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胰岛素疗法被越来越多的患者所接受。然而在临床实际工作中,我们发现许多患者注射方法及方式存在着诸多问题。自1999年6月-2004年6月,我们对患者的使用方法进行了调查,现分析如下:  相似文献   

胰岛素疗法被越来越多的患者所接受。然而在临床实际工作中,我们发现许多患者注射方法及方式存在着诸多问题。自1999年6月-2004年6月,我们对患者的使用方法进行了调查,现分析如下:  相似文献   

<正>胰岛素的发现是糖尿病治疗史上的一个重要里程碑。从某种意义上来说,胰岛素并不是一种药,而是人体的一种正常的生理激素,它从人体的胰岛细胞分泌出来,用以调节血糖。当人体内的胰岛素绝对或相对不足时,我们可以注射外源性的胰岛素加以补充,这在医学上  相似文献   

众所周知,糖尿病是由于胰岛素缺乏或者利用不足,引起各种营养物质代谢紊乱的疾病。所以,应用胰岛素治疗是或早或迟必不可少的。持续性高血糖是糖尿病的特征,一般情况下,糖尿病的早期症状并不严重甚至缺如。但严重时可出现酮症酸中毒等急性并发症,如不及时救治,可导致昏迷甚至死亡。糖尿病还可造成眼、  相似文献   

人胰岛素类似物-Lispro胰岛素的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许多因素可延缓皮下注射胰岛素的吸收,然而,临床上进行合理处理后仍不能满意增加胰岛素的吸收率,研究表明胰岛素的生理、生化特征是影响其吸收的最大障碍,胰岛素的三级结构末端易形成稳定的、非平行、非共价的β折叠,与另一个分子形成二聚体,如此构成了胰岛素自身结...  相似文献   

1 身体偏瘦的患者,应当考虑用45度进针的方法注射,也可以考虑选用31G*5毫米或32G*6毫米的针头。  相似文献   

胰岛素类型的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1922年,Banting和Best首次将胰岛素用于糖尿病的治疗,取得了非常满意的效果,开创了人类糖尿病治疗的新纪元。早期的胰岛素是从猪、牛或羊的胰腺提取的粗产品,直到1936年才由Scott利用重结晶法在锌离子的存在下得到了纯化的胰岛素晶体,而胰岛素纯化方法的真正历史性突破是1960年色谱技术出现以后,从而使高纯度的单一胰岛素分子的制备成为可能。20世纪70年代末,丹麦Novo Nordisk(诺和诺德)公司首先生产半合成胰岛素。1982年美国Eli lilly(礼来)公司首先用重组DNA技术合成了人胰岛素,标志生物工程药物时代的开始,1996年,他们又开发出了第1…  相似文献   

青蒿琥酯是从中药黄花蒿中提取的青蒿素的衍生物之一。有抗疟、抗肝癌、抗乙肝病毒、抗肝损伤、抗肝纤维化等作用。  相似文献   

The initiation of insulin therapy is a significant event for patients with diabetes and the physicians who care for them. Reluctance to begin insulin is multifactorial, with a major stumbling block being the perceived complexity of insulin. However, this complexity can be easily overcome by separation of insulin administration into its two components: basal and bolus therapy. An understanding of the role of basal insulin in the regulation of glucose and the development of strategies to implement basal insulin therapy can provide a transition that is rational and highly effective in most patients. The strategy also offers a unique approach to diabetes education, which permits a focused and patientspecific correction to glucose abnormalities.  相似文献   

More than 80 years have elapsed since the discovery of insulin. The submitted paper analyzes the main contemporary trends of the development of insulin therapy which comprise the development of new insulin analogues and their use in modified insulin regimes, the development of preparations for inhalatory or oral administration, new techniques of administration and new ways of self-monitoring. The author mentions also non-traditional forms of insulin therapy such as transplantation of insulin producing tissue and in the conclusion she discusses trends of insulin administration in subjects without diabetes.  相似文献   

This article reports the Brazilian Diabetes Society consensus statement on intensive insulin therapy and insulin pump therapy, arrived at during an update symposium held in 2003 for this specific purpose. The concepts underlying these modalities of diabetes treatment are outlined, their fundaments are given, and practical issues about their indications, feasibility, limits, techniques and cost-benefit relationships are analyzed. The techniques comprise the suggested self-monitoring schedules and the insulin doses, types, forms of administration and correction factors used in each modality of intensive treatment, for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. The roles of SBD in the implementation of these treatments and of the different professionals involved are discussed and commented. The conclusions are based on consensual answers to some orienting questions formulated during the symposium's presentation.  相似文献   

Fast-acting insulin aspart (faster aspart) is a novel formulation of insulin aspart (IAsp) containing the additional excipients niacinamide and L-arginine. The improved pharmacological profile and greater early glucose-lowering action of faster aspart compared with IAsp suggests that faster aspart may be advantageous for people with diabetes using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). The recent onset 5 trial was the first to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an ultra-fast-acting insulin in CSII therapy in a large number of participants with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Non-inferiority of faster aspart to IAsp in terms of change from baseline in HbA1c was confirmed, with an estimated treatment difference (ETD) of 0.09% (95% CI, 0.01; 0.17; P < 0.001 for non-inferiority [0.4% margin]). Faster aspart was superior to IAsp in terms of change from baseline in 1-hour post-prandial glucose (PPG) increment after a meal test (ETD [95% CI], −0.91 mmol/L [−1.43; −0.39]; P = 0.001), with statistically significant improvements also at 30 minutes and 2 hours. The overall rate of severe or blood glucose-confirmed hypoglycaemia was not statistically significantly different between treatments, with an estimated rate ratio of 1.00 (95% CI, 0.85; 1.16). A numerical imbalance in severe hypoglycaemic episodes between faster aspart and IAsp was seen in the treatment (21 vs 7) and the 4-week run-in periods (4 vs 0). Experience from clinical practice indicates that all pump settings should be reviewed when initiating faster aspart with CSII, and that the use of continuous glucose monitoring or flash glucose monitoring, along with a good understanding of meal content and bolus type, may also facilitate optimal use. This review summarizes the available clinical evidence for faster aspart administered via CSII and highlights practical considerations based on clinical experience that may help healthcare providers and individuals with T1D successfully initiate and adjust faster aspart with CSII.  相似文献   

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