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Because of the multiplication of fading gains and noise, the actual distributions of the received signals in multi‐hop amplify‐and‐forward relaying systems are no longer Gaussian. In this work, they are fitted with the t location‐scale distribution and the logistic distribution. Using these distributions, two novel noncoherent detectors are proposed based on the maximum likelihood method. Numerical results show that both new detectors outperform the conventional energy detector. The performance gain increases when the signal‐to‐noise ratio increases or when the hop number decreases. Importantly, the bit error rate of the conventional energy detector reaches an error floor while the bit error rates of the new detectors do not. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fixed‐gain amplify‐and‐forward relaying under non‐ideal hardware is analyzed. The relaying system is impaired because of relay's power amplifier (PA) nonlinearity and in‐phase and quadrature‐phase (IQ) imbalance at a destination. Closed‐form expressions for outage probability as well as ergodic capacity approximation and its upper bound are derived. Also, the outage probability and the ergodic capacity asymptotic expressions in the high signal‐to‐noise ratio are deduced. For the first time, the joint influence of PA nonlinearity and IQ imbalance on the system in terms of outage probability, symbol error rate, and ergodic capacity is investigated. The results are compared with the respect to soft envelope limiter and traveling‐wave tube amplifier at the relay. Based on the analytical and the numerical results, important insights into the impact of IQ imbalance and nonlinearity of the aforementioned PA models on the system performance are gained as well as valuable information on the performance of practically deployed fixed‐gain amplify‐and‐forward relaying system. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, end‐to‐end performance of transmit antenna selection (TAS) and generalized selection combining (GSC) is studied in a dual‐hop amplify‐and‐forward relay network over flat Rayleigh fading channels. In the system, source and destination equipped with multiple antennas, communicate by the help of single relay equipped with single antenna. Source‐destination link is not available. TAS is used for transmission at the source, and GSC is used for reception at the destination. By considering the relay location and the presence of error in feedback channel from the relay to the source, we derive closed‐form outage probability, moment generating function and moments of end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio, and closed‐form symbol error probability (SEP) expressions for channel state information (CSI)‐based and fixed relay gains. The diversity order and array gain of the network are obtained for both CSI‐based and fixed relay gains by deriving asymptotical outage probability and SEP expressions. The analytical results are validated by the Monte Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The outage performance of the amplify‐and‐forward relaying strategies over mutually uncorrelated extended generalized‐K fading channels is addressed in this paper. The attention is dedicated to the analyses of the noise‐limited and also interference‐limited environment. The new analytical expression for outage probability of observed relaying system in the presence of thermal noise is derived using the method for approximating equivalent signal‐to‐noise ratio. In addition, the outage performance is studied for the dual‐hop system when only the single dominant co‐channel interference is inherent at the relay and destination node. The correctness of the proposed mathematical derivations is verified by simulations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This letter investigates the joint effects of imperfect channel state information and co‐channel interferences on a two‐hop fixed gain amplify‐and‐forward (AF) relay network with beamforming. Specifically, the analytical expressions of the outage probability and the average symbol error rate for the AF relaying are derived. Moreover, the asymptotic analysis at high signal‐to‐noise ratio is also presented to reveal the diversity order and array gain of the considered AF relay system. Finally, computer simulations are given to confirm the validity of the analytical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the full‐duplex relaying. Some expressions for outage and average capacity of a two‐hop cooperative system with a full‐duplex relay are derived under an independent but not identically distributed Rayleigh fading environment. Using these expressions, we provide the performance analysis without Monte Carlo simulations. The impact of interference between the relay output and input is investigated. