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The application of flow cytometry (FCM) to solid human tumors has been hindered by the difficulty in producing high yield, viable, unaltered single cell suspensions. Carcinomas containing a high desmosomal content, such as well-differentiated squamous cell (SCC) cancers of the head and neck (H&N) region, are particularly difficult to prepare. The desire to employ FCM to study cellular DNA parameters of these tumors led to the use of a 3-methylcholanthrene induced murine SCC for the comparative testing of preparative techniques. Dissociation techniques, including mechanical, enucleation, chemical, single and combination enzymes methods, were comparatively tested. Of these, the combination enzyme treatment employing trypsin and collagenase produced the highest cell yields in the shortest time with the highest dye exclusion viability and the least expense. Several fixation systems including glutaraldehyde, paraformaldehyde, acetic acid, and ethanol were comparatively tested using percent of cell loss and quality of the DNA histograms produced as end points. Ethanol-water systems with added fetal calf serum provided minimal cell loss and high quality histograms which were stable for extended periods of time. A murine tumor, closely mimicking the histology of the human tumor of interest, may be used as a model for the determination of optimum techniques of solid tumor preparation for flow cytometric analysis.  相似文献   

Summary A reproducible, simple and rapid protocol was developed to prepare mono-dispersed chromosome suspensions for flow cytometric analysis. The procedure basically employes: 1. twice rinsing of monolayer cultures to eliminate dead cells and cellular debris, 2. mild fixation of mitotic cells with 1% acetic acid, and 3. ultra sonic treatment to release single metaphase chromosomes. The procedure takes less than 30 min. Isolated chromosomes are storable over months at 4° C. Despite mild fixation many biochemical studies and experiments applied on such fixed chromosomes purified and enriched using electronic sorting are feasible: 1. gene and restriction mapping, 2. cloning of specific gene sequences, and 3. gene frequency analysis.  相似文献   

Since the publication of paraffin block extraction procedures, flow cytometric analysis of DNA ploidy and S-phase of tumor specimens has been widely applied. DNA aneuploidy, DNA tetraploid (elevated G2/M), and elevated S-phase are clinically significant in some tumor systems. True DNA tetraploid cell lines will contain a large 4c population and perhaps an 8c population; samples with cell aggregates will also contain a 6c population. Microscopic examination of samples having a 6c peak revealed nuclei with adhering debris and doublets, triplets, and larger nuclear aggregates. After sonication, a uniform suspension of single nuclei without adherent debris was seen. In addition to reducing the percent of G2/M cells, sonication also reduced S-phase percent such that it was closer to the bromodeoxyuridine labeling index. The DNA ploidy classification of specimens was also compared pre- and post-sonication. Four of 96 breast cancer samples changed classification; all were specimens in which the histogram became cleaner and a small DNA aneuploid peak became apparent after sonication.  相似文献   

Despite considerable interest during the early clinical development of flow cytometry, its application to solid tumours has been largely ignored in recent years. However, with rapid progress in cancer biology and molecular therapeutics, linked to technical developments in the areas of flow cytometry instrumentation, reagents, and data analysis, it is timely to re-evaluate this role. This article places emphasis on the unique potential of flow cytometry to analyze heterogeneous cell populations, and to provide information on the functional status of regulatory processes by the simultaneous measurement of multiple key elements. Major obstacles to progress addressed include the acquisition of adequate clinical samples, tissue disaggregation to produce single cells suspensions suitable for flow cytometry, and protocols to label intracellular as well as cell surface antigens.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry has evolved over the past 30 y from a niche laboratory technique to a routine tool used by clinical pathologists and immunologists for diagnosis and monitoring of patients with cancer and immune deficiencies. Identification of novel patterns of expressed Ags has led to the recognition of cancers with unique pathophysiologies and treatment strategies. FACS had permitted the isolation of tumor-free populations of hematopoietic stem cells for cancer patients undergoing stem cell transplantation. Adaptation of flow cytometry to the analysis of multiplex arrays of fluorescent beads that selectively capture proteins and specific DNA sequences has produced highly sensitive and rapid methods for high through-put analysis of cytokines, Abs, and HLA genotypes. Automated data analysis has contributed to the development of a "cytomics" field that integrates cellular physiology, genomics, and proteomics. In this article, we review the impact of the flow cytometer in these areas of medical practice.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry (FCM) is an analytical tool widely used for cancer and HIV/AIDS research, and treatment, stem cell manipulation and detecting microorganisms in environmental samples. Current data standards do not capture the full scope of FCM experiments and there is a demand for software tools that can assist in the exploration and analysis of large FCM datasets. We are implementing a standardized approach to capturing, analyzing, and disseminating FCM data that will facilitate both more complex analyses and analysis of datasets that could not previously be efficiently studied. Initial work has focused on developing a community-based guideline for recording and reporting the details of FCM experiments. Open source software tools that implement this standard are being created, with an emphasis on facilitating reproducible and extensible data analyses. As well, tools for electronic collaboration will assist the integrated access and comprehension of experiments to empower users to collaborate on FCM analyses. This coordinated, joint development of bioinformatics standards and software tools for FCM data analysis has the potential to greatly facilitate both basic and clinical research--impacting a notably diverse range of medical and environmental research areas.  相似文献   

