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搜集并整理了"地方志"中关于清代甘肃陇东蝗灾记录的史料;从辩证与联系的观点出发,分析蝗灾与水旱灾害、饥荒的关系;从史学和社会学的角度对蝗灾害的社会影响与成因进行探析;呈现清代甘肃陇东蝗灾发生的周期性、规律性和蝗灾发生的特点,并为现实社会提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

晋代蝗灾主要分布在华北、华东地区,多发生于夏秋季节,其发生与当时的社会条件、气候密切相关.统治者予以一定的关注,但措施不力,成效不大.  相似文献   

罗城境内越冬蝗虫有 3总科 9科 2 1属 34种 ,其中东洋种 2 8种 ,占本区已知种类的 82 .4 % ;广布种 5种 ,占15 .3% ;特有种 1种 ,占 2 .3%。从区系的组成 ,以东洋种为主体 ,该区属于东洋界。  相似文献   

唐代的蝗灾   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
唐代蝗灾发生地战可分为河泛蝗区、沿海蝗区、滨湖蝗区及内涝蝗区。蝗灾发生的年份42个,其中有6次灾情特别严重。蝗灾对农业造成破坏,进而影响到社会生活、政治、军事诸方面。蝗灾的救治与国家兴衰有密切关系,姚崇灭蝗为开元盛世做出了重要贡献;唐末农民起义则是由蝗灾促成的。从自然灾害的严重程度和国家政权的救灾状况两个方面,探究农民起义的原因,会更确切一些。  相似文献   

Gerbils and rats learned equally well to discriminate the lighted, safe arm from the unsafe arm during Y-maze avoidance trials. Gerbils, however, were inferior to rats in initiating this response in time to avoid shock. Two subsequent experiments on passive avoidance did not support the interpretation of these data based on a greater incidence of shock-induced activity suppression in gerbils. In both experiments, gerbils required more shocks than rats to learn a staying response, indicating a pronounced locomotor response bias in gerbils that is not compatible with the required passive avoidance response. A fourth experiment, using a shuttlebox, found that the relative active avoidance performance by these species depends upon whether intertriai responses are permitted and punished. When they are, gerbils are inferior to rats, since their high level of locomotor responding is not compatible with the behavior required, i.e., staying during the intertrial interval and running during the CS-US interval. On the other hand, gerbils are not inferior when intertrial responses are prohibited, since their locomotor bias is not punished and is compatible with the required avoidance response.  相似文献   

内蒙古赤峰地区的蝗虫营养成分的研究尚未见报道,蝗虫的脂肪含量不明确,故此采用索氏提取器循环抽提法测定了赤峰地区五种蝗虫脂肪含量.结果表明:不同种类的蝗虫的脂肪含量不同.这五种蝗虫脂肪含量从低到高依次为:中华稻蝗的脂肪含量为4.83%,无齿稻蝗的脂肪含量为5.68%,东亚飞蝗的脂肪含量为5.95%,短星翅蝗的脂肪含量为7.56%,黄胫小车蝗的脂肪含量为9.00%.五种蝗虫脂肪含量普遍很低,具有很高的开发价值.  相似文献   

在2005年和2006年,以外激素诱剂为诱饵制作的诱捕器进行诱捕以及辅助进行人工采集虫果饲养等方法,对潞西市芒果园实蝇种类的发生进行了监测调查研究,并对潞西市芒果园实蝇发生的种类以及数量进行了分析报道。  相似文献   

Relationships among ultrasonic vocalizations and several other behaviors (aggression, locomotion, ventral-scent-gland marking, sniffing, and autogrooming) were examined during single 15-min interactions within 12 different pairs of adult male gerbils. Behaviors were assessed before and after social dominance was established within each pair. Ultrasound emissions were associated with fight severity (r=?.66), locomotion was associated with scent marking (r=.86) and with autogrooming (r=.68), and scent marking was associated with sniffing (r=.67). Dominant and subordinate animals showed different patterns of behavior both before and after dominance was established. Primary predictors of intrapair dominance were priority and latency of scent marking. After dominance was established, gerbils with the higher ranks showed significantly greater locomotion, sniffing, and autogrooming.  相似文献   

