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The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over NiO-loaded MgO with high surface area was carried out using a fixed-bed flow reactor at 600 °C under atmospheric pressure.

At 600 °C, the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (C2H6/O2 = 1) without dilution with an inert gas resulted in C2H6 conversion of 68.8% and a high C2H4 selectivity of 52.8%, which corresponds to a C2H4 yield of 36.3%. In addition, the catalytic activity did not decrease for at least 10 h. X-ray photoelectron spectra of the catalysts after the reaction exhibited that the initial valence state of Ni2+ (NiO) was maintained during the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. However, when NiO-loaded MgO was reduced with H2 prior to the reaction, C2H4 selectivity decreased to nearly zero and high CO and H2 selectivities were observed with the C2H6 conversion of 50 %, indicating that partial oxidation of C2H6 proceeded. Therefore, it seems important to keep Ni species as an oxide phase on the support, and for this purpose, use of the high surface area of MgO is essential.  相似文献   

亚微米ZSM-5负载Cr催化剂上乙烷CO2气氛下脱氢制乙烯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油资源的日趋短缺使天然气和页岩气的开发利用受到重视,因而低碳烷烃脱氢制取低碳烯烃也随之引起了人们越来越多的关注.由于乙烷纯脱氢反应的平衡收率低,能耗高,而氧气氧化脱氢又易将乙烷深度氧化为CO2或CO,因此开发具有反应条件温和、装置投资和操作费用低等优势的CO2气氛下乙烷脱氢的技术路线日益得到重视. CrOx是该反应理想的催化剂之一, CO2的加入可使CrOx对乙烷脱氢的催化活性提升3倍,然而受困于CrOx过小的比表面积,通常将CrOx制备成负载型催化剂使用. CrOx的常见载体有Al2O3, ZrO2和SiO2等氧化物及MCM-41, SBA-15, SBA-1和MSU-x等介孔硅材料, ZSM-5作为载体负载CrOx用于低碳烷烃脱氢的研究则较少,所得结果也不甚理想.我们采用亚微米尺寸的ZSM-5作为载体制备了负载型CrOx催化剂,研究了其在CO2气氛下催化乙烷脱氢反应,发现该催化剂具有非常优异的脱氢活性,高硅铝比和Na型的ZSM-5作载体对反应更加有利,而且在反应进行50 h后,催化剂依然保持很好的活性和很高的乙烯收率,这是在一般负载型CrOx催化剂上所不能实现的.
  X射线光电子能谱(XPS)表征发现, Na型ZSM-5载体制得的催化剂具有更高的Cr6+/Cr3+比.一般认为, Cr6+是Cr系催化剂进行低碳烷烃脱氢反应时的活性位(或活性位前驱体),因此可以初步判定, Na型载体具有很好催化效果的原因可能是由它制得的催化剂具有更多的反应活性位.程序升温还原(H2-TPR)表征结果证实了这一点, Na型载体明显具有更高的H2消耗量;也就是说, Na型载体制得的催化剂具有更多的可还原Cr物种,即脱氢活性位.进一步表征发现,反应活性还与Cr物种存在形式有关.文献报道,低聚态的Cr物种和孤立态的Cr物种比Cr2O3有更好的催化活性.通过漫反射紫外-可见光谱(UV-Vis)对Cr物种的存在形态进行表征后发现, Na型载体上Cr主要以四配位形式存在,而在H型载体上出现了对应于六配位的Cr物种;激光Raman表征结果表明, Na型载体上出现的都是低聚态Cr物种和孤立态Cr物种,而H型载体上出现了明显的对应于α-Cr2O3的峰,说明相较于H型载体, Na型载体更有利于Cr组分分散,这也是Na型ZSM-5载体催化剂具有更高活性的原因之一.
  CO2引入后对乙烷脱氢反应具有明显的促进作用,特别是在CO2/C2H6=5时,催化剂上C2H6转化率是非CO2气氛下的3.2倍;同时, CO2的引入也提高了脱氢反应的稳定性.在非CO2气氛下,反应进行6 h后, C2H6转化率降低到初活性的60%左右,而在CO2/C2H6=5时,相同时间内催化剂活性下降仅有5%左右.实验分析了CO2对脱氢反应具有促进作用的原因.在脱氢反应温度650 oC下, CO2/H2=1时进行了逆水煤气反应测试,发现CO2的转化率达到22.5%,说明引入CO2后可以通过逆水煤气反应有效地消耗掉乙烷脱氢反应生成的H2,从而促进反应向脱氢方向进行; CO2的引入也可以促进Cr物种的CrOx/CrOx-1循环,从而提高催化剂效率,减缓催化剂失活; CO2还可与反应中生成的积碳类物质发生Boudouard反应,将反应活性位暴露出来,从而提高催化剂的稳定性. CO2气氛下反应6 h后催化剂的积碳量为3.0%,低于非CO2气氛下的3.4%,同时在脱氢反应中生成的CO量与消耗掉的CO2量的比值约为1.4,也有力地说明Boudouard反应的存在.  相似文献   

