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西北太平洋热带气旋强度变化的统计特征   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:14  
用中国气象局整编的1949-2003年共55年的《台风年鉴》和《热带气旋年鉴》资料,依据平均值与标准差的数学涵义,给出了TC突然增强、缓慢增强、强度稳定、缓慢减弱和突然减弱的标准,分析了西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度变化的年代际、年际、月际、日变化和区域分布的基本特征。结果表明:(1)1960年代以前,T℃的年平均增强或减弱幅度较小。(2)在TC出现较为频繁的夏秋季节,8月份TC强度变幅较小。TC在14时(北京时,下同)最易发展,20时最易减弱;08时TC增强速度最快,02时最慢;02时TC减弱速度最快, 20时最慢。(3)TC频数和增强TC频数的高值区位于海南岛以东的南海北部中国近海区域和菲律宾以东洋面,减弱类TC频数极值区在吕宋岛及其东部海域、海南岛以西的北部湾、广东沿岸。(4)TC突然增强不出现在30°N以北的中高纬地区和0—5°N的低纬地区。TC突然减弱多出现在125°E以西的中国近海大范围海域,在0~5°N的低纬地区基本不出现。  相似文献   

一种识别热带气旋降水的数值方法   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
提出了一种有于识别热带气旋降水的数值方法。这一方法是在中国国家气候中心与美国国家气候资料中心的双边合作研究中得以实现的。该方法的识别结果与天气图人工判别结果相比较表明,两者结论十分一致。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTropical cyclones (TCs) moving north and gettingto the Liaodong Peninsula and waters of the Yellowand Bohai Seas are in their late phase of life cycle.While weakening rapidly, TCs carry a large amount ofwarm and humid air that forms heavy ra…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Tropical cyclones (TCs) moving north and getting to the Liaodong Peninsula and waters of the Yellow and Bohai Seas are in their late phase of life cycle.While weakening rapidly, TCs carry a large amount of warm and humid air that forms heavy rainfall by itself on the one hand and interact with westerlies in the middle latitudes on the other.  相似文献   

影响辽东半岛的热带气旋降水分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
选取移动路径和转向趋势极为相似的两个热带气旋——9711(Winnie)和9406(Tim)为例,对其路径、降水量、移动速度进行对比分析,结果表明,Winnie路径偏东,转向后移动速度增幅大,在辽东半岛地区的降水量大;Tim路径偏西,转向后移动速度增幅小,强降水偏西。并针对其在辽东半岛造成的降水量的差异,采用NCEP全球分析资料,诊断分析其环境流场和结构特征,分析表明,除了地形和海洋的影响,副热带高压位置、高低空急流和锋区与辽东半岛地区的强降水有直接关系。Winnie影响期间,有利、稳定的副高位置使来自东南和西南的暖湿空气输送到辽东半岛上空,并阻挡着低压系统东移出海,使降水持续增加;高低空急流在高空急流人口区上升支环流圈内耦合,对流层上层强辐散场的抽吸作用及高位涡的向下输送,有利于气旋的发展加强;东、西两侧冷空气作用使其变性加强,形成温带气旋,引起强降水。Tim影响期问,副高中心偏西、偏北,高低空急流在高空急流出口区下沉支环流圈内相互作用,其上空辐散强度较弱,只是Winnie的八分之一,不利于气旋的发展加强;Tim位于高空槽后,获得负涡度平流,在东部弱冷空气作用下,引起台风弱变性,并没有形成气旋,在东北地区被西风槽合并后消失,辽东半岛只出现10mm以下的降水。  相似文献   

利用夏季季节内振荡(Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation, BSISO)指数和台风密集度分析了夏季季节内振荡和西北太平洋台风活动的关系。台风密集度定义为一天内500 km范围内台风出现的概率,与台风经纬度位置相比,台风密集度可更灵活地表达台风生成及移动特征。结果表明夏季季节内振荡对台风活动有明显的调制作用。当夏季季节内振荡指数1(BSISO1)处于第1、5、6、7、8位相时,南海及菲律宾以东海域台风活动明显增强;当夏季季节内振荡指数2(BSISO2)处于第2、3、4位相时,西北太平洋台风活动也明显增强。当夏季季节内振荡处于这些位相时,台风活动增强与南海及菲律宾以东海域环流气旋式异常、对流活动正异常相一致。   相似文献   

