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大规模地形漫游中的实时LOD算法研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
大规模地形漫游在游戏、仿真、虚拟现实等领域有着广泛的应用。该文在总结现有地形简化算法的基础上,提出了一种基于动态调度的地形块内视点相关二叉树简化算法,有效地简化地形,实现大规模场景的实时漫游。  相似文献   

3DGIS中复合地形纹理生成与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3DGIS仅用数字高程模型(DEM)表现地形远达不到三维可视化的要求.在传统3IDGIS中,通常采用数字正射影像(DOM)作为DEM的纹理表达地面景观,但其逼真性往往会受到影像分辨率的限制.该文借鉴Mipmap思想,提出一种新的纹理生成方法来解决上述问题,即通过对DOM和二维矢量数据赋予投影信息,将多幅影像及相关矢量数据作为生成3DGIS地形的纹理数据源,生成不同分辨率、不同详细程度的金字塔纹理,动态表现地面景观,并对生成的金字塔模型数据进行高效的索引、存储与管理.上述方法在实际应用中取得了满意的访问效率和视觉效果.  相似文献   

地形复杂度的多因子综合评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地形复杂度指标(Terrain Complexity Index,TCI)是评价地表起伏和褶皱程度的指标,广泛应用于DEM数字地形分析、数据综合和建模、地貌分类以及DEM精度研究等领域。然而目前地形复杂度指标多数采用单一地形指标或区域统计指标,缺乏局部的复合评价指标。为此,引入多因子分析方法和局部窗口分析方法,探讨一种基于格网DEM数据的复合地形复杂度指标(Compound Terrain Complexity Index,CTCI)的建模方法。首先利用多因子评价方法选取4种局部地形因子(局部高差、局部标准差、局部褶皱度、局部全曲率),之后利用局部窗口分析方法获取各指标的计算值,最后融合4种因子得到每个格网的CTCI。在实验分析中,选取了3个典型地貌样区和1个混合地貌样区,实验结果表明:CTCI能从整体上区分不同典型地貌区的地形复杂程度,同时CTCI在局部范围与混合地貌样区的等高线的密度和变化程度有较好的吻合,表明CTCI能从整体和局部反映地表的起伏和褶皱变化,是较好的地形复杂度评价指标。  相似文献   

面向DEM地形复杂度分析的分形方法研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
在基于栅格DEM数据的基础上,应用分形几何学方法,采用元分维模型理论,提出一种描述DEM地形复杂度的分形分析方法,并得出分析指标———地形分维指数(TFI)。实验证明,该指标可以有效描述栅格DEM数据反映的地形变化特征,分析窗口由小到大的规律性变化反映出地貌从微观到宏观的变化情况,因此其既可以作为对栅格DEM所描述地形进行评价的坡面因子,又可以作为基于DEM的地貌类型区自动划分的参照依据。  相似文献   

一种基于TIN的地形剖面线生成算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在目前已有基于规则格网(Grid)生成地形剖面线的基础上,提出了一种适用于不规则三角网(TIN)的剖面线生成算法。该算法充分利用TIN中各三角形间存在的拓扑关系,实现了与剖面线相交三角形的快速搜索,大大提高了算法的执行效率。由于地形简化后的TIN仍保留三角形间的拓扑关系,该剖面线生成算法还适用于多分辨率的海量TIN数据。  相似文献   

DEM 点位地形信息量化模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董有福  汤国安 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1825-1836
针对DEM 点位, 首先应用微分几何法对其所负载的语法信息量进行测度, 其次根据地形特征点类型及地形结构特征确定其语义信息量, 然后基于信息学理论构建了DEM 点位地形信息综合量化模型。在此基础上, 以黄土丘陵沟壑区作为实验样区, 对DEM 点位地形信息量提取方法及其在地形简化中的初步实例应用进行了探讨和验证。实验结果显示, 所提出的DEM 点位地形信息量化方案可行;基于DEM 地形信息量指数的多尺度DEM 构建方案, 具有机理明确、易于实现的特点, 并通过优先保留地形骨架特征点, 可以有效减少地形失真, 从而满足不同层次的多尺度数字地形建模和表达要求。对DEM 点位地形信息进行有效量化, 为认识DEM 地形信息特征提供了一个新的切入点, 同时为多尺度数字地形建模提供理论依据与方法支持。  相似文献   

地形元素(如山脊、沟谷等)是地表形态类型基本单元,通过地形元素的不同空间组合可形成更高级别的地貌类型。现有的地形元素提取方法大多依靠地形属性计算,难以克服地形元素的空间相关性表达与局部地形属性计算存在不对应的矛盾,Jasiewicz和Stepinski提出的Geomorphons方法——基于高程相对差异信息进行地形元素分类,可避免这一问题,但Geomorphons方法本质上是在单一分析尺度上选择地形特征点用于判别,易受局部地形起伏的影响而造成误分类。针对这一问题,设计出一种多分析尺度下综合判别的地形元素分类方法。应用结果表明:相比Geomorphons方法,利用该方法得到的地形元素的分类结果更为合理。  相似文献   

