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Diagnostic criteria for acute liver failure due to Wilson disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AIM: To describe the diagnostic criteria for acute liver failure due to Wilson disease (WD), which is an uncommon cause of acute liver failure (ALF). METHODS: We compared findings of patients presenting with ALF due to WD to those with ALF of other etiologies. RESULTS: Previously described criteria, such as low alkaline phosphatase activity, ratio of low alkaline phosphatase to total bilirubin or ratio of high aspartate aminotransferase (AST) to alanine aminotransferase (ALT), failed to identify patients with ALF due to WD. There were significant differences in low ALT and AST activities (53 ± 43 vs 1982 ± 938, P < 0.0001 and 87 ± 44 vs 2756 ± 2941, P = 0.037, respectively), low choline esterase activity (1.79 ± 1.2 vs 4.30 ± 1.2, P = 0.009), high urine copper concentrations (93.4 ± 144.0 vs 3.5 ± 1.8, P = 0.001) and low hemoglobin (7.0 ± 2.2 vs 12.6 ± 1.8, P < 0.0001) in patients with ALF caused by WD as compared with other etiologies. Interestingly, 4 of 7 patients with ALF due to WD survived without liver transplantation. CONCLUSION: In ALF, these criteria can help establish a diagnosis of WD. Where applicable, slit- lamp examination for presence of Kayser-Fleischer rings and liver biopsy for determination of hepatic copper concentration still remain important for the diagnosis of ALF due to WD. The need for liver transplantation should be evaluated carefully as the prognosis is not necessarily fatal.  相似文献   

暴发性肝豆状核变性(fulminant Wilson disease,FWD)是肝豆状核变性病(WD)的一种少见而严重的临床类型,临床表现与其他原因引起的暴发型肝衰竭类似,国内外鲜见从临床、病理和分子生物学多个水平追踪观察的报道。我们对2例典型FWD的临床、病理和基因突变特点进行了分析,以提高对WD的认知性和诊断水平。  相似文献   

暴发性肝衰竭型WD是肝豆状核变性中极为严重的类型,其主要的发病机理是由于体内铜负荷过重致细胞变性坏死,临床表现为乏力、纳差、恶心、黄疸进行性加深,可并发急性溶血、肝性脑病、出血倾向、原发性腹膜炎、肾功能衰竭等.此文就其发病机理、临床表现、实验室检查、诊断和治疗情况作一综述.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Wilson disease(WD) is a rare copper metabolism disorder with symptoms including hepatic disorders, neuropsychiatric abnormalities, Kayser-Fleischer rings, and hemolysis in association with acute liver failure(ALF). Osteoarthritis is a rare manifestation of WD. We experienced a case of WD with arthritic pain in the knee and liver cirrhosis. Here, we report the clinical course in a WD patient with arthritic pain and liver cirrhosis receiving combination therapy with Zn and a chelator and discuss the cause of arthritic pain.CASE SUMMARY We present an 11-year-old boy who developed osteoarthritis symptoms and ALF,with a New Wilson Index Score(NWIS) of 12. He was diagnosed with WD with decreased serum ceruloplasmin and copper levels, increased urinary copper excretion, and ATP7 B gene mutations detected on gene analysis. There was improvement in the liver cirrhosis, leading to almost normal liver function and liver imaging, one year after receiving combination therapy with Zn and a chelator. Moreover, his arthritic pain transiently deteriorated but eventually improved with a decrease in the blood alkaline phosphatase levels following treatment.CONCLUSION Patients with WD who develop ALF with an NWIS 11 may survive after treatment with Zn and chelators, without liver transplantation, when they present with mild hyperbilirubinemia and stage ≤ II hepatic encephalopathy.Osteoarthritis symptoms may improve with long-term Zn and chelator therapy without correlation of liver function in WD.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the current status of liver transplantation (LT) for Wilson disease (WD), focusing on indications and controversies, especially in patients with neuropsychiatric disease, and on identification of acute liver failure (ALF) cases related to WD. LT remains the treatment of choice for patients with ALF, as initial presentation of WD or when anti-copper agents are stopped, and for patients with chronic liver disease progressed to cirrhosis, unresponsive to chelating medications or not timely treated with copper chelating agents. The indication for LT in WD remains highly debated in patients with progressive neurological deterioration and failure to improve with appropriate medical treatment. In case of Wilsonian ALF, early identification is key as mortality is 100% without emergency LT. As many of the copper metabolism parameters are believed to be less reliable in ALF, simple biochemical tests have been proposed for diagnosis of acute WD with good sensitivity and specificity. LT corrects copper metabolism and complications resulting from WD with excellent 1 and 5 year survival. Living related liver transplantation represents an alternative to deceased donor LT with excellent long-term survival, without disease recurrence. Future options mayinclude hepatocyte transplantation and gene therapy. Although both of these have shown promising results in animal models of WD, prospective human studies are much needed to demonstrate their long-term beneficial effects and their potential to replace the need for medical therapy and LT in patients with WD.  相似文献   

