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外来杂草入侵的化学机制   总被引:58,自引:9,他引:49  
由外来杂草入侵引发的严重生态和经济问题已倍受关注,外来杂草在新生境成功入侵,除了具备一些基本的生物生态学特征外,还应具备一些特有的入侵机制,阐明外来杂草的各种入侵机制可以为入侵杂草的预测和控制提供科学依据。外来杂草只有在新生境中与原产地生物种间的相互作用中取得优势,才能定植并扩增种群而成功入侵.在这些外来杂草和原产地生物种间的相互作用关系中,化学关系是不可忽视的方面.目前研究已经证实:植物的化感作用在外来杂草成功入侵中发挥着重要的作用.事实上,植物也可以通过合成和释放特定的化学物质防御或抑制新生境的动物、植物和微生物.外来杂草入侵的化学机制涉及到植物化学生态学的各个方面。因此,外来杂草的化学生态学特征应作为入侵种预测的重要指标之一,外来杂草入侵的化学机制应是今后重要的研究方向。  相似文献   

【目的】高黎贡山生物多样性资源丰富,蕴藏着极高的生态系统服务价值,是中国重要的西南生态安全屏障。在气候变化和人类活动等影响下,高黎贡山正面临越来越多的外来植物入侵。明确外来入侵植物分布特征与生态系统服务重要区的空间对应关系,能够为高黎贡山外来入侵植物防控及生态安全屏障建设提供科学支撑。【方法】利用当量因子法,在3 km×3 km网格单元尺度下评估高黎贡山生态系统服务价值并进行重要性分级分区;以文献资料分析和实地调查相结合分析高黎贡山区域外来入侵植物的空间分布格局;利用Arcgis 10.2软件分析空间对应关系。【结果】高黎贡山生态系统服务重要性分为5级,单位面积价值量最高的生态系统类型为水系、阔叶林、针叶林、灌木林和灌草丛。外来入侵植物为59种,入侵等级为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的物种分别有12、17、8、11和11种。除1级重要区外,其他区域均分布有外来入侵植物,其中3级和4级重要区(主要为灌木林地和耕地)分布的外来入侵植物的种类和数量最多。【结论】外来植物入侵威胁高黎贡山生态系统服务供给,亟需开展外来入侵植物系统调查评估以识别高等级入侵植物实施外来入侵植物差别化管控;陆生外来入侵植物应该成为高黎贡山外来入侵植物研究的重点;人工灌木林地和耕地作为高黎贡山外来入侵植物集聚区应该重点关注开展外来入侵植物防控。  相似文献   

外来种入侵的不确定性动态模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
齐相贞  林振山 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2434-2439
外来种的入侵性和生境的可入侵性是研究生物入侵机制的两个关键因素。总结多数学者的研究成果,认为外来种的拓殖率(迁移率或繁殖率)、死亡率及在新生境中的竞争力是衡量外来种能否入侵成功的内在实质。从全新的角度出发,将引入的外来种看作是对原有生态系统的一种干扰,并在此基础上结合Tilman的多物种共存模型提出了外来种干扰模型。模拟发现外来种在入侵时具有明显的不确定性。拓殖率小的外来种在新的生态系统中由于不能适应环境无法成功定殖,被排斥在系统之外;相反,拓殖率足够大的话,外来种由于自身优势具有很强的入侵性,在几年或几十年的时间内就会成功地在新的环境中建立种群并拓殖入侵,影响了当地物种的生存及原有生态系统的稳定。研究还发现,物种入侵也存在一定的不确定性,入侵不一定会一直持续下去,或许在百年或几百年的时间内入侵种会突然灭绝,原生态系统又恢复到原来的水平。  相似文献   

