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为能精确计算地铁隧道围岩内的传热量,模拟了地铁隧道围岩内的热传导,研究了地铁围岩内的温度分布规律,并通过试验结果对土体热导率进行反算。分析表明:同一时刻,距隧道壁面不同距离处的温度以指数形式进行变化,距离越远,温度越小;时间越久,隧道内流体的温度影响范围越大。除隧道外壁面外,距隧道壁某距离处的温度,随时间的增长而逐渐增长,距隧道壁较近处土体温度较高,温度增长速率随时间的增长而逐渐减小;距隧道壁面距离较远处温度较低,其增长速率随时间的增长而逐渐增大。传热时间超过某一值后,围岩内温度增长率逐渐平稳趋于一定值。根据模型试验结果能较精确得到土样的热导率数值。  相似文献   

李彦龙  王俊  王铁行 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2839-2844
为了探明非饱和土中的水分在温度梯度作用下的迁移规律,开展了非饱和土在不同温度梯度作用下的气态水迁移试验和混合态水迁移试验。试验结果表明土样内部的温度场在24 h内均能达到稳态且稳定后的温度场沿土样长度方向线性变化。气态水迁移量和液态水迁移量均随着温度梯度的增加而增加,气态水迁移量的增幅显著大于液态水迁移量的增幅。在气态水迁移中,温度效应随着土样初始含水率的增加而显著增加;在液态水迁移中,温度效应与土样初始含水率的关系不大。最后建立了非饱和土在不同温度梯度作用下,当其水分场接近稳态时,土样内部含水率梯度的表达式,该表达式包含温度梯度和初始含水率两个影响因素。  相似文献   

Time series of soil surface and subsurface temperatures, soil heat flux, net radiation, air temperature and wind speed were measured at two locations in Kalpakkam, coastal southeast India. The data were analysed to estimate soil thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, volumetric heat capacity and soil heat flux. This paper describes the results and discusses their implications.  相似文献   

2009-2010年青藏高原土壤湿度的时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卓嘎  陈涛  周刊社  罗珍 《冰川冻土》2015,37(3):625-634
利用2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日中国气象局研制的多源土壤温湿度融合分析产品, 分析了青藏高原地区不同深度的土壤湿度分布特征. 结果表明: 青藏高原土壤湿度具有显著的季节变化特征, 即春季土壤湿度最大, 夏季次之, 秋季最小; 土壤湿度呈现出浅层和深层低湿、中间层高湿的特点, 且土壤湿度由浅到深层变化幅度逐渐减小. 随着温度回升, 3-8月为土壤湿度增加时段, 湿度增加区域从藏东南向西北、塔里木盆地向藏东北扩展, 9月以后土壤湿度呈大范围减小. 随着季节变化, 浅层土壤湿度高湿度区域从南部向北部移动, 中间层土壤湿度的变化与浅层相反, 深层土壤湿度季节变化差异不大, 高湿度区域基本位于高原南部.  相似文献   

非等温条件下道路水分迁移的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张树光  屈小民 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):231-234
通过分析季节冻土区的温度分布规律,建立了温度随时间的变化函数.在此基础上,基于连续介质力学和热力学理论,建立了道路水分迁移过程中的水热耦合动力学模型,并对季节性冻土地区的水分迁移现象进行数值模拟分析,初步探讨了在非等温冻结条件下,水热耦合过程中路基填料的含水量和温度随时间和深度变化的关系,计算结果表明,冻结过程中在冻结峰面附近形成一个冻结含水量峰值,且该峰值随着冻结时间的延长而向深度发展,这对于路基路面的综合设计,道路冻害的预报有着重要的理论意义和实际应用价值.但要真正体现道路路基水分迁移的机理,有待于建立水分迁移过程中水、热、动载和渗流耦合模型,这是有待于进一步解决的问题.  相似文献   

