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计算机辅助设计专家系统在口腔可摘局部义齿中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

可摘局部义齿支架几何模型的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:利用国产CAD/CAM软件系统,通过对可摘局部义齿支架的计算机辅助设计,探索开发适用于口腔修复专业义齿设计与数控加工制作的国产软件系统。方法:投影光栅测量法获取下颌KennedyⅡ类2亚类牙列缺损石膏模型的点云数据,在国产CAD/CAM系统中,进行数据精简,并在此点云数据基础上,确立观测线和就位道。按照临床设计原则,分别构建卡环、支托、舌杆、加强网等支架各部件的组织面与磨光面,包括舌杆的半梨形截面、加强网的内外终止线和组织终止点等特征性结构的构建,完成支架的三维几何模型计算机辅助设计。结果:成功建立了可摘局部义齿支架的几何模型。该模型可视性强,便于修改,支架与牙颌模型密合良好。模型的输出数据文件格式为STL,这种通用的传输格式有利于后续的计算机辅助制作。结论:基于国产CAD/CAM软件系统进行可摘局部义齿支架几何模型的设计是可行的。  相似文献   

弹性义齿与传统可摘局部义齿对牙周情况影响的比较,套筒冠-卡环联合同位在可摘义齿中的应用,第七届国际口腔磁性附着体专题研讨会纪要[编者按]  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿修复引起严重口干1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可摘局部义齿修复引起严重口干1例霍宗芳(张家口医学院第一附属医院口腔科)临床上可摘义齿修复后,多数患者除有异物感外,少数患者可有轻微口干或唾液增多现象。而引起严重口干者罕见,国内文献尚未见报道。现将我科遇到的1例报告如下。患者马某某,女,46岁。全身...  相似文献   

颌骨骨折是口腔颌面部外伤常见的病症,多伴有骨折片的移位,造成错位愈合,导致(牙合)关系紊乱.如何利用口腔修复的方法恢复病人的(牙合)关系,进而恢复其因骨折错位愈合所致的面部畸形,在设计和制作上困难较大.现将我们遇到的1例上颌骨骨折错位愈合患者的修复治疗过程报告如下:  相似文献   

误吞异物在临床上较常见,而义齿被误吞在文献中亦偶有报道。部分异物可以导致胃肠道的梗阻、穿孔,但绝大部分被自然排除。误吞异物的大小、形态、质量和消化道的解剖结构,对可能出现的不同结果产生决定性影响。本例,男性,58岁,误吞了单侧整体铸造金属支架可摘局部义齿。义齿经过了食道的3个生理性狭窄,继而通过幽门进入小肠,又经回盲瓣顺利进入结肠,但在结肠肝曲停留较长时间。在经历长达一周的结肠内停留后,义齿最终顺利自然排出。本文对异物结肠内较长时间停留的原因及后牙部分义齿修复的改进意见进行了探讨。病例报告患者男性…  相似文献   

20052037 隐形义齿在多个牙缺失病例中的应用;20052038 义齿大基板对口腔黏膜微循环的影响;20052039 集成于可摘局部义齿专家系统的二维有限元分析方法;20052040 研磨固位卡与附着体在可摘局部义齿中的联合应用;20052041 MKl附着体在肯氏Ⅱ类缺损中的应用体会;20052042 套筒冠可摘义齿修复多数牙缺失体会……  相似文献   

观测器在可摘局部义齿修复中的临床应用调查;He支托的设计对隐形义齿咬合力的影响;铸造支架与隐形义齿联合修复的临床应用;  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿支架铸型的计算机辅助设计与制作   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 通过对Kennedy第二类第二亚类牙列缺损模型进行可摘局部义齿支架的计算机辅助设计与制作,探索可行的方案,为该课题的深入研究奠定基础。方法激光扫描获取Kennedy第二类第二亚类牙列缺损石膏模型的三维数据,在重建的牙颌三维数字模型上绘出支架的轮廓图,提取轮廓内的数据作为支架的组织面数据,通过抽壳等操作得到支架的三维模型。将数据导入快速成形设备,加工成形。结果初步实现了可摘局部义齿支架的计算机辅助设计,用快速成形机加工出支架树脂铸型。结论将激光扫描获取数据、计算机辅助设计三维构建至快速成形机制作出产品作为一整套方案,可初步实现可摘局部义齿支架的计算机辅助设计与制作。  相似文献   