基于DEM的山区遥感图像地形校正方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于地表反射为各向异性的假定,可以将遥感图像的地形校正分为光照和反射率校正两部分。基于6S大气校正模型和数字高程模型(DEM)对山区遥感图像进行光照和反射率校正,通过消除遥感图像中大气和地形的影响,反演得到地表反射率。通过对江西兴国县TM图像的实验,实现了对山区遥感图像的地形校正。对模型中的大气参数进行了敏感性分析,发现大气参数的误差对地表反射率的反演精度影响较小。  相似文献   

大规模地形实时绘制算法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
该文提出一种适合大规模地形实时绘制的简单高效的LOD简化算法。该算法使用一种紧凑有效的规则网格表示方法,优化网格节点的数目,减少可视化过程中的计算量,降低额外内存开销。探讨该算法相关的数据组织、视域裁剪、LOD层次选择、裂缝消除、三角形化等关键问题。实验结果表明,该算法实现简单,内存开销较少,CPU耗费小,对图形卡要求低,能够在普通机器上实现大规模地形的实时漫游。  相似文献   

基于DEM的地形单元多样性指数及其算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在阐述地形信息表达研究进展的基础上,提出基于DEM地形单元多样性指数的概念和算法。地形单元多样性指数综合了高程、坡度、坡位、坡向、汇流量和水域信息等要素。其算法集成地形位置指数和地形湿度指数算法,采用图层叠加分析,设定分类、分级指标,进行重分类组合,划分地形单元类型,利用窗口分析法计算地形单元多样性指数。以四川省为试验区,利用精度为100 m的DEM数据和水域分布数据进行模拟计算,地形单元划分为13种典型类型,统计窗口半径设为900 m,计算出的多样性指数值小于0.5的区域仅占总面积的11%,大于0.75的区域达57%,符合实验区地形特征,并对算法进行了可行性分析和验证。结果表明,该算法提取的地形单元多样性指数可以有效反映地表形态的多样性特征及其变化。该研究结果为进一步探讨基于DEM地表形态信息的概念体系,以及从微观到宏观的地形信息空间分析研究创造了条件。  相似文献   

论DEM地形分析中的尺度问题   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
DEM及其地形分析具有强烈的尺度依赖特征。本文以黄高原地区的研究为例,结合地学建模和地学模拟的需求,重点讨论DEM地形分析中的尺度问题。文中从DEM建立与应用出发,首先建立了DEM地形分析中的尺度概念体系,剖析了各类尺度之间的关系,其次讨论了尺度所引起的各种地形分析效应问题,最后探讨了DEM地形分析中的尺度转换类型和方法。  相似文献   

Geometric buffers are important for spatial analysis in many applications of geographic information systems (GISs), such as environmental measurement and management, human health, urban planning, etc. Geometric buffer generation algorithms are well studied in the Euclidean space where the buffer distance is measured by Euclidean metrics; however, very few algorithms are available for generating geometric buffers on the terrain surface in a virtual globe where the buffer distance is measured by geodesic metrics. This paper proposes a tile-based method for geodesic buffer generation according to the characteristics of a virtual globe. It extends the vector tile model (VTM) to organize terrain and vector data, and the XYH algorithm is improved to build geodesic distance fields for terrain meshes. Based on the data organization and the improved XYH algorithm, a geodesic buffer is generated via three main steps: selecting and assembling tiles, updating geodesic distance fields and tracing the boundaries of buffer zones. This method is implemented with multi-scale terrain and vector data, and the experimental results show that it is valid and exact and can be applied in practical applications.  相似文献   

Regional automatic segmentation – automatic terrain segmentation according to terrain features – is significant for modern geographical analysis. We propose a new approach of terrain region segmentation based on the region growth method. This method features actual runoff nodes as seed points. The corresponding growth threshold is defined based on statistical analysis of quantitative indexes of topographic features. Terrain segmentation of some regions is completed using the growth threshold. The corresponding edge boundaries of different terrain regions are extracted by image processing. Thus, the automatic segmentation of the terrain region is realized by the edge boundary. The application of the method to a typical Chinese loess landform area and automatic segmentation of three types of terrain regions – gully interfluve land, gully slope land, and gully groove land – are achieved by analyzing characteristics of the curvature structure of surface profiles. Segmentation results, compared with results of visual interpretation from a high-precision digital orthophoto map, show an average accuracy of segmentation of 93.51%. Topographic factor features of segmentation results are statistically analyzed. This study presents an effective and practical approach for segmenting terrain regions. This approach may be incorporated into the theory and method system of digital terrain analysis.  相似文献   

