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The enzymatic iodination technique has been utilized in a study of the externally disposed membrane proteins of the mouse L cell. Iodination of cells in suspension results in lactoperoxidase-specific iodide incorporation with no loss of cell viability under the conditions employed, less than 3% lipid labeling, and more than 90% of the labeled species identifiable as monoiodotyrosine. 90% of the incorporated label is localized to the cell surface by electron microscope autoradiography, with 5-10% in the centrosphere region and postulated to represent pinocytic vesicles. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gels of solubilized L-cell proteins reveals five to six labeled peaks ranging from 50,000 to 200,000 daltons. Increased resolution by use of gradient slab gels reveals 15-20 radioactive bands. Over 60% of the label resides in approximately nine polypeptides of 80,000 to 150,000 daltons. Various controls indicate that the labeling pattern reflects endogenous membrane proteins, not serum components. The incorporated 125-I, cholesterol, and one plasma membrane enzyme marker, alkaline phosphodiesterase I, are purified in parallel when plasma membranes are isolated from intact, iodinated L cells. The labeled components present in a plasma membrane-rich fraction from iodinated cells are identical to those of the total cell, with a 10- to 20-fold enrichment in specific activity of each radioactive peak in the membrane.  相似文献   

The in vivo structure of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) was visualized in rat and mouse cerebellar Purkinje cells by using quick-freezing techniques followed by freeze-substitution for ultrathin-sectioning or freeze-fracturing and deep-etching for replicas. High magnification electron microscopy of the ultrathin sections revealed a surprising finding that all the smooth ER are apparently rough surfaced, and heavily studded with a large number of small dense projections. In the soma the smooth ER appears to be similar to its rough counterpart, except that the projections are slightly smaller, less electron dense and less protrusive on the ER membranes than the ribosomes. The projections were short rectangles, 20 x 20 x 6 nm3 in size, covering the cytoplasmic surface of the smooth ER in a checker-board manner where closely packed. After freeze-etching and replication, they appeared to be composed of four subparticles, surrounding a central channel. Thus the projections are very similar to the foot structure (ryanodine receptor) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, they were distributed exclusively in the ER compartment and were highly concentrated especially in the smooth ER. This localization of the projections coindides with the intracellular distribution of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor determined by quantitative immunogold electron microscopy. These findings would suggest that the projections are tetramers of IP3 receptor molecules and could be used as a morphological marker for the smooth ER in Purkinje cells, which spreads from the soma to the axon and dendrite, up to the tips including the spines. In Purkinje cells tubular smooth ER runs freely in a serpentine fashion or are intertwined to make large membraneous tangles without forming cisternal stacks. It is highly probable that the ER cisternal stacks do not exist naturally in Purkinje cells but are formed artificially during the various procedures for chemical fixation.  相似文献   

Mouse chromosomes from the L929 cell line have been digested with the restriction endonuclease HaeIII and analyzed by electron microscopy. Results show a different effect of the enzyme depending on the conditions of the digestion. Thus, while chromosomes digested in suspended cells show a double scaffold-like structure per chromatid, a similar banding to that found in chromosomes treated for light microscopy is obtained when chromosomes are digested on grids. Some aspects concerning the capacity of the cleaved DNA to be removed from the chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes and their isolated membranes display ATP-dependent endocytosis. To localize the enzymes responsible for this phenomenon, the erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) were fractionated under conditions which retained ATPase activity. Fractionation of the ghosts resulted in three fractions: spectrin-actin, the peripheral proteins soluble in high salt, and the smooth membrane containing integral proteins. On the average, 87% of the protein and 88% of the phosphorus of the original ghosts were recovered in these fractions, and all of the kinds of ATP-splitting activities of the membrane were recovered in the smooth membrane. A tiny ATPase activity, detectable by special methodology in spectrinactin, could have been due to contamination with membranous material. Although the purified spectrin-actin did not have a significant ATPase of its own, it stimulated the Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase of the smooth membrane significantly, suggesting a cooperative interaction between these two fractions. This segregation of the ATPase activities into the smooth membrane, combined with the energy dependence of endocytosis, showed that the smooth membrane must be involved in the energy production for endocytosis. The possibility that the spectrin-actin filaments cooperate with a myosinlike ATPase in the membrane to generate membrane movements is discussed.  相似文献   

In the search for the biochemical basis of the control of glycosylation of cell surface carbohydrates, revertant clones were isolated from previously characterized wheat germ agglutinin-resistant clones of B16 mouse melanoma cells by selection for resistance to Lotus tetragonolobus lectin or to ricin. Comparison of the wheat germ agglutinin-resistant clones with the parent and revertant clones indicated that this phenotype was correlated with an increased sensitivity to the Lotus lectin, a 60- to 70-fold increase in alpha 1 leads to 3 fucosyltransferase activity and a decreased sialic acid content of the N-glycosidic chains of glycoproteins. The results suggest a novel type of control mechanism for lectin resistance, an increase in a glycosyltransferase activity. The presence of alpha 1 leads to 3 bound fucose on N-acetylglucosamine residues would interfere with the addition of sialic acid by alpha 2 leads to 3 linkages to galactose residues in the carbohydrate units, and this change could explain the resistance to wheat germ agglutinin and the increased sensitivity to the Lotus lectin. A change in a regulatory gene for the fucosyltransferase as a possible primary cause for the changed phenotype is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of a variety of proteolytic, glycosidic and lipid hydrolyzing enzymes on the ability of mouse egg plasma membrane to interact with sperm was evaluated in this study. Zona-free mouse eggs were exposed to enzymes at various concentrations, washed, and inseminated; the number of sperm attached to or having penetrated the egg plasma membrane was determined at 20 and 180 min post-insemination, respectively. The proteases trypsin and chymotrypsin caused concentration-dependent reductions in both sperm attachment and sperm penetration levels when eggs were incubated at enzyme concentrations ranging from 1- to 1000 micrograms/ml for 30 min prior to insemination. Time-course studies revealed significant inhibition of both sperm attachment and sperm penetration levels after treating zona-free eggs for 5 min at 1000 micrograms/ml of either trypsin or chymotrypsin. Several of the phospholipases tested, including phospholipases C, D, and A2, had no inhibitory effect on sperm penetration levels, with phospholipase C and A2 (100 micrograms/ml) causing inhibition of sperm attachment. Of the glycosidic enzymes evaluated, glucuronidase (1000 micrograms/ml) caused significant inhibition of sperm binding but not sperm penetration, and glucosidase, galactosidase, and neuraminidase had no effect on either sperm attachment or sperm penetration. These findings indicate that the ability of the mouse egg plasma membrane to fuse with sperm can be preferentially altered by treatment with proteases.  相似文献   