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the tradeoff between outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for a multi‐hop relaying scheme in cognitive radio (CR) networks. In the proposed protocol, a multi‐antenna primary transmitter (PT) communicates with a multi‐antenna primary receiver (PR), using transmit antenna selection (TAS) / selection combining (SC) technique, while a secondary source attempts to transmit its data to a secondary destination via a multi‐hop approach in presence of a secondary eavesdropper. The secondary transmitters such as source and relays have to adjust their transmit power to satisfy total interference constraint given by PR. We consider an asymmetric fading channel model, where the secondary channels are Rician fading, while the remaining ones experience the Rayleigh fading. Moreover, an optimal interference allocation method is proposed to minimize OP of the primary network. For the secondary network, we derive exact expressions of end‐to‐end OP and IP which are verified by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field of wireless communication have proven the importance of diversity in combating channel fading and improving the bit error rates (BERs). In this report, a dual‐hop decode‐amplify‐forward (DAF) transmission system over Nakagami‐m fading channel is studied. The DAF relay system is a hybrid of decode‐and‐forward and amplify‐and‐forward relay systems that shows the benefits of both decode‐and‐forward and amplify‐and‐forward relay systems and is also called hybrid relay system or hybrid DAF relay system. Signal‐to‐noise ratios and BERs for various system models with varying number of transmit and receive antennas have been discussed. The diversity is achieved in two ways: firstly, by the use of relay and secondly, by the use of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver. Dual‐hop relaying gives better trunking efficiency and with single antenna at the relay site acquisition and antenna structures are much less expensive. The variations in the performance levels when the relay is moved to different locations within the line of sight of the transmitter and the receiver have also been analyzed. BERs with respect to variations in the fading parameter ‘m’ have also been presented and discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the performance of cognitive amplify‐and‐forward (AF) relay networks with beamforming under the peak interference power constraint of the primary user (PU). We focus on the scenario that beamforming is applied at the multi‐antenna secondary transmitter and receiver. Also, the secondary relay network operates in channel state information‐assisted AF mode, and the signals undergo independent Nakagami‐m fading. In particular, closed‐form expressions for the outage probability and symbol error rate (SER) of the considered network over Nakagami‐m fading are presented. More importantly, asymptotic closed‐form expressions for the outage probability and SER are derived. These tractable closed‐form expressions for the network performance readily enable us to evaluate and examine the impact of network parameters on the system performance. Specifically, the impact of the number of antennas, the fading severity parameters, the channel mean powers, and the peak interference power is addressed. The asymptotic analysis manifests that the peak interference power constraint imposed on the secondary relay network has no effect on the diversity gain. However, the coding gain is affected by the fading parameters of the links from the primary receiver to the secondary relay network. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of a training‐based least square (LS) and linear minimum mean‐square‐error (LMMSE) channel estimation for both hop‐by‐hop and multi‐hop direct forwarding wireless sensor networks over frequency‐selective fading channels. Specifically, to investigate the properties of the channel estimation, we accomplish a theoretical analysis of MSE in terms of various link parameters. From the performance evaluation, we analytically present the effects of the number of hops on the MSE performance for channel estimations in both multi‐hop networks. Interesting observations of MSE behaviors under various conditions are discussed, and the receiver complexity and channel equalization performance are also analyzed. Finally, through the computer simulations, the analytical results and detection performance are demonstrated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Examining the effect of imperfect transmit antenna selection (TAS) caused by the feedback link errors on the performance of hybrid TAS/orthogonal space‐time block coding (OSTBC) with single receive antenna selection (i.e., joint transmit and receive antenna selection (JTRAS)/OSTBC) and TAS/OSTBC (with receive maximal‐ratio combining‐like combining structure) over slow and frequency‐flat Nakagami‐m fading channels is the main objective of this paper. Under ideal channel estimation and delay‐free feedback assumptions, statistical expressions and several performance metrics related to the post‐processing signal‐to‐noise ratio are derived by defining a unified system model concerning both JTRAS/OSTBC and TAS/OSTBC schemes. Exact analytical expressions for outage probability (OP) and bit/symbol error rates of M‐ary modulations are presented in order to provide a detailed examination on the OP and error performances of the unified system that experiences feedback errors. Also, the asymptotic diversity order analysis, which shows that the diversity order of the investigated schemes is equal to the diversity order provided by OSTBC transmission itself, is included in the paper. Moreover, we have validated the theoretical