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闭合性腘动脉损伤的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨闭合性胭动脉损伤的诊治方法和效果。方法13例闭合性胭动脉损伤患者,10例采取动-静脉吻合和桥接术治疗,2例因肌肉缺血坏死行一期截肢术,1例行保守治疗。结果动-静脉吻合和桥接术10例中血管再通肢体成活9例。血循环重建时间3.5~35h,其中8h以内重建血循环8例,肢体功能恢复良好,1例遗留不同程度的缺血性挛缩,另1例术后26h再次栓塞,保守治疗无效而行二期截肢。保守溶栓治疗成功1例。13例中3例截肢。病残病废共5例,其中1例腓总神经损伤肢体功能部分恢复。结论闭合性胭动脉损伤应尽早明确诊断,在8h内修复者效果好,超过这一时限病残率及截肢率均明显上升。  相似文献   

目的探讨四肢主干血管损伤的早期诊断、治疗方法以及临床效果。方法2001年1月-2006年6月,收治72例四肢主干血管损伤患者。男50例,女22例;年龄5~60岁,中位年龄39岁。开放性损伤44例,闭合性损伤28例。动脉损伤部位:锁骨下动脉1例,股动脉23例,胭动脉20例,尺桡动脉同时损伤12例,肱动脉11例,腋动脉3例,胫前后动脉同时损伤2例。伤后至入院时间30min~27d。术中血管破口直接修补3例,端端吻合39例,自体大隐静脉移植修复30例,移植长度3~8cm。结果67例肢体成活,5例截肢。48例获6个月~5年随访,彩色多普勒血流仪检查血流速度及血管口径与健侧无明显差异。40例肢体功能恢复满意,8例残留不同程度功能障碍,其中4例行矫形或功能重建手术,功能及外形得到改善。结论了解损伤机制及受伤情况,认真体检,综合分析,是主干血管损伤早期诊断的关键;显微外科修复是提高血管通畅率的保障;术后筋膜间室综合征及肢体缺血时间超过4h的肱动脉、胭动脉以上的血管损伤,及时行筋膜间室切开是恢复肢体功能、避免伤残的有效手段。  相似文献   

膝关节脱位合并腘动脉损伤的漏诊及误诊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]分析腘动脉漏诊及误诊的原因,尽早诊断,尽早手术,保存肢体,减少病废及病残。[方法]分析本院1998~2003年收治的12例漏诊及误诊的病人,误诊时间8~50h,平均22.6h。栓塞5例,破裂7例。其中多发伤5例。术前介入科血管造影5例,1例病人行血管再通。其余病人均手术探查,端端吻合2例,大隐静脉翻转移植吻合6例。血管探查同时行小腿骨筋膜室综合征切开减压术。3例病人因肢体坏死直接截肢。[结果]3例病人术后完全无肢体缺血挛缩并发症;2例病人遗留不同程度的肢体缺血挛缩表现;4例病人保肢失败,再次手术截肢。[结论]腘动脉损伤漏诊及误诊的原因:(1)对腘动脉的解剖不熟悉;(2)因膝关节搬运过程中自动复位畸形消失而被忽视;(3)合并其它更严重的损伤,抢救生命而忽略腘动脉损伤;(4)没有重视下肢体格检查,漏掉腘动脉损伤体征。  相似文献   

目的评估内侧人路探查和修复胭动脉损伤的临床意义。方法收治11例胭动脉损伤患者.均经内侧人路予以探查和修复。其中合并肢体骨折8例,头部或胸腹脏器伤3例。胭动脉一期吻合10例,大隐静脉移植1例。结果手术时间为3—5h(平均3.6h)。11例肢体全部存活,有8例小腿肌肉正常,2例出现轻度挛缩,1例出现重度挛缩,但未截肢。结论内侧人路修复胭动脉损伤有效、可行。在处理多发伤时具有明显优势。  相似文献   

膝部骨折脱位合并腘动脉损伤21例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]回顾性分析膝部骨折脱位合并腘动脉损伤的治疗方法和效果.[方法]本组21例,男17例,女4例;年龄16-68岁,平均34.3岁.骨折脱位情况膝关节脱位2例,股骨下端骨折4例,胫骨上端骨折9例,浮膝6例.动脉修复方法端端吻合7例,大隐静脉移植14例.骨折及脱位固定方法石膏固定2例,内固定14例,外固定架固定5例.修复顺序2例膝关节脱位合并腘动脉损伤的患者先手法复位膝关节再修复血管,膝部骨折合并胭动脉损伤的患者先修复血管,后固定骨折6例,先固定骨折再修复血管5例,在处理骨折前先建立临时性动脉内分流8例.[结果]所有患者均获随访,随访时间1~7年,平均3.3年.肢体存活17例(81%),截肢4例.截肢者均为入院时肢体严重缺血患者,部分缺血患者无1例截肢;截肢患者中有3例合并严重软组织损伤,l例合并中度软组织损伤;肢体存活患者平均MESS评分4.2±1.3,截肢患者平均7.2±1.8.截肢患者均是由于术后出现难以控制的感染而截肢.[结论]膝部骨折脱位合并胭动脉损伤时,肢体的软组织损伤程度、MESS评分、肢体缺血的严重程度均是影响肢体成活的重要因素,术后感染是造成截肢的主要原因.  相似文献   

