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The samples of soils, earthworms and vegetation (needles, lichens, mosses) were collected for the realization of Project TOCOEN (Toxic Organic Compounds in the ENvironment). The samples were collected from three TOCOEN model areas in Czechoslovakia—one city and two rural areas. The samples were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated pesticides (C1‐PEST) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  相似文献   

The pyrolysis and chlorination of petroleum coke in a NaCl‐KCl melt results in the production of CCl4 and C6Cl6. Polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs) are produced from the air oxidation and chlorination of coal using HCl or Cl2. Smoking of tobacco containing 36Cle provides CH3 36Cl.

At 350°C, the rateof aromatization of 1,3‐cyclohexadiene is negligible as compared to that of 1,4‐cyclohexadiene. The aromatization of the latter diene proceeds through the molecular elimination of hydrogen; while that of 1,3‐cyclohexadiene expecially at higher pressure (10–90 Torr) and at 362–421 °C involves free radical chain mechanism.  相似文献   

In 1991 a co‐operation between Public Health Office (U.S.S.L.) n° 18 of Brescia and the Chemical Section Laboratories of U.S.S.L. n° 38 of Milan concerning the possible environmental impact of foundry industrial activities performing metallic scraps recovering, has been undertaken.

Soil and surfaces have been classified in conformity with the National Toxicological Consultative Commission (C.C.T.N.) recommendation dated 12/02/1988'; owing to the characteristics of the processed material, besides heavy metals, polychlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) have been looked for.

The particulate matter collected from the filters positioned over the arc furnaces in 14 foundry plants has been characterized and classified, according both to C.C.T.N.1 and to the Interministerial Board regulation dated 27/07/1985 for the first application of the Republic President Decree Law (D.P.R.) n° 915/1982, concerning wastes classification, based, in this case, on these toxic chlorinated compounds concentrations. From the very beginning, high levels of PCDDs and PCDFs have been detected, corroborating the very few literature data from foundry plants2. The results obtained on 14 different foundries allow us to draw already some information, acceptable from the point of view of the statistical validity, about the pollution produced by this industry.  相似文献   

The hypotheses on the de novo syntheses of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs), based on known literature, are presented. Polychlorinated benzenes and polychlorinated phenols are probably key intermediates.

In the present article, hypotheses that may account for the presence of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs) in the effluents from municipal and industrial incinerators are put forward. These hypotheses are based on the previously surveyed literature (Ref. 203–206) and experimental results on laboratory scale and thermodynamic calculations are considered. The interconnections of various reaction steps are speculative and no technological information was added to account for conditions in real incinerators. Conclusion of the discussions on the related subject matter, presented in the Parts I‐IV (Ref. 203–206), are also described in this paper.  相似文献   

Actually, embryos can be cultured from the one‐cell stage up to the blastocyst stage, and their development can be easily monitored at any time: severe effects caused by toxic compounds are traduced by rapid embryonic death, less pronounced effects can be expressed by a lowered cleavage activity or by an arrest of the development from a particular stage. The system can be improved by transferring the embryos at the blastocyst stage in another more complete medium where they can “implant”; and form an inner cell mass with differentiated ectoderm and endoderm. Since last years, it has also become possible to culture postimplantation rodent embryos for short periods involving a number of particularly critical stages of organogenesis, such as the formation and closure of the anterior neuropore. Embryo‐culture also represents a useful system to study cytogenetic effects of chemicals which are often linked to lethal or teratogenic effects. These different possibilities are illustrated by examples of studies already performed with metals, and dealing with their teratogenic and/or cytogenetic effects on pre‐ and postimplantation rodents.  相似文献   