results via Monte Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relay communications have attracted increasing research attentions as a cost‐effective technique to improve spatial diversity, service coverage, and energy efficiency in wireless networks. However, existing relay schemes (e.g., amplify‐and‐forward and decode‐and‐forward (DF) schemes) still face several major challenges, particularly the accumulation of multipath channels effect in AF and long processing latency in DF. To address these issues, we propose a novel equalize‐and‐forward (EF) relay scheme to enhance the retransmission reliability while maintaining low processing delay at the relay node. In particular, the proposed EF relay estimates and equalizes the channel between source and relay to eliminate the channel accumulation effect without signal regeneration. To further reduce the relay processing time, the channel estimation and equalization in the proposed EF design are performed in parallel. The proposed equalization is realized by presetting the equalizer coefficients with the current channel response that is predicted in parallel using multiple past channel responses. Numerical results show that the proposed EF relay scheme can achieve comparable symbol error rate performance as the DF relay with much less relay latency. In addition, the EF relay exhibits low outage probability at the same data rate as compared with traditional amplify‐and‐forward and DF schemes. schemes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the statistical characteristics of the equivalent end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratios (SNRs), the average symbol error ratios (SERs), and the optimal power allocation (OPA) for two‐way amplify‐and‐forward opportunistic relaying (TWOR‐AF) systems. First, with strict mathematic manipulation, we obtain the closed‐form solutions to the PDF, CDF, and moment generating function of the end‐to‐end SNRs. Then, based on the obtained statistical results, we present the total average SER of the Non‐OPA TWOR‐AF systems by using the appropriate approximation, in which only the greater segment of the two terminal SERs is considered. Finally, by aiming at minimizing the total average SER and using the SNRs balancing condition at both transceivers, we study the OPA problem subject to a total transmission power constraint. The comparison analysis shows that, for the Non‐OPA TWOR‐AF systems, we can only evaluate exactly the greater segment of the two SERs of the received signals at two transceivers by using the derivations. However, for the OPA TWOR‐AF systems, with our derivations we can evaluate exactly not only each segment of the two terminal SERs but also the sum SER (exact total SER). Moreover, the simulations show the OPA TWOR‐AF systems outperform the Non‐OPA TWOR‐AF systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In cooperative communications, multiple relays between a source and a destination can increase the diversity gain. Because all the nodes must use orthogonal channels, multiple‐relay cooperation becomes spectrally inefficient. Therefore, a bestrelay selection scheme was recently proposed. In this paper, we analyzed the performance of this scheme for a system with the relays operating in amplify‐and‐forward mode over identical Nakagami‐m channels using an exact source–relay–destination signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR).We derived accurate closed‐form expressions for various system parameters including the probability density function of end‐to‐end SNR, the average output SNR, the bit error probability, and the channel capacity. The analytical results were verified through Monte Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive a moment generating function (MGF) for dual‐hop (DH) amplify‐and‐forward (AF) relaying networks, in which all nodes have an arbitrary number of antennas, with orthogonal space‐time block code (OSTBC) transmissions over Rayleigh fading channels. We present an exact error rate expression based on the derived MGF and another analytical approach to derive achievable performance bounds as closed‐forms of symbol error rate, outage probability, and normalized channel capacity. Furthermore, we derive the asymptotic behavior of symbol error rate and outage probability. From this asymptotic behavior, it is shown that the diversity order and its dependence on antenna configurations can be explicitly determined. Simulation results are also presented to verify their accuracy by comparing with numerical results and to provide an insight to the relationship between relaying networks' antenna configuration and diversity order. It is confirmed that the transmit antenna gain of the source node and the receive antenna gain of the relay node can be obtained only when the relay is close to the destination, and then, the transmit antenna gain of the relay node and the receive antenna gain of the destination node can be obtained only when the relay is close to the source.  相似文献   