Several metal oxides supported on sulfated zirconia catalysts were tested for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane into ethylene by carbon dioxide. It is found that the catalytic behavior of supported oxide catalysts differ depending on the nature of metal oxides. Chromium oxide-sulfated zirconia exhibits the highest ethane conversion and medium level of ethylene selectivity, producing 38% ethylene yield at 50% ethane conversion at 650°C.  相似文献   

MgO和CaO助剂在Fe-K催化剂中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备了以MgO和CaO为助剂的乙苯脱氢制苯乙烯用Fe-K催化剂,并考察了助剂对催化剂催化性能的影响.应用SEM、XRD、TPR和Mssbauer谱等手段表征了MgO和CaO对活性前驱体K2Fe22O34晶相形成及其表观体相结构的影响.结果表明,引入MgO助剂,半径相近的Mg2 与Fe3 极易发生取代形成固溶体,使活性前驱体K2Fe22O34晶相的形成温度有所降低,同时给体相结构引入氧空位,从而有利于乙苯发生晶格氧转移机理的脱氢反应,使催化剂活性提高.引入CaO助剂,提高了K2Fe22O34晶相的结晶度和苯乙烯选择性,但催化剂活性有所下降.CaO对Fe-K催化剂的还原有一定的阻碍作用,是催化剂的稳定性助剂.  相似文献   

The dehydrogenation of isobutane (IB) to produce isobutene coupled with reverse water gas shift in the presence of carbon dioxide was investigated over the catalyst Cr2O3 supported on active carbon (Cr2O3/AC). The results illustrated that isobutane conversion and isobutene yield can be enhanced through the reaction coupling in the presence of carbon dioxide. Moreover, carbon dioxide can partially eliminate carbonaceous deposition on the catalyst and keep the active phase (Cr2O3), which are then helpful to alleviate the catalyst deactivation.  相似文献   

Various types of 2-imidazolines are efficiently oxidized to the corresponding imidazoles using potassium permanganate supported on silica gel under mild conditions at room temperature. 2-Alkylimidazolines are selectively converted to their corresponding imidazoles in the presence of 2-arylimidazolines. Chemoselective oxidation of 2-imidazolines in the presence of other oxidizable functional groups such as sulfide, ether, aldehyde, acetal, and THP ether was also achieved by this reagent system.  相似文献   

以硬脂酸(C17H35COOH)脱羧为探针反应,研究了亚临界水中CaO对Pt/C催化脱羧反应性能的影响.实验表明,CaO可以促进脱羧反应,对十七烷选择性没有影响.CaO/硬脂酸物质的量比为0.5时,在330 ℃反应1 h,硬脂酸转化率由未添加CaO时的46.06%提高到66.99%.硬脂酸催化脱羧的最佳反应温度为350 ℃,高于这一温度时,烷基链上碳碳键断裂的副反应增加,导致十七烷选择性降低.亚临界水中硬脂酸脱羧反应符合一级动力学,建立的动力学方程可以较好地预测不同反应条件下十七烷的产率.根据实验结果推测,氧化钙与硬脂酸反应生成硬脂酸钙,催化剂表面的吸附态羧酸盐增加,从而提高了脱羧反应的速率.  相似文献   