Evidence supporting the existence of two distinct carbonyl (metyrapone) reducing enzymes which differ in subcellular localization and immunological homology has been provided. A soluble enzyme, designated as carbonyl reductase (EC is located in the cytosol. The distribution of the second, membrane associated, MPON-reductase shows an excellent linear correlation to NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and, on the other hand, is reciprocal to the RNA/protein ratio of submicrosomal preparations. This indicates that the membrane associated MPON-reductase is exclusively located in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Using antibodies against the purified membrane associated enzyme the extent of immunological crossreaction corresponds well to the specific activities of MPON-reductase in the granular fractions, thus further confirming the localization of this enzyme within this organelle. The absence of antigenic crossreaction to cytosolic MPON-reductase indicates differences also in terms of the immunological relationship between the two enzymes.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results obtained in a study of the aerobic stabilization of sludge in a laboratory-scale reactor. A variety of parameters were measured including: physicochemical (pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, volatile and total solids, chemical oxygen demand and hydrogen sulfide production); microbiological (fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, viable biomass, and the relationship between active and total cells); and measurements of enzymatic activity (oxygen uptake rate, dehydrogenase activity and esterase activity).From the results, it may be concluded that the traditional physicochemical and microbiological parameters present a series of problems, which detract from their usefulness. The enzymatic parameters, dehydrogenase activity (primary metabolism) and esterase activity (secondary metabolism) are better able to characterise the process; and the quotient between these two variables may be used to estimate the degree of endogenesis and, consequently, the degree of stability of the aerobic sludge digestion. In addition, these techniques are swift and simple to employ.  相似文献   

Liquid hot (LHW) water pretreatment (LHW) of lignocellulosic material enhances enzymatic conversion of cellulose to glucose by solubilizing hemicellulose fraction of the biomass, while leaving the cellulose more reactive and accessible to cellulase enzymes. Within the range of pretreatment conditions tested in this study, the optimized LHW pretreatment conditions for a 15% (wt/vol) slurry of hybrid poplar were found to be 200oC, 10 min, which resulted in the highest fermentable sugar yield with minimal formation of sugar decomposition products during the pretreatment. The LHW pretreatment solubilized 62% of hemicellulose as soluble oligomers. Hot‐washing of the pretreated poplar slurry increased the efficiency of hydrolysis by doubling the yield of glucose for a given enzyme dose. The 15% (wt/vol) slurry of hybrid poplar, pretreated at the optimal conditions and hot‐washed, resulted in 54% glucose yield by 15 FPU cellulase per gram glucan after 120 h. The hydrolysate contained 56 g/L glucose and 12 g/L xylose. The effect of cellulase loading on the enzymatic digestibility of the pretreated poplar is also reported. Total monomeric sugar yield (glucose and xylose) reached 67% after 72 h of hydrolysis when 40 FPU cellulase per gram glucan were used. An overall mass balance of the poplar‐to‐ethanol process was established based on the experimentally determined composition and hydrolysis efficiencies of the liquid hot water pretreated poplar. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Production of cefazolin by acyl transfer enzymatic synthesis with immobilised cefazolin synthetase from Escherichia coli as a biocatalyst acting in accordance with the mechanism including formation of the acyl-enzyme complex was shown possible. The process kinetic parameters and the ratio of the maximum conversion of the key amino acid and the initial concentrations of the substrate and nucleophile were determined. Correlation of the calculated and experimental data on the cefazolin yield in the enzymatic synthesis was good. The main physico-chemical properties of the substrates and the reaction products i.e. dissociation constants and solubility were investigated. The complex of the physico-chemical studies makes it possible to design a highly efficient technological process for production of cefazolin including not only the stage of the enzymatic synthesis but also the stage of separation of the reaction mixture components.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study has been to compare collagen-gelatin degrading enzymes isolated from cancer cell organelles and cytosol to the metalloproteinases released by cancer cells. To this end, metastatic mouse melanoma cell organelles were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation and metalloproteinases were assayed using native and denatured [methyl-3H]collagen substrates. Solubilized proteinases were purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, anion exchange, concanavalin A affinity and gel-filtration column chromatographic procedures and characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The conclusions were as follows: malignant melanoma cells have a metalloproteinase (Mr = 59,000) which is shed from cells into conditioned medium as a component of intact membrane vesicles rather than as a soluble enzyme; storage of tumor-conditioned medium leads to the generation of autoactivated soluble metalloproteinases of lower molecular weight; purification of these metalloproteinase species yielded variant collagenases that have considerable gelatinolytic activity and a cleavage preference site for the Gly-Ile bond in a collagen-like synthetic octapeptide substrate which is typical for collagenase-type metalloproteinases. It is proposed that localization of potent proteinases to the surface of cancer cells facilitates the local breakdown of connective tissues during the invasive process.  相似文献   

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