Twenty male Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were tested for spontaneous alternation behavior in a T-maze under five cue conditions: (1) all cues present, (2) only S’s own odor trail, (3) only orientation cues, (4) no cues, (5) only another S’s odor trail. Significant alternation was found only in the first two conditions, indicating that odor trail is the only alternation cue for gerbils under testing conditions which also yield considerable orientation alternation in rats. There was also a tendency for gerbils to “alternate” the odor trail left by the noncagemate, but to follow that of a cagemate. A previous failure to find evidence of alternation in gerbils may have been due to a lack of opportunity for the animals to engage in trail-marking behavior.  相似文献   

综述了近十年来采自云南省并发表在各种公开学术刊物上的蝗虫新种79种,其中只有两种采自滇中昆明和宜良,其余均分布在滇南、滇西和滇西北。西双版纳、无量山、滇西横断山发现的蝗虫新种尤其丰富。  相似文献   

Interaction of salinity (NaCI) and cadmium (Cd) on growth, mineral nutrients, Na and Cd accumulation in four barley genotypes differing in salt tolerance was studied in a hydroponic experiment. Cd, NaCI and their combined stresses reduced Ca and Mg concentrations in roots and shoots, K concentration in shoots, increased K and Cu concentrations in roots relative to control, but had non-significant effect on micronutrients Cu, Fe and Mn concentrations in shoot. The three stresses reduced accumulation of most tested nutrients in both roots and shoots, except NaCI and NaCl+Cd stresses for root K and shoot Cu accumulation in salt tolerant genotypes. The salt tolerant genotypes did not have higher nutrient concentration and accumulation than the sensitive ones when exposed to Cd and NaCI stresses. In conclusion, the affecting mechanism of Cd stress on nutrients was to some extent different from salinity stress, and the NaCl+Cd stress was not equal to additional Cd and NaCI stresses, probably due to the different valence and competitive site of Na^+ and Cd^2+. NaCI addition in the Cd-containing medium caused remarkable reductions in both Cd concentration and accumulation, with the extent of reduction being also dependent on genotypes. The salt-tolerant genotypes had lower Na concentration than sensitive ones.  相似文献   

Forty sexually mature Mongolian gerbils served as subjects in a study designed to examine responsiveness to samples of urine. In a two-choice comparison situation in the home cage, each isolated gerbil was tested for amount of time spent with each urine sample during a 3-min period. Male gerbils spent significantly more time with estrus female urine than nonestrus female gerbil urine, and with nonestrus female gerbil urine than with either male gerbil urine or water. Female gerbils did not respond differentially to any of the stimuli. Neither sex discriminated between gerbil and hamster urine of either sex. Results suggest that female gerbil urine communicates sexual identity and, especially, sexual readiness to the male gerbil.  相似文献   