The effects of the ellagic acid on the in vitro and in vivo acetylation of 2‐aminofluorene were investigated in male Sprague‐Dawley rats. For in vitro examination, cytosols with or without ellagic acid co‐treatment showed different percentage of 2‐aminofluorene acetylation. For in vivo examination, pre‐treatment of male rats with ellagic acid (10 mg/kg) 24h prior to the administration of 2‐aminofluorene (50 mg/kg) resulted in a 26% and 29%, respectively, decrease in the urinary and fecal recovery of N‐acetyl‐2‐aminofluorene, and a 37% decrease in the metabolic clearance of 2‐aminofluorene to N‐acetyl‐2‐aminofluorene. This is the first demonstration that ellagic acid decrease the N‐acetylation of carcinogens in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The experiments were conducted to investigate the tolerance and enrichment capabilities by elucidating the physiological response and cadmium impact on iron and potassium accumulation amounts of brassica rape hairy roots under different cadmium concentrations by using liquid suspension culture method. The results showed the following. (1) The growth of hairy roots was not significantly different under low cadmium concentrations (below 100 μmol/L), whereas it was obviously inhibited under high cadmium concentrations (more than 100 μmol/L). Further, the maximum fresh weight of brassica rape hairy roots reached 4.34 g under 25 μmol/L cadmium stress after 7 days. (2) The content of ROS in brassica rape hairy roots increased with increasing concentrations of cadmium; the antioxidant enzyme activities of brassica rape hairy roots (SOD, POD, and CAT) decreased first and then increased with increasing cadmium concentrations under 1-day stress, whereas showed an opposite trend under 7-day stress. (3) PI staining and MDA content indicated that cellular damage was more serious with increasing cadmium concentrations. (4) With the increase of cadmium concentrations, cadmium content of hairy roots increased and reached maximum of 2.97 mg/g under 400 μmol/L cadmium stress after 7 days. The iron content also increased significantly with the maximal weight of 14.52 mg/g after 1-day cadmium stress, whereas no significant difference was noted under 7-day cadmium stress. The potassium content under 7-day cadmium stress was 1.6 times of that after 1-day stress (15.73 mg/g). The study showed that the physiological response of Brassica rape hairy roots was correlated with the concentration and time of cadmium stress. Moreover, cadmium stress caused metabolic disorders of iron and potassium in the hairy roots, but the hairy roots of Brassica rape had better enrichment effect on cadmium. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The effects of bath therapy are complex and result from a unique interaction between the aquatic environment and the human body functions. The effect of bath...  相似文献   

Although mercury (Hg) mining in the Almadén district ceased in May 2002, the consequences of 2000 years of mining in the district has resulted in the dissemination of Hg into the surrounding environment where it poses an evident risk to biota and human health. This risk needs to be properly evaluated. The uptake of Hg has been found to be plant-specific. To establish the different manners in which plants absorb Hg, we carried out a survey of Hg levels in the soils and plants in the most representative habitats of this Mediterranean area and found that the Hg concentrations varied greatly and were dependent on the sample being tested (0.13–2,695 μg g−1 Hg). For example, the root samples had concentrations ranging from 0.06 (Oenanthe crocata, Rumex induratus) to 1095 (Polypogon monspeliensis) μg g−1 Hg, while in the leaf samples, the range was from 0.16 (Cyperus longus) to 1278 (Polypogon monspeliensis) μg g−1 Hg. There are four well-differentiated patterns of Hg uptake: (1) the rate of uptake is constant, independent of Hg concentration in the soil (e.g., Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus rotundifolia); (2) after an initial linear relationship between uptake and soil concentration, no further increase in Hgplant is observed (e.g., Asparagus acutifolius, Cistus ladanifer); (3) no increase in uptake is recorded until a threshold is surpassed, and thereafter a linear relationship between Hgplant and Hgsoil is established (e.g., Rumex bucephalophorus, Cistus crispus); (4) there is no relationship between Hgplant and Hgsoil (e.g., Oenanthe crocata and Cistus monspeliensis). Overall, the Hg concentrations found in plants from the Almadén district clearly reflect the importance of contamination processes throughout the study region.  相似文献   

