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我省40个县从1998年以来参加推广牛羊四种寄生虫病(血矛线虫病,肝片吸虫病、锥虫病、血吸虫病)联合诊治技术(四联),到目前为止,检查牛181323头,羊24008只,治疗牛52757头,羊3052只。经查治后,阳性率有变化;血矛线虫病;牛从诊治前的5.2%下降为目前的1.2%,羊从6.5%降为2.1%,血吸虫病:牛从3.8%降为1.1%,羊从1.5%降为0.8%;伊氏锥虫病:牛从3.03%降为0  相似文献   

我省 40个县从 1 998年以来参加推广牛羊四种寄生虫病 (血矛线虫病、肝片吸虫病、锥虫病、血吸虫病 )联合诊治技术 (四联 ) ,到目前为止 ,检查牛 1 81 32 3头 ,羊 2 4 0 0 8只 ;治疗牛52 757头 ,羊 30 52只。经查治后 ,阳性率有变化 :血矛线虫病 :牛从诊治前的 5.2 %下降为目前的1 .2 %,羊从 6.5%降为 2 .1 %;血吸虫病 :牛从 3.8%降为 1 .1 %,羊从 1 .5%降为 0 .8%;伊氏锥虫病 :牛从 3.0 3%降为 0 .99%,羊从 0 .4%降为 0 .1 %;肝片吸虫病 ,牛从 35.7%降为 8.9%,羊从1 3.5%降为 4.2 %。死亡率从 1 997年前牛 5.2 %、羊 5.5%下降至现在的 1 .8%、1 .9%。牛羊的体增重、产肉率、奶牛产乳量、耕牛耕役力、牛羊育成率均有提高。节省劳务开支 1 2 7.8万元 ,节省化验费用 1 35.52万元 ,取得经济效益 1 52 0 .34万元 ,该项新技术 ,在我省推广应用获得成功  相似文献   

为了巩固血吸虫病防治成果,了解血矛线虫、锥虫和肝片吸虫在我市的流行情况,我们从1998年开始,推广浙江省农科院畜牧兽医研究所研制的牛羊四种寄生虫病联合诊治技术。三年来,共推广应用于牛1557头,羊19477头。1998年检出血矛线虫的阳性率,肉牛及奶牛为29.73%,湖凌晨为30.27%,牛锥虫病阳性率为18.01%(主要为外来菜牛),湖羊为0%。牛肝片吸虫阳性率为22.7%,湖凌晨为30.8%。治疗后,2000年检测血矛线虫的阳性率牛为2.78%,湖羊2.1%,锥虫病阳性率牛为1.17%,湖羊0%,肝片吸虫阳性率牛为2.05%,本地湖羊3.81%。每头牛增重45kg,每头羊增重3.75kg,每头奶牛增乳550kg,并节省了大量的劳力、化验费和医药费用,全市共计增加经济效益225.67万元,有力地保护了本市的畜牧业安全生产和人民身体健康。  相似文献   

衢州柯城区牛羊寄生虫病的联合诊治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛羊血矛线虫、日本血吸虫、伊氏锥虫、肝片吸虫的联合诊治技术具有快速、简单、经济、实用等优点 ,一次实验 ,一片血纸即可同时诊查四种寄生虫病 ,节省了大量的人力物力。1 四种寄生虫病流行及查治情况  衢州柯城区解放前曾是有名的血吸虫病重灾区 ,伊氏锥虫病、肝片吸虫病也曾严重流行。历史上耕牛血吸虫病阳性率最高曾达32 .1%,伊氏锥虫病达 2 1.1%,肝片吸虫病达 74.5 %,血矛线虫病因从未查治而无资料记载。三种寄生虫病的流行都曾给该区畜牧业、农业生产造成严重损失。血吸虫病的查治最早使用粪孵法 ,费工费时 ,检出率低。 1990年后…  相似文献   

余杭市因气候条件好,家畜寄生虫病流行较广,因此,三年来对牛羊血矛线虫、血吸虫、锥虫及肝片吸虫四种虫进行了联合诊治,四虫病疫情大幅度下降,巩固了血防成果,提高了防治效果与畜牧业经济的发展。  相似文献   