全球变化引起的生物入侵已经严重地威胁了生物多样性分布和生态系统功能与服务.生物入侵分布格局及其影响因素的深入研究有助于更好地预测和管理外来入侵物种,从而有效地保护生物多样性和生态系统功能与服务.然而,目前尚未有研究系统地讨论不同时期人类活动与自然因子对中国外来入侵植物、外来入侵昆虫和外来入侵微生物分布格局的影响.本研究基于最近出版的外来入侵生物相关资料,首先描述了3个外来入侵类群在我国的省级分布格局.然后利用单因素普通最小二乘法模型和空间自回归模型探讨了不同时期人类活动和自然因素对这些分布格局的影响.结果表明, 3个外来入侵类群丰富度在我国各省份的分布呈现相似的格局,即东南偏多,西北偏少;相较于入侵植物和入侵昆虫,入侵微生物在东北和华北的丰富度也较高. 2000年的国内生产总值是影响3个分类群丰富度最大的人类活动指标,且均呈显著正相关关系.在自然因子中,年均温和年降水对入侵植物丰富度和入侵昆虫丰富度解释率也较高,且呈显著正相关关系,但对入侵微生物丰富度影响不显著.值得一提的是,即使在控制自然因子的影响后, 2000年的国内生产总值依然是对3个分类群丰富度影响最大的因子.研究结果表明,尽...  相似文献   

论述中国西南纵向岭谷区外来入侵植物对生物多样性的影响。中国西南纵向岭谷区是我国生物多样性保护的关键地区。目前,该区域已成为外来植物入侵的重灾区,外来入侵植物种类多达70余种,其中,紫茎泽兰Ageratina adenophora(Eupatoriumadenophorum)、飞机草Chromolaena odorata(Eupatorium odoratum)和肿柄菊Tithonia diversifolia等在该区域危害严重,该区域的生态系统的结构与功能遭受破坏,本地物种面临灭绝,农、林、牧生产乃至区域的生态安全受到威胁。该区域的外来入侵植物的危害居全国之冠。研究该区域的外来入侵植物,揭示其危害规律,遏制其危害速度,最终清除该区域的外来入侵植物,恢复该区域的生态平衡,具有十分重要的现实意义和科学价值。文中详细论述了外来入侵植物对植物物种多样性、植物群落多样性、生态系统多样性、农牧业及林业的影响,最后指出消除和控制外来入侵植物的途径。  相似文献   

生物入侵对鸟类的生态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵是全球生物多样性面临的最主要威胁之一, 入侵种在改变入侵地环境的同时也使当地的生物受到极大影响。鸟类在生态系统中处于较高的营养级, 生态系统中任何一个环节的变化都可能对鸟类造成一定的影响。本文回顾了哺乳动物、鸟类、无脊椎动物和植物等不同生物类群的入侵对本地鸟类生态影响方面的研究进展。外来生物对鸟类的影响主要表现在以下几方面: (1)外来哺乳动物对成鸟、幼鸟或鸟卵的捕食作用; (2)外来鸟类与本地鸟类竞争栖息地和食物资源, 与当地的近缘种杂交而造成基因流失; (3)外来无脊椎动物改变本地鸟类的栖息环境和食物状况, 甚至直接捕食本地鸟类; (4)外来植物入侵改变入侵地的植物群落组成和结构, 造成本地鸟类的栖息地丧失或破碎化, 并通过改变入侵地生态系统的食物链结构而对高营养级的鸟类产生影响。最后, 作者还提出了该领域有待解决的问题和今后可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

