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Raissi  F. Far  M.M. 《IEEE sensors journal》2002,2(5):476-481
Presents the first experimental results on PtSi/porous Si Schottky detectors. Si pores have been filled by Pt through electrodeposition. Under proper temperature treatment, Pt reacts with Si creating a PtSi layer that uniformly covers the walls of the pores. The excess unreacted Pt inside the pores is etched away leaving empty spaces behind. The spectral response of such a detector is very wide, covering from 0.9 up to at least 7 /spl mu/m of IR radiation in back illumination mode. Excellent responsivities, such as 60 A/W at 1 /spl mu/m and 0.96 A/W at 4 /spl mu/m of IR radiation is exhibited. Reverse bias current-voltage characteristics exhibit a breakdown type behavior with a breakdown voltage at about 10 V. The general shape of the reverse bias I-V curve, the wide spectral range, and high responsivity are explained through tunneling and avalanche multiplication. It is proposed that large fringing fields developed at sharp edges of the porous surface cause tunneling and avalanche multiplication.  相似文献   

Nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide has traditionally been made in one of two ways: mild anodization or hard anodization. The first method produces self-ordered pore structures, but it is slow and only works for a narrow range of processing conditions; the second method, which is widely used in the aluminium industry, is faster, but it produces films with disordered pore structures. Here we report a novel approach termed "pulse anodization" that combines the advantages of the mild and hard anodization processes. By designing the pulse sequences it is possible to control both the composition and pore structure of the anodic aluminium oxide films while maintaining high throughput. We use pulse anodization to delaminate a single as-prepared anodic film into a stack of well-defined nanoporous alumina membrane sheets, and also to fabricate novel three-dimensional nanostructures.  相似文献   

Anodic aluminium oxide films were fabricated by well known two-step anodizing process in oxalic acid electrolyte. The ordering characteristics (ordered pore domains, average pore diameter size and through-pore arrangement) of anodic aluminium oxide films, obtained in different growth sequences, were identified by microscopic analysis such as ex situ contact-mode atomic force microcopy and scanning electron microscopy. Flattened areas in which some pits are seen mostly cover the electropolished surface of aluminium. Single anodizing of aluminium produces a broad distribution of nanopore size, whereas induces a highly ordered hemispherical pattern, which plays the ordered nucleation sites for the second anodizing step. Moreover, a quasi-linear growth behavior exists for the ordered domain growth versus the duration of first step anodizing. The through-pore arrangement of ideally grown membranes is not influenced by increasing the duration of second step anodizing.  相似文献   

At the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kraków (INP), in collaboration with the Centre of Oncology in Kraków, several types of miniature thermoluminescent LiF:Mg,Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P detectors specially designed for clinical dosimetry in radiotherapy have been developed. The detectors are manufactured in the form of solid pellets of diameter down to 1 mm and typical thickness 0.5 mm, in the form of rods with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of a few mm, and as two-layer detectors with a thin (in the range of 0.065 mm) active layer of high-sensitive LiF:Mg,Cu,P. All three types of newly developed detectors have already been applied in proton beam dosimetry, surface dosimetry of eye-plaque brachytherapy applicators, phantom dosimetry for vascular brachytherapy and in vivo dosimetry in interstitial brachytherapy. These detectors were found to be very useful for dose measurements in high dose gradients, where spatial resolution better than 1 mm is required.  相似文献   

Conclusions Of the two methods of detector heating considered in this study, the first method gives a higher reproducibility for than the second. The amplitude reading method and the second of the detector heating methods considered above are completely incompatible.The reproducibility of in the course of the first method of heating improves as the heat capacity of the detector C2 decreases (assuming that C1=const).For a given construction of HE and detector there exists an optimal heating rate, at which the highest degree of reproducibility is attained.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 74–75, September, 1971.  相似文献   

