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We study the asymptotic behavior of an inertial tracer particle in a random force field. We show that there exists a probability measure, under which the process describing the velocity and environment seen from the vantage point of the moving particle is stationary and ergodic. This measure is equivalent to the underlying probability for the Eulerian flow. As a consequence of the above we obtain the law of large numbers for the trajectory of the tracer. Moreover, we prove also some decorrelation properties of the velocity of the particle, which lead to the existence of a non-degenerate asymptotic covariance tensor. The research of both authors was supported by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) grant No. 2PO3A03123.  相似文献   

"小误差放大,大误差饱和"函数能够提高柔性关节机器人位置的控制品质。利用这一函数,提出了比例-非线性微分加实时重力补偿(P-ND+)位置控制算法。应用Lyapunov稳定性理论和La Salles不变性原理证明了闭环系统的全局渐近稳定性。通过仿真,采用P-ND+算法能使机械臂和关节的稳定时间从1s减小到0.2s左右,结果表明该算法比传统算法响应速度更快,验证了提出的非线性控制(P-ND+)相对于传统的线性(PD+)控制具有更好的控制品质。  相似文献   

Beta-integers (“β-integers”) are those numbers which are the counterparts of integers when real numbers are expressed in an irrational base β > 1. In quasicrystalline studies, β-integers supersede the “crystallographic” ordinary integers. When the number β is a Parry number, the corresponding β-integers realize only a finite number of distances between consecutive elements and are in this sense the most comparable to ordinary integers. In this paper, we point out the similarity of β-integers and ordinary integers in the asymptotic sense, in particular for a subclass of Parry numbers – Pisot numbers for which their Parry and minimal polynomial coincide.  相似文献   

We study the nearest neighbors one dimensional uniform q-model of force fluctuations in bead packs,(1) a stochastic model to simulate the stress of granular media in two dimensional silos. The vertical coordinate plays the role of time, and the horizontal coordinate the role of space. The process is a discrete time Markov process with state space {1,...,N}. At each layer (time), the weight supported by each grain is a random variable of mean one (its own weight) plus the sum of random fractions of the weights supported by the nearest neighboring grains at the previous layer. The fraction of the weight given to the right neighbor of the successive layer is a uniform random variable in [0, 1] independent of everything. The remaining weight is given to the left neighbor. In the boundaries, a uniform fraction of the weight leans on the wall of the silo. This corresponds to absorbing boundary conditions. For this model we show that there exists a unique invariant measure. The mean weight at site i under the invariant measure is i(N+1–i); we prove that its variance is (i(N+1–i))2+O(N 3) and the covariances between grains ij are of order O(N 3). Moreover, as N, the law under the invariant measure of the weights divided by N 2 around site (integer part of) rN, r(0, 1), converges to a product of gamma distributions with parameters 2 and 2(r(1–r))–1 (sum of two exponentials of mean r(1–r)/2). Liu et al. (2) proved that for a silo with infinitely many weightless grains, any product of gamma distributions with parameters 2 and 2/ with [0, ) are invariant. Our result shows that as the silo grows, the model selects exactly one of these Gamma's at each macroscopic place.  相似文献   

在三维非格子模型中研究了高分子链的弹性行为. 使用蒙特卡罗方法在构相空间中对高分子链抽样,每种链都得到了超过109个样本,然后使用类橡胶弹力的非高斯理论对这些样本进行数值分析并进行统计分析. 通过观测链柔性以及伸长量对高分子链的均方末端距、平均能量、平均赫尔姆霍兹自由能、弹力、能量对弹力的贡献和熵对弹力的贡献等性质的影响,发现刚性链比柔性链更加容易被拉伸. 而由于熵的作用,当拉伸长度大到一定程度时,刚性链的拉伸难度会大大增加.  相似文献   