本文就可摘局部义齿设计专家系统作一综述,较为详细地介绍了近十年来国内外有关的专家系统——Meada、MacRPD、RaPiD、吕培军系统,对它们的软硬件配置、知识库来源、设计原则及思想、系统功能进行了较为全面的阐述,并对各个系统作了简要的分析及评价,提出了理想的专家系统的特点。  相似文献   

目的对20例临床下颌牙列缺损患者可摘局部义齿支架进行三维计算机辅助设计。方法光栅投影测量法获取20例下颌牙列缺损患者石膏模型的三维数据,按照临床设计原则,利用3DMax、Geomagic和RapidForm等软件分别构建卡环、支托、舌杆、舌板和加强网等可摘局部义齿支架各部件的三维数字化模型,组合完成可摘局部义齿支架的计算机辅助设计,并构建了支架及其部件数据库。结果成功构建了20例临床患者下颌可摘局部义齿的个性化计算机三维支架模型。结论通用三维设计软件可以实现个性化支架的计算机辅助设计。  相似文献   

The design of removable partial dentures (RPDs) is an important factor for good prognostication. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effectiveness of denture designs and to clarify the component that had high rates of failure and complications. A total of 91 RPDs, worn by 65 patients for 2-10 years, were assessed. Removable partial dentures were classified into four groups: telescopic dentures (TDs), ordinary clasp dentures (ODs), modified clasp dentures (MDs) and combination dentures (CDs). The failure rates of abutment teeth were the highest and those of retainers were the second highest. The failure rates of connectors were generally low, but they increased suddenly after 6 years. Complication and failure rates of denture bases and artificial teeth were generally low. Complication and failure rates of TDs were high at abutment teeth and low level at retainers. Complication and failure rates of ODs were high at retainers.  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿修复1126例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对1126例可摘局部义齿进行分析,为临床关于可摘局部义齿修复牙列缺损积累经验。方法:随机选取1126件义齿修复病例,分析牙齿缺损位置、数量与性别和年龄的关系及修复体的类型,并对采用新技术进行的特殊设计进行分析。结果:上颌牙缺失多于下颌,不同年龄组缺牙好发部位不同,青年组以前牙缺失为多,其他年龄组以后牙缺失为多。男女两组中平均失牙数随年龄增加而增加,但与性别无关,在各类可摘局部义齿设计中,第5类最多。结论:可摘局部义齿制作简便,适应症广,目前仍然在修复治疗中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的 自主开发可摘局部义齿支架三维设计软件及选择性激光熔融制造(selective laser melting,SLM)设备,探讨应用其进行可摘局部义齿支架设计并直接成形金属支架的方法 .方法 使用层析扫描仪获得两个牙列缺损模型的三维点云数据.使用自主开发的可摘局部义齿支架三维设计软件进行模型观测及可摘局部义齿支架(牙合)支托、卡环、舌杆、金属加强网、上颌大连接体等组件的设计.组件设计路线:首先确定组织面轮廓,利用轮廓线内的点云数据生成组织面.根据各个组件的特点,设定抛光面截面形态,结合轮廓线生成抛光面.各组件完成后,用小连接体连成完整支架.将完成的支架数据导入SLM设备中,直接成形金属支架.结果 应用自主开发的可摘局部义齿支架三维设计软件及SLM设备,成功进行了两个可摘局部义齿金属支架的计算机辅助设计及快速制造,在模型上试戴后目测金属支架适合性良好.结论 自主开发的具有完全自主知识产权的可摘局部义齿支架计算机辅助设计与辅助制作系统,可为可摘局部义齿金属支架的制作提供一种新的方法.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an oral rehabilitation by removable partial denture (RPD). Between 1983 and 1994, 629 patients were provided with an RPD at the Dental School of the Université catholique de Louvain. All the RPDs were constructed with a cobalt-chromium framework. All the treatments were provided by dental students under the supervision of clinical instructors. At recall time (1998-2000), 269 patients could not be reached neither by telephone nor by mail and 27 had died. Consequently, 333 patients were called for clinical examination and 254 of these (76.3%) actually attended. For a total of 292 RPDs fitted for these 254 patients, 218 (74.7%) were still being worn at the time of the check-up. Seventy-four dentures were considered to be 'failures', either because they were replaced by another RPD or by a complete denture, or because they had actually never been worn. The statistical analysis (Mantel-Haenszel and Kaplan-Meier) shows that the number of failures is significantly higher at the lower jaw compared with the upper jaw. Most of the failures are attributable to RPDs with free-end saddles and, in particular, to class I mandibular dentures. The patients are wearing their denture(s) mostly continuously (63.6%) and award a high degree of satisfaction to their denture. In general, the results recorded may be considered as very satisfactory, all the more so as we have no regular recall procedures established at our school and as check-up asked for spontaneously by the patients in the course of the period of observation are most of the time occasional or non-existent.  相似文献   