Wilson disease (WD) results when specific mutations occur at the ATP7B gene. The presence of mutations in the ATP7B gene was studied in the coding region and the intron-exon boundaries in 15 WD Spanish patients, and their first-degree relatives when possible. A total of 20 nucleotide sequence changes were detected, 18 missense and two splicing mutations. Six of these variants were classified as disease-causing mutations, five missense, and one splicing; four of them have been previously described (M645R, A1065P, H1069Q, and 3060 + 5G > T), whereas two were novel (P768L and A990P). No mutation was clearly prevalent, although the H1069Q mutation predominated, nor did a good phenotype-genotype correlation exist. The two new mutations described were manifested as an asymptomatic increase in serum transaminases. The remaining 14 changes were classified as polymorphisms and their potential effects on protein function are discussed. The identification of mutations in the ATP7B gene has allowed a conclusive diagnosis to be made of WD in patients presenting neurological phenotype or neurological of hepatic phenotype, who would otherwise not have been diagnosed using classical criteria. WD patients could start chelating treatment earlier on and possibly modify the natural progression of the disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acute liver failure may be the first manifestation of Wilson disease. If copper elimination fails, liver transplantation is the only remaining therapeutic option. Albumin dialysis, a new method for the removal of protein-bound toxins, was performed in a patient with fulminant Wilson disease. METHODS: An 18-year-old man with Wilson disease presented with hyperacute liver failure, hepatic encephalopathy III, oligo-anuric renal failure, haemolytic anaemia, rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis and thrombocytopenia. He was treated with albumin dialysis using a 44 g/l albumin-containing dialysate and a slow dialysate flow rate (1-2 l/h). The other details of the technique used are similar to routine continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration. RESULTS: One hundred and five milligrams of copper were removed by albumin dialysis within the first six treatments, resulting in normalisation of blood-copper levels. Successful treatment of the multiorgan failure was achieved. Hepatic encephalopathy improved within 2 days. The patient initially refused liver transplantation. Therefore 35 additional albumin dialysis treatments were performed. Forty-three grams of bilirubin (an indicator of detoxified substances in the liver) and 196 mg of copper were removed. Multiorgan failure, in particular hepatic encephalopathy, did not recur during 59 days of treatment. Eventually, the patient agreed to liver transplantation and that was successful. CONCLUSION: Albumin dialysis is a new method for the effective treatment of fulminant Wilson disease, resulting in the removal of protein-bound toxins copper and bilirubin. It may serve as a new treatment option in hyperacute liver failure of other origin, acting as an extracorporeal detoxifier.  相似文献   

探讨不同亚型Wilson’s病(WD)的临床特点及肝型患者预后转归。方法收集256例WD患者的临床资料并随访,根据临床表现将患者分为不同的临床亚型,进一步分析比较肝型、脑型和混合型WD患者的临床特点差异和随访追踪肝型WD患者的预后。结果在256例WD患者中,以混合型(152例,59.4%)和肝型(74例,28.9%)患者常见,而脑型(27例,10.5%)和其他亚型(3例,1.2%)较少;肝型WD患者失代偿期肝硬化比例(78.4%)高于混合型患者(22.0%,P〈0.001);肝型WD患者肝脏血清生化学指标(转氨酶、ALP、GGT、胆红素以及球蛋白水平)高于混合型WD患者(P〈0.05);肝型WD患者血清铜[(1.04±1.50) mg/L]水平明显低于脑型WD患者[(2.96±2.88) mg/L]和混合型WD患者[(2.34±2.68) mg/L,P〈0.001],但两者铜蓝蛋白和尿铜水平无统计学差异(P〉0.05);肝型WD患者K-F环检出率(64.9%)低于脑型WD患者(92.6%)和混合型WD患者(90.1%,P〈0.05);经Logistic回归分析显示角膜K-F的有无与年龄(OR=0.922,P=0.014)、血清铜蓝蛋白(OR=35902.1,P=0.015)相关;平均随访31例肝型WD患者(8.3±5.8)年,3例(9.7%)进展为混合型WD患者。结论 WD以混合型和肝型最多见,肝型患者肝脏损害比混合型更为严重,提示肝脏是WD最主要的靶器官。  相似文献   

