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在研究不同钢渣掺量胶凝体系稳定性的基础上,以40%的钢渣粉掺加15%矿渣粉、5%硅灰粉,采用自配复合激发剂成功地制备出早期抗折强度、抗压强度达到4.5MPa、18.8MPa且满足42.5强度等级的复合胶凝材料,通过其孔隙率及微观结构测试分析表明:钢渣复合胶凝材料水化产物致密,孔隙率低,后期抗压强度、抗折强度发展较好。  相似文献   

矿渣粉煤灰制备胶凝材料的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了一种利用矿渣和粉煤灰制备胶凝材料的方法(矿渣和粉煤灰的比表面积为500m2/kg).研究了二水石膏和激发荆的质量分数对该胶凝材料强度的影响,运用扫描电镜分析了该胶凝材料的微观结构和形貌特征.结果表明,当矿渣、粉煤灰、二水石膏和激发剂的质量比为80∶5∶10∶5时可制备出满足现行国家标准的胶凝材料,这对矿渣和粉煤灰的综合利用具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

赵前  方周 《材料导报》2015,29(8):130-133
研究旨在开发一种以钢渣为碱性激发剂,以烟气脱硫石膏、矿渣粉为主要为原料的脱硫石膏水硬性胶凝材料。该胶凝体系3天抗折强度和抗压强度可达4.4 MPa和15.8 MPa;28天抗折强度和抗压强度可达9.4 MPa和50.7 MPa。其试样的强度随钢渣掺量的增加而增加,而钢渣含量一旦超过8%后,增长幅度变缓,甚至开始降低。XRD和SEM分析表明,脱硫石膏-矿渣-激发剂体系的水化产物主要是钙矾石和C-S-H凝胶。脱硫石膏在水化过程中一部分参与水化形成水化产物钙矾石,其余部分被水化产物所包裹起集料骨架作用。  相似文献   

赵前  方周 《材料导报》2015,29(7):130-133
研究旨在开发一种以钢渣为碱性激发剂,以烟气脱硫石膏、矿渣粉为主要为原料的脱硫石膏水硬性胶凝材料。该胶凝体系3天抗折强度和抗压强度可达4.4 MPa和15.8 MPa;28天抗折强度和抗压强度可达9.4 MPa和50.7 MPa。其试样的强度随钢渣掺量的增加而增加,而钢渣含量一旦超过8%后,增长幅度变缓,甚至开始降低。XRD和SEM分析表明,脱硫石膏-矿渣-激发剂体系的水化产物主要是钙矾石和C-S-H凝胶。脱硫石膏在水化过程中一部分参与水化形成水化产物钙矾石,其余部分被水化产物所包裹起集料骨架作用。  相似文献   

研究了不同碳化方式、钢渣掺量和促进剂对水泥-钢渣微粉复合胶凝材料力学性能和微观结构的影响。结果表明:碳化对试样的早期强度提高有明显的促进作用,但对后期强度作用较小;碳化反应发生在试样早期水化完成之前,碳化越早,试样强度越高。采用促进剂的试样强度提高明显,碳化处理3d抗压强度较不加促进剂的空白样提高了12.0%,处理28d抗压强度提高了29.0%。促进剂对水泥-钢渣微粉复合胶凝材料碳化产物CaCO_3的形貌具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

赵启亮  李辉  刘文欢  赵忠忠 《功能材料》2021,52(6):6145-6151
铅锌冶炼渣经高温熔融,水淬急冷会形成玻璃形态物料,在碱性条件下具有一定的活性,可用于生产建材掺合料和胶凝材料.以铅锌渣为主原料,添加少量水氯镁石、钙基固废和水泥作为激发剂,成功制备了铅锌渣生态胶凝材料.通过电子万能试验机、X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了胶凝材料的力学性能和水化产物特征;通过正交试验的方法研究了胶凝材料力学...  相似文献   

本文用普通原材料成功制备了80MPa以上高强混凝土,研究了各种因素对混凝土的影响关系,探讨了解决坍落度损失的方法  相似文献   

注浆加固是解决破碎岩体巷道围岩控制技术的有效途径,注浆材料的固结强度、流动性及结实率等是影响注浆材料发展的瓶颈.本文利用二元协同效应,将自制的聚合物(DS)与矿物基复合制备了复合高强聚合物注浆材料,并测试了其吸水率、力学性能、流动性及凝结时间对注浆效果的影响.试验结果表明复合材料的吸水率、流动性较好;得出水灰比为0.5、聚合物(DS)掺量为注浆料的0.8%时,复合矿物基注浆材料1d的抗压强度为26.13Mpa,抗折强度为4.51Mpa.与不添加聚合物DS时相比,材料固化体1d的抗压强度增加了70.23%,抗折强度增加25.92%,研究成果对破碎巷道围岩注浆加固具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