Using 1°×1° final analysis(FNL) data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP),precipitation data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) and the best-track tropical cyclone(TC)dataset provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA) for June-August of 2000-2009, we comprehensively consider the two factors low-level moisture channel and interaction between TCs and mid-latitude systems and implement a statistical analysis of remote precipitation in East Asia to the north of 0° and to the west of 150° E. 48 cases of remote precipitation occurred in this period, which are categorized into five classes. After a composite analysis of the different classes, the main systems at 850 h Pa and 500 h Pa that impact the remote precipitation are as follows:TC, mid-latitude trough, subtropical high and water vapor channel. In particular, the water vapor channel which usually connects with Indian monsoon has the most significant impact on remote heavy rainfall. Another important factor is the mid-latitude trough. The type of north trough/vortex-south TC remote precipitation events happen most frequently,accounting for 68.8% of the total incidence. Most remote precipitation events occur on the right side of the TC path(representing 71% of the total number). At 200 h Pa, the remote precipitation events usually occur on the right rear portion of a high-altitude jet stream, and there is an anti-cyclonic vortex to the east and west of the TCs. When there is no anti-cyclonic vortex to the east of the TC, the TC is relatively weak. When the remote precipitation occurs to the northwest of the TC and there is a trough in the northwest direction, the TC is relatively strong. Numerical experiments are carried out using Weather Research and Forecast(WRF) model. The results shows that the TC plays a main role in producing the heavy precipitation and results in the enhancement of precipitation by impacting the water vapor channel.  相似文献   

Combined with TRMM products and Tropical Cyclone (TC) best track data in Northwest Pacific from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2009, a total of 118 TCs, including 336 instantaneous TC precipitation observations are established as the TRMM TC database, and the database is stratified into four intensity classes according to the standard of TC intensity adopted by China Meteorological Administration (CMA): Severe Tropical Storm (STS), Typhoon (TY), Severe Typhoon (STY) and Super Typhoon (SuperTY). For each TC snapshot, the mean rainfall distribution is computed using 10-km annuli from the TC center to a 300-km radius, then the axisymmetric component of TC rainfall is represented by the radial distribution of the azimuthal mean rain rate; the mean rain rates, rain types occurrence and contribution proportion are computed for each TC intensity class; and the mean quadrantal distribution of rain rates along TCs motion is analyzed. The result shows that: (1) TCs mean rain rates increase with their intensity classes, and their radial distributions show single-peak characteristic gradually, and furthermore, the characteristics of rain rates occurrence and contribution proportion change from dual-peak to single-peak distribution, with the peak rain rate at about 5.0 mm/h; (2) Stratiform rain dominate the rain type in the analysis zone, while convective rain mainly occurred in the eye-wall region; (3) The values of mean rain rate in each quadrant along TCs motion are close to each other, relatively, the value in the right-rear quadrant is the smallest one.  相似文献   

选用2000—2020年自动站降水资料、热带气旋最佳路径数据集(CMA-STI)以及欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5再分析资料,发现不到半数的热带气旋活动伴随江淮地区暴雨发生,且仅有3成的热带气旋存在时,江淮地区日降水达到当年梅雨期日均降水。除个别“转向型”及登陆后继续东移、北上的“西北型”热带气旋外,七成左右的热带气旋大多伴随有梅雨减弱现象,并利用WRF模式及热带气旋Bogus方法对2017年热带气旋“苗柏”和2019年热带气旋“丹娜丝”进行数值模拟,分析热带气旋的存在对梅雨季节降水的影响机制。结果表明:在模式能较好地模拟出两个热带气旋的路径及降水落区、强度的基础上,对比移除热带气旋前后的试验,西北路径的热带气旋“苗柏”登陆前,南缘偏西气流加强低空急流,江淮地区切变线加强,登陆后低压北抬,副高稳定,形成有利于降水的环流形势;剔除“苗柏”后,低空急流断裂,副高南退,水汽输送带南移,长江中下游地区降水减少。转向型热带气旋“丹娜丝”北移,伴随副高北抬,对流性不稳定减小,垂直上升运动减弱,西太平洋的水汽被大量输送到热带气旋中心附近,故输送至江淮地区的水汽减弱,降水减少,促使梅雨提前结束;而剔除“...  相似文献   