真空预压加固区硬壳层的水分运移解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴跃东  石晓燕  刘坚  刁红国 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):110-114
本文根据非饱和土体的渗流理论,建立水分运移模型,研究真空预压在稳态下的水分运移机制,给出了孔隙水压力分布的控制方程及其解析解。根据工程实测数据验证解析解的结果,并对不同参数进行分析。结果表明:稳态下真空预压水分运移模型计算的结果和现场实测数据基本吻合。扩散通量Q和降饱和系数?对上层非饱和区域的形成位置、强度及厚度的影响较大。扩散通量Q越大,土体表层的基质吸力越大,孔隙水压力变化趋势就越大;降饱和系数?在0.3~1.0 kPa-1内对非饱和土体部分基本没有影响。  相似文献   

A new three-dimensional numerical model of coupled heat, moisture and air transfer in unsaturated soil is presented. In particular, the model accommodates moisture transfer in the form of liquid and vapour flow and heat transfer arising from conduction, convection and latent heat of vaporization. The bulk flow of dry air and the movement of air in a dissolved state are also included. The theoretical basis of the model, the finite element solution of the spatial terms and finite difference solution of the temporal terms are briefly presented. Attention is focused on the verification of the new numerical solution. This is achieved via comparisons with independent solutions of heat, moisture and air transfer in an unsaturated soil. The physical problem considered includes the highly non-linear hydraulic properties of sand. Thermal conductivity is also included as a function of soil moisture content. Excellent correlation of results is shown thus providing confidence in the new model. The new model is also applied to a number of test cases which illustrate the need for the development of a model which can fully include three-dimensional behaviour. In particular, three applications are presented each increasing in complexity. The first application illustrates three-dimensional heat transfer. This particular application is verified against existing commercial finite element software. Subsequent applications serve to illustrate how the coupled processes of heat moisture and air transfer combine to yield three-dimensional problems even within a simple geometric domain. Visualization of three-dimensional results is also addressed. © 1998 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

卓嘎  罗布  巴桑曲珍 《冰川冻土》2021,43(6):1704-1717
青藏高原土壤水热状况对气候变化和植被退化方面的研究具有重要意义,土壤湿度的准确刻画还会影响到数值预报模式对当地及其下游地区降水的模拟能力。为此,采用中国科学院那曲高寒气候环境观测研究站安多观测点2014年1—12月的土壤温度、土壤湿度观测资料以及同期安多气象站观测数据,分析了青藏高原那曲中部不同深度土壤温湿度的分布特征及其与气温、降水量等气象要素的关系。结果表明:土壤温度在浅层为正弦曲线,随着土壤深度的增加,曲线逐渐接近直线。土壤升温迅速而降温过程缓慢。封冻和解冻日期随土壤深度的增加而推迟,封冻期逐渐缩短。不同层次土壤湿度日内变化较小。月变化呈单峰型结构,峰值和谷值基本出现在8月和12月。土壤湿度上升速率较下降速率缓慢。区域尺度上GLDAS-NOAH资料显示出类似的变化特征。土壤温湿度在一年中的变化不一致,但土壤温湿度呈显著正相关。浅层土壤的温度梯度明显大于深层;浅层土壤湿度最大,中间层较大,深层土壤湿度最小。随着干季向湿季的转换,由于太阳辐射的增加,非绝热加热呈增加的趋势。土壤湿度与气象要素在不同时段的相关性存在一些差异,但总体上土壤湿度与气温、降水量和相对湿度呈正相关,与风速、日照时数相关性不显著。  相似文献   

饱和正冻土水分迁移及冻胀模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
正冻土在温度梯度大的情况下,冻结锋面快速移动,孔隙水变成冰,造成原位体积膨胀;而通常在天然条件下,温度梯度都不大,水从未冻区向冻结区迁移,在某一个位置引起冰的累积,形成分凝冰。由于此诱发的冻胀要比原位冻胀大很多,因此,建立一个能够模拟土体水分迁移及分凝冰形成过程的冻胀模型尤其重要。基于第2冻胀理论,建立了饱和土体冻胀模型。在模型中,假设冻结缘中单位时间内水分迁移速度为常数,以计算冻结缘内水压力,再根据克拉方程得到冰压力。根据冰压力的大小作为分凝冰形成判据,研究中假设新的分凝冰形成以后,上一层分凝冰停止生长。模型把水分迁移和冻胀速率当作基本的未知量,模拟了与可天然土体冻胀类似的底部无压补水和顶部加压的冻胀情况。通过数值模拟与试验结果进行对比,初步验证模型的可靠性,其研究结果为实际寒区工程的冻胀预测提供参考。  相似文献   