Diamond is believed to be a promising material for medical dosimetry due to its tissue equivalence, mechanical and radiation hardness, and lack of solubility in water or in disinfecting agents. A number of diamond samples, obtained under different growth conditions at Limburg University, using the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique, was tested as thermoluminescence dosemeters. Their TL glow curve, TL response after doses of gamma rays, fading, and so on were studied at dose levels and for radiation modalities typical for radiotherapy. The investigated CVD diamonds displayed sensitivity comparable with that of MTS-N (Li:Mg,Ti) detectors, signal stability (reproducibility after several readouts) below 10% (1 SD) and no fading was found four days after irradiation. A dedicated CVD diamond plate was grown, cut into 20 detector chips (3 x 3 x 0.5 mm) and used for measuring the dose-depth distribution at different depths in a water phantom, for 60Co and six MV X ray radiotherapy beams. Due to the sensitivity of diamond to ambient light, it was difficult to achieve reproducibility comparable with that of standard LiF detectors.  相似文献   

There is little information concerning the use of rare earths as dopants of Al2O3. This paper presents the preparation method and the results of studying the thermoluminescence characteristics of Al2O3:Eu exposed to ultraviolet light. Phosphor powder was obtained by the evaporation method. Optimum dopant concentration was 10% at an evaporation temperature of 700 degrees C. The powder obtained was submitted to thermal treatments at high temperatures in order to stabilise the traps. Diffraction patterns showed amorphous powder up to 500 degrees C; as the temperature was raised crystalline phases of Al2O3 appeared. The photoluminescence spectrum induced by 250 nm UV light exhibited four well defined peaks characteristic of the Eu3+ ion. The glow curve exhibited two peaks at 180 and 350 degrees C. The sensitivity of Al2O3:Eu was 10 times lower than Al2O3:C. The thermoluminescence response was linear from 2.4 to 3000 microJ.cm(-2) of spectral irradiance, and the fading 2% in a month. From these results it can be concluded that Al2O3:Eu has potential as an UV dosemeter.  相似文献   

In the dosimetry of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) beams, thermoluminescent (TL) detectors are typically applied in phantom measurements to determine the spatial distribution of the gamma ray and neutron dose. Pairs of 6LiF and 7LiF are applied to discriminate between the thermal neutron and gamma ray field components, exploiting the high cross section for (n,alpha) reaction of 6Li. At the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) in Kraków (Poland) a prototype TL-based measuring set has been constructed and tested. This set consists of a miniature TL detector (of 2 mm diameter and 0.4 mm thickness) placed inside a miniature container made of non-thermoluminescent 6LiF. The outer dimensions of the set are 4.5 mm diameter and 1.4 mm thickness, enabling its application in place of a thermoluminescence dosemeter pellet in typical phantoms. The detector sets were tested in the BNCT beam of the Studsvik reactor. By exploiting the ratio of TL signals of the unshielded and shielded detectors, it was possible to estimate the contributions of the thermal and epithermal components of the neutron field.  相似文献   

This study investigated the deterioration of a lubricant-infused anodic aluminium oxide surface in a 1M NaCl solution for~200 days.Direct observation by cryo-SEM and quantitative analyses by UV spectroscopy and EIS revealed that the long-term deterioration of the lubricant-infused surface was divided into two stages:the surface-adhered lubricant layer gradually dissolved at a constant rate until the substrate was exposed;afterwards the lubricant infused in the nanochannels began to diffuse and was depleted after~200 days.The EIS results also revealed that the defects reduced the corrosion resistance of the lubricant-infused surface considerably.  相似文献   

Aluminium doped barium and strontium hexaferrite nanoparticles BaAlxFe(12−x)O19 and SrAlxFe(12−x)O19 were synthesised via a sol-gel route using citric acid to complex the ions followed by an auto-combustion reaction. This method shows promise for the synthesis of complex ferrite powders with small particle size. It was found that around half of the iron could be substituted for aluminium in the barium ferrite with structure retention, whereas strontium aluminium ferrites could be produced with any aluminium content including total substitution of the iron. All synthesised materials consisted of particles smaller than 1 μm, which is the size of a single magnetic domain, and various doping levels were achieved with the final elemental composition being within the bounds of experimental error. The materials show structural and morphological changes as they move from iron to aluminium ferrites. Such materials may be promising for imaging applications.  相似文献   