We study the inflated phase of two dimensional lattice polygons with fixed perimeter N and variable area, associating a weight exp [pAJb] to a polygon with area A and b bends. For convex and column-convex polygons, we calculate the average area for positive values of the pressure. For large pressures, the area has the asymptotic behaviour , where , and ρ<1. The constant K(J) is found to be the same for both types of polygons. We argue that self-avoiding polygons should exhibit the same asymptotic behavior. For self-avoiding polygons, our predictions are in good agreement with exact enumeration data for J=0 and Monte Carlo simulations for J≠0. We also study polygons where self-intersections are allowed, verifying numerically that the asymptotic behavior described above continues to hold.  相似文献   

A new proof of the diffusion approximation for ordinary differential equations is given. It is based on an asymptotic expansion of the solution of the corresponding Liouville partial differential equations. In contrast to previous results obtained for the suspension under Holderian mappings of subshift of finite type or Fourier analysis techniques, our proof relies only on symbolic dynamics.  相似文献   

We obtain the asymptotic behavior of the Takhtajan-Zograf metric on the Teichmüller space of punctured Riemann surfaces. The first author is partially supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research 2005-2007. The second author is partially supported by the research grant R-146-000-106-112 from the National University of Singapore and the Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the one-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations connecting to vacuum state with a jump in density when the viscosity depends on the density. Precisely, when the viscosity coefficient μ(ρ) is proportional to ρ θ with θ > 0, where ρ is the density, we give the asymptotic behavior and the decay rate of the density function ρ(x, t). Furthermore, the behavior of the density function ρ(x, t) near the interfaces separating the gas from vacuum and the expanding rate of the interfaces are also studied. The analysis is based on some new mathematical techniques and some new useful estimates. This fills a final gap on studying Navier-Stokes equations with the viscosity coefficient μ(ρ) dependent on the density ρ.  相似文献   

Many problems of numerically solving the Schrödinger equation require that we choose asymptotic distances many times greater than the characteristic size of the region of interaction. If the solution to one-dimensional equations can be immediately chosen in a form that preserves unitarity, the invariance of probability (in the form of, e.g., fulfilling an optical theorem) is a real problem for two-dimensional equations. An addition that does not exceed the discretization error and ensures a high degree of unitarity is proposed as a result of studying the properties of a discrete two-dimensional equation.  相似文献   

Internal friction of nanocrystalline nickel is investigated by mechanical spectroscopy from 360 K to 120 K. Two relaxation peaks are found when nanocrystalline nickel is bent up to 10% strain at room temperature and fast cooling. However, these two peaks disappear when the sample is annealed at room temperature in vacuum for ten days. The occurrence and disappearance of the two relaxation peaks can be explained by the interactions of partial dislocations and point defects in nanocrystalline materials.  相似文献   

The main results in this paper concern large and moderate deviations for the radial component of a $n$ -dimensional hyperbolic Brownian motion (for $n\ge 2$ ) on the Poincaré half-space. We also investigate the asymptotic behavior of the hitting probability $P_\eta (T_{\eta _1}^{(n)}<\infty )$ of a ball of radius $\eta _1$ , as the distance $\eta $ of the starting point of the hyperbolic Brownian motion goes to infinity.  相似文献   

Kalinin  Yu. E.  Kosilov  A. T.  Ovdak  O. V.  Kudrin  A. M.  Karaeva  O. A.  Kashirin  M. A.  Degtyarev  D. Ya. 《Technical Physics》2019,64(4):535-539
Technical Physics - The temperature and amplitude dependences of internal friction in hybrid composites consisting of unidirectional carbon fibers and glass tissues in a T-107 molten epoxy matrix...  相似文献   

The soliton solutions with a double spectral parameter for the principal chiral field are derived by Darboux transformation. The asymptotic behavior of the solutions as time tends to infinity is obtained and the speeds of the peaks in the asymptotic solutions are not constants.  相似文献   

The soliton solutions with a double spectral parameter for the principal chiral field are derived by Darboux transformation. The asymptotic behavior of the solutions as time tends to infinity is obtained and the speeds of the peaks in the asymptotic solutions are not constants.  相似文献   

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