Impact of standardization on clinical cell analysis by flow cytometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of flow cytometry from a research tool to a pivotal technology for clinical diagnostic purposes has required significant efforts to standardize methods. The great advantage of flow cytometry is that it's applications are highly amenable to standardization. Here, we review the efforts that have been made for flow cytometric applications in four major fields of clinical cell analysis: CD4+ T-cell enumeration, CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell enumeration, screening for the HLA-B27 antigen and leukemia/lymphoma immunophenotyping. These standardization efforts have been parallelled by the establishment of external quality assessment (EQA) schemes in many countries worldwide. The goal of these EQA exercises has been primarily educa-tional, but their results will increasingly serve as a basis for laboratory accreditation. This important development requires that the EQA schemes, in particular the quality of the distributed samples and the procedures for evaluating the results, meet the highest standards.  相似文献   

陈林  宋丽 《生物工程学报》2023,39(2):472-487
流式细胞术是通过对液流中各种荧光标记的颗粒进行多参数快速高效的定性或定量测定的方法,在科学研究的多个领域发挥重要作用。然而,由于植物组织及细胞壁和次生代谢产物等细胞的特殊成分和结构,限制了其在植物研究领域的应用。本文在介绍流式细胞仪发展和组成分类的基础上,着重讨论了流式细胞术在植物领域的应用、研究进展及应用限制,进而展望该研究领域的发展趋势,为拓宽植物流式细胞术的潜在应用范围提供新的思考方向。  相似文献   

徐丽丽  王菲  胡春辉  郭立忠  于浩 《菌物学报》2020,39(7):1356-1367
本研究以卵孢小奥德蘑液体培养菌丝作为实验材料,利用单因子变量法探索研究了菌丝培养时间、酶浓度、酶解时间、酶解温度、稳渗剂类型对卵孢小奥德蘑原生质体制备的影响,并对原生质体再生培养基进行选择和优化。通过荧光染色,利用激光共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪对原生质体的制备过程、得率和活力进行研究。结果表明,将卵孢小奥德蘑菌丝在液体培养基中培养5d收集菌丝体,以甘露醇作为渗透压稳定剂,在溶壁酶浓度2%、30℃条件下酶解5h,获得的原生质体得率最高,达2.0×10 7个/mL;通过流式细胞仪分析,约57.69%的原生质体细胞为活细胞;在RM培养基中再生效果最好,再生率为(0.103±0.025)%。研究结果可以为卵孢小奥德蘑育种与食用菌原生质体制备再生提供研究基础。  相似文献   

This protocol outlines a three-part quality assurance program to optimize, calibrate and monitor flow cytometers used to measure cells labeled with five or more fluorochromes (a practice known as polychromatic flow cytometry). The initial steps of this program (system optimization) ensure that the instrument's lasers, mirrors and filters are optimally configured for the generation and transmission of multiple fluorescent signals. To determine the sensitivity and dynamic range of each fluorescence detector, the system is then calibrated by measuring fluorescence over a range of photomultiplier tube (PMT) voltages by determining the PMT voltage range and linearity (Steps 2-10) and validating the PMT voltage (Steps 11-17). Finally, to ensure consistent performance, we provide procedures to monitor the precision, accuracy and sensitivity of fluorescence measurements over time. All three aspects of this program should be performed upon installation, or whenever changes occur along the flow cytometer's optical path. However, only a few of these procedures need to be carried out on a routine basis.  相似文献   

