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塔里木河干流区域土地利用遥感动态监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了TM数据在土地利用动态监测中的应用方法,通过不同时期(2000年和2002年)的TM卫星影像,单独分类结果的对比,得出塔里木河干流区域土地利用动态变化信息。  相似文献   

应用遥感技术监测分析扬州市2009—2012年土地利用与覆盖状况。结果表明,扬州市土地利用及覆盖以耕地、城乡工矿居民用地及水域为主,主要生态红线区土地覆盖类型未发生人为改变,生态环境状况总体良好,呈略有改善的态势。提出,应坚持开展污染治理和生态建设,优化发展空间,统筹城乡建设用地管理。  相似文献   

利用多星遥感影像动态监测了2015年春季太湖北部湖湾沉水植被分布的变化过程,并对水生植被遥感监测中的几个关键问题展开了探讨。决策树方法获取的水生植被分布结果表明,2015年4月28日太湖北部湖湾发现明显沉水植被分布面积约11.2 km~2,与2014年同期相比,新出现的较大面积沉水植被分布区域主要集中在田鸡山西和锡东水厂附近。提出应及时清理打捞,避免水生植被死亡腐烂,威胁水质安全。  相似文献   

利用TM影像监测和评价大亚湾温排水热污染   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
水热污染一直是环保工作中一个关注焦点,在对水热污染的日常环境监测中,往往存在测量不方便、区域评估不准等问题。如何充分利用遥感技术便捷、大范围、动态等特点对水热污染进行有效地监测和环境评价是本研究的重点。文章利用多个时相的TM数据热红外波段影像,对广州大亚湾核电站温排水水域进行了水温的反演,有效地对核电站温排水强度、扩散范围和环境影响进行了评价。研究证明,遥感技术能够有效地完成水热污染的监测和环境影响评估。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程推,城市生态环境正逐步恶化。徐州作为老矿业城市,情况尤其不为乐观,以徐州市区为例作生态评价分析。按照代表性、可操作性、适应性、可比性和方便性原则,选取了植被覆盖度、生物丰度、水网密度、人均绿地面积、城市环境污染负荷指数和环境质量综合指数作为评价指标来进行生态环境质量指数的计算。根据评价指标,选用1994年、2000年和2007年三个时相徐州市TM影像,对土地利用、河流水库、植被、人均绿地等方面进行遥感动态监测,然后对该地区13年来生态环境演变做了定量评价分析。评价结果表明,徐州市区生态环境质量由1994年的良好水平退化为一般水平,且有逐年下降恶化趋势,这与该区城市化进程一致。  相似文献   

内蒙古土地盐渍化典型区域动态监测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对内蒙古的巴盟河套、中西部草原区和科尔沁沙地土地盐渍化 1 987至 1 997年 1 0年间的动态变化趋势进行监测。结果表明 :巴盟河套地区盐渍化呈上升趋势 ;中西部草原区盐渍化呈下降趋势 ;科尔沁沙地土地盐渍化现象日趋严重。  相似文献   

为建立土壤侵蚀动态变化数据库,本文以土地利用数据、植被覆盖指数、最大风速等值线图和DEM数据为信息源,对干旱荒漠区新疆克拉玛依市2000年和2007年的土壤侵蚀状况进行了动态监测与评价。结果表明,受自然条件和人类活动影响,8年间克拉玛依市土壤侵蚀强度有所增加,变化区域主要集中在克拉玛依市中部平原区。该方法的应用实现了土壤侵蚀的定时定量评价。  相似文献   

太湖污染与环境动态监测信息系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
太湖流域是我国人口和城镇最为密集的经济发达地区 ,同时也是我国富营养化和生态破坏严重的大湖流域之一。文章以太湖为研究区 ,围绕湖区存在的主要环境问题 ,应用遥感和 GIS一体化的方法 ,提出了建立太湖环境动态监测信息系统的紧迫性 ,重点论述了系统的技术框架、功能、数据库组成 ,同时也强调了系统建设中应重视的问题  相似文献   