中国农业生态系统外来种入侵及其管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统极易遭受外来生物入侵。作者根据文献资料和多年工作观察统计出入侵我国农业生态系统的外来生物共计92科175属239种, 其中植物155种, 动物55种, 微生物29种, 植物多为有意引入后逸生, 而动物和微生物则主要是无意引入。外来入侵种发生数量呈现从南到北、从东到西逐渐减少的趋势。这些入侵种中, 来源于美洲的最多(占45.04%), 其次是欧洲(22.90%); 菜地(包括温室大棚)和果园入侵种最多, 分别达64.85%和66.53%, 而半年期的秋熟旱地和夏熟旱地分别占34.31%和23.85%。其中17种外来杂草、10种害虫、7种病原菌为恶性有害生物, 应作为防除的重点目标。目前农业生态系统外来入侵物种的控制以化学防治为主, 但由于长期施用化学农药, 在侵入我国农田的入侵种中, 已有51种在世界不同地区演化出抗药性生物型, 因而需重视生物防治、农业和生态防治以及检疫等的综合应用。今后外来种对农业生态系统的入侵格局、机制和趋势, 入侵途径以及生物入侵和抗药性生物型对农业生态系统中有害生物群落演替的影响、转基因作物导致的生物入侵等问题值得关注。  相似文献   

我国外来入侵生物防控现状、问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
外来物种入侵已经威胁全球多个国家和地区,严重影响农林牧渔业生产,威胁生态系统稳定,是当前全球生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,开展入侵物种防控已成为生物多样性保护与农业绿色发展的重点工作。我国已经成为全球遭受生物入侵威胁与损失最为严重的国家之一,截至2018年底,入侵我国的外来物种有近800种,已确认入侵农林生态系统的有638种,全国31个省(区、市)均有外来生物入侵发生并带来危害,半数以上县域都有入侵物种分布,几乎涉及所有类型的生态系统。本文对全球主要发达国家外来入侵物种发生情况及防控进行梳理发现,从国家层面立法开展外来入侵生物防控成为主流,制定长期防控战略并增加投入是入侵物种防控成功的关键。近些年,我国在外来入侵物种防控方面初步建立了工作机制,发布了重点管理外来入侵物种名录,完成了重点入侵物种的调查监测,开展了局部地区的防控措施,积极推动立法工作。根据国外生物入侵防治经验与我国实际情况,本研究提出我国外来入侵物种防控对策建议,包括加强法制建设、开展本底调查和启动重大防控工程等,为我国外来侵入生物的防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

红河流域的外来人侵植物   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

红河流域的外来入侵植物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
红河流域是中国生物多样性最为丰富的地区,植物区系起源古老,生态系统类型复杂多样.本文论述了红河流域外来入侵植物的现状,列举了73种红河流域外来入侵物的种类,对危害比较严重的紫茎泽兰、飞机草、马樱丹、肿柄菊、凤眼莲和空心莲子草6种植物作了具体介绍.对外来入侵植物的控制对策,入侵植物本身的生物学特性的研究、保护生物多样性和退化生态系统的恢复以及路域生态系统管理等几方面作了论述.结果表明,减少人类对生态系统的干扰和破坏,恢复本地植被是防止外来入侵植物入侵的有效途径.  相似文献   

The roles of climatic factors in plant invasions have drawn intense attention in the past. America was one of the major donors of the invasive plants in China. In this study, we investigated the roles of climatic factors in plant invasions from America into China through Akaike’s information criterion model analysis in terms of specific geographical origins, respectively. From south to north, decreasing trends of species diversity were observed on the plants from Central-South America and Mexico, while the greatest alien species diversity in mid-Chinese latitudes was observed on the invaders from North America; For the invaders from Central-South America and Mexico, climatic factors explained most of the spatial variations, while for those from North America, the roles of the climatic factors were weak. The role of the climatic factors in plant invasions may, in some extent, depend on the ecological characters inherited form the geographical origins and their accommodation to the climate of the invaded regions. If the invasive plants were introduced into the region with similar environment to their area of origin, the role of the climatic factors may be shadowed by other factors. However, for the invaders whom were introduced into the regions vastly different from their areas of origin, climatic barriers may be responsible for most of the spatial variations. The invasive plants from Central-South America and Mexico may have strong potential to invade regions at higher latitude in China in the scenario of global warming, while for the invaders from North America, the impacts of global warming may be shadowed by other factors.  相似文献   

