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The Lower Cretaceous ammonite fauna of Japan was influenced by the Tethyan, Boreal and North Pacific realms with their oceanic current patterns and ammonite distributions. The hypothesis of oceanic circulation can be utilized to interpret the existence of the “Bering Strait” and the changing position of the “Boreal front,” that is the contact region of warm and cold-water masses. To understand such a system fully, a comprehensive understanding of the geographical distribution of ammonite faunas is required. The occurrence of twenty-five ammonite species, belonging to twenty genera, is confirmed in the Barremian to Albian of Japan. Of these, 24 species are described in this paper, including Barremites macroumbilicus sp. nov. The fauna can be divided into three associations, lower, middle, and upper, indicating late Barremian, late Aptian, and late Albian of the European standard zonation. The faunal characters suggest that the habitats of these ammonite faunas may have changed during later Early Cretaceous, with faunas characterizing three different environments, i.e., nearshore, intermediate, and distal shelf to upper slope setting. Ammonites of the lower association (late Barremian) are related to those of the Tethys, Boreal European, and circum-Pacific regions, and suggest that the Early Cretaceous Katsuuragawa Basin was deposited under the influence of currents from both high latitude and equatorial areas. The occurrence of Crioceratites (Paracrioceras) suggests that the Boreal European elements, including Simbirskites and Crioceratites (Paracrioceras), transited between Northwest Europe and Japan through the Arctic Sea, indicating that the Pacific Ocean was connected with the Arctic Sea at that time. The second association (late Aptian) is composed of ammonites of the Tethyan and circum-Pacific regions. As European Boreal ammonite taxa are absent in this association, it is concluded that the Pacific Ocean probably was not connected with the Arctic Sea at the time. Consequently, the “Boreal Front,” marking the contact between warm and cold water masses, was located at mid-latitude in the “Bering Strait” region during Barremian and subsequently moved northward during Albian. The uppermost ammonite association (late Albian) also consists of Tethyan and circum-Pacific taxa. Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) poronaicum expanded its range with northward and eastward circulation of oceanic currents, suggesting the current must have represented a warm water-mass from the equator. The species subsequently migrated from the southern Katsuuragawa Basin to the Hokkaido area during late to latest Albian.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of sediments is primarily controlled by their provenances, and different tectonic settings have distinctive provenance characteristics and sedimentary processes. So, it is possible to discriminate provenances, depositional environments and tectonic settings in the development of a sedimentary basin with the geochemistry of the clastic rocks. The analytical results of the present paper demonstrate that sediments in the Songliao prototype basin are enriched in silica (SiO2=66.48-80.51 %), and their ΣREE are 30-130 dmes of that of chondrite with remarkable Eu anomalies. In discriminating diagrams of Eu/Eu vs eeeeeREE and (La/Yb)N vs ΣREE, most samples locate above the line Eu/ Eu=l, on the right of the line Eu/Eu/ΣREE=1 and under the line La/Yb)N/eeeeeREE=1/8, which indicates that the depositional environment of sediments in the basin was oxidizing. In addition, variations of MgO, TiO2, A12O3, FeO+Fe2O3, Na2O and CaO vs SiO2 reflect a tendency of increasing mineral maturity of sediments  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous sediments of Aptian–Albian age outcrop at Munday’s Hill Quarry, Bedfordshire, England. Previous papers describing the section have resulted in different terminologies being applied. The Lower Cretaceous in Bedfordshire is represented by sediments belonging to the Lower Greensand Group and the Gault Clay Formation. Within the Lower Greensand Group in the study area the Woburn Sands Formation, are of Aptian–Albian age. Selected samples have been analysed for palynology. The analysis reveals diverse palynomorph assemblages, including well-preserved dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs. Comparison of the assemblages with published records indicates that the lower samples are of Late Aptian age. Forms recorded include common Kiokansium unituberculatum, Cerbia tabulata, Aptea polymorpha and Cyclonephelium inconspicuum. An Early Albian age is indicated for the uppermost sample.  相似文献   