GIS支持下的盐池县土地沙漠化动态遥感监测与预估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以2个不同时期遥感图像为主要信息源,分别解译编制2期土地沙漠化类型图,在ARC/INFO地理信息系统支持下,建立空间数据库,获得了盐池县1985—1995年土地沙漠化动态图和动态转移数据矩阵,可以定位、定性、定量地显示出前后两期间动态演变格局。并用Markov链模型对未来演变趋势进行模拟和预测。说明盐池县属于正在发展的沙漠化地区,沙漠化程度进一步加剧,同时存在着“一边治理,一边破坏”的双重现象。  相似文献   

松嫩平原土地荒漠化动态监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
土地荒漠化是土地退化的一种主要形式,也是生态环境恶化的一种主要表现,严重制约着农业生产的发展.以1975年MSS卫星遥感影像、1990年TM卫星遥感影像以及2001年ETM卫星遥感影像等数据为信息源,采用地理信息系统的分析方法,引入荒漠化动态度等表征参量,建立了科学的荒漠化土地类型和土地动态转化分级系统,对我国松嫩平原近30年来的荒漠化土地进行了动态变化分析.结果表明,在1975~1990年期间,松嫩平原荒漠化土地呈明显发展趋势,其面积增加了1368931hm2,荒漠化边缘地区恶化现象明显强于腹地;在1990~2001年期闻,松嫩平原荒漠化土地总面积缓慢减少.减少面积为297867hm2,荒漠化呈逆转趋势,逆转现象边缘地区强于腹地,土地荒漠化趋势基本得到遏制.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游土地覆盖动态变化分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
利用80-90年代的TM影响数据,借助GIS分析了新疆塔里木河下游典型生态调查区内土地利用/土地覆盖现状及动态变化,并对塔河下游土地开发效果进行了对比分析。结果显示,耕地和城镇居住住用地的增加完全来源于对草地的开垦和对荒漠胡杨林的占用。同时,由于沙化、盐咸化等自然因素的影响和因对水资源的不合理利用所产生的土壤次生盐渍化的共同作用,控制着区内生态环境不断恶化的总体态势。  相似文献   

应用遥感技术对南通市生态环境进行监测,利用GIS技术对遥感监测结果进行解译与分析,同时对2006-2009年南通市生态环境时空动态变化进行了分析与评价.结果表明,南通市生态环境类型以耕地、水域和城乡、工矿、居民用地为主,未利用土地面积极小.其生态环境动态变化的主要特点是耕地面积普遍有小幅度减少,以城镇建设用地为主的城乡、工矿、居民用地增加较多,林地面积无明显变化;未利用土地面积有所减少,以盐碱地面积减少为主,减少的面积主要用于耕地和建设用地.  相似文献   

The area northwest of Beijing is one of the most important regions where many organizations invest and pay most attention. The environmental problems in this region affect not only Beijing but also the surrounding area. Based on observation of the characteristics of the change in sandy land, this study classified four types of dynamic change of sandy land, including extended sandy land, the reversely changed sandy land, the potential sandy land and no change in sandy land. Then the process and the trend of changes in sandy land and their environmental impact on the area northwest of Beijing were analyzed. The results show that the area of sandy land has increased in this region in the period of 1991 to 2002. Change between sandy land and grassland was the dominant change. It is found that the monitoring zones of Hunshandake sandy land and north of Yin Shan are regions with high ratio of extended sandy land, and are connected with widespread potential change of sandy land. This implies that these two regions have a high probability of increase in sandy land in the future. On the other hand, in the monitoring zone of Horqin sandy land and Ba Shang Plateau and its surrounding area, desertification had been controlled and the area of sandy land is expected to decrease. This indicates that the direction of the sandstorm to Beijing is expected to gradually move to the northwest. Furthermore, the decreases in sandy land and the reversing change from arable land to grassland and forests in the study region will affect the land quality and atmosphere. And the logistic multiple regression (LMR) model was employed to better understand the complexity and processes of increases in sandy land. This model predicts that there is a high probability of increases in sandy land in north of Siziwang Banner, Zhengxiangbai Banner and Zhenglan Banner. Finally, suggestions to the ecological construction of the study area have been proposed.  相似文献   

