and the interdecadal differences of EAWM-related circulation between the boreal winters of 1960-1985 and 1986-1998, including the weakened Siberian high, Aleutian low, and East Asian trough, the enhanced Arctic oscillation and North Pacific oscillation, and a deepened polar vortex. It is found that the performance of the multi-selected-model ensemble in reproducing the spatial distribution of the variations is encouraging, although the variational amplitudes are generally smaller than the observations. In addition, it is found that BCCR-BCM2.0, CGCM3.1-T63, CNRM-CM3, CSIRO-MK3.0, GISS-ER, INM-CM3.0, and MRI-CGCM2.3.2 perform well in every aspect.  相似文献   

陆面过程中冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用实际观测资料检验新发展的植被冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能.将浙江大学田间观测数据用于模式试验,其结果表明:在可见光波段,因叶片散射率值较小,四流模式和二流模式模拟结果差别不大,模拟的冠层反照率都接近观测值.这表明在可见光波段,二流模式已经能够较好模拟芯层反照率,四流模式能够提高的精度范围有限;在近红外波段,因叶片散射率值较大,两个模式模拟结果差别较明显,四流模式模拟的冠层反照率相对二流模式的模拟结果更接近观测值.利用第2次雪模式比较计划SNOWMIP资料和改进的10层陆面模式BATS进行耦合试验,将四流模式以及二流模式均耦合到该陆面模式中,其目的是为考察四流模式对陆面模式模拟地表反射太刚短波辐射通量的影响.耦合后得到的结果与SNOWMIP中加拿大BERMS草地站和森林站的观测资料进行了对比.对比结果表明,采用网流模式、二流模式、BATS原辐射传输模式后,耦合四流模式的陆面模式模拟地表反射太阳短波辐射通量最接近观测值.说明采用四流模式能够改善陆面模式对地表反射太阳短波辐射通啦的模拟.  相似文献   

用 IAP/LASG GOALS模式模拟CO2增加引起的东亚地区气候变化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Two simulations, one for the control run and another for the perturbation run, with a global coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system model (IAP / LASG GOALS version 4) have been carried out to study the global warming, with much detailed emphasis on East Asia. Results indicate that there is no climate drift in the control run and at the time of CO2 doubling the global temperature increases about 1.65℃. The GOALS model is able to simulate the observed spatial distribution and annual cycles of temperature and precipitation for East Asia quite well. But, in general, the model underestimates temperature and overestimates rainfall amount for regional annual average. For the climate change in East Asia, the temperature and precipitation in East Asia increase 2. l℃ and 5% respectively, and the maximum warming occurs at middle-latitude continent and the maximum precipitation increase occurs around 25°N with reduced precipitation in the tropical western Pacific.  相似文献   

罗连升  段春锋  杨玮  徐敏  程智  丁小俊 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1320-1332
本文利用CMAP月降水资料、NCEP再分析资料、NOAA的ERSST资料和日本气象厅海气耦合模式(MRI-CGCM)的输出结果,从东亚夏季风气候态、主模态和年际变率等方面分析了MRI-CGCM模式对东亚夏季风的预测性能,并且利用观测的东亚夏季风指数(EASMI)与模拟PC(principal component)的关系建立多元线性回归方程来订正EASMI(简称PC订正法)。结果表明:MRI-CGCM模式能够较好再现东亚夏季风降水和低层风场的气候态,但模拟的西北太平洋反气旋偏弱、偏东,使得模拟的副热带地区降水量偏小。模式较好地模拟出东亚夏季风降水第一模态(EOF1)及相应的低层风场,能够较好再现出EOF1对应El Ni?o衰减位相;模拟降水的EOF1与观测之间的空间相关系数(ACC)为0.72,且能较好地再现其对应的年际变率,其时间系数PC1与观测之间的相关系数为0.41,能模拟出观测EOF1的2 a和5 a主导周期;但模拟的我国以东梅雨锋区雨带位置偏南,这与模拟的西北太平洋反气旋位置偏南有关。模式对降水第二模态EOF2的模拟能力比EOF1明显下降,模拟EOF2与观测之间的ACC降到0.36;虽然模式能较好地再现出EOF2对应El Ni?o发展位相,但模拟的西太平洋反气旋位置偏南,使得雨带位置偏南,模拟的我国梅雨锋区雨带位于江南,与观测场上江南少雨相反。模式较好地模拟出我国东部夏季降水和气温空间异常分布和年际变化,模拟与观测夏季降水和气温的多年平均ACC分别为0.74和0.68。模式模拟我国东部、江淮流域和华南地区夏季降水多年平均PS评分分别为69、70和68分,略高于我国夏季降水业务预测多年平均评分(65分)。模拟的我国东部夏季气温与观测多年平均PS评分为74分。PC订正后EASMI与实况的相关系数由0.51提高到0.65、符号一致率由84%升到91%、标准差由0.75增大到1.4、大于1个标准差年数由6年变为12年,订正后在模拟变幅偏小和梅雨锋区雨带偏南等方面均有一定的改善,对应西太平洋反气旋位置和梅雨锋区雨带位置与实况较为吻合。  相似文献   