认识区域尺度上外来入侵植物的分布格局及其成因对预测入侵的影响和入侵种的管理具有重要意义。该文采用聚类分析和排序的方法分析了我国外来入侵植物的空间格局,并利用多元线性逐步回归和典范对应分析探讨了自然环境因子和人类活动强度对中国32个省级空间单位(省市自治区,不包括香港和澳门)中外来入侵植物分布的影响。结果表明,中国各省外来入侵植物物种数从南到北逐渐减少,导致这一格局的主要因子为无霜期;各省外来入侵植物物种密度由东南海岸向内陆递减,造成这一趋势的主要影响因素为交通密度;纬度是解释中国各省外来入侵植物物种组成变异的主要因子,因此中国32个省区可归为低、中、高纬度区3大类型。在此基础上预测中国东南部地区有遭受更多外来植物入侵的可能;此外,交通发达的区域也将成为外来植物入侵的热点区,应该引起有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

The establishment, reproduction, dispersal, and distribution of alien plants are affected by various factors during the transition from being newly introduced in a habitat to being invasive. In the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China, comprising farmlands and natural grasslands, the biological characteristics of alien plant species were the key intrinsic factors (propagation characteristics and competitive ability), followed by such extrinsic factors as human interference and environmental heterogeneity. Among biological characteristics, the life form may be an important and useful indicator of the invasive ability of a species, and the risk of invasion is greater from alien species that are poisonous, inedible, and have traits that facilitate wide dispersal. Farmlands may serve as initial shelters for alien species, from which they spread into neighbouring habitats, whereas natural grassland may act as a barrier to plant invasions. Management practices detrimental to grasslands, including overgrazing, reclamation, and road construction, often facilitate the invasions; therefore, counter measures such as reseeding and a ban on grazing need special attention. Environmental factors including precipitation, nutrients, prevailing winds, fires, and topography may be other factors that promote or block the process of invasion. In studying ways of preventing or controlling such invasions, alien plants with short life cycle, prolific seed production, and strong competitiveness, deserve particular attention and so do human activities that may damage the environment and fragile habitats.  相似文献   

The status and causes of alien species invasion in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Data of classification, origin, pathway and environmental impacts of invasive alien micro-organisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, weeds, trees, and marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of China, were analyzed, based on literature retrieval, field survey and consultation. Some 283 invasive alien species were recorded in China, including 19 invasive alien micro-organisms, 18 aquatic plants, 170 terrestrial plants, 25 aquatic invertebrates, 33 terrestrial invertebrates, 3 amphibians and reptiles, 10 fish, and 5 mammals. Of the invasive alien species, 55.1% originated from North and South America, 21.7% from Europe, 9.9% from Asia, 8.1% from Africa and 0.6% from Oceania. Many institutions and individuals in China lack adequate knowledge of ecological and environmental consequences caused by invasive alien species, with some ignorance of the dangerous invasion in the introduction of alien species. For instance, 50.0% of invasive alien plants were intentionally introduced as pasture, feedingstuff, ornamental plants, textile plants, medicinal plants, vegetables, or lawn plants, 25% of alien invasive animals were intentionally introduced for cultivation, ornament, or biological control, In addition, more efforts are being made in the introduction of alien species, and little attention is paid on the management of introduced alien species, which may cause their escape into natural environment and potential threats to the environment. There were also gaps in quarantine system in China. All microorganisms were unintentionally introduced, through timber, seedling, flowerpot, or soil; 76.3% of alien invasive animals invaded through commodity or transportation facility because of the failure of quarantine. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strictly implemented; and meanwhile the intentional introduction of alien species should be strictly managed and a system of risk assessment should be implemented.  相似文献   