12例开放性腋动脉损伤的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨开放性腋动脉损伤的诊治体会。方法1996年-2002年,共诊治12例开放性腋动脉损伤的患者,从受伤到入院时间为3~14h,入院时均处于不同程度的休克状态,桡动脉搏动减弱或消失。在积极抗休克治疗的同时,急诊进行清创、血管神经探查和修复术。其中行腋动脉修补5例,腋动脉直接吻合6例,自体静脉移植修复1例。结果伤后8h内腋动脉再通8例,8~16h内腋动脉再通4例,无病例发生截肢或死亡。术后伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,桡动脉搏动良好。结论对开放性腋动脉损伤早期诊断和及时手术探查是控制休克、获取良好疗效的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨闭合性下肢股、胭动脉损伤延误诊疗原因和救治方法.方法 对延误诊疗闭合性下肢股动脉损伤6例、胭动脉损伤8例进行手术探查修复,其中经游离损伤动脉血管断端直接吻合4例,取对侧大隐静脉游离移植修复动脉缺损7例,单纯取栓治疗3例.结果 经随访2~5年,患肢保留行走功能12例,但伴有轻度跛行步态及小腿皮肤感觉不同程度的减退.小腿高位截肢2例.结论 延误诊疗的闭合性下肢股、腘动脉损伤积极手术探查修复可挽救肢体的功能.  相似文献   

目的 探讨闭合性下肢股、胭动脉损伤延误诊疗原因和救治方法.方法 对延误诊疗闭合性下肢股动脉损伤6例、胭动脉损伤8例进行手术探查修复,其中经游离损伤动脉血管断端直接吻合4例,取对侧大隐静脉游离移植修复动脉缺损7例,单纯取栓治疗3例.结果 经随访2~5年,患肢保留行走功能12例,但伴有轻度跛行步态及小腿皮肤感觉不同程度的减退.小腿高位截肢2例.结论 延误诊疗的闭合性下肢股、腘动脉损伤积极手术探查修复可挽救肢体的功能.  相似文献   

目的 探讨闭合性下肢股、胭动脉损伤延误诊疗原因和救治方法.方法 对延误诊疗闭合性下肢股动脉损伤6例、胭动脉损伤8例进行手术探查修复,其中经游离损伤动脉血管断端直接吻合4例,取对侧大隐静脉游离移植修复动脉缺损7例,单纯取栓治疗3例.结果 经随访2~5年,患肢保留行走功能12例,但伴有轻度跛行步态及小腿皮肤感觉不同程度的减退.小腿高位截肢2例.结论 延误诊疗的闭合性下肢股、腘动脉损伤积极手术探查修复可挽救肢体的功能.  相似文献   

目的 探讨闭合性下肢股、胭动脉损伤延误诊疗原因和救治方法.方法 对延误诊疗闭合性下肢股动脉损伤6例、胭动脉损伤8例进行手术探查修复,其中经游离损伤动脉血管断端直接吻合4例,取对侧大隐静脉游离移植修复动脉缺损7例,单纯取栓治疗3例.结果 经随访2~5年,患肢保留行走功能12例,但伴有轻度跛行步态及小腿皮肤感觉不同程度的减退.小腿高位截肢2例.结论 延误诊疗的闭合性下肢股、腘动脉损伤积极手术探查修复可挽救肢体的功能.  相似文献   

闭合性腘动脉损伤11例   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
目的总结闭合性动脉损伤的诊治经验.方法1983~2000年共11例闭合性动脉损伤患者.肢体血循环重建时间最短3.5h,最长27h,平均9h.结果8h以内重建血循环5例肢体循环功能恢复功能,8~10h2例遗有小腿缺血性挛缩,超过10h 4例中有1例小腿肌肉坏死,3例截肢.截肢率为27%,总病残率达55%.结论 动脉损伤应在6~8h内进行修复,超过这一时限病残率及截肢率均明显上升.延误诊断是导致闭合性动脉损伤后截肢率居高不下的主要因素.  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of popliteal artery injuries.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-seven patients with injury to the popliteal artery and associated structures were operated on during the past 15 years. There was no operative or hospital deaths. The limb salvage rate was 56%; the amputation rate was 44%. Those patients with penetrating injuries were found to have a much better salvage rate (85%) than those with blunt trauma (29%). Preoperative arteriography and immediate repair of the popliteal artery by either end-to-end anastomosis or a vein graft is advocated for these patients. Popliteal vein injuries should be repaired when possible by lateral suture or end-to-end anastomosis. Fasciotomy is advocated on a selected basis.  相似文献   