The linearity of dose response of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamonds grown at the Institute for Materials Research at Limburg University, Belgium, was investigated over a dose range relevant for radiotherapy. The following CVD diamonds were investigated: (1) a batch of square 3 x 3 mm2 detectors cut from a CVD wafer and (2) an as-grown CVD wafer of 6 cm diameter. A total of 20 CVD square detectors were irradiated with 137Cs gamma rays over the dose range from 200 mGy to 25 Gy. The CVD wafer, used as a large-area thermoluminescent (TL) detector, was exposed to a 226Ra needle. Very few square detectors showed linearity over a limited dose range, followed by saturation of the TL signal. The dose range of linearity was found to be strongly affected by the thermal annealing procedure of the detector. Owing to its high sensitivity and homogeneity of response, the large CVD diamond wafer was found to be very suitable as a large-area detector for 2-D dose mapping of the 226Ra brachytherapy source, possibly for Quality Assurance purposes.  相似文献   

We report the fabrication of a highly sensitive field-effect transistor (FET) biosensor using thermally-reduced graphene oxide (TRGO) sheets functionalized with gold nanoparticle (NP)-antibody conjugates. Probe antibody was labeled on the surface of TRGO sheets through Au NPs and electrical detection of protein binding (Immunoglobulin G/IgG and anti-Immunoglobulin G/anti-IgG) was accomplished by FET and direct current (dc) measurements. The protein binding events induced significant changes in the resistance of the TRGO sheet, which is referred to as the sensor response. The dependence of the sensor response on the TRGO base resistance in the sensor and the antibody areal density on the TRGO sheet was systematically studied, from which a correlation of the sensor response with sensor parameters was found: the sensor response was more significant with larger TRGO base resistance and higher antibody areal density. The detection limit of the novel biosensor was around the 0.2 ng/mL level, which is among the best of reported carbon nanomaterial-based protein sensors and can be further optimized by tuning the sensor structure.   相似文献   

Slowing down spectra, LET spectra, hit probabilities, and radiation doses were simulated for the interaction of single 218Po and 214Po alpha particles with sensitive basal and secretory cell nuclei in the bronchial epithelium of human and rat lungs for defined exposure conditions. Probabilities per unit track length for transformation, derived from in vitro experiments with C3H 10T1/2 cells, were used to estimate transformation probabilities for randon progeny alpha particles in basal and secretory cells. Different weighting schemes were assumed to relate cellular hit probabilities, doses and transformation probabilities, obtained for different cell depths and airway generations, to lung cancer risk per unit exposure. In vitro transformation and in vivo lung cancer incidence were simulated by a state-vector model which provides a stochastic formulation of dose-rate dependent cellular transitions related to formation of double strand breaks, repair, inactivation, stimulated mitosis and promotion through loss of intercellular communication.  相似文献   

The spectral properties of undoped and Al doped ZnO nano thin films prepared using double dip method otherwise called SILAR method (Successive Immersion Layer Adsorption Reaction) are reported. The thin films were having polycrystalline hexagonal structure. The optical properties of these films are studied and reported. The optical constants like the band gap (E g ), refractive indices (n, k), dielectric constant (ε), optical conductivity (σ), were estimated using an approximation algorithm developed from established procedures using transmittance spectrum of the thin films. The average excitation energy (E 0), oscillator strength (E d ), effective mass (m*), plasma frequency (ω p ), static dielectric constant (ε) and carrier concentration (N) are also estimated and reported. The highly transparent thin films showed nanowires protruding from stacked nanorods on SEM inspection that signifies the suitability of these thin films for gas sensors.  相似文献   

