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目前在高校的研究生教育中,普遍存在着一种诚信缺失的现象,许多研究生的品质出现了智信分离的缺陷。究其因,主要是受社会大环境、高等教育发展及其速度、高校德育工作、社会用人等影响。诚信是研究生处己立身的基本规范,是知识学问的坚实根基,是成就事业的先导品质。因此,为研究生的诚信品质培根、固本,以确保他们学术与事业的成功,研究生必须坚守个体道德,高校须重视诚信引导,社会建立、健全各类诚信培育的机制。  相似文献   

市场经济是法制经济、信用经济。诚信是市场经济的重要基石,也是会计行业的立业之本。目前,我国会计行业面临着前所未有的“诚信危机”的挑战。受经济利益的驱使,会计造假的普遍性,严重危害着市场经济的正常运行。因此,上至国家,对会计行业应加强法规制度建设,开展诚信教育;下至会计人个体,应加强会计职业道德自身修养建设,诚实守信,坚持原则,杜绝做假。本文笔者描述了当前会计诚信和职业道德存在的问题,分析造成这些问题的原因,最后就如何加强会计职业道德和诚信建设提出了建议和看法。  相似文献   

企业重建质量诚信,加强品牌建设,是促进和谐社会发展的必然要求,也是企业可持续发展的必然选择。本文阐述了企业质量诚信缺失的危害,提出了重建企业质量诚信、再铸品牌辉煌的必要性,给出了相应的对策和建议。近些年,伴随着改革开放的春风,一个个不同性质类型的企业,如雨后春笋般出现在人们眼前。它们提供产品、服务,方便了我们的生活,改变了我们的世界;它们科技创新,为整个社会的进步提供了强大的动  相似文献   

诚信其实是一种做人的能力,即按照人的内在本性的要求去规范自身的活动,促进人的全面发展。由此,诚信有三重内涵:其一,诚信就是不欺天,即以“真人”为标准,在实践中去选择、创造和坚持使人的发展得到肯定的一切事物。这是“择善而固执之”的道德能力。其二,诚信就是不欺人,即人作为社会的存在,要信守规则,以诚待人。信守规则体现了正义感,以诚待人则体现了爱的能力。其三,诚信就是不自欺,即人作为个性的存在,要自主自信,敢于担当,维护人的尊严,挺立独立人格。  相似文献   

介绍了石油工业的发展形式,提出防腐保温技术专业委员会今后工作的重点应放在推进技术创新、加强技术培训和加强会员企业的诚信建设等方面,以适应石油工程建设的需要。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会,追求人与自然、道德与法制、经济与社会的和谐发展。不仅是造福人类的需要,更是企业自身生存发展的需要。构建促进和谐社会发展的新型企业,对于企业真正落实科学发展观具有极其重要的意义。近年来,不少企业加快转变经济增长方式,打造绿色企业,发展循环经济,倡扬社会责任和诚信经营,塑造先进企业文化与企业精神。走出了一条促进和谐社会构建的企业发展新模式。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实上海市政府有关推进社会诚信体系建设的精神,加强行业自律,促进企业规范经营,增强企业和行业的整体竞争力,上海市焊接协会即将开展2012年度行业诚信企业评选活动。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款的信用问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国家助学贷款政策的出台,对高校贫困的大学生无疑于大降甘霖。之后,中国建设银行,中国农业银行,中国工商银行和中国银行等纷纷对高校的贫困大学生“解囊相助”。在大学生消费信贷准备向纵深方向发展的时候,这个“科教兴国”的新举措渐渐显示出了一些新的动向。其中,大学的消费信贷的信用,成为国家助学贷款工程中的一个关键作用因素。在大学生中开展良好的信用教育,正确引导学生的信贷消费观念,无疑成为这项资助工程中一项不可或缺的新任务,而这恰恰又需要学校,银行,社会,政策的多方协同和引导。本文尝试着在大学生如何正确,合理消费信贷上作一种理论和方法上的初步探索。  相似文献   

标准化是一门科学,也是一门重要的应用技术。标准化与管理、标准化与安全、标准化与质量、标准化与环境、标准化与贸易、标准化与经济、标准化与市场秩序、标准化与诚信、标准化与企业社会责任等等,都已经纳入了标准化研究的领域。  相似文献   

现代市场经济是建立在诚信基础上的信用经济,诚信经营是企业持续发展、国民经济健康运行的基本保证。宏磊集团视质量为生命,靠创新求发展,以诚信赢市场,企业规模不断壮大,经济效益不断提高。2006年实现销售收入超30亿元,创利税1.8亿元,进出口总额5000万美元。多年来公司合同履约率均达到100%,连续数年被评为浙江省、绍兴市、诸暨市AAA级“守合同重信用”单位、“信用示范”企业、年检免检企业、中国光大银行黄金客户、银行资信AAA级企业。  相似文献   