The original design of a semi-precision extra-coronal attachment for partial dentures is illustrated, and its fabrication in a cast non-precious bondable alloy is described. A step-by-step method is also described of bonding multiple attachments in parallel for the retention and support of removable partial dentures. Clinical cases are illustrated. The results of trials indicate that the method is clinically viable and, in selected cases, appears to offer distinct advantages over existing retention systems.  相似文献   


Background. Despite being functional and having aesthetic benefits, the acceptance of patients regarding the use of removable partial dentures (RPDs) has been low. In part, this is due to the deleterious effects that causes discomfort to the patient. Success depends not only on the care expended by the patient, including daily care and oral hygiene, but also on common goals set by their professional and clinical staff, aiming beyond aesthetics, to incorporate issues of functionality and the well-being of patients. Methods and results. For rehabilitation treatment with RPDs to reach the desired level of success without damaging the support structure, all the steps (diagnose, cavity preparation, adaptation of the metal structures, functional of distal extension and posterior follow-up) in the rehabilitative treatment should be carefully developed. A literature review was carried out, searching through MEDLINE (PubMed) articles published between 1965 and December 2012 including clinical trials and reviews about the use of RPDs. Conclusions. This study describes factors that lead to failures and complications in oral rehabilitation through the use of RPDs and suggests possible solutions.  相似文献   

目的:分析老年人可摘局部义齿折裂的设计因素,旨在提高可摘局部义齿的设计水平和质量。方法:通过对临床上216例老年人可摘局部义齿折裂病例的观察,根据王征寿分类法归纳各类义齿折裂的常见类型,分析其中的薄弱环节和设计因素。结果:一类义齿咬合低时易发牛近远中向折裂;二类义齿咬合紧时常在游离端远中发生近远中向折裂,尤以上颌结节和磨牙后垫部位多见;三类和五类义齿的舌腭侧基托常在两个缺牙区之间尤其是靠近缺牙区的部位发牛与牙弓相交叉的折裂;四类义齿常发牛人工牙脱落或腭侧基托横折;人类义齿舌腭侧基托易发生纵折,折裂线常位于人工牙与基牙交界处。以上可摘局部义齿折裂的发生部有其设计与制作上的原冈,作者对此提出了相应的对策。结论:应特别注重义齿的抗折设计,这是提高可摘局部义齿修复质量的重要环节。  相似文献   

The patient's satisfaction with removable partial denture (RPD) therapy has become an increasingly important factor in prosthetic treatment. This study examined patients' satisfaction with RPDs in relation to some socio-economic variables, patients' habits of wearing and cleaning RPDs, comfort of wearing RPDs and different RPDs characteristics. A questionnaire was devised for the purpose. Two hundred and five patients were required to assess satisfaction with RPDs. They graded RPDs, depending on the level of satisfaction, on scale ranging from 1 to 5. A dentist determined Kennedy classification, material and denture support, denture base shape, number of missing teeth and evaluated denture construction. Majority of the patients were satisfied with the prosthesis. The patients of a higher education level gave lower grades (P < 0.05) to aesthetics of maxillary RPDs. Almost half of the patients were wearing RPDs during the day. Most of the patients cleaned RPDs three times a day. A significant difference was found between the patients' grades for comfort of wearing mandibular RPDs and number of missing teeth and between hygiene of mandibular RPDs and habits of cleaning them. Majority of the patients treated with RPDs were satisfied with the prosthesis. Dissatisfaction was related to mastication, esthetics, number of missing teeth and maintenance of oral hygiene.  相似文献   

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