广东省登陆热带气旋活动异常成因分析   总被引:43,自引:26,他引:43  
利用1970~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对32年来西太平洋热带气旋登陆我国的频率、位置、维持、衰减、变性、加强及消亡等进行统计分析,揭示热带气旋登陆活动的一些事实和特征。研究表明:在我国沿海不同地区(不包括岛屿)登陆的热带气旋,其陆上维持时间明显不同,从广西至浙江,维持时间向北增加;热带气旋登陆后的明显衰减主要发生在登陆后12小时内,登陆时越强的热带气旋,衰减得越厉害;热带气旋在我国陆上消失的位置最北是黑龙江、最西可至云南,广西是登陆我国热带气旋消失数最多的地区。  相似文献   

To quantitatively study the role of tropical cyclone precipitation (TCP) on alleviating the drought in the southeast coastal region of China (SCR) during summer and autumn, the objective synoptic analysis technique (OSAT), improved for consistency and rationality, was used to separate the TCP data on the summers and autumns of 1963–2005 on the basis of daily precipitation data from stations and tropical cyclone best track data. After defining the season drought index, the actual drought distribution and the assumed drought distribution without TCP were acquired. The results showed that within 1 000 km from the southeast coastline of China, TCP accounted for 11.3% of natural precipitation (NP). Without TCP, the drought index in the SCR during summer would have increased from 0.2 to 0.6 or even above 1.0 in some regions whereas the drought index during autumn would have increased from 0.4 to 0.6 or above 1.2 in some regions. The impact of TCP on drought decreases progressively from the southeast coastline to the inland regions. The TCP proportion (TCPP) showed a significant negative correlation with the drought index in many regions of the southeast, and the significant region is wider in autumn than in summer. TCP relieved the drought most significantly within a range of 0–500 km from the southeast coastline. This drought relief showed different characteristics for the interannual variability in summer and autumn, and the cross wavelet transform indicated that the impact of TCP on drought mainly lies in 2–4-year time scales. In particular, there was a significant effect during the summers of 1977–1985 and in the autumns following that of 1985. Therefore, TCP has indeed largely alleviated drought in the SCR during summer and autumn.  相似文献   

A barotropic prirnitive equation model is used to simulate the tropical cyclone motion.Tropical cyclonemovements under different environmental flow backgrounds were examined and sensitivity of tropical cyclonetracks were discussed.Conclusions of practical significance have been obtained in this paper.  相似文献   

In this study,the effect of vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensification of tropical cyclone(TC)is investigated via the numerical simulations.Results indicate that weak shear tends to facilitate the development of TC while strong shear appears to inhibit the intensification of TC.As the VWS is imposed on the TC,the vortex of the cyclone tends to tilt vertically and significantly in the upper troposphere.Consequently,the upward motion is considerably enhanced in the downshear side of the storm center and correspondingly,the low-to mid-level potential temperature decreases under the effect of adiabatic cooling,which leads to the increase of the low-to mid-level static instability and relative humidity and then facilitates the burst of convection.In the case of weak shear,the vertical tilting of the vortex is weak and the increase of ascent,static instability and relative humidity occur in the area close to the TC center.Therefore,active convection happens in the TC center region and facilitates the enhancement of vorticity in the inner core region and then the intensification of TC.In contrast,due to strong VWS,the increase of the ascent,static instability and relative humidity induced by the vertical tilting mainly appear in the outer region of TC in the case with stronger shear,and the convection in the inner-core area of TC is rather weak and convective activity mainly happens in the outer-region of the TC.Therefore,the development of a warm core is inhibited and then the intensification of TC is delayed.Different from previous numerical results obtained by imposing VWS suddenly to a strong TC,the simulation performed in this work shows that,even when the VWS is as strong as 12 m s-1,the tropical storm can still experience rapid intensification and finally develop into a strong tropical cyclone after a relatively long period of adjustment.It is found that the convection plays an important role in the adjusting period.On one hand,the convection leads to the horizontal convergence of the low-level vorticity flux and therefore leads to the enhancement of the low-level vorticity in the inner-core area of the cyclone.On the other hand,the active ascent accompanying the convection tends to transport the low-level vorticity to the middle levels.The enhanced vorticity in the lower to middle troposphere strengths the interaction between the low-and mid-level cyclonical circulation and the upper-level circulation deviated from the storm center under the effect of VWS.As a result,the vertical tilting of the vortex is considerably decreased,and then the cyclone starts to develop rapidly.  相似文献   