The Alpstein (cantons of Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Appenzell Innerrhoden and St. Gallen, northeastern Switzerland) has been of great interest for geologists over the last decades because of its excellent outcrops. However, there was no comprehensive overview over its Cretaceous fossil content. Here, we describe the cephalopod associations, which are moderately to highly diverse in some strata of the Alpstein. Furthermore, we document the regional palaeoecological changes that occurred during the radiation of heteromorph ammonites (ancyloceratids, scaphitids, turrilitids). To examine the palaeoecological changes, we quantitatively determined the macrofossil content of 11 associations of Barremian to early Cenomanian age. Here, we document 6 species (3 genera) of nautilids and 77 species (45 genera) of ammonoids (29 of the species are recorded from Switzerland for the first time). Our palaeoecological analyses revealed the disappearance of nektoplanktonic forms after the late Barremian to the middle early Aptian in the course of the development of a shallow carbonate platform. The upper lower Aptian to middle Albian strata were eroded due to successive emersion phases and condensation processes. In the late Albian, the number of nektoplanktonic species surged again with some benthos, followed by the Cenomanian fauna, which is dominated by nektoplanktonic elements including ammonites, belemnites and nautilids with only very little benthos. These results correlate well with the regional sea level fluctuations.  相似文献   

During the Barremian–Early Aptian, the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) of northwest Germany was covered by a shallow epicontinental sea where restricted conditions resulted in the formation of black shales. This study focuses on a 103-m-thick succession of Lower Barremian–Lower Aptian dark claystones and black shales exposed in a temporary road cut in northwest Germany (A39). Calcareous nannofossils and the δ13Corg record have been used to determine the timing of black shale deposition (Hauptblätterton, Blätterton, Fischschiefer events). Redox-sensitive trace elements indicate anoxic conditions with free H2S causing the formation of black shales and dysoxic conditions during deposition of the dark claystones. The palaeoecological reconstructions based on calcareous nannofossils suggest that during the Lower Barremian Hauptblätterton event a stratification of water masses existed, caused by high surface water temperatures and reduced terrigenous run-off. During the deposition of the Upper Barremian clay-Blätterton alternation warm surface water prevailed, accompanied by meso-eutrophic surface water conditions. The formation of the Barremian black shales was mainly caused by restricted conditions related to the palaeogeography and palaeoceanography of the LSB. Global processes associated with the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a most likely induced the deposition of the Lower Aptian Fischschiefer. High weathering rates, high primary production, and restricted conditions in the LSB led to increased burial of organic matter and thereby to the formation of the Fischschiefer.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary layers are represented in the Brazilian Paraná Basin by the fluvio–aeolian Guará Formation and the Botucatu Formation palaeoerg, respectively, overlapped by the volcanic Serra Geral Formation. In Uruguay, the corresponding sedimentary units are named Batoví and Rivera Members (both from the Tacuarembó Formation), and the lava flows constitute the Arapey Formation (also in Paraná Basin). Despite the lack of body fossils in the mentioned Brazilian formations, Guará/Batoví dinosaur fauna is composed of theropod, ornithopod and wide–gauge sauropod tracks and isolated footprints, as well as theropod teeth. In turn, the Botucatu/Rivera dinosaur fauna is represented by theropod and ornithopod ichnofossils smaller than those from the underlying units. The analysis of these dinosaur ichnological records and comparisons with other global Mesozoic ichnofauna indicates that there is a size reduction in dinosaur fauna in the more arid Botucatu/Rivera environment, which is dominated by aeolian dunes. The absence of sauropod trackways in the Botucatu Sandstone fits with the increasingly arid conditions because it is difficult for heavy animals to walk on sandy dunes, as well as to obtain the required amount of food resources. This comparison between the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous dinosaur fauna in south Brazil and Uruguay demonstrates the influence of aridization on the size of animals occupying each habitat.  相似文献   

Wood fossil charcoal is identified from the upper Lower Cretaceous (Serra do Tucano Formation, Aptian–Albian) of Roraima (North Brazil). The presence of charcoal demonstrates the occurrence of Early Cretaceous palaeo-wildfires for the first time in this region and only the third time for the entirety of South America. A gymnospermous taxonomic affinity can be established for the charred woods and a relationship with conifers is likely, thus providing additional evidence for the taxonomic composition of Early Cretaceous floras in this region.  相似文献   