诚在中国传统美德中占有重要地位,被尊为“进德修业之本”、“立人之道”和“立政之本”。诚也是当代大学生就有的基本德性,诚德修养的水平直接影响到大学生的立身做人、求知求学与创业成才。要提高大学生诚德修养的水平,必须培养大学生对诚德的信念,加强教育引导,净化社会道德风气。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款已成为资助高校贫困生的主渠道,推进国家助学贷款工作,呼唤创新高校诚信教育,强化诚信教育应作为大学生思想道德教育的突破口,加强信用管理须设为防范贷款风险的"防火墙"。  相似文献   

王船山在明朝亡国的特定历史条件下,继承并发展了儒家的义利观,既强调重义轻利,又强调义利的辩证统一。他对“义”,“利”的内涵作了多层次的剖析,主张超越特定政治集团的“一人之义”,“一时之义”,求“天下之公利”,坚持民族利益为重的“古今之通义”,保卫民族主权和领土完整;强调“以信为先务”,信义乃“立政之本”,在发展经济的同时,不能放松信义教育。这些思想在今天仍具启示意义。  相似文献   

In as-welded state, each region of 2219 aluminum alloy TIG-welded joint shows diff erent microstructure and microhardness due to the diff erent welding heat cycles and the resulting evolution of second phases. After the post-weld heat treatment, both the amount and the size of the eutectic structure or θ phases decreased. Correspondingly, both the Cu content in α-Al matrix and the microhardness increased to a similar level in each region of the joint, and the tensile strength of the entire joint was greatly improved. Post-weld heat treatment played the role of solid solution strengthening and aging strengthening. After the post-weld heat treatment, the weld performance became similar to other regions, but weld reinforcements lost their reinforcing eff ect on the weld and their existence was more of an adverse eff ect. The joint without weld reinforcements after the post-weld heat treatment had the optimal tensile properties, and the specimens randomly crack in the weld zone.  相似文献   

After nearly two years' tense construction, the first phase of industrialized base of Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry (SRIF), located at the Tiexi Casting and Forging Industrial Park in the west of Tiexi District, has now been completed and formally put into operation.  相似文献   

The Lanthanum-doped bismuth ferrite–lead titanate compositions of 0.5(Bi LaxFe1-xO3)–0.5(Pb Ti O3)(x = 0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20)(BLxF1-x-PT) were prepared by mixed oxide method.Structural characterization was performed by X-ray diffraction and shows a tetragonal structure at room temperature.The lattice parameter c/a ratio decreases with increasing of La(x = 0.05–0.20) concentration of the composites.The effect of charge carrier/ion hopping mechanism,conductivity,relaxation process and impedance parameters was studied using an impedance analyzer in a wide frequency range(102–106Hz) at different temperatures.The nature of Nyquist plot confirms the presence of bulk effects only,and non-Debye type of relaxation processes occurs in the composites.The electrical modulus exhibits an important role of the hopping mechanism in the electrical transport process of the materials.The ac conductivity and dc conductivity of the materials were studied,and the activation energy found to be 0.81,0.77,0.76 and 0.74 e V for all compositions of x = 0.05–0.20 at different temperatures(200–300 °C).  相似文献   

The orientation relationships(ORs)between the martensite and the retained austenite in low-and medium-carbon steels after quenching–partitioning–tempering process were studied in this work.The ORs in the studied steels are identified by selected-area electron diffraction(SAED)as either K–S or N–W ORs.Meanwhile,the ORs were also studied based on numerical fitting of electron backscatter diffraction data method suggested by Miyamoto.The simulated K–S and N–W ORs in the low-index directions generally do not well coincide with the experimental pole figure,which may be attributed to both the orientation spread from the ideal variant orientations and high symmetry of the low-index directions.However,the simulated results coincide well with experimental pole figures in the high-index directions{123}_(bcc).A modified method with simplicity based on Miyamoto’s work was proposed.The results indicate that the ORs determined by modified method are similar to those determined by Miyamoto’method,that is,the OR is near K–S OR for the low-carbon Q–P–T steel,and with the increase of carbon content,the OR is closer to N–W OR in medium-carbon Q–P–T steel.  相似文献   

Tang Dynasty 《中国铸造》2014,(4):I0002-I0003
<正>Bronze mirrors were used by the Chinese people before the introduction of the glass mirror.Only after it was replaced by the glass mirror did the bronze mirror gradually retreat from people's lives.Different styles of bronze mirrors were made in different historical periods,particularly in the Warring States Period,the Han and Tang Dynasties,which were the three peaks of the development of bronze mirror arts in ancient China.The casting techniques were exquisite.The surface of the bronze mirror was smooth and bright enough to reflect one's image,and there were scarcely any casting defects on the mirror surface.On the back of the bronze mirror,there were rich depictions of Arts and Humanities,and the ornamentations were also  相似文献   

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