疫区牛羊同时寄生有捻转血矛线虫、日本血吸虫、伊氏锥虫和肝片吸虫等多种寄生虫。目前血清学诊断方法对这 4种寄生虫病的检测需 2~ 4次操作。将捻转血矛线虫、日本血吸虫、伊氏锥虫和肝片吸虫抗原分别以 0 1 5 ,0 0 4 ,0 0 6和 0 1 3μg/ μL的最佳浓度依次定点在同一硝酸纤维素膜条上 ,制成 4种寄生虫病联合诊断膜。用黄牛IgG ,水牛IgG和山羊IgG联合免疫兔 ,获得了高效价兔抗黄牛、水牛和山羊 (简称兔抗牛羊 )IgG抗血清。应用兔抗牛羊IgG抗血清连接酶标SPA ,建立了 1份血纸能同时用于检测牛、羊捻转血矛线虫、日本血吸虫、伊氏锥虫和肝片吸虫病抗体技术。经浙江、湖北、四川、安徽等省应用 ,该项技术具有省工、省时、经济、实用等优点。适宜于牛、羊捻转血矛线虫、日本血吸虫、伊氏锥虫和肝片吸虫病流行区的普查或监测  相似文献   

血吸虫、肝片吸虫、伊氏锥虫及捻转血矛线虫是危害养牛业的几种重要寄生虫病,在日本血吸虫病流行区往往同时有肝片吸虫、伊氏锥虫及捻转血矛线虫病的流行.加强对上述几种寄生虫病的防治一直是耕牛寄生虫病防治工作的重点.在实际工作中,利用粪检法检查上述几种寄生虫病往往需要投入大量的人力物力.  相似文献   

玛沁县是一个纯牧业县 ,1999年初共有各类牲畜58 35万头 (只、匹 ) ,其中牛 2 0 2 6万头 ,羊 37 0 3万只 ,马 1 0 6万匹。自牛羊烈性传染病得到控制和消灭后 ,寄生虫病对牲畜的危害已成为阻碍畜牧业生产发展的重要因素之一。据 1996— 1997年欧盟专家和我省、州、县、乡行  相似文献   

牛羊寄生虫病综合防治新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,一些地区推行的牛羊寄生虫病的综合性防治新技术,改变了过去传统的防治方法,使单一寄生虫防治改为主要寄生虫整体的有序防治,使零星间断的治疗改为有组织连片的预防措施,使牛羊群的寄生虫得到全面驱治和预防,提高了综合防治效果.  相似文献   

青藏高原牛羊寄生虫病的春季高潮和防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放牧牛羊的春乏死亡,历来是制约青藏高原畜牧业发展的严重问题,许多学者的调查研究说明,寄生虫的侵袭和营养缺乏,是导致春乏死亡的主要原因。八十年代以后,笔者等对春乏死亡最严重的幼龄绵羊、幼龄牦牛从成虫和寄生阶段幼虫两个方面,同步进行了一系列研究。发现在春季成虫高潮之前,有一个显著的冬季幼虫高潮。同时以实验证明了幼虫发育受阻现象与春季高潮的因果关系。研究制订了冬  相似文献   

In March 2007, cutaneous nodules were observed on the neck, shoulder and back of a breeding bull imported from France in November 2006. The nodules opened spontaneously and produced a haemorrhagic exudate. The cause was Parafilaria bovicola, a filariid nematode not endemic to The Netherlands. The worm can cause substantial economic loss because of the need to trim carcasses and because of the diminished value of hides. The infection is spread by the fly Musca autumnalis, which is common in The Netherlands. Because treatment does not stop the infection from spreading, the bull was culled to prevent the risk of infection of the national herd. To our knowledge, this is the first case of Parafilaria bovicola in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a morantel long-acting device in preventing parasitic gastroenteric infections throughout a whole year was evaluated in heifers and steer calves in south central Québec. Thirty-two calves, comprising nine Hereford steers, one Hereford heifer, fourteen Holstein crossbred steers and eight Holstein crossbred heifers, were allotted into two treatment groups and maintained throughout the grazing season on adjacent pastures resulting from equivalently dividing one original pasture. One morantel long-acting device was administered to each animal in one group at the time of turnout onto the pasture in the spring while the calves in the other group remained as nonmedicated controls. The parasitic infections incurred during the pasture season were primarily Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Cooperia and Nematodirus.