考察了整体式担载型Pt基催化剂上国产3号航空煤油(RP-3)的常压裂解反应,着重探讨了添加BaO和SrO助剂对裂解效果的影响,以及裂解时间对积炭量的影响.采用全自动吸附仪、程序升温还原、X射线光电子能谱以及X射线衍射和扫描电镜等方法对催化剂进行了表征.结果表明,在整体式担载型Pt基催化剂上RP-3裂解的总产气量比热裂解提高了39.7%;BaO或SrO助剂的添加又使其总产气量又分别提高了25.6%和37.0%;同时添加BaO和SrO的催化剂,其催化裂解总产气量则提高了96.5%.BaO和SrO助剂均可有效地抑制积炭的生成,而两者间的协同作用,进一步抑制了RP-3催化裂解过程中积炭的生成.  相似文献   

Monometallic and bimetallic catalysts based on palladium and copper deposited on a spinel carrier have been investigated in the catalytic combustion of methane. Great differences were found in catalytic activity, according to the sequence Pd/MgAl2O4>CuO–Pd/MgAl2O4>Pd–CuO/MgAl2O4>CuO/MgAl2O4. They were explained by changes in surface composition of the catalysts. In the case of bimetallic catalysts the metallic surface is preferentially enriched in copper, which acts as a diluting agent for the Pd atom ensembles. As a consequence, the adsorption of reactants is limited and the catalysts so obtained behave like copper slightly doped with palladium.  相似文献   

采用浸渍法制备了一系列MTiO3(M=Mg、Ca、Sr、Ba)钙钛矿型氧化物负载的Ni催化剂(Ni的负载量为5%,质量分数),通过XRD、氮吸附、H2-TPR、CO2-TPD、XPS和TG等技术对催化剂进行了表征,对其甲烷二氧化碳重整反应的催化性能进行了研究。结果表明,M为不同碱土金属时,催化剂上金属载体相互作用、活性组分的表面原子浓度以及催化剂晶格氧的流动性都发生了变化。Ni/CaTiO3催化剂上金属载体相互作用较强,还原出的活性组分Ni的含量较多,晶格氧流动性较高,因而具有较好的催化性能。SrTiO3载体颗粒粒径较大,Ni/SrTiO3催化剂上Ni的分散度不高,金属载体的相互作用较弱,表面Ni原子相对含量较低,晶格氧的流动性较差,其甲烷二氧化碳重整反应活性也最低。  相似文献   

制备了纳米碳材料负载铂的催化剂,通过N2吸附、TEM、XRD技术分别对载体的BET比表面积和催化剂结构、形貌和粒径大小进行了表征。考察了不同催化剂在环己烷脱氢反应中的催化性能以及温度对纳米碳颗粒负载铂催化剂活性的影响。结果表明,锚定在不同碳载体上的铂有较好的分散性,粒径较小,粒度分布范围较窄并且具有相同的晶型结构。孔状纳米碳颗粒负载铂催化剂的活性高于碳纳米管和高比表面的活性炭负载铂催化剂,并且在低温条件下已经显示了较高的活性,尤其是中空碳颗粒负载铂催化剂在环己烷脱氢反应中显示了好的活性和稳定性。  相似文献   

不同CuO/CeO2催化剂上CO低温氧化反应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 分别用热解硝酸铈法和浸渍法制备了不同物性的CeO2粉体和相应的CuO/CeO2催化剂,并用XRD, HRTEM和TPR等对样品进行了表征,利用微反-色谱装置考察了其催化CO低温氧化的活性. 结果表明,热解温度影响CeO2的物性(形貌、粒度大小及分布等). 相同条件下,不同物性的CeO2载体上CuO的负载情况不同, 500 ℃热解获得的CeO2载体上非晶态CuO负载量最高,相应的CuO/CeO2催化剂活性也较高. 非晶态CuO一部分进入CeO2晶格,另一部分高度分散于CeO2表面上. 焙烧温度较低时(≤ 600 ℃), 催化剂活性受焙烧温度的影响较小,而高温(800 ℃)焙烧后,催化剂则因载体粒度增大和CuO烧结团聚等因素导致催化活性明显降低.  相似文献   