The Guri Member is a limestone interval at the base of the calcareous marls of the Mishan Formation. It is the youngest hydrocarbon reservoir of the southeast part of the Zagros sedimentary basin. This Member overlaid siliciclastic rocks of Razak Formation and is overlain by green and gray marls of the Mishan Formation. In order to consider the paleoecology and paleoenvironments of the Lower–Middle Miocene (Guri Member), we have studied biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Guri Member based on foraminifer and microfacies in two stratigraphic sections including Dorahi–Homag and Chahestan. A total of 33 genera and 56 species of benthic and planktonic foraminifera were identified in two studied stratigraphic sections. Benthic and planktonic foraminifera demonstrate Aquitanian to Langhian age (Early–Middle Miocene) for this Member at the study area. Studied interval has deposited in four facies association including supratidal, lagoon, coral reef, and open sea on a carbonate ramp. Carbonate rocks of the Guri Member have precipitated in two and three depositional sequences at Chahestan and Dorahi–Homag sections, respectively. Sedimentation of marine carbonates of the Guri Member on siliciclastic deposits reflects a major transgression of sea level at Lower to Middle Miocene that led to creating a new sea in the Zagros basin at that age. Increasing siliciclastic influx along with a sea level fall finally caused burying of the carbonate ramp. Except for the beginning of sedimentation of carbonate at the base of both stratigraphic sections (depositional sequence 1), most of the system tracts are not matched to global sea level curve that reflect local effects of the basin. Distribution of foraminifera suggests precipitation in tropical to subtropical in mesotrophic to oligotrophic and eutrophic to oligotrophic conditions. Based on large benthic foraminifera (porcelaneous large benthic foraminifera and hyaline larger benthic foraminifera), water temperature average was determined between 25 and 30 °C that was confirmed by analyzing oxygen and carbon stable isotopes. Finally, we have utilized achieved data to reconstruction and modeling of paleoecology, paleoenvironments, and sea level changes in the southeast part of the Zagros basin.  相似文献   

1. Introduction The Tianshan Mountains is a typical intercontinental orogenic belt in the world. From late Carboniferous to Permian, the old Tianshan formed during the tectonic amalgamation of the Tarim block, Tianshan block and Siberia craton (Carroll et al, 1990). Mid-Cenozoic basalts are widely distributed in both the Tuyon basin of southwest Tianshan and its western part of Tianshan in Jierjisi in late Cretaceous-Paleogene period, which indicates the activation of the old Tianshan.…  相似文献   

The genus Horiopleura Douvillé is restricted to the Mediterranean and southwestern Asian regions, and is represented by eight species developed during the late Barremian–Albian. This revision of species contributed to delineate generic and specific characters. The definition of species is based on a set of external and internal qualitative and quantitative characters, the key characters being size, radial bands, ornamentation and the presence of a left posterior canal. Morphometry documents the dimorphism of some species, corroborated by regression analysis. Horiopleura dumortieri is an upper Barremian–lowermost Bedoulian species from SE France, Horiopleura brevis n. sp. is a Bedoulian, Mediterranean species, extending to the lower Gargasian, Horiopleura gigantea (pro Monopleura) is a Bedoulian species, restricted the Ukrainian Carpathes. Horiopleura lamberti and H. almerae are Upper Aptian to lower Albian species, and are known from Southern Europe and North Africa. Horiopleura haydeni is essentially late Aptian and typifies the southwestern Asia “Yasin fauna”. Horiopleura distefanoi and H. gemmellaroi (both formerly placed in Polyconites) are restricted to the Albian of the peri-Adriatic regions and North Africa, the former being present in the Middle East. Multiple correspondence analysis using six categorical variables and their categorical states, applied to the comparison of species, tends to corroborate our overall taxonomic frame-work, and reveals three groups of species with distinctive ages.  相似文献   

Late Albian ammonite faunas from the Aitamir Formation of the Koppeh Dagh Basin in northeast Iran are described and illustrated. These comprise 14 taxa, several of which are recorded from Iran for the first time, namely Anahoplites planus (formerly recorded from central Iran in open nomenclature only), Semenoviceras solidus, Epihoplites (Metaclavites) iphitus, Hysteroceras orbignyi and Pseudhelicoceras robertianum. New records of Placenticeras grossouvrei extend the stratigraphic range of this species downwards into the Late Albian; previously it was known from the Early and Middle Cenomanian only. The record of the rare E. (M.) iphitus fills a palaeobiogeographic gap between Crimea and Tajikistan, and the holotype of Spath is re-illustrated here. Additionally, Epihoplites trapezoidalis, from the Late Albian of Tajikistan, is relegated into the synonymy of Spath's species. A large number of taxa typical of the Late Albian (upper part of the Gault Clay Formation) of northwest Europe indicate close palaeobiogeographic affinities with the Koppeh Dagh Basin and faunal exchange across the Russian Platform and Transcaspia. The stratigraphic succession of the ammonite faunas is used for a biostratigraphic subdivision of the upper Aitamir Formation.  相似文献   