目的通过对药物性肝病的病因、临床特点及预后等分析,加深对药物性肝病的认识,为预防和早期治疗该病提供参考。方法采用回顾分析的方法对我院76例药物性肝病的住院患者进行研究。结果引起药物性肝病最主要的药物为中药制剂、抗结核药、抗生素、化疗药物、解热镇痛药及抗甲状腺功能亢进药物;一般在用药后1~4周内起病;临床主要表现以肝细胞型最为常见;早期发现后积极治疗多数预后良好;疗程3周至数月不等。结论药物性肝病尤其要注意中药制剂导致的肝病,主要以肝细胞型最为常见;早期发现、及时停用肝损害药物是治疗的前提;绝大部分药物性肝病预后良好,少数病例可发展为重症肝炎或肝硬化。  相似文献   

We encountered a patient with previously well-controlled Wilson disease who experienced fulminant hepatic failure with hemolytic anemia, possibly caused by the dietary supplement Health Proportion® (Jubilant Co., Ltd., Ehime, Japan). A 21-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with marked liver dysfunction and severe hemolytic anemia. Free serum copper level was elevated at 101 μg/dl, and urinary copper excretion was extremely increased (25,600 μg/day). Plasma exchange and continuous hemodiafiltration were performed to remove serum copper and to treat the hemolytic anemia. However, liver function did not improve, and she underwent liver transplantation on 28th day after admission. Copper and iron contents in the resected liver were high at 851.9 μg and 551.7 μg/dry liver weight (g), respectively, despite the patient having regularly taken d-penicillamine since diagnosis and having a well-controlled copper level 1 year before her admission. Two months before admission, the patient had taken a dietary supplement made from soybeans for 1 month. This supplement was labeled as containing large amounts of copper and iron, and we assume that this caused fulminant hepatic failure with hemolytic crisis in this patient. It is important to be mindful of the micronutrient content of dietary supplements, especially for metabolic disorder patients.  相似文献   

肝豆状核变性(Wilson’s disease,WD)是一种常染色体隐性遗传导致的铜代谢障碍性疾病,其中暴发性肝衰竭是WD的一种罕见类型,其病情进展迅速,具有高误诊率和高死亡率,早期诊断和积极治疗可挽救患者生命。  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the progression of hepatic histopathology in serial liver biopsies from Wilson disease(WD)patients.METHODS:We report a group of 12 WD patients treated with zinc and/or penicillamine who underwent multiple follow-up liver biopsies.Demographic,clinical and laboratory data were gathered and all patients underwent an initial biopsy and at least one repeat biopsy.RESULTS:Time to repeat biopsy ranged from 2 to 12 years.Six patients(non-progressors)showed stable hepatic histology or improvement....  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recent progress in the treatment of variceal bleeding might have reduced the impact of variceal bleeding on survival in patients with esophageal varices. We conducted a retrospective cohort study in an attempt to re-evaluate the clinical significance of variceal bleeding. METHODS: A cohort of 304 patients with liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices, who had no previous history of variceal bleeding and no prophylactic therapy, was studied. RESULTS: During a median follow-up period of 32 months, 55 patients (18%) bled from varices and 111 (37%) died. Variceal hemorrhages accounted for 15% of total deaths. The mortality of first variceal bleeding was 25% in the whole group, but was remarkably different depending on liver function at the time of bleeding (0% in grade Child A vs 55% in grade C; P < 0.05). Among the survivors of first bleeding, 30% experienced rebleeding. Form of varix, red color sign and heavy drinking were the independent risk factors for first variceal bleeding. Multivariate analysis revealed that variceal bleeding still had a significant (P < 0.001) impact on death in the whole cohort, when other independent prognostic factors such as age, ascites, encephalopathy, platelet count, serum albumin level and hepatocellular carcinoma were adjusted. Furthermore, in subgroup analyses, variceal bleeding was more strongly (P < 0.001) linked to death in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis than in those with non-alcoholic cirrhosis, and showed a significant association with survival only for the patients in Child grade B. CONCLUSIONS: Variceal bleeding has various prognostic impacts depending on the etiology of cirrhosis or on the degree of liver dysfunction, and this needs to be taken into account in the prophylaxis against first variceal bleeding.  相似文献   

