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Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) constitute a qualitative representation for conditional independence (CI) properties of a probability distribution. It is known that every CI statement implied by the topology of a DAG is witnessed over it under a graph-theoretic criterion of d-separation. Alternatively, all such implied CI statements are derivable from the local independencies encoded by a DAG using the so-called semi-graphoid axioms. We consider Labeled Directed Acyclic Graphs (LDAGs) modeling graphically scenarios exhibiting context-specific independence (CSI). Such CSI statements are modeled by labeled edges, where labels encode contexts in which the edge vanishes. We study the problem of identifying all independence statements implied by the structure and the labels of an LDAG. We show that this problem is coNP-hard for LDAGs and formulate a sound extension of the semi-graphoid axioms for the derivation of such implied independencies. Finally we connect our study to certain qualitative versions of independence ubiquitous in database theory and teams semantics.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a biological process crucial for the development and maintenance of healthy living organism. A deregulated apoptosis underlies many diseases, including cancer. Under hypoxic conditions, p53 starts to accumulate and competes with HIF-1 for their common binding target p300. This can lead to the repression of HIF-1, and trigger the apoptotic derive. In addition apoptosis is accompanied by an enhancement of potassium (K+) fluxes, which in turn create a low-potassium intracellular micro-environment, which cooperates to the activation of caspases, the final actors of the apoptotic cascade. Based on this scenario, we elaborate a dynamical model aimed at resolving the complex dynamical interplay between the aforementioned processes. In the ideal continuum limit, the model reduces to a system of coupled differential equations, whose dynamics is analytically inspected.  相似文献   

Argumentation can be modelled at an abstract level using a directed graph where each node denotes an argument and each arc denotes an attack by one argument on another. Since arguments are often uncertain, it can be useful to quantify the uncertainty associated with each argument. Recently, there have been proposals to extend abstract argumentation to take this uncertainty into account. This assigns a probability value for each argument that represents the degree to which the argument is believed to hold, and this is then used to generate a probability distribution over the full subgraphs of the argument graph, which in turn can be used to determine the probability that a set of arguments is admissible or an extension. In order to more fully understand uncertainty in argumentation, in this paper, we extend this idea by considering logic-based argumentation with uncertain arguments. This is based on a probability distribution over models of the language, which can then be used to give a probability distribution over arguments that are constructed using classical logic. We show how this formalization of uncertainty of logical arguments relates to uncertainty of abstract arguments, and we consider a number of interesting classes of probability assignments.  相似文献   

This note presents a contingent-claims approach to strategic capacity planning. We develop models for capacity choice and expansion decisions in a single firm environment where investment is irreversible and demand is uncertain. These models illustrate specifically the relevance of path-dependent options analysis to planning capacity investments when the firm adopts demand tracking or average capacity strategies. It is argued that Asian/average type real options can explain hysteresis phenomena in addition to providing superior control of assets in place.  相似文献   

We present an ordinary differential equations approach to solve general smooth minimization problems including a convergence analysis. Generically often the procedure ends up at a point which fulfills sufficient conditions for a local minimum. This procedure will then be rewritten in the concept of differential algebraic equations which opens the route to an efficient implementation. Furthermore, we link this approach with the classical SQP-approach and apply both techniques onto two examples relevant in applications.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated how decision makers characterize alternatives in important real-life decisions, which they themselves had made (to leave a partner, to choose an education and to choose a home). First, the participants indicated a very high degree of involvement in the decisions studied and about half of the participants gave maximum involvement ratings for the partner decision. Second, the results showed that concepts that are essential in most decision theories, such as, consequence, probability and value were important characteristics of the decisions. Third, emotion, positive and negative affect were also important characteristics. Fourth, value and emotion were uncorrelated. Fifth, the patterns of characteristics of decisions made in the past did not differ markedly from the characteristics given to future decisions. Principal component analyses were performed on the ratings of applicability of the different characteristics across participants for each decision situation. Three factors were extracted. There was one factor for positive affect/emotions and another factor for negative affect/emotions verified in oblique solutions. Thus, different scales are needed to represent emotion/affect components (and not bipolar scales) in real-life important decisions. The third factor represented the way in which a decision was represented (moving pictures dialogue etc.). An analysis restricted to the participants who rated 100% involvement showed an additional fourth factor with “what others would think”, “similar situations”, “values” and “money” as the most prominent characteristics. This points to the importance of controlling for participant involvement in studies of human decision making to enable generalizations to real-life decisions.  相似文献   

We consider a dynamic capacity reallocation scheme in a logically fully-connected telecommunications network. We show that the problem of optimal capacity allocation can be solved in a distributed manner, an essential feature of such a scheme. Our continuous-capacity reallocation scheme can be used as a foundation for a discrete system. This is useful from the perspective of practical implementation.  相似文献   

We study the endogenous formation of cartels from a dynamic point of view. First, we review some stability analyses from existing literature, which usually predict a rather small cartel as the outcome. We then study a dynamic model, in which firms can freely leave the cartel if they wish, and firms can enter the cartel if both the cartel and the firm so desire. We show that the dynamic process converges to a strongly stable cartel if one exists. Otherwise, the process does not converge, but during the process the cartel-size will never go below any size predicted by a stability analysis.   相似文献   

The notions “series-parallel” and “nonseparable” are shown to be logical converses of each other when formulated in a particular dual-like fashion. Self-dual circuit/cutset characterizations are given of series-parallel and of series-parallel nonseparable graphs.  相似文献   