中国外来入侵植物的等级划分与地理分布格局分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于文献报道、野外调查、标本记录和必要的分类学考证, 整理出我国外来入侵植物72科285属515种。根据外来入侵种的生物学与生态学特性、自然地理分布、入侵范围以及所产生的危害, 将其划分为5类: 即恶性入侵类(34种)、严重入侵类(69种)、局部入侵类(85种)、一般入侵类(80种)和有待观察类(247种)。通过地理分布格局分析, 中国外来入侵植物主要分布在我国西南及东部沿海地区, 并进一步扩散到内陆各省。中国外来入侵等级划分和地理分布格局可以作为外来入侵植物风险防范和管理的依据。本工作提供我国外来入侵植物的本底资料的同时, 还对主要外来入侵植物的管理提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

Our understanding of the interrelated mechanisms driving plant invasions, such as the interplay between enemy release and resource‐acquisition traits, is biased by an aboveground perspective. To address this bias, I hypothesize that plant release from belowground enemies (especially fungal pathogens) will give invasive plant species a fitness advantage in the alien range, via shifts in root traits (e.g., increased specific root length and branching intensity) that increase resource uptake and competitive ability compared to native species in the alien range, and compared to plants of the invader in its native range. Such root‐trait changes could be ecological or evolutionary in nature. I explain how shifts in root traits could occur as a consequence of enemy release and contribute to invasion success of alien plants, and how they could be interrelated with other potential belowground drivers of invasion success (allelopathy, mutualist enhancement). Finally, I outline the approaches that could be taken to test whether belowground enemy release results in increased competitive ability and nutrient uptake by invasive alien plants, via changes in root traits in the alien range.  相似文献   

【目的】广西中越边境是中国通往东盟各国的重要通道。近年来,外来入侵植物对该地区的生态安全和经济发展都产生了严重的威胁。为有效预防和控制中越边境的外来入侵植物,保障中越边境地区生态安全和经济健康发展,需要掌握中越边境外来入侵植物的基本信息。【方法】通过实地调查、拍照和采集标本,分析广西中越边境外来入侵植物的种类组成、生活型和危害程度等;通过文献资料,了解所调查外来入侵植物的原产地和入侵途径等。【结果】广西中越边境外来入侵植物共121种,隶属于38科,其中菊科最多,有26种,豆科次之,有11种;外来入侵植物以草本为主,有102种,占总种数的84.30%;原产地来源最多的是美洲,有92种,占总种数的68.66%;人为有意引入有68种,占总种数的56.20%;严重危害的有23种,中等危害的有32种,一般危害的有66种。【结论】广西中越边境外来入侵植物种类多且分布范围广、传播途径复杂、危害严重种类多,急需对广西中越边境的外来入侵植物进行预防和控制,特别是要严密监控新发生入侵种类的动态,积极控制已产生危害的严重种类,实行预防为主、防治结合的原则。  相似文献   

The majority of plant species rely, at least partly, on animals for pollination. Our knowledge on whether pollinator visitation differs between native and alien plant species, and between invasive and non-invasive alien species is still limited. Additionally, because numerous invasive plant species are escapees from horticulture, the transition from human-assisted occurrence in urbanized habitats to unassisted persistence and spread in (semi-)natural habitats requires study. To address whether pollinator visitation differs between native, invasive alien and non-invasive alien species, we did pollinator observations for a total of 17 plant species representing five plant families. To test whether pollinator visitation to the three groups of species during the initial stage of invasion depends on habitat type, we did the study in three urbanized habitats and three semi-natural grasslands, using single potted plants. Native plants had more but smaller flower units than alien plants, and invasive alien plants had more but smaller flowers than non-invasive alien plants. After accounting for these differences in floral display, pollinator visitation was higher for native than for alien plant species, but did not differ between invasive and non-invasive alien plant species. Pollinator visitation was on average higher in semi-natural than in urbanized habitats, irrespective of origin or status of the plant species. This might suggest that once an alien species has managed to escape from urbanized into more natural habitats, pollinator limitation will not be a major barrier to establishment and invasion.  相似文献   