Hepatolenticular degeneration, commonly known as Wilson disease, is an autosomal recessive inherited disease of abnormal copper metabolism, characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body due to decreased biliary excretion of copper from hepatocytes. Wilson disease protein, ATP7B, functions in copper excretion into bile and in copper secretion to the bloodstream coupled with ceruloplasmin synthesis. Various kinds of mutations of ATP7B cause Wilson disease. Wilson disease is a rare genetic disease that can be treated pharmacologically. Recognition and prompt diagnosis are very important, because Wilson disease is fatal if left untreated. In this review, I summarize the pathogenesis and management of Wilson disease.  相似文献   

Background and aimsFew studies have focused on the treatment failure of zinc monotherapy for oligosymptomatic Wilson disease (WD) patients. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the long-term ef?cacy of zinc monotherapy in oligosymptomatic patients and to analyze the possible factors that may influence the outcome of this treatment.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed the medical records of oligosymptomatic WD patients who received zinc monotherapy from the time of diagnosis. Then, the characteristics of patients who were treated with zinc monotherapy successfully and those who experienced treatment failure were investigated.ResultsForty oligosymptomatic WD patients were identified that have received zinc monotherapy as initial treatment, with a median age of 3.83 years at the time of diagnosis. 36 (90%) patients had abnormal alanine transaminase/aspartate transaminase levels at baseline. None of the patients became symptomatic during zinc monotherapy. 28 (70%, Group 1) patients were treated with zinc monotherapy successfully for a median period of 2.4 years. In Group 1, serum aminotransferase levels significantly decreased 6 and 12 months after zinc therapy compared to the baseline levels (P < 0.05). 12 (30%, Group 2) patients experienced treatment failure with zinc monotherapy due to uncontrolled serum liver enzyme levels, and d-penicillamine was combined. The baseline 24-hour urine copper levels before treatment were significantly higher in Group 2 compared to that in Group 1 (182.5 vs 90.92 μg /day, P = 0.018). Comparing the age at onset; ceruloplasmin, serum copper, ALT, and AST levels; and proportions of abdominal ultrasonography abnormality at baseline between Group 1 and 2 revealed no statistically significant differences.ConclusionsWe found that high initial 24 -h urinary copper levels may lead to treatment failure of zinc monotherapy in oligosymptomatic WD patients. It might be reasonable to follow up liver function tests more closely during zinc monotherapy and to begin combination treatment with chelators early in patients with high level of 24 -h urinary copper.  相似文献   

Background It has recently been demonstrated that the Wilson disease (WD) protein directly interacts with the human homolog of the MURR1 protein in vitro and in vivo, and that this interaction is specific for the copper transporter. The aim of the present study was to clarify the role of MURR1 in the pathogenesis of WD as well as in other WD-like disorders of hepatic copper metabolism of unknown origin. Methods Using the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method followed by sequencing, we analyzed the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) and three exons of the MURR1 gene in three groups of patients: 19 wd patients in whom no mutations were detected in the ATP7B gene, 53 wd patients in whom only one mutation in the ATP7B gene was found, and 34 patients in whom clinical and laboratory data suggested a WD-like disorder of hepatic copper metabolism of unknown origin. Results We  detected in these patients six rare nucleotide substitutions, namely one splice-site consensus sequence and one missense and four silent nucleotide substitutions. All substitutions except one were found in the heterozygous state. No difference in the frequencies of the various substitutions was observed between patients and controls. Conclusions These data suggest that the MURR1 gene and its protein product are unlikely to play a primary role in the pathogenesis of Wilson disease. More extensive studies with larger numbers of clinically homogeneous patients should be carried out to establish whether nucleotide alterations in the MURR1 gene may have a role in causing WD or WD-like disorders or act as modifying factors in the phenotype variability in WD.  相似文献   

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