Power spectral analyses of soil moisture variability are carried out from scales of 100 m to 10 km on the microwave remotely-sensed data from the Washita experimental watershed during 1992. The power spectrum S(k) has an approximate power-law dependence on wave number k with the exponent −1.8. This behavior is consistent with the behavior of a stochastic differential equation for soil moisture at a point, and it has important consequences for the frequency-size distribution of landslides. We present the cumulative frequency-size distributions of landslides induced by precipitation in Japan and Bolivia as well as landslides triggered by the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake. Large landslides in these regions, despite being triggered by different mechanisms, have a cumulative frequency-size distribution with a power-law dependence on area with an exponent ranging from −1.5 to −2. We use a soil moisture field with the above statistics in conjunction with a slope stability analysis to model the frequency-size distribution of landslides. In our model, landslides occur when a threshold shear stress dependent on cohesion, pore pressure, internal friction and slope angle is exceeded. This implies a threshold dependence on soil moisture and slope angle since cohesion, pore pressure and internal friction are primarily dependent on soil moisture. The cumulative frequency-size distribution of domains of shear stress greater than a threshold value with soil moisture modeled as above and topography modeled as a Brownian walk is a power-law function of area with an exponent of −1.8 for large landslide areas. This distribution is similar to that observed for landslides. The effect of strong ground motion from earthquakes lowers the shear stress necessary for failure, but does not change the frequency-size distribution of failed areas. This is consistent with observations. This work suggests that remote sensing of soil moisture can be of great importance in monitoring landslide hazards and proposes a specific quantitative model for landslide hazard assessment.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地人工固沙林土壤水分与植被适宜度探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
依据水量平衡原理,分析不同密度、不同树龄人工小叶锦鸡儿固沙植被区土壤水分及蒸散量变化特点。结果表明:人工固沙小叶锦鸡儿林地土壤水分状况随着树龄增大和栽植密度的加大而不断恶化,流动沙丘和天然植被区土壤水分状况优于人工植被区;蒸散量与同期降水量之间存在显著正相关。1m×1m密度4年生植被区和2m×2m密度成龄植被区土壤含水量高于凋萎湿度,生长末期土壤贮水量有较多节余,土壤水分能够满足植物生长需求,建议小叶锦鸡儿固沙林幼年期采用1m×1m密植,其后通过间伐,成龄期保持2m×2m密度,为科尔沁沙地人工固沙植被建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了研究西北干旱地区盐渍土在自然气候条件下的水-热场变化特征与盐胀变形规律,在4.5 m深试验坑内埋设了若干套竖向变形观测设备、含水率和温度传感器,对坑内不同深度土层的温度场、水分场和盐胀变形随季节性变化状况进行了为期1 a的动态监测和分析研究。结果表明:0.6 m以上土层相较于其他土层对气候温度变化的响应更加积极、温差变化幅值也更大,且土层间的温差幅值随降温期的不断深入而增大;土体含水率变化主要受降水、蒸发和温度梯度的耦合影响, 0.4 m以上土层水分的变化幅度较其他土层而言更为显著,土层水分迁移沿深度方向表现出分带现象;盐胀变形主要受温度和水分迁移的影响,盐胀变形主要发生在距地表1.0 m土层深度内,主要发展时间在当年11月至次年2月之间。  相似文献   