Leymeriellid ammonite faunas are described from northeast of Esfahan and the Khur area (Central Iran). The faunas comprise Leymeriella (L.) tardefurcata, L. (L.) germanica and L. (L.) acuticostata? as well as L. (Neoleymeriella) regularis, L. (N.) diabola and L. (Neoleymeriella) pseudoregularis?. The leymeriellids of Iran are closely related to faunas from northwest Europe, the Vocontian Basin and Transcaspia (Mangyschlak) and thus allow for biostratigraphic correlations, indicating the earliest Albian Leymeriella tardefurcata Zone with its superimposed L. acuticostata and L. regularis subzones. We suggest that the sudden appearance of common representatives of the genus Leymeriella in the northern and Central Iranian basins (Leymeriella acme) can be used as a useful proxy marker to define the base of the Albian Stage in Iran.  相似文献   

The Monk's Bay Sandstone Formation (MBSF) is the new name for the Lower Albian ferruginous sandstone that was formerly known as the Carstone of the Isle of Wight. The new term was proposed to remove any confusion with the Carstone, of similar age and lithology, described from the separate Lower Cretaceous sedimentary basin of Eastern England. This paper formalises the nomenclatural change outlined in the Lower Cretaceous Framework Report, ratified by the Geological Society Stratigraphy Commission.The MBSF, representing a major mid-Albian transgressive event, is described from a series of boreholes drilled by the British Geological Survey across the Isle of Wight, and from additional coastal exposures, together with reinterpretations of sections described in earlier works.The age range of the MBSF is determined in relation to recent biostratigraphical schemes supported with new data from the previously unknown presence of foraminifera. Deposits, belonging to the Leymeriella regularis Subzone, were previously considered to be absent from the succession and represent the stratigraphical gap separating the formation from the underlying Sandrock Formation. However a first occurrence of tubular foraminifera resembling Hyperammina/‘Rhizammina cf dichotomata’ suggest that the oldest part of the formation in the northeast of the island may be of regularis Subzone age. This unconformity is correlated with the sequence boundary LG4 of Hesselbo and the presence of the Sonneratia kitchini Subzone at the base of the MBSF on the Isle of Wight suggests that this boundary should be placed at the lower of two candidate horizons within the successions of the Weald.The formation is restricted to the Isle of Wight but is coeval with similar coarse-grained sediments, e.g. the Carstone and ‘JunctionBeds’ to the north. The palaeogeography of the formation and the relationship with these similar deposits and the implications for the timing of mid-Albian structural events is briefly discussed. The identification of older Lower Greensand Group sediments beneath the MBSF in boreholes north of the Isle of Wight structure, together with new survey data indicating north-south orientated faulting affecting the early Cretaceous implies a tectonic element to the distribution the Lower Greensand Group sediments. Taken together these imply a complex interaction of tectonics and transgressive events throughout the Aptian and Albian over this structural high.  相似文献   

The Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP) was one of the largest and relatively well preserved Mesozoic platforms in the Mediterranean region (central Tethys). The peninsula Istria, in the northwestern part of the ADCP, is built up predominantly of shallow-water carbonates of the Middle Jurassic (Dogger) to Eocene age and, to a lesser extent, of Paleogene clastic deposits (flysch and calcareous breccia). This study focuses on a Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) succession of strata at five localities in western Istria. Stratigraphic determinations are based on identification of nine microfossil assemblages (benthic foraminifera and calcareous algae Dasycladales) and on using their taxa as index fossils. The age of strata with these microfossil assemblages, however, is questionable. Most of the age uncertainties are associated with a regional emersion, which occurred on the ADCP during the Aptian or close to the Aptian-Albian transition. It is unclear what portions of the Upper Aptian and/or Lower Albian are missing along this unconformity. A stable isotope study was conducted on homogenous micritic matrix samples in an attempt to resolve some of these uncertainties. Variations in carbon isotope compositions proved useful for stratigraphic correlation between the examined successions of strata, for improving their age determination, and for relating them to other coeval successions that span an important time interval of major oceanographic changes and carbon-cycle perturbations associated with the Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a).  相似文献   