In this paper, performance of joint transmit and receive antenna selection in each hop of dual hop amplify‐and‐forward relay network is analyzed over flat and asymmetric Nakagami‐m fading channels. In the network, source, relay, and destination are equipped with multiple antennas. By considering relay location, we derive exact closed‐form cumulative distribution function, moment generating function, moments of end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio and closed form symbol error probability expressions for fixed and channel state information‐based relay gains. We also derive the asymptotical outage probability and symbol error probability expressions to obtain diversity order and array gain of the network. Analytical results are validated by the Monte Carlo simulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, cooperative relaying techniques have been integrated into spectrum‐sharing systems in an effort to yield higher spectral efficiency. Many investigations on such systems have assumed that the channel state information between the secondary transmitter and primary receiver used to calculate the maximum allowable transmit secondary user transmit power to limit the interference is known to be perfect. However, because of feedback delay from the primary receiver or the time‐varying properties of the channel, the channel information may be outdated, which is an important scenario to cognitive radio systems. In this paper, we investigate the impact of outdated channel state information for relay selection on the performance of partial relay selection with amplify and forward in underlay spectrum‐sharing systems. We begin by deriving a closed‐form expression for the outage probability of the secondary network in a Rayleigh fading channel along with peak received interference power constraint and maximum allowable secondary user transmit power. We also provide a closed‐form expression for the average bit‐error rate of the underlying system. Moreover, we present asymptotic expressions for both the outage probability and average bit‐error rate in the high signal‐to‐noise ratio regime that reveal practical insights on the achievable diversity gain. Finally, we confirm our results through comparisons with computer simulations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper shows the analytical performance expressions of M‐ary quadrature amplitude modulation burst symbol transmission for hybrid decode‐or‐amplify‐forward (HDAF) relay schemes over quasi‐static Rayleigh‐fading channels. First, we derive the probability density function of the received instantaneous signal‐to‐noise ratio as the simplified form, which is related to all the possible occurrence probabilities of error‐events for M‐ary quadrature amplitude modulation burst transmission. On the basis of the derived probability density function, we express average bit error probability, average symbol error probability, and average burst error rate as closed forms, which can be also applied to both amplify‐and‐forward and adaptive decode‐and‐forward (ADF) schemes. The analysis and simulation results show that HDAF scheme for burst transmission can achieve the performance of ADF scheme with symbol‐by‐symbol transmission, which is the achievable lower bound. Furthermore, the outage probability, the normalized channel capacity, and the goodput performance are also derived as closed forms. The analysis shows the superiority of HDAF scheme to ADF scheme. Comparison with simulations confirms that the derived analytical expressions are accurate over all signal‐to‐noise ratio regions and for different numbers of relays and modulation orders.  相似文献   

Recently, efficient partial relay selection (e‐PRS) was proposed as an enhanced version of PRS. In comparing e‐PRS, PRS, and the best relay selection (BRS), there is a tradeoff between complexity and performance; that is, the complexity for PRS, e‐PRS, and BRS is low to high, respectively, but vice versa for performance. In this paper, we study the outage probability for e‐PRS in decode‐and‐forward (DF) relaying systems over non‐identical Nakagami‐m fading channels, where the fading parameter m is an integer. In particular, we provide closed‐form expressions of the exact outage probability and asymptotic outage probability for e‐PRS in DF relaying systems. Numerical results show that e‐PRS achieves similar outage performance to that of BRS for a low or medium signal‐to‐noise ratio, a high fading parameter, a small number of relays, and a large difference between the average channel powers for the first and the second hops.  相似文献   

Performance of dual‐hop decode‐and‐forward relay system with selection‐combining receiver is analyzed over Rice fading channels. The following closed‐form expressions of performance metrics are derived: moment generating function for selection‐combining receiver output signal‐to‐noise ratio, exact average bit error rate of noncoherent modulations, approximate average symbol error rate for coherent modulations, and outage probability. We also obtain simple asymptotic expressions for moment generating function, exact average bit error rate, average symbol error rate, and outage probability, which are useful to characterize the diversity order and the coding gain. The optimal power allocation analysis suggests that the optimal power allocation factor is independent of total signal‐to‐noise ratio and source‐to‐destination link fading parameters. The accuracy of the obtained analytical expressions are supported by computer simulation results.  相似文献   

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