Popliteal artery injuries: the Kashmir experience   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
BACKGROUND: Popliteal artery injuries pose a serious threat to limb survival. Blunt trauma appears to be associated with a higher amputation rate than penetrating trauma, probably because of the more extensive nature of the injuries. METHODS: Two hundred seventy-two cases of popliteal artery injury were studied retrospectively from 1989 to 2001, a warlike period in Kashmir. Preoperative angiography was not performed. Thirty-two percent of patients had associated venous injury and 24.6% of patients had associated bone fracture. RESULTS: Overall morbidity was 55%, with the most common complication being infection (24%). Secondary amputation had to be performed in 16 patients (5.5%). The amputation rate was not influenced by cause of injury and type of repair or the presence of venous injury, but associated bone fracture significantly increased the risk of amputation (p < 0.05). The patients who underwent repair more than 12 hours after sustaining injury had a significantly greater amputation rate (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Prompt resuscitation, vascularization, and proper technique appear to be the only correctable factors that improve limb salvage.  相似文献   

35例腘动脉损伤的治疗体会   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
[目的]探讨腘动脉损伤的诊断及处理原则。[方法]对于35例腘动脉损伤病人,30例行腘动脉Ⅰ期修复,合并腘静脉及神经损伤的同时处理,损伤至动脉通血6h以上给予小腿筋膜室切开,检查渗出液性质,电刺激了解肌肉收缩情况。[结果]受伤至动脉通血6h以内及6h以上给予小腿筋膜室切开电刺激肌肉收缩良好,组织水肿渗出较轻,术后恢复满意;电刺激肌肉收缩差,组织水肿重,但渗出液较清淡,部分发生缺血性肌挛缩,肌肉发暗,电刺激无反应,并有血性渗出5例,3例Ⅰ期截肢,2例Ⅱ期截肢;2例因外院转来时皮肤已部分坏死,并发肾功能不全行Ⅰ期截肢。[结论]仔细的临床检查是早期诊断肢体血管损伤的重要手段,及时恢复循环是保肢关键,6h以上小腿筋膜室切开,不仅可以预防小腿筋膜室综合征的发生,而且通过电刺激肌肉收缩情况及组织水肿渗出情况,可以对预后给予判断,肌肉发暗,刺激无反应,并且有血性渗出,腘动脉修复价值不大,应该截肢。  相似文献   

The authors present the results of a retrospective review of popliteal artery injuries associated with fractures and dislocations about the knee. They treated 41 patients with popliteal artery injuries associated with either fractures about the knee or knee dislocations. Thirty-five of the patients were males, 6 females; the mean age was 23 years. The delay before accessing the hospital was 17 hours (range: 3 hours to 10 days). Thirty-two fractures were open. Together with the vascular injury, 12 femoral fractures, 20 tibial and fibular fractures, 5 knee dislocations, 4 femoral + tibial fractures were identified. Twenty-three patients underwent external fixation, 8 internal fixation, 6 plaster cast immobilization, 4 minimal osteosynthesis and plaster cast immobilization. The arterial injury was treated by end-to-end anastomosis in 5 cases, saphenous vein anastomosis in 29 cases and thrombectomy in 7 cases. Nine patients were amputated. Delay in surgery, blunt trauma, extensive soft tissue defect and bone fracture or dislocation, are associated with high amputation rate following popliteal artery injury. The influence of each of these factors alone on the amputation rate could not be evaluated in this study, as no statistically significant correlation could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Popliteal vascular trauma has historically been an urban phenomenon. We hypothesized that rural popliteal artery injury would result more often from blunt mechanisms of injury (MOI), have a longer time to operation, and result in a higher amputation rate. We retrospectively reviewed all cases of popliteal artery injury from December 1994 to May 2001 at our rural trauma center. Age, gender, Injury Severity Score (ISS), MOI, scene transport versus transfer from a referring hospital, time to operation, and operative times were studied. Significance was determined by Student's t test with a P value < or = 0.05. Thirty-two popliteal artery injuries were found. Blunt trauma accounted for 50 per cent of the injuries. Eighty-eight per cent of the patients were transferred from a referring hospital. Patients transported directly from the scene had a higher ISS. Longer operative times translated into an increased need for fasciotomy. The amputation rate was 19 per cent. This is the first attempt to delineate the specific nature of rural popliteal artery trauma. The amputation rate was not different between the two different MOI and was independent of the time to operation. Of those patients receiving an amputation 83 per cent were transferred from another hospital and despite a statistically lower ISS still required an amputation.  相似文献   