A Cu1O1.7 oxide film containing a large amout of superstoichiometric oxygen was obtained by low-temperature oxidation of metallic copper in the oxygen plasma. An STM study of the film structure showed that ~10 nm planar copper oxide nanocrystallites with particles packed parallel to the starting metal surface. In an XPS study, the spectral characteristics of the Cu2p and O1s lines indicated that particles with a CuO lattice formed (E bnd(Cu2p 3/2) = 933.3 eV and a shake-up satellite, E bnd(O1s) = 529.3 eV). The additional superstoichiometric oxygen is localized at the sites of contact of nanoparticles in the interunit space and is characterized by a state with the binding energy E bnd(O1s) = 531.2 eV. Due to the formation of a nanostructure in the films during low-temperature plasma oxidation, the resulting copper oxide has a much lower thermal stability than crystalline oxide CuO.  相似文献   

Summary Relationships between specific activity of bimetallic platinum catalysts in paraffin dehydrogenation and atomic sizes of promoters (i) and enthalpies of alloying with platinum (ii) were considered. The leading role of the size (geometric) effect was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Catalytic dehydrogenation of isobutane has recently received considerable attention because of the increasing demand for isobutene.In this study,the synergistic effect between Sn and K on PtSnK/γ-Al2O3 catalysts has been investigated by changing the content of Sn.It was found that with the presence of potassium,suitable addition of Sn could not only increase the metal dispersion,but also reduce the catalyst acidity.In these cases,the synergistic effect could also strengthen the interactions between the metal and support,which resulted in an increase in both catalytic activity and stability.In our experiments,Pt-0.6SnK/Al catalyst exhibited the lowest deactivation rate (12.4%) and showed a selectivity to isobutene higher than 94% at the isobutane conversion of about 45.3% after running the reaction for 6 h.However,with the excessive loading of Sn,surface property of active sites and the interactions between metal and support were changed.As a result,the initial optimal ratio between the metallic function and acid function would be destroyed,which was disadvantageous to the reaction.  相似文献   

A facile synthetic route for benzimidazoles, benzothiazoles and benzoxazoles comprising the reaction of corresponding o-phenylenediamine, o-aminothiophenol and o-aminophenol with various aldehydes using silica supported nano-copper (II) oxide as a catalyst has been described. The catalyst exhibited a clean reaction profile with excellent yields in a short reaction time. The catalyst can be recycled effectively after use.  相似文献   

本文以柠檬酸燃烧法制备MgO(B)载体,采用浸渍还原法以水合肼为还原剂制备Cu2O/MgO(B)催化剂,以环己醇脱氢制环己酮为探针反应,考察了过渡金属Fe、Co、Ni、Mo、Mn的添加对Cu2O/MgO(B)催化性能的影响;采用X射线衍射(XRD)、程序升温还原(TPR)、二氧化碳程序升温脱附(CO2-TPD)以及环己醇、环己酮程序升温脱附(环己醇/环己酮-TPD) 等手段对催化剂进行了表征.研究结果表明,Mn-Cu2O/MgO(B) 、 Ni-Cu2O/MgO(B)的催化性能优于Cu2O/MgO(B).其原因主要是Mn、Ni的添加使Cu2O的抗还原能力增强,Cu2O更稳定;同时,Mn和Ni的添加使Cu2O/MgO(B)催化剂对反应物和产物的吸附强度减弱;这些都有利于脱氢反应的进行.所有催化剂都呈碱性,是其具有高环己酮选择性的原因之一.  相似文献   

Magnetically separable CuO nanoparticles supported on graphene oxide (Fe3O4 NPs/GO-CuO NPs) is synthesized and characterized for the preparation of propargylamines in EtOH, at 90℃. Fe3O4 NPs/GO-CuO NPs is found to be an efficient catalyst for the A3-coupling of aldehydes, amines, and alkynes through C-H activation. Both aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes and alkynes are combined with secondary amines to provide a wide range of propargylamines in moderate to excellent yields.  相似文献   

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