本文主要研究石膏、温度、水泥掺量对碱激发水泥-矿渣复合粉料强度的影响。通过变换石膏掺量、养护温湿度、水泥掺量来分析其强度变化规律。研究结果表明,掺人石膏对强度有利,当石膏掺量6%时强度最高。养护温度越高,试件的强度越高。在矿渣中加入少量的水泥,强度随水泥掺量的增多而降低。在水泥组分增加到20%时,强度有增高的趋势,并且矿渣的最大掺量应控制在80%以下。  相似文献   

在活性激发剂的作用下,利用矿渣、磷石膏(PG)和水泥混合制备磷石膏基胶凝材料(PGS),然后研究砂率和粉煤灰掺量对PGS砂浆性能的影响.结果表明:当激发剂掺量为3%时,20℃(湿度大于70%)养护28d的PGS固化体的抗压强度和抗折强度(41.9MPa和7.1MPa)分别较未掺激发剂时提高了89.6%和73.2%,28d软化系数为0.94;PGS固化体28d的总孔隙率(12.21%)较7d的总孔隙率降低了46.8%;当砂率为1∶1时,磷石膏砖的性能最佳,28d的抗压强度和抗折强度分别为56.9MPa和4.8MPa;当粉煤灰掺量为20%时,磷石膏砖的28d抗压强度和抗折强度分别为35.8MPa和3.3MPa,28d吸水率和软化系数分别为2.3%和0.90,质量损失率、抗压强度损失率和抗折强度损失率分别为1.9%、5.5%和4.3%.  相似文献   

本文综述了非金属夹杂物对钢铁材料疲劳性能的影响及研究现状,从夹杂物的角度出发,首先介绍非金属夹杂物特征提取的最新研究进展,分别从实验测量方法和数学公式科学统计方法两方面进行论述;其次根据夹杂物对于疲劳损伤的主要原理,介绍5种应用较为广泛的定量化分析夹杂物特征参数与钢材疲劳性能的数学模型;然后以夹杂物的形貌特征、力学性能以及与基体之间的相互作用为出发点,探究非金属夹杂物的特性对重载零件钢材疲劳性能的影响。最后指出从多角度解析非金属夹杂物对钢材疲劳性能的主要作用机理,构建非金属夹杂物对钢材疲劳寿命预测模型是未来该领域的研究重点。  相似文献   

通过11根玄武岩纤维增强聚合物复合材料(BFRP)筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁的受弯性能试验,研究了钢纤维混凝土层厚度、钢纤维体积分数和BFRP筋配筋率对BFRP筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁受弯破坏形态及其承载力的影响。结果表明,BFRP筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁的破坏模式可分为受压破坏、受拉破坏和平衡破坏3种;钢纤维混凝土层厚度和钢纤维体积分数的变化对于BFRP筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁受弯承载力具有一定程度的影响,当BFRP筋配筋率为0.77%时,掺加体积分数为1.0%钢纤维的梁受弯承载力较无钢纤维梁提高了22.7%,在受拉区0.57倍截面高度内掺加1.0vol%钢纤维的梁受弯承载力达到全截面钢纤维混凝土梁受弯承载力的86.7%;增大BFRP筋配筋量可显著提高BFRP筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁的受弯承载力,BFRP筋配筋率为1.65%的试验梁受弯承载力较配筋率为0.56%的试验梁提高了39.4%。针对不同的破坏模式,提出了BFRP筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁受弯承载力和平衡配筋率的计算方法,并结合安全配筋率的概念对试验梁的破坏模式进行了预测,试验结果与分析结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

The effective utilization of by-product gas is essential for achieving the targets of energy conservation and emission reduction of iron and steel plants in China. The application of deterministic optimization methods may lead to oversimplification and inaccurate estimation of system parameters, and even to system failure. The major contributions made by this study are the development of a gas scheduling optimization model under fuzzy and interval uncertainties and it application to the gas scheduling system of the Baotai steel plant. The integration of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy sets and interval numbers was first used to describe specific model parameters, and the reduced fuzzy chance-constrained programming algorithm and interactive two-step interval algorithm were used for model solution. Compared with practical allocation patterns, it is shown that the proposed model could offer better solutions with more outstanding performance in rapid response to production fluctuations, as well as increases in system revenue.  相似文献   