In these notes we develop a link between the Kadison-Singer problem and questions about certain dynamical systems. We conjecture that whether or not a given state has a unique extension is related to certain dynamical properties of the state. We prove that if any state corresponding to a minimal idempotent point extends uniquely to the von Neumann algebra of the group, then every state extends uniquely to the von Neumann algebra of the group. We prove that if any state arising in the Kadison-Singer problem has a unique extension, then the injective envelope of a C*-crossed product algebra associated with the state necessarily contains the full von Neumann algebra of the group. We prove that this latter property holds for states arising from rare ultrafilters and δ-stable ultrafilters, independent, of the group action and also for states corresponding to non-recurrent points in the corona of the group.  相似文献   

A canonical system is a kind of first-order system of ordinary differential equations on an interval of the real line parametrized by complex numbers. It is known that any solution of a canonical system generates an entire function of the Hermite-Biehler class. In this paper, we deal with the inverse problem to recover a canonical system from a given entire function of the Hermite-Biehler class satisfying appropriate conditions. This inverse problem was solved by de Branges in 1960s. However his results are often not enough to investigate a Hamiltonian of recovered canonical system. In this paper, we present an explicit way to recover a Hamiltonian from a given exponential polynomial belonging to the Hermite-Biehler class. After that, we apply it to study distributions of roots of self-reciprocal polynomials.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to provide a systematic treatment of bargaining procedures as a basis for negotiation. An innovative fuzzy logic approach to analyze n-person cooperative games is developed. A couple of indices, the Good Deal Index and the Counterpart Convenience Index are proposed to characterize the heuristic of bargaining and to provide a solution concept. The indices are examined theoretically and experimentally by analyzing three case studies. The results verify the validity of the approach.  相似文献   

In this paper we will describe and study a competitive discrete location problem in which two decision-makers (players) will have to decide where to locate their own facilities, and customers will be assigned to the closest open facilities. We will consider the situation in which the players must decide simultaneously, unsure about the decisions of one another, and we will present the problem in a franchising environment. Most problems described in the literature consider sequential rather than simultaneous decisions. In a competitive environment, most problems consider that there is a set of known and already located facilities, and new facilities will have to be located, competing with the existing ones. In the presence of more than one decision-maker, most problems found in the literature belong to the class of Stackelberg location problems, where one decision-maker, the leader, locates first and then the other decision-maker, the follower, locates second, knowing the decisions made by the first. These types of problems are sequential and differ significantly from the problem tackled in this paper, where we explicitly consider simultaneous, non-cooperative discrete location decisions. We describe the problem and its context, propose some mathematical formulations and present an algorithmic approach that was developed to find Nash equilibria. Some computational tests were performed that allowed us to better understand some of the features of the problem and the associated Nash equilibria. Among other results, we conclude that worsening the situation of a player tends to benefit the other player, and that the inefficiency of Nash equilibria tends to increase with the level of competition.  相似文献   

During the past twenty years, there has been a rapid growth in life expectancy and an increased attention on funding for old age. Attempts to forecast improving life expectancy have been boosted by the development of stochastic mortality modeling, for example the Cairns–Blake–Dowd (CBD) 2006 model. The most common optimization method for these models is maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) which relies on the assumption that the number of deaths follows a Poisson distribution. However, several recent studies have found that the true underlying distribution of death data is overdispersed in nature (see Cairns et al. 2009 and Dowd et al. 2010). Semiparametric models have been applied to many areas in economics but there are very few applications of such models in mortality modeling. In this paper we propose a local linear panel fitting methodology to the CBD model which would free the Poisson assumption on number of deaths. The parameters in the CBD model will be considered as smooth functions of time instead of being treated as a bivariate random walk with drift process in the current literature. Using the mortality data of several developed countries, we find that the proposed estimation methods provide comparable fitting results with the MLE method but without the need of additional assumptions on number of deaths. Further, the 5-year-ahead forecasting results show that our method significantly improves the accuracy of the forecast.  相似文献   

We show how ideas originating in the theory of dynamical systems inspire a new approach to numerical integration of functions. Any Lebesgue integral can be approximated by a sequence of integrals with respect to equidistributions, i.e. evenly weighted discrete probability measures concentrated on an equidistributed set. We prove that, in the case where the integrand is real analytic, suitable linear combinations of these equidistributions lead to a significant acceleration in the rate of convergence of the approximate integral. In particular, the rate of convergence is faster than that of any Newton-Cotes rule.  相似文献   

A dynamical model of electoral competition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents the specific framework and a set of simulations computed on the basis of a kinetic model of interest in the field of the Social Sciences. The model is a reduced version of a comprehensive more general one, and it relates to the specific case of a competing bipartisan political system. The model structure contains terms with localized interactions and mean field terms. In the first part of the paper the mathematical details of the model are recalled. In the second part the simulations are presented with reference to the various scenarios examined. Finally a discussion on research perspectives is formulated.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of choosing the levels of a set of advertising media in order to maximize the firm profit when the market is heterogeneous. Advertising efforts affect the demand of the different segments variably and we assume that the advertising effects on demand over time are mediated by a vector goodwill variable. A first general advertising decision problem is stated and solved in the non-linear programming framework. A preference index is then obtained for the medium selection problem when each segment demand function is linear in goodwill and each medium advertising cost function is quadratic in its level. Finally the theoretical case of disjoint advertising media is discussed.  相似文献   

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