Heat flow and lithospheric thermal regime in the Northeast German Basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
New values of surface heat flow are reported for 13 deep borehole locations in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB) ranging from 68 to 91 mW m− 2 with a mean of 77 ± 3 mW m− 2. The values are derived from continuous temperature logs, measured thermal conductivity, and log-derived radiogenic heat production. The heat-flow values are supposed free of effects from surface palaeoclimatic temperature variations, from regional as well as local fluid flow and from thermal refraction in the vicinity of salt structures and thus represent unperturbed crustal heat flow. Two-D numerical lithospheric thermal models are developed for a 500 km section along the DEKORP-BASIN 9601 deep seismic line across the basin with a north-eastward extension across the Tornquist Zone. A detailed conceptual model of crustal structure and composition, thermal conductivity, and heat production distribution is developed. Different boundary conditions for the thickness of thermal lithosphere were used to fit surface heat flow. The best fit is achieved with a thickness of thermal lithosphere of about 75 km beneath the NEGB. This estimate is corroborated by seismological studies and somewhat less than typical for stabilized Phanerozoic lithosphere. Modelled Moho temperatures in the basin are about 800 °C; heat flow from the mantle is about 35 to 40 mW m− 2. In the southernmost part of the section, beneath the Harz Mountains, higher Moho temperatures up to 900 to 1000 °C are shown. While the relatively high level of surface heat flow in the NEGB obviously is of longer wave length and related to lithosphere thickness, changes in crustal structure and composition are responsible for short-wave-length anomalies.  相似文献   

张坤  张青龙  毛云程  李丽  王若旭 《冰川冻土》2016,38(4):1121-1128
基于现场监测资料,对黄土路堑边坡坡面下土体水热变化规律进行分析研究.结果表明,左边坡坡面下土体温度高于右边坡,左边坡冻结期和冻结深度小于右边坡;右边坡含水率变化深度大于左边坡,水分在边坡5 cm以上浅层土体中迁移速度基本相同,在边坡坡面25 cm以下土体渗透性差异较大,左边坡迁移速度低于右坡;冬季左边坡坡面下浅层土体和右边坡观测范围内地温低于0℃,右边坡坡面25 cm以上对应的含水率为零,而左边坡浅层土体和右边坡25 cm以下土体含水率并不为零;干湿循环和冻融循环在左右边坡土体中的显著程度和影响深度不同.  相似文献   

干旱半干旱区土壤含水量反演与验证   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
基于MODIS遥感影像和表观热惯量法,以新疆为研究区,建立了适用于干旱半干旱区1 m土体的土壤含水量反演模型。模型根据高表观热惯量,高土壤含水量,低表观热惯量,低土壤含水量这一理论,通过日地表温差和宽波段反照率确定土壤含水量的时空变化。假设通过1 m土体的土壤水通量正比于上下底层土壤含水量的差值,利用水平衡方程建立土壤表面和底层土壤含水量关系方程,并利用中国土壤类型特点确定优化模型。通过验证结果表明,壤土和壤质粘土这两类土壤含水量接近真实值,砂土在区域验证中,模拟与实测差值为2.16%,整个模型模拟精度较好,能够准确地从时空上反演干旱半干旱地区1 m土体的土壤水分情况。  相似文献   

冻融条件下浅层黄土中温度与水分的空间变化相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾磊  赵贵章  胡炜  黄金廷 《地质通报》2015,34(11):2123-2131
黄土高原是西北典型的季节性冻土区,在黄土斜坡冻结和融解过程中土体内的温度、水分变化显著,导致土体中含水量及地下水位发生相应的变化,诱发一系列的滑坡、崩塌等地质环境问题。选择甘肃永靖县黑方台黄土斜坡为研究区,原位监测冻结至融解过程中黄土的温度和含水量,研究冻融条件下黄土斜(边)坡冻结层温度和水分及变化特征及其关系。结果表明,本次监测点黄土冻结深度为52cm,黄土剖面温度表现为3个特征带:温度稳定传递带、温度变动带、温度交替显著带。温度在黄土斜(边)坡冻融过程中对水分具有控制性作用,含水量随温度变化划分为3个阶段:1小于2℃,含水量随温度呈现非线性递增趋势;22~6℃,含水量随温度呈现波动性下降;3大于6℃,水分由小幅增加直至稳定,温度影响权重减小。随着冻结土层完全融解,被冻结水分融解后向下运移,最终导致剖面含水量急剧增加,因此,冻结至融解过程中含水量发生急剧增加,是导致浅层黄土滑塌的重要因素。  相似文献   