Photoreactions of the herbicide bromoxynil (3,5‐dibromo‐4‐hydroxybenzonitrile) (1) were extensively studied in water containing various concentrations of sodium nitrite with radiation of wavelengths around 313 nm. In the absence of NaNO2, the quantum yields for the photodecomposition of the herbicide I amounted to 0.054±0.005, while such data was in the range of 0.047 ±0.005 to 0.023 ±0.003 in the presence of 0.5 to 25.0 × 10‐3 m of the inorganic salt. These quantum yield data for the phototransformation of 1 without and with the presence of sodium nitrite followed the Stern‐Volmer equation. The rates of the photolytic destruction of bromoxynil (1) in water were slower in the presence than in the absence of NaNO2. For example, the irradiation of the 7.8 x 10‐6M aqueous solution of 1 in the presence of 10 mM sodium nitrite gave rise to the production of three main photoproducts, viz., 3‐bromo‐4‐hydroxy‐5‐nitrobenzonitrile (2), 4‐hydroxy‐3‐nitrobenzonitrile (3), and an “unidentified photoproduct”; 4. In the case of this photoreaction of compound 1, the percentages of maximum concentration of the photoproducts 2, 3, and 4 were achieved after 14, 44.5, and 60‐min photolyses of 1, respectively; the starting material 1 completely disappeared after 60‐min photolysis. The photoproducts 2 and 3 were identified through the interpretation of the GC‐MS data. Both thhe mass and FT‐IR spectra of the product 4 indicated the possible presence of a COOH group in 4.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of sand beach arthropods were studied at Zouara (Nefza), a beach dune system along the northwestern coast of Tunisia. Two transects with pitfall traps, perpendicular to the shoreline and placed from sea towards land, captured spontaneously crawling arthropods. The pitfalls were used to obtain data on horizontal zonations for 2 days during different seasons (April, October). In April, in order to assess local, long-shore distributions of surface-active beach invertebrates, ten transects with pitfall traps were placed every 100 m, for 2 days. Core samples were also taken in correspondence with each of the ten transects to obtain the distribution of burrowing individuals. Sand samples were taken for successive laboratory analyses (salinity, grain size and organic contents). Local climatic conditions were also recorded. One isopod (Tylos europaeus, subdivided into three different size classes), two amphipods (Talitrus saltator, Talorchestia brito and indistinguishable juveniles) and four coleopteran species (Eurynebria complanata, Scarites laevigatus, Phytosus nigriventris, Phaleria acuminata) were considered. Mean zonations perpendicular to the shoreline showed that crustaceans were found closer to the sea-line limits than coleopterans and that between seasons some species changed their mean zonation more than others. Local, long-shore distributions of active and burrowing individuals showed that most species were unevenly distributed along the shore. These discontinuous distributions differed according to the species and age class and were mainly related to specific microclimatic conditions and to nutrition.  相似文献   

Vigilance often decreases with increasing group size, due to lower predation risk or greater scramble competition for food. A group size effect on vigilance is seldom seen in primates, perhaps because scanning and feeding often occur simultaneously or because the distinction between routine and induced vigilance has not been investigated. We analyzed feeding and resting observations separately while distinguishing between routine and induced scans in four groups of wild ursine colobus monkeys (Colobus vellerosus) experiencing scramble competition for food and infanticide risk. We used linear mixed-effect models to test the effect of group size, age–sex class, number of neighbors, number of adult male neighbors, and height in the canopy on scanning rates (vigilance) with and without evident conspecific threat. Food type was also examined in the feeding models. Perceived predation risk affected vigilance more than scramble competition for food and infanticide risk. Routine and induced vigilance were greatest at lower canopy heights during feeding and resting and increased when individuals had fewer neighbors while resting. A group size effect was found on induced vigilance while resting, but scanning increased with group size, which probably indicates visual monitoring of conspecifics. Scanning rates decreased while feeding on foods that required extensive manipulation. This supports the idea that vigilance is relatively cost free for upright feeders when eating food that requires little manipulation, a common feature of folivore diets. In the presence of threatening conspecific males, close proximity to resident males decreased individual vigilance, demonstrating the defensive role of these males in the group.  相似文献   

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