There are three main methods used in individual monitoring: radiographic films, thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Distinguishing between static (e.g. by leaving it accidentally or purposely in the radiation field) and dynamic exposures can be almost routinely performed for radiographic and OSL methods but is still unsolved for TL detectors. The main aim of this work is to develop a method for identifying static exposures of standard TL detectors at doses which are typical of radiation protection. For this purpose, a new TLD reader equipped with a CCD camera was developed to measure the two-dimensional signal map and not only the total light emitted (as is performed with standard photomultiplier-based TL readers). Standard MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P) TL pellets of 4.5 mm diameter and 0.9 mm thickness were installed in the standard Rados TL personal badges with special, non-uniform filters and exposed statically to 33 keV X-ray beams at three angles: 0 degrees , 30 degrees and 60 degrees . The detectors were readout in the CCD camera reader and 2-D images were collected. The analysis of these CCD images allows the identification of the static exposure cases and partly the angle of incidence at a dose level of 20 mSv.  相似文献   

Highly ordered carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are widely pursued due to their unique properties. Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) exhibits great possibility for this purpose. Here, CNTs based on AAO templates were produced using acetylene or ethylene as the hydrocarbon sources with or without the presence of Co catalysts. CNTs grown on the Co-embedded AAO samples were normally confined within the nanopores of the AAO template. It was found that C2H4 normally requires 100 degrees C higher pyrolysis temperature than C2H2 under otherwise identical conditions. The pyrolysis temperature is greatly reduced with the presence of Co catalysts. CNTs can grow out of the nanopores if Co particles are present at the bottom of the nanopores, and if the nanopores are short in length or large in diameter. The graphitization of AAO-template grown CNTs was studied by Raman spectroscopy. CNTs produced from ethylene are generally better in graphitization than those from acetylene, and CNTs grown with the presence of Co catalysts deposited at the bottom of nanopores are better than those without Co catalysts or with Co catalysts coated on the entire inner wall of nanopores. The growth temperature is found not to play a critical role in graphitization.  相似文献   

Measurements of the response of thermoluminescent (TL) detectors after gamma ray doses high enough to observe signal saturation provide input to microdosimetric models which relate this gamma-ray response with the energy response after low doses of photons (gamma rays and low-energy X rays) and after high-LET irradiation. To measure their gamma ray response up to saturation, LiF:Mg,Ti (MTS-7 and MTT), LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-7), CaSO4:Dy (KCD) and Al2O3:C detectors were irradiated with 60Co gamma rays over the range 1-5000 Gy. The X-ray photon energy response and TL efficiency (relative to gamma rays) after doses of beta rays and alpha particles, were also measured, for CaSO4:Dy and for Al2O3:C. Microdosimetric and track structure modelling was then applied to the experimental data. In a manner similar to LiF:Mg,Cu,P, the experimentally observed under response of alpha-Al2O3:C to X rays <100 keV, compared with cross-section calculations, is explained as a microdosimetric effect caused by the saturation of response of this detector without prior supralinearity (saturation of traps along the tracks). The enhanced X-ray photon energy response of CaSO4:Dy is related to the supralinearity observed in this material after high gamma ray doses, similarly to that in LiF:Mg,Ti. The discussed model approaches support the general rule relating dose-, energy- and ionisation density-responses in TL detectors: if their gamma ray response is sublinear prior to saturation, the measured photon energy response is lower, and if it is supralinear, it may be higher than that expected from the calculation of the interaction cross sections alone. Since similar rules have been found to apply to other solid-state detector systems, microdosimetry may offer a valuable contribution to solid-state dosimetry even prior to mechanistic explanations of physical phenomena in different TL detectors.  相似文献   

杨全红 《新型炭材料》2007,22(4):289-294
对碳质纳米孔隙材料提出一种新的分类方法——基于孔壁结构分类。根据这种方法,碳质多孔材料分为:纳米孔“碳”(石墨烯纳米孔材料)和纳米孔“炭”(类石墨微晶纳米孔材料)。具有相近比表面积的两种碳质材料由于具有不同的孔壁结构而可能具有完全不同的物理化学性质(比如:电化学性质)。文中简要介绍了两种新型的纳米孔“碳”——单壁微孔“碳”和碳纳米管-DNA杂化物以及区分纳米孔“碳”和纳米孔“炭”的重要判据:拉曼光谱。  相似文献   

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