In recent experiments in which the social influences on feeding in Mongolian gerbils were investigated, observer gerbils acquired food preferences from conspecific demonstrators only if the demonstrators and observers were either related or familiar. Even then, the effects of demonstrator gerbils on observers’ food choices lasted less than 24 h. In similar experiments with Norway rats, the familiarity/relatedness of demonstrators and observers had little effect on social learning, and the demonstrators’ influence on observers’ food choices lasted many days. We examined the causes of these differences and found that, after observer gerbils interacted with either unfamiliar or familiar conspecific demonstrators that had been fed using procedures typically used to feed demonstrator rats, they showed long-lasting social learning about foods, whereas observer rats interacting with conspecific demonstrators that had been fed as demonstrator gerbils normally are fed showed effects of familiarity/relatedness to demonstrators on their social learning about foods. Procedural differences, rather than species differences, seem to be responsible for reported inconsistencies in social learning about foods by rats and gerbils.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) toxicity is one of the major limiting factors for barley production on acid soils. It inhibits root cell division and elongation, thus reducing water and nutrient uptake, consequently resulting in poor plant growth and yield. Plants tolerate Al either through external resistance mechanisms, by which Al is excluded from plant tissues or internal tolerance mechanisms, conferring the ability of plants to tolerate Al ion in the plant symplasm where Al that has permeated the plas- malemma is sequestered or converted into an innocuous form. Barley is considered to be most sensitive to Al toxicity among cereal species. Al tolerance in barley has been assessed by several methods, such as nutrient solution culture, soil bioassay and field screening. Genetic and molecular mapping research has shown that Al tolerance in barley is controlled by a single locus which is located on chromosome 4H. Molecular markers linked with Al tolerance loci have been identified and validated in a range of diverse populations. This paper reviews the (1) screening methods for evaluating Al tolerance, (2) genetics and (3) mechanisms underlying Al tolerance in barley.  相似文献   

蝗灾是安徽省主要农业灾之一,一直受到政府和社会各阶层的关注。通过分析《倪嗣冲函电集》及相关学术成果,系统探讨民初安徽治蝗情况。民初安徽治蝗只是沿用传统技术,未有创新,但因主政安徽的倪嗣冲重视治蝗,以行政手段推行治蝗技术,命令各地积极治蝗。并把治蝗效果与官员业绩联系在一起,地方官不得不谨慎捕蝗。本研究希望从技术与政策相结合的角度,为当前治蝗提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Variation in the limit dextrinase activity of barley malt, and the relationships between limit dextrinase activity and malt quality parameters were investigated using eight cultivars grown at seven diverse locations in China for two successive years. Limit dextrinase activity varied with genotype and location, with the levels ranging from 0.245 U/g to 0.980 U/g. The results showed that the variation in limit dextrinase activity was more attributable to the environment (location and year) than to the genotype. The response of limit dextrinase activity to the environment differed markedly among cultivars, and was reflected by large difference in coefficient of variation of cultivars across diverse locations. Regression analysis showed that limit dextrinase activity was negatively correlated with malt viscosity (r=-0.52, P〈0.01), positively correlated with Kolbach index (r=0.38, P〈0.01) and malt extract (r=0.30, P〈0.05), but had no significant correlation with malt protein content and diastatic power.  相似文献   

Waterlogging is a major abiotic stress limiting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield and its stability in areas with excessive rainfall.Identification of genomic regions influencing the response of yield and its components to waterlogging stress will enhance our understanding of the genetics of waterlogging tolerance and the development of more tolerant barley cultivars.Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield and its components were identified using 156 doubled haploid (DH) lines derived from a cross be...  相似文献   

Cultivated barley is known to have a complex population structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium (LD). To conduct robust association mapping (AM) studies of economically important traits in US barley breeding germplasm, population structure and LD decay were examined in a complete panel of US barley breeding germplasm (3 840 lines) genotyped with 3 072 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Nine subpopulations (sp1‒sp9) were identified by the program STRUCTURE and subsequently confirmed by principle component analysis (PCA). Out of the nine subpopulations, seven were very similar to the respective subpopulations identified by Hamblin et al. (2010) which were based on half of the germplasm and half of the SNP markers, but two subpopulations were found to be new. One subpopulation was dominated by six-rowed spring lines from Utah State University (UT) and the other was composed of six-rowed spring lines from multiple breeding programs (USDA-ARS Aberdeen (AB), Busch Agricultural Resources Inc. (BA), UT, and Washington State University (WA)). LD was found to decay across a range from 4.0 to 19.8 cM. This result indicates that the germplasm genotyped with 3 072 SNPs would be robust for mapping and possibly identifying the causal polymorphisms contributing to disease resistance and perhaps other traits.  相似文献   

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