J Mullikin  R Norgren  J Lucas  J Gray 《Cytometry》1988,9(2):111-120
We describe the development of a scanning flow cytometer capable of measuring the distribution of fluorescent dye along objects with a spatial resolution of 0.7 micron. The heart of this instrument, called a fringe-scan flow cytometer, is an interference field (i.e., a series of intense planes of illumination) produced by the intersection of two laser beams. Fluorescence profiles (i.e., records showing the intensity of fluorescence measured at 20 ns intervals) are recorded during the passage of objects through the fringe field. The shape of the fringe field is determined by recording light scatter profiles as 0.25 micron diameter microspheres traverse the field. The distribution of the fluorescent dye along each object passing through the fringe field is estimated from the recorded fluorescence profile using Fourier deconvolution. We show that the distribution of fluorescent dye along microsphere doublets and along propidium iodide stained human chromosomes can be determined accurately using fringe-scan flow cytometry. The accuracy of fringe-scan shape analysis was determined by comparing fluorescence profiles estimated from fringe-scan profiles for microspheres and chromosomes with fluorescence profiles for the same objects measured using slit-scan flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Conventional flow cytometry using scattering and fluorescent detection methods has been a fundamental tool of biological discoveries for many years. Invasive extraction of cells from a living organism, however, may lead to changes in cell properties and prevents the long-term study of cells in their native environment. Here, we summarize recent advances of new generation flow cytometry for in vivo noninvasive label-free or targeted detection of cells in blood, lymph, bone, cerebral and plant vasculatures using photoacoustic (PA) detection techniques, multispectral high-pulse-repetition-rate lasers, tunable ultrasharp (up to 0.8nm) rainbow plasmonic nanoprobes, positive and negative PA contrasts, in vivo magnetic enrichment, time-of-flight cell velocity measurement, PA spectral analysis, and integration of PA, photothermal (PT), fluorescent, and Raman methods. Unique applications of this tool are reviewed with a focus on ultrasensitive detection of normal blood cells at different functional states (e.g., apoptotic and necrotic) and rare abnormal cells including circulating tumor cells (CTCs), cancer stem cells, pathogens, clots, sickle cells as well as pharmokinetics of nanoparticles, dyes, microbubbles and drug nanocarriers. Using this tool we discovered that palpation, biopsy, or surgery can enhance CTC release from primary tumors, increasing the risk of metastasis. The novel fluctuation flow cytometry provided the opportunity for the dynamic study of blood rheology including red blood cell aggregation and clot formation in different medical conditions (e.g., blood disorders, cancer, or surgery). Theranostics, as a combination of PA diagnosis and PT nanobubble-amplified multiplex therapy, was used for eradication of CTCs, purging of infected blood, and thrombolysis of clots using PA guidance to control therapy efficiency. In vivo flow cytometry using a portable fiber-based devices can provide a breakthrough platform for early diagnosis of cancer, infection and cardiovascular disorders with a potential to inhibit, if not prevent, metastasis, sepsis, and strokes or heart attack by well-timed personalized therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Flow cytometry of single-cell suspensions prepared by enzymatic digestion from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue suffers from several major drawbacks. The most important factors that influence the results are the high and unpredictable coefficients of variation (CVs) of the G0/G1 peak in the DNA histogram and reduction of propidium iodide (PI) intercalation with DNA, resulting from protein cross-linking by formalin. METHODS: In this study we introduce a heating step (2 h incubation in citrate solution at 80 degrees C) prior to a brief pepsin digestion of tissue sections in the protocol for DNA content analysis of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue. This new method is compared with established methods for the preparation of cell suspensions from frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues with respect to cell yield, DNA histogram resolution, DNA dye saturation kinetics, cell cycle parameters, and antigen retrieval in various epithelial and nonepithelial tissues. RESULTS: The recovery of single cells from the paraffin sections was doubled by the heat treatment step, while the limited time of proteolysis resulted in decreased cell debris. Furthermore, an increased fraction of cells became cytokeratin-positive, while these immunocytochemically stained cells also exhibited a higher mean fluorescence intensity. The DNA histograms prepared from cell suspensions obtained according to this new protocol showed a significantly improved resolution, leading to a better identification of peridiploid cell populations. Heat pretreatment of paraffin-embedded archival tissue sections showed PI saturation kinetics similar to, or even better than, those of fresh unfixed tissues, independent of duration of fixation. CONCLUSIONS: This new method, making use of routinely available antigen retrieval principles, thus allows high-resolution DNA analysis of routinely fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples. Using external reference cells, inter- and intralaboratory standardization of DNA histograms can be achieved.  相似文献   

Using four human tumor cell lines, MCF-7 and T47-D from breast tumors, MOLT-4 and K-562 from leukemia, flow cytometric DNA analysis of pure and mixed cell population was performed using monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin to distinguish cytokeratin-containing carcinoma cells from leukemia cells which do not contain cytokeratins. Surprisingly, on pure or mixed K-562 cells, we found positive labeling with KL1, CK8, and CK18 antibodies (results confirmed by immunocytology). This preliminary study has allowed a DNA analysis on epithelial cells of human breast tumors.  相似文献   

Neil Johnston 《CMAJ》1984,130(2):109-110

Nuclear DNA mass in cells from a reference species can be used to obtain high-resolution estimates of DNA mass from a target species. In our study of DNA mass in cells from 45 selected species, representing each of the major vertebrate classes, we have obtained values of from 1.5 to 110.0 pg of DNA. Because values in or near this range would be expected in the study of nuclear DNA mass in vertebrates and other organisms, the species in this report can provide a useful catalogue of references for comparative studies of DNA.  相似文献   

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