Popliteal artery injury: Royal Perth experience and literature review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Popliteal artery injury is uncommon but poses a significant challenge in Australian trauma care. Blunt trauma and knee dislocations appear to be associated with higher amputation rates. The aim of the present study was to review the authors' experience with this condition and discuss the best approach to investigation and management. METHODS: The medical records of all patients with popliteal artery injury (n = 19) who were entered prospectively onto the Royal Perth Hospital Trauma Registry from 1995 to 2003 were reviewed. Their demographic data, investigations, primary operative procedures, fasciotomy, primary and secondary amputation rates and mortality were determined. RESULTS: There were 17 male and two female patients with a median age of 34 years (range 17-62 years). Most patients (84%) were under 40 years in age. Blunt trauma was the commonest cause of popliteal artery injury (68.4%), and 84.6% of the patients had associated skeletal injury. The amputation rate in the present study was 26.3% (5/19). There were no intraoperative or in-hospital deaths. Three of 13 patients (23%) with blunt trauma underwent amputation, compared to two of six (33.3%) with penetrating injury. Two of three amputee patients in the blunt trauma group had dislocated knees. CONCLUSION: Despite technical improvements in management of popliteal artery injury, a high amputation rate is still seen, especially in patients with one or more of the following factors: extensive soft-issue injury, associated skeletal trauma, knee dislocation, and prolonged ischaemia time. Measures to reduce the amputation rate, ranging from more prompt diagnosis to modified surgical treatment techniques, are discussed.  相似文献   

From 1975 to 1987, 68 patients were operated with repeated subinguinal bypass (SIB) following early or late thrombosis os an initial bypass graft; 10 were operated with a third SIB, 4 with a fourth SIB. The indication for the second SIB was acute ischemia in 15 cases and chronic ischemia in 53. The graft material used was venous in 21 cases, prosthetic in 29 cases and mixed in 53. The distal anastomosis was performed on the upper popliteal artery in 12 cases, the lower popliteal artery in 34 cases or an artery in leg in 22 cases. The actuarial permeability rate of 84 repeated SIBs, whatever the material, was 21.7% at 1 year (50.2% for venous grafts and 13.6% for prosthetic grafts). The limb preservation rate was 47.9% at 5 years. Operative mortality was about 1%. The analysis of the results suggests that the repeated SIB should be performed only: for limb salvage, if the downstream arterial bed is in good condition, with usable venous material. The risk of having to perform a thigh amputation rather than a leg amputation when attempting repeated SIB is of 13.9% only.  相似文献   

Popliteal artery trauma is uncommon but is associated with a high risk of limb loss depending on the scenario involving blunt or penetrating trauma as well as the severity and extent of injury that has occurred. In our setting there is a significant amount of gang and civilian warfare resulting in Vascular Trauma. There were 32 patients over a decade who sustained traumatic injury to the popliteal artery consisting of 30 males (94%) and 2 females with an age range 16–59 years with a mean of 32. There were 20 cases of penetrating trauma (63%) and 12 cases of blunt trauma (37%). Of the penetrating trauma, 18 were due to gunshot wounds (GSWs) (90%) and 2 stabs. The majority (7/12; 58%) of blunt trauma was due to falls, and 42% (5/12) secondary to motor vehicular accidents (MVAs). In terms of extent of injury, 21 of 32 patients (65%) sustained an isolated popliteal artery injury, whilst 6 (19%) had injury to both the popliteal artery and vein and another 5 (16%) had combined popliteal artery, vein and nerve injuries. There were 14 cases with associated orthopaedic injuries: 7 posterior knee dislocations, 1 fracture/dislocation of the knee, 2 femoral fractures, 2 tibial plateau fractures and 2 tibia/fibula fracture. Methods of repair included 14 reversed vein grafts, 16 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) grafts and 2 primary. The overall amputation rate was 28% (9 patients). Of the penetrating trauma patients 25% required amputations composed of 5 GSWs, 33% of the blunt trauma patients required amputations. It was noted that factors associated with (but not statistically significant) poor outcomes included combined artery/vein injury, artery/vein/nerve injury, concomitant fracture/dislocation and delayed transfer to a Vascular Surgery Unit. The type of graft or repair did not affect outcome. The incidence of popliteal artery trauma was calculated at 2.46 per 100,000 population per year.  相似文献   

Injuries of the popliteal artery have the highest rate of limb loss compared with other peripheral vascular injuries. Particularly, blunt popliteal artery trauma is known to be associated with a high rate of amputation. Traumatic vascular injuries are usually associated with dislocations and fractures. We describe the radiographic findings as well as the delayed presentation and management of a crush injury of the left leg in an 8-year-old girl resulting in dissection of the popliteal artery without a dislocation or fracture.  相似文献   

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