研究了下白垩统巴音戈壁组、苏红图组一段两套烃源岩的地质、地球化学特征以及烃源岩的热演化, 评价了天草凹陷的含油气远景。研究表明,巴音戈壁组烃源岩规模大,有机质丰度高,有机碳平均1.34%,以Ⅱ1型有机质为主,已经历成熟热演化阶段,其质量与二连等盆地相当。天草凹陷总生烃量为18.37×108t, 石油资源量为0.74×108t,发育断鼻、断块与岩性圈闭等构造。圈闭和烃源岩在时空上的匹配较好,表明石油地质条件较好,可作为同规模、低勘探程度的新区凹陷中的首选勘探对象。  相似文献   

A previously unknown amber‐bearing bed in the Lower Cretaceous Miyako Group, northeastern Japan, was deposited within a sequence that contains abundant marine macrofossils and wave‐generated sedimentary structures that suggest deposition in an open shallow marine environment. How the amber was transported from its terrestrial origin to the marine environment is unclear, but sedimentary gravity flow is a strong candidate. Our observations suggest that the occurrence of amber clasts in sediments deposited in open and closed shallow marine environments is not uncommon. Thus, in addition to terrestrial sediments, sediments of marine origin have potential as targets for amber exploration.  相似文献   

酒泉盆地位于祁连造山带北缘西部,是走廊盆地群西端的一个重要的富油气盆地,酒西盆地是酒泉盆地的次级盆地之一,下白垩统已钻获多口中、高产工业油井,显示具备优越的油气地质条件。白垩纪酒泉盆地的成因问题一直存在争议。对酒西盆地红柳峡早白垩世地层的实测剖面沉积相研究,得出当时的沉积环境具有由深湖亚相向前扇三角洲亚相、扇三角洲前缘亚相到扇三角洲平原亚相的演化序列,说明盆地发展经历了初始断陷阶段、断陷扩张阶段和坳陷阶段,是具有典型的断-坳双层结构的盆地。在结合盆地勘探认识的基础上,通过区域对比,提出白垩纪酒泉盆地与我国东部中生代陆相沉积盆地具有相似的构造背景,类比中国东部早白垩世伸展断陷盆地的成因,提出盆地的形成与演化受到太平洋板块俯冲及西伯利亚板块向南漂移的影响。  相似文献   

根据对营尔凹陷下沟组岩心、测井和地震资料的分析,运用现代沉积学、层序地层学理论,将营尔凹陷下白垩统下沟组划分为4个三级层序。营尔凹陷下沟组主要发育辫状河三角洲、扇三角洲、近岸水下扇、远岸水下扇、滑溻浊积体、湖泊共6种沉积相类型,形成不同类型砂体。三角洲前缘亚相及远岸水下扇沉积相砂岩发育,砂岩物性较好,具备储集空间且储盖组合条件好,有利于油气成藏。三角洲平原亚相及近岸水下扇以粗碎屑沉积为主,砂泥分异差,储集物性差,难以形成油气藏。有利沉积相带空间展布与构造的配置关系决定了油气富集高产区的空间分布。  相似文献   

This work is a study of the ammonite record of a new stratigraphic section of Aptian age, at the Mina Texali (Puebla State, Central Mexico). A detailed biostratigraphic analysis was carried out on 309 specimens systematically sampled on a bed-by-bed basis. An Aptian ammonite zonation is proposed for the Mina Texali (= MT) section with two interval zones, Dufrenoyia justinae and Caseyella sp., and one informal biostratigraphic unit represented by the Huastecoceras trispinosoides beds. We also analyze the taxonomic composition, paleoecology and some systematic issues of the ammonite record of the MT section. The first record in Mexico of the genera Pseudosaynella, Xerticeras and the nautiloid Heminautilus is identified in this section. The ammonite assemblage is assigned to the proximal part of the outer neritic region of the continental shelf. The ammonite record of the studied section is diagnostic in establishing the lower-upper Aptian transition, and the local zonation of the MT provides important data for the development of an Aptian standard ammonite zonation for the Central Atlantic province.  相似文献   

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