Using minerals of dolomite, serpentine and magnesite produce a new composite material which provides an expansive stress to decrease deformation and fracture of hydraulic concrete. The compositions of the expansive material are mainly MgO, CaO and C2S by X-ray techniques. Adding the expansive material to concrete, the shrinkage of concrete may be compensated by the hydration of CaO to Ca(OH)2 in early ages and the hydration of MgO to Mg(OH)2 in later ages respectively, so decrease deformation and fracture of concrete.  相似文献   

提出了计算钢管混凝土轴压构件材料阻尼的新方法,根据Lazan材料阻尼与应力关系的理论研究,计算弹性阶段钢管混凝土构件在轴向重复荷载下的滞回曲线包围面积,得到钢管混凝土材料单位体积损耗能量。结果表明,单位体积损耗能量随最大应力幅值的提高而增大,且随混凝土强度和截面含钢率增大而减小。通过SPSS统计分析软件回归建立了钢管混凝土构件在轴向重复荷载下材料单位体积耗能与最大应力幅值、混凝土强度和截面含钢率的关系式。为进一步准确分析钢管混凝土结构动力性能及进行钢管混凝土结构的抗震分析打下了基础。  相似文献   

 In this paper a solution to the bending problem of reinforced concrete slabs stiffened by steel beams with deformable connection including creep and shrinkage effect is presented. The adopted model takes into account the resulting inplane forces and deformations of the plate as well as the axial forces and deformations of the beam, due to combined response of the system. The analysis consists in isolating the beams from the plate by sections parallel to the lower outer surface of the plate. The forces at the interface producing lateral deflection and inplane deformation to the plate and lateral deflection and axial deformation to the beams are related with the interface slip through the shear connector stiffness. Any distribution of connectors along the interface and any linear or non-linear load–slip relationship or partial shear connection for the shear connectors can be handled. The creep and shrinkage effect relative with the time of the casting and the time of the loading of the plate is taken into account. The solution of the arising plate and beam problems, which are nonlinearly coupled, is achieved using the analog equation method (AEM). The adopted model compared with those ignoring the inplane forces and deformations, approaches more reliable the actual response of the plate–beams system. Moreover, it permits the evaluation of the shear forces at the interfaces, the knowledge of which is very important in the design of composite steel–concrete structures. Received: 21 June 2002 / Accepted: 5 March 2003  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the effect of filler metal thickness on tensile strength for a stainless steel plate-fin structure by finite element method and experiment. The results show that the filler metal thickness has a great effect on tensile strength. The tensile strength is increased with the filler metal thickness increase, then it keeps stable when the filler metal thickness is 105–140 μm. But it decreases rapidly when the filler metal thickness is larger than 140 μm. The fracture location is shown at the end of vertical fin when the filler metal thickness is 105–140 μm. Specimens with filler metal thickness smaller or larger than 105–140 μm rupture in the brazed filler metal. The optimal filler metal thickness is 105 μm, using which can get higher strength for 304 stainless steel plate-fin structures.  相似文献   

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a randomized and population-based optimization method that was inspired by the flocking behaviour of birds and human social interactions. In this work, multi-objective PSO is modified in two stages. In the first stage, PSO is combined with convergence and divergence operators. Here, this method is named CDPSO. In the second stage, to produce a set of Pareto optimal solutions which has good convergence, diversity and distribution, two mechanisms are used. In the first mechanism, a new leader selection method is defined, which uses the periodic iteration and the concept of the particle's neighbour number. This method is named periodic multi-objective algorithm. In the second mechanism, an adaptive elimination method is employed to limit the number of non-dominated solutions in the archive, which has influences on computational time, convergence and diversity of solution. Single-objective results show that CDPSO performs very well on the complex test functions in terms of solution accuracy and convergence speed. Furthermore, some benchmark functions are used to evaluate the performance of periodic multi-objective CDPSO. This analysis demonstrates that the proposed algorithm operates better in three metrics through comparison with three well-known elitist multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Finally, the algorithm is used for Pareto optimal design of a two-degree of freedom vehicle vibration model. The conflicting objective functions are sprung mass acceleration and relative displacement between sprung mass and tyre. The feasibility and efficiency of periodic multi-objective CDPSO are assessed in comparison with multi-objective modified NSGAII.  相似文献   

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