Plant invasions--the role of mutualisms   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Many introduced plant species rely on mutualisms in their new habitats to overcome barriers to establishment and to become naturalized and, in some cases, invasive. Mutualisms involving animal-mediated pollination and seed dispersal, and symbioses between plant roots and microbiota often facilitate invasions. The spread of many alien plants, particularly woody ones, depends on pollinator mutualisms. Most alien plants are well served by generalist pollinators (insects and birds), and pollinator limitation does not appear to be a major barrier for the spread of introduced plants (special conditions relating to Ficus and orchids are described). Seeds of many of the most notorious plant invaders are dispersed by animals, mainly birds and mammals. Our review supports the view that tightly coevolved, plant-vertebrate seed dispersal systems are extremely rare. Vertebrate-dispersed plants are generally not limited reproductively by the lack of dispersers. Most mycorrhizal plants form associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi which, because of their low specificity, do not seem to play a major role in facilitating or hindering plant invasions (except possibly on remote islands such as the Galapagos which are poor in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi). The lack of symbionts has, however, been a major barrier for many ectomycorrhizal plants, notably for Pinus spp. in parts of the southern hemisphere. The roles of nitrogen-fixing associations between legumes and rhizobia and between actinorhizal plants and Frankia spp. in promoting or hindering invasions have been virtually ignored in the invasions literature. Symbionts required to induce nitrogen fixation in many plants are extremely widespread, but intentional introductions of symbionts have altered the invasibility of many, if not most, systems. Some of the world's worst invasive alien species only invaded after the introduction of symbionts. Mutualisms in the new environment sometimes re-unite the same species that form partnerships in the native range of the plant. Very often, however, different species are involved, emphasizing the diffuse nature of many (most) mutualisms. Mutualisms in new habitats usually duplicate functions or strategies that exist in the natural range of the plant. Occasionally, mutualisms forge totally novel combinations, with profound implications for the behaviour of the introduced plant in the new environment (examples are seed dispersal mutualisms involving wind-dispersed pines and cockatoos in Australia; and mycorrhizal associations involving plant roots and fungi). Many ecosystems are becoming more susceptible to invasion by introduced plants because: (a) they contain an increasing array of potential mutualistic partners (e.g. generalist frugivores and pollinators, mycorrhizal fungi with wide host ranges, rhizobia strains with infectivity across genera); and (b) conditions conductive for the establishment of various alien/alien synergisms are becoming more abundant. Incorporating perspectives on mutualisms in screening protocols will improve (but not perfect) our ability to predict whether a given plant species could invade a particular habitat.  相似文献   

中国外来入侵物种的分布与传入路径分析   总被引:94,自引:0,他引:94  
外来物种入侵已成为全球性的环境问题,本文采用文献调研,实地考察与专家咨询相结合的方式,调查了全国陆生,淡水水生生态系统中外来入侵微生物,无脊椎动物,两栖爬行类,鱼类,鸟类,哺乳类,杂草,树木和海洋生态系统中外来入侵物种的种类及分类地位,起源,引入路径和环境影响等内容。查明我国共有283种外来入侵物种,其中外来入侵微生物,水生植物,陆生植物,水生无脊椎动物,陆生无脊椎动物,两栖爬行类,鱼类,哺乳类分别为19种,18种,170种,25种,33种,3种,10种和5种,来源于美洲,欧洲,亚洲,非洲,大洋洲的外来入侵物种分别占55.1%,21.7%,9.9%.8.1%和0.6%。我国对外来物种的引进存在一定程度的盲目性;50.%的外来入侵植物是作为牧草或饲料,观赏植物,纤维植物,药用植物,蔬菜,草坪模特而引进的;25%的外来入侵动物是用于养殖,观赏,生物防治的引种,对外来物种只重引进,疏于管理,也可能导致外来物种逃逸到自然环境中,造成潜在的环境意传入的;76.3%的外来入侵动物是由于检查不严,随贸易物品或运输工具传入我国的。因此,我国既要加强检疫工作,又要对外来物种的有意引进进行严格管理,实行外来物种引进的风险评估制度。  相似文献   

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