Last years have witnessed the widespread use of online terrain visualization applications. However, the significant improvements achieved in sensing technologies have allowed an increasing size of the terrain databases. These increasing sizes represent a serious drawback when terrain data must be transmitted and rendered at interactive rates. In this paper, we propose a novel wavelet-tiled pyramid for compressing terrain data that replaces the traditional multiresolution pyramid usually used in wavelet compression schemes. The new wavelet-tiled pyramid modifies the wavelet analysis and synthesis processes, allowing an efficient transmission and reconstruction of terrain data in those applications based on multiresolution tiled pyramids. A comparative performance evaluation with the currently existing techniques shows that the proposed scheme obtains a better compression ratio of the terrain data, reducing the storage space and transmission bandwidth required, and achieving a better visual quality of the virtual terrain reconstructed after data decompression.  相似文献   

月面形貌仿真可以为嫦娥三号着陆前地形建立及视觉导航仿真测试提供逼真的三维月面环境。利用分形随机算法并结合月面撞击坑与石块的数学分布模型,在实现月面数字地形的基础上利用纹理映射和纹理融合的方法为月面地形添加纹理,完成了月面逼真三维环境的构建。结合导航相机的外方位元素和光照条件,实现了对该仿真月面环境的模拟环拍,支撑了嫦娥三号发射前月球车导航相机数据获取、地形建立、通行代价图计算、月球车路径规划等遥操作任务过程仿真测试。测试结果表明,仿真月面三维地形具有良好的视觉效果,满足了巡视器导航相机测试验证对精细月面地形和纹理的需求,为导航相机测试验证提供了有效的月面形貌仿真数据。  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the method for extracting glacier area based on ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath Modes (WSM) data and digital elevation model (DEM) data, using support vector machines (SVM) classification method. The digitized result of the glacier coverage area in the western Qilian Mountains was extracted based on Enhanced LandSat Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery, which was used to validate the precision of glacier extraction result. Because of similar backscattering of glacier, shadow and water, precision of the glacier coverage area extracted from single-polarization WSM data using SVM was only 35.4%. Then, texture features were extracted by the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), with extracted glacier coverage area based on WSM data and texture feature information. Compared with the result extracted from WSM data, the precision improved 13.2%. However, the glacier was still seriously confused with shadow and water. Finally, DEM data was introduced to extract the glacier coverage area. Water and glacier can be differentiated because their distribution area has different elevations; shadow can be removed from the classification result based on simulated shadow imagery created by DEM data and SAR imaging parameters; finally, the glacier coverage area was extracted and the precision reached to 90.2%. Thus, it can be demonstrated that the glacier can be accurately semi-automatically extracted from SAR with this method. The method is suitable not only for ENVISAT ASAR WSM imagery, but also for other satellite SAR imagery, especially for SAR imagery covering mountainous areas.  相似文献   

栅格数字地形分析中的尺度问题研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦承志  呼雪梅 《地理研究》2014,33(2):270-283
栅格数字高程模型(DEM)固有的尺度特征给以栅格DEM为基本输入的数字地形分析带来各种尺度问题。对栅格数字地形分析中涉及的尺度进行梳理,以分辨率和分析窗口为重点,对栅格数字地形分析中的多尺度表达、尺度效应、适宜尺度选择、尺度转换等尺度问题及其相互关系进行阐述;分别介绍各类尺度问题的现有定量研究方法,尤其对尺度效应定量刻画和适宜尺度选择方法,根据不同方法计算定量指标所利用的信息类别进行分类归纳;最后讨论了其中有待进一步开展研究的几方面工作。  相似文献   

Watershed simulation in a sandy terrain of the Thar desert using GIS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sandy landscape in a desert contains very few stream channels. This poses a problem for delineating watersheds for analysis. Since large-scale topographical sheets of sandy terrain also contain very little information on height, delineation of watersheds from topographical sheets often becomes difficult. In order to find a simple solution to the problem in the Thar desert of Rajasthan, India, the authors used the well-known ARC/INFO software for simulation of height and drainage network using the scarce topographical information for a sandy terrain near Jodhpur. Superimposition of data layers generated from remote sensing and secondary sources validated the simulation results, and suggested suitability of the method for application in similarly handicapped areas.  相似文献   

面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
数字地形分析(DTA)是地理信息科学(GIS)研究的热点.但是,当前基于数字高程模型(DEM)的数字地形分析在地貌学研究中存在重形态轻机理、重现象轻过程、重地上轻地下等问题,急需从单一的地貌形态分析,迈向面向成因、过程与机理等地貌学本源问题的研究转变.据此,本文系统梳理了面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析的相关研究现状,并从...  相似文献   

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