热带气旋移动的数值试验和非线性特色的某些现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

热带气旋"黄蜂"动热力特征演变的模拟分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以"中国登陆台风试验"项目的目标热带气旋"黄蜂"为对象,用高分辨数值模式成功模拟了其近海加强和登陆减弱的过程,从定量和时间演化角度细致分析了热带气旋(TC)各阶段的动、热力特征,包括对流加热特性、温湿结构、稳定度、涡散度、垂直运动、垂直环流、水平环流等基本动、热力因子的时空结构特征,揭示了该热带气旋的大量结构特点,如对流加热的强盛和非对称性、强热带风暴的无眼结构、低层的东暖西冷结构、涡度的准圆形对称结构、东/西侧环流正/斜压性的差异、低层辐合和上升运动的准周期振荡等等.这些结构特征的揭示对深入细致地研究和认识南海热带气旋的特点和演变机理具有重要学术意义.  相似文献   

热带气旋路径人工神经元预报方法对比试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分别对具有动量项BP、LM、RBF人工神经网络建立36、48、60、72小时的热带气旋路径预测模型,各用100个独立样本进行预测检验,分析了网络"学习好,预报差"的原因,解决这一问题的关键是选择合适的网络结构参数、相应的学习算法和合适的预报因子,并总结了合理应用人工神经网络建立预测模型的经验.针对人工神经网络模型不具有自动选取因子的功能,给实际应用造成困难,提出了基于RBF的逐步选取因子的算法,并进行了对比试验,表明该方法具有较高的实用价值.  相似文献   

台风远距离暴雨的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
台风是最强的暴雨天气系统,针对台风暴雨的研究由来已久,并把台风暴雨分为台风环流本身的暴雨和台风远距离暴雨。近几十年来,有关台风远距离暴雨的研究有了一些新的进展和成果。2007年的第十四届全国热带气旋研讨会上还给出了最新的台风远距离暴雨定义。谨从此定义出发,简要总结国内外在台风远距离暴雨方面的研究成果,并在分析归纳的基础上提出存在的问题和可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

A technique for estimating tropical cyclone (TC) intensity over the Western North Pacific utilizing FY-3 Microwave Imager (MWRI) data is developed. As a first step, we investigated the relationship between the FY-3 MWRI brightness temperature (TB) parameters, which are computed in concentric circles or annuli of different radius in different MWRI frequencies, and the TC maximum wind speed (Vmax) from the TC best track data. We found that the parameters of lower frequency channels’ minimum TB, mean TB and ratio of pixels over the threshold TB with a radius of 1.0 or 1.5 degrees from the center give higher correlation. Then by applying principal components analysis (PCA) and multiple regression method, we established an estimation model and evaluated it using independent verification data, with the RMSE being 13 kt. The estimated Vmax is always stronger in the early stages of development, but slightly weaker toward the mature stage, and a reversal of positive and negative bias takes place with a boundary of around 70 kt. For the TC that has a larger error, we found that they are often with less organized and asymmetric cloud pattern, so the classification of TC cloud pattern will help improve the acuracy of the estimated TC intensity, and with the increase of statistical samples the accuracy of the estimated TC intensity will also be improved.  相似文献   

The energy dispersion of a typhoon vortex and its effect on the typhoon motion are studied using an analyticalmethod of double-Fourier expansion as well as a numerical model in a β-plane nondivergent barotropic framework.The analytic model and the linear version of the numerical model give essentially the same result:the energy dispersionfrom a tropical cyclone can creat an L-H-L wave train to the east of the tropical cyclone.Three numerical experiments,integrated for 7 model days by the nonlinear model,indicate that the closed high in the wave train produces obvious in-fluence on the structure and movement of the tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

The effects of vertical wind shear on tropical cyclone (TC) intensity change are examined based on the TC data from the China Meteorological Administration and the NCEP reanalysis daily data from 2001 to 2006. First, the influence of wind shear between different vertical levels and averages in different horizontal areas are compared. The results indicate that the effect of wind shear between 200 and 850 hPa averaged within a 200–800 km annulus on TC intensity change is larger than any other calculated vertical wind shear. High-latitude and intense TCs tend to be less sensitive to the effects of VWS than low-latitude and weak TCs. TCs experience time lags between the imposition of the shear and the weakening in TC intensity. A vertical shear of 8–9 m/s (9–10 m/s) would weaken TC intensity within 60 h (48 h). A vertical shear greater than 10 m/s would weaken TC intensity within 6 h. Finally, a statistical TC intensity prediction scheme is developed by using partial least squares regression, which produces skillful intensity forecasts when potential predictors include factors related to the vertical wind shear. Analysis of the standardized regression coefficients further confirms the obtained statistical results.  相似文献   

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