垂直管理改革后县级环境监测工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了环保机构监测垂直管理改革后,县级环境监测站面临的挑战。提出垂直管理改革后的县级环境监测部门应及时转变思路,实现人员转型升级,强化执法监测职能,建立信息共享机制,树立监测风险意识,走出一条"测管协同"的环境监管新路。  相似文献   

There are millions of small isolatedwetlands in the semi-arid Canadian prairies. These`sloughs' are refuges for wildlife in an area that isotherwise intensively used for agriculture. They areparticularly important as waterfowl habitat, with morethan half of all North American ducks nesting inprairie sloughs. The water levels and ecology of thewetlands are sensitive to atmospheric change and tochanges of agricultural practices in the surroundingfields. Monitoring of the hydrological conditions ofthe wetlands across the region is vital for detectinglong-term trends and for studying the processes thatcontrol the water balance of the wetlands. Suchmonitoring therefore requires extensive regional-scaledata complemented by intensive measurements at a fewlocations. At present, wetlands are being enumeratedacross the region once each year and year-roundmonitoring is being carried out at a few locations. Theregional-scale data can be statistically related toregional climate data, but such analyses cast littlelight on the hydrological processes and have limitedpredictive value when climate and land use arechanging. The intensive monitoring network has providedimportant insights but it now needs to be expanded andrevised to meet new questions concerning the effects ofclimate change and land use.  相似文献   

基于RS/GIS的新疆绿洲动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新疆土地利用,土地覆盖类型判读解译的基础上,对新疆绿洲近五年来的面积变化及发展趋势进行了分析。目前,在人类活动的干扰下,新疆绿洲面积正以平均每年822.48km^2的速度扩大。  相似文献   

Agricultural activities, especially reclamation, are considered major threats to the wetland ecosystems in Sanjiang Plain, the largest concentrated area of the freshwater wetlands in China. In the past decades, the area of the cultivated land and its grain production have been increased at the cost of wetlands shrinkage. The large-scale land reclamation severely affected the ecosystems in this region. However, such effects at the regional scale are seldom evaluated quantitatively. We used three datasets of LANDSAT MSS and/or TM imagery to estimate the area changes and the transition of land use types from 1980 to 2000. We also valued changes in ecosystem services delivered by each land category using value coefficients published by Costanza et al. [Nature 387, 1997, 253–260]. Sensitivity analysis suggested that these estimates were relatively robust. Finally, the contribution of various ecosystem functions was ranked to the overall value of the ecosystem services in this study. According to our estimates, the total annual ecosystem service values in Sanjiang Plain have declined by about 40% between 1980 and 2000 ($156284–182572.18 million in total over 20 years). This substantial decline is largely attributed to the 53.4% loss of wetlands. For individual ecosystem functions, waste treatment, water supply and disturbance regulation account for more than 60% to the total ecological values. During those two decades, the contribution of disturbance regulation, cultural and recreation decreased, while the contribution of water regulation, nutrient cycling, food production, raw materials and climate regulation increased during the same period. We also put forward a few proposals concerning the future land use policy formulation and sustainable ecosystems. They are adjusting the ‘food first’ agricultural policy, establishing more nature reserves for wetlands, creating systems for the rational use of water, harnessing the degraded cultivated land and encouraging eco-tourism.  相似文献   

Modeling Desertification Change in Minqin County,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monitoring environmental processes is becoming increasingly important wherever there is increasing population and economic development pressure placed on fragile environments. Remote sensing, digital image processing, and spatial analysis have proven to be useful technologies in both assessing and monitoring environmental change. In this study, they were used to assess desertification processes and change in Minqin County, China from 1988 to 1997. The results suggest that wind erosion was the dominant cause of desertification in more than half of the study area. Coupled with this were increases in salinization processes, affecting 33.62% of the land area in 1997. Overall, moderate desertification was found to be the dominant desertification grade (43.64% of total area), followed by extreme/severe desertification (26.15% of total area) in 1997. In addition, examination of landscape pattern changes indicated that desertification processes at the landscape level were becoming evident at increasing levels of fragmentation, complexity in shape, and isolation of patches. Major fluctuations in desertification type and grade were found at the fringes of oases, where an ongoing shift was taking place between cultivation, abandonment, and reclamation.  相似文献   

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