非饱和(冻)土导热系数预估模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原喜忠  李宁  赵秀云  李婧 《岩土力学》2010,31(9):2689-2694
岩土材料的导热系数是岩土工程温度场分析及建筑热工计算中的重要参数。研究旨在建立一个基于归一化导热系数概念和以土的干燥和饱和状态导热系数为基准的非饱和土导热系数的通用预估模型。通过对文献中328组实测数据的分析发现,将同类土在不同密实度条件下的各种导热系数-含水率曲线簇进行归一化处理后,可以得到惟一的归一化导热系数kr与饱和度Sr(归一化含水率)关系,1/kr与1/Sr呈相关性较好的线性关系,而每支1/kr-1/Sr直线均通过坐标(1,1)点的斜率由土质类型决定。据此提出了一个集成土质类型、密实度(孔隙率)和含水率(饱和度)等因素综合影响的融土和冻土导热系数通用预估模型,并给出了导热系数预估模型中土质参数的取值范围,以及融土和冻土处于完全干燥状态和饱和状态的确定方法。对预估模型进行验证结果表明,所提出的非饱和土导热系数预估模型具有较好准确性。  相似文献   

多年冻土区活动层冻融状况及土壤水分运移特征   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
利用位于典型多年冻土区的唐古拉综合观测场2007年9月1日—2008年9月1日实测活动层剖面土壤温度和水分数据,对多年冻土区活动层的冻结融化规律进行研究;同时,对冻融过程中的活动层土壤液态水含量的变化特征进行分析,探讨了活动层内部土壤水分分布特征及其运移特点对活动层冻结融化过程的影响. 结果表明:活动层融化过程从表层开始向下层土壤发展,冻结过程则会出现双向冻结现象. 一个完整的年冻融循环中活动层冻结过程耗时要远远小于融化过程. 活动层土壤经过一个冻融循环,土壤水分整体呈现下移的趋势,土壤水分逐步运移至多年冻土上限附近积累. 同时,土壤水分含量和运移特征会对活动层冻融过程产生显著的影响.  相似文献   

Energy piles are bi-functional foundation elements used as structural support as well as ground heat exchangers for shallow geothermal energy systems. Because they are relatively short, energy piles may be partially embedded in unsaturated soils. Saturation conditions influence the thermal properties of the ground and therefore the heat exchange rate, which in turn affects the efficiency of energy piles. This paper combines analytical, experimental and numerical investigations to evaluate the heat exchange rate of energy piles partially or fully embedded in unsaturated soils. The proposed analytical solution is based on the cylindrical heat source theory that treats the soil as a semi-infinite, homogeneous, and isotropic medium. The solution from this theory is multiplied by a function developed analytically in this paper and the outcome is the heat exchange rate for energy piles in unsaturated soils. The proposed function depends on soil saturation, soil and pile thermal properties, and pile geometry. The analytical solution was compared against a finite element solution; which was in turn validated against results from laboratory experiments. Very satisfactory agreements between the analytical, numerical and experimental outputs were observed. The proposed method can be used for a quick and simple evaluation of the efficiency of energy piles in unsaturated conditions. The proposed analytical solution can also be a useful tool for the verification of numerical codes developed for the design of energy piles in unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

鉴于地下岩土的复杂性和多样性,在确定地下岩土热物性参数时宜尽量采用现场测试的方法.现场原位热传导试验是实施地源热泵工程的关键环节,是合理开发浅层地热能的基础.本文介绍了现场原位热传导试验的原理和方法,并以潍坊城区的实际工程为例,获得了当地土壤原始温度、导热系数及地下换热量参考值,可为设计人员结合建筑结构、空调负荷特点等优化她源热泵工程提供基础数据.  相似文献   

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