The following fall, after twelve calves were necropsied for worm counts, the twenty remaining ones were brought into the barn where they were kept throughout the winter with access to an outside yard. They received good quality hay and rolled barley (1 kg/head/day) up until the following May, at which time they were weighed and had fecal samples taken for egg counts. In contrast to the results observed among controls, the morantel long-acting device treatment group had an 87% reduction in fecal worm egg excretion and a 67.3 kg per calf increased weight gain after one year.


高寒牧区牛羊"三蚴病"防治效果调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查 ,了解和掌握海北高寒牧区牛羊不同年龄的“三蚴病”的感染情况及疫情动态 ,正确评价和分析在高寒牧区大面积开展“犬犬投药、季节驱虫”为模式的综合防治效果  相似文献   

Farm animals remain at risk of endemic, exotic and newly emerging viruses. Vaccination is often promoted as the best possible solution, and yet for many pathogens, either there are no appropriate vaccines or those that are available are far from ideal. A complementary approach to disease control may be to identify genes and chromosomal regions that underlie genetic variation in disease resistance and response to vaccination. However, identification of the causal polymorphisms is not straightforward as it generally requires large numbers of animals with linked phenotypes and genotypes. Investigation of genes underlying complex traits such as resistance or response to viral pathogens requires several genetic approaches including candidate genes deduced from knowledge about the cellular pathways leading to protection or pathology, or unbiased whole genome scans using markers spread across the genome. Evidence for host genetic variation exists for a number of viral diseases in cattle including bovine respiratory disease and anecdotally, foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV). We immunised and vaccinated a cattle cross herd with a 40-mer peptide derived from FMDV and a vaccine against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Genetic variation has been quantified. A candidate gene approach has grouped high and low antibody and T cell responders by common motifs in the peptide binding pockets of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (BoLA) DRB3 gene. This suggests that vaccines with a minimal number of epitopes that are recognised by most cattle could be designed. Whole genome scans using microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers has revealed many novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) and SNP markers controlling both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, some of which are in genes of known immunological relevance including the toll-like receptors (TLRs). The sequencing, assembly and annotation of livestock genomes and is continuing apace. In addition, provision of high-density SNP chips should make it possible to link phenotypes with genotypes in field populations without the need for structured populations or pedigree information. This will hopefully enable fine mapping of QTL and ultimate identification of the causal gene(s). The research could lead to selection of animals that are more resistant to disease and new ways to improve vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

几年前,猪囊虫病在兴安盟科右前旗部份乡镇广泛流行,通过“驱、检、管、治”综合防治措施,使猪囊虫病感染率由二十世纪90年代初的17.10%降至2003年为零,获得明显的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

德国黄牛原产德国和奥地利,在美洲和欧洲享有较高声誉,为肉乳兼用型品种,侧重于肉用.其毛色为金黄、黄红或黑红色,体躯长、体格大、胸深背直、四肢短而有力,肌肉强健.  相似文献   

Cattle show considerable variability in their responses to a wide range of disease challenges, and much of the variability is genetic. This review highlights genetic variation in disease susceptibility in Bos taurus cattle, with variation found at the breed level and also within breeds. Disease challenges come from bacteria and viruses, parasites and feed-borne toxins. For an animal to survive, it needs its own mechanisms for resisting these challenges, or for being resilient to them, or it must be protected artificially from them. Disease challenges have been classified as 'diseases from without', but there is also another class of genetic diseases resulting from inborn errors of metabolism, which might be called 'diseases from within'. Degrees of inheritance (heritabilities) are reviewed for a range of economically important traits including resistance to mastitis, ketosis, lameness, nematode parasites, external parasites, eye disease, respiratory disorders, tuberculosis, brucellosis, Johne's disease, foot-and-mouth disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, metabolic disorders caused by toxins found on the feed, and threshold levels of minerals and metabolites. Many, but not all, of the above require an immune response as part of the fight against an external challenge, and measurements have been made of general immune response as a way of describing or predicting how an animal will respond. There are now some examples of industry or breed societies applying selection for resistance to one or more diseases as part of a complete breeding objective in dairy cattle, beef cattle or dual purpose livestock. In most cases, industry and breed societies are in the early stages of applying effective selection pressure for resistance to specific cattle diseases, with the notable exceptions of Scandinavian cattle schemes, which lead the world in this respect.  相似文献   

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