The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) underwent an interdecadal variation with interannual variations during the period from 1958 to 1997, its index tended to decline from a higher stage in the mid-1960's until it reached a lower stage after 1980's. Correlation analysis reveals that EASM is closely related with the global atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). The differences between the weak and strong stage of EASM shows that, the summer monsoon circulation over East Asia and North Africa is sharply weakened, in the meantime, the westerlies in high latitudes and the trade--wind over the tropical ocean are also changed significantly. Over the most regions south of the northern subtropics, both air temperature in the lower troposphere and SST tended to rise compared with the strong stage of EASM. It is also revealed that the ocean-atmosphere interaction over the western Pacific and Indian Ocean plays a key role in interannual to interdecadal variation of EASM, most probably, the subtropical Indian Ocean is more important. On the other hand, the ENSO event is less related to EASM at least during the concerned period.  相似文献   

Seasonal prediction of Asian-Australian monsoon (A-AM) precipitation is one of the most important and challenging tasks in climate prediction. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of Grid Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) on retrospective prediction of the A-AM interannual variation (IAV), and determine to what extent GAMIL can capture the two major observed modes of A-AM rainfall IAV for the period 1979-2003. The first mode is associated with the turnabout of warming (cooling) in the Nifio 3.4 region, whereas the second mode leads the warming/cooling by about one year, signaling precursory conditions for ENSO.
We show that the GAMIL one-month lead prediction of the seasonal precipitation anomalies is primarily able to capture major features of the two observed leading modes of the IAV, with the first mode better predicted than the second. It also depicts the relationship between the first mode and ENSO rather well. On the other hand, the GAMIL has deficiencies in capturing the relationship between the second mode and ENSO. We conclude: (1) successful reproduction of the E1 Nifio-excited monsoon-ocean interaction and E1 Nifio forcing may be critical for the seasonal prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV with the GAMIL; (2) more efforts are needed to improve the simulation not only in the Nifio 3.4 region but also in the joining area of Asia and the Indian-Pacific Ocean; (3) the selection of a one-tier system may improve the ultimate prediction of the A-AM rainfall IAV. These results offer some references for improvement of the GAMIL and associated seasonal prediction skill.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of Asian summer monsoon prediction skill as a function of lead time and its relationship to sea surface temperature prediction using the seasonal hindcasts of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model, BCC_CSM1.1(m). For the South and Southeast Asian summer monsoon, reasonable skill is found in the model's forecasting of certain aspects of monsoon climatology and spatiotemporal variability. Nevertheless, deficiencies such as significant forecast errors over the tropical western North Pacific and the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean are also found. In particular, overestimation of the connections of some dynamical monsoon indices with large-scale circulation and precipitation patterns exists in most ensemble mean forecasts, even for short lead-time forecasts. Variations of SST, measured by the first mode over the tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as the spatiotemporal features over the Niño3.4 region, are overall well predicted. However, this does not necessarily translate into successful forecasts of the Asian summer monsoon by the model. Diagnostics of the relationships between monsoon and SST show that difficulties in predicting the South Asian monsoon can be mainly attributed to the limited regional response of monsoon in observations but the extensive and exaggerated response in predictions due partially to the application of ensemble average forecasting methods. In contrast, in spite of a similar deficiency, the Southeast Asian monsoon can still be forecasted reasonably, probably because of its closer relationship with large-scale circulation patterns and El Niño-Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   

全球海气耦合模式(BCC_CM1.0)对江淮梅雨降水预报的检验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
司东  丁一汇  柳艳菊 《气象学报》2009,67(6):947-960
以国家气候中心全球大气-海洋耦合模式(BCC-CM1.0)20年的预报产品为基础,重点分析了该模式对中国江淮梅雨的预报能力以及梅雨预报中存在误差的可能原因.试验表明:BCC-CM1.0对江淮梅雨降水有一定的预报能力,模式基本上能够预报出气候态下梅雨降水的空间分布特征.尽管其方差贡献率和时间系数与观测相比有偏差,但模式还是能够预报出梅雨降水的主要模态.气候平均下,BCC-CM1.0模式预报的梅雨雨带位置偏北,因而预报的江淮流域长江以北降水偏多,而长江以南预报的降水偏少.同时发现模式对江淮流域梅雨期中等强度降水预报较好,雨强概率分布与观测结果基本一致,而对大雨强降水和小雨强降水预报相对较差.合成分析发现,江淮流域雨带偏北、降水偏少时,模式的预报能力较好;而江淮流域雨带偏南、降水偏多时,模式预报能力相对较差.BCC-CM1.0对高度场的预报普遍偏低,尤其是在青藏高原上空有一个虚假的低值中心,对副热带高压的预报也偏弱,这样使得东亚季风区气压梯度增加,从而导致预报的东亚夏季风偏强、向北推进的幅度加大,最终致使预报的梅雨雨带偏北.此外,比湿场预报的偏差也可能是造成梅雨雨带偏北的原因之一.  相似文献   

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