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利用TC1、Cluster和Polar结合极光和同步高度及地磁的观测,研究了2004年9月14日1730~1930 UT时间段的亚暴偶极化过程.此前行星际磁场持续南向几个小时.亚暴初发(Onset)开始于1823 UT.2 min之后,同步高度的LANL 02A在子夜附近观测到了明显的能量电子增强(Injection)事件,而TC1在1827UT左右在磁尾(-10,-2, 0)RE (GSE)观测到了磁场BX的突然下降,伴随着等离子体压强和温度的突然增加及磁场的强烈扰动.在(-16, 1, 3)RE (GSE) 的Cluster上相同的仪器观测到相同的现象,只是比TC1观测到的晚大约23 min,在1850 UT左右.虽然Polar在更靠近地球的较高纬度(-75, 35, -40)RE (GSE)附近,也在1855 UT左右观测到了这种磁场偶极化现象.以上的观测时序表明TC1、Cluster观测到的磁场偶极化比亚暴偶极化初始发生分别晚4 min和27 min.说明偶极化由近磁尾向中磁尾传播.详细计算表明偶极化源区的位置大约在X=-77RE~-86RE,而传播速度大约为70 km·s-1.在这个事件中亚暴的物理图像可能是中磁尾的近地重联产生的地向高速流到达近磁尾,为近磁尾的亚暴触发创造了条件;亚暴在近磁尾触发之后,磁场偶极化峰面向中磁尾传播.  相似文献   

本文根据OMNI、TC-2卫星、LANL系列卫星、Cluster星簇卫星(C1—C4)以及加拿大的8个中高纬地磁台站的观测数据,研究了2005年8月24日强磁暴(SYM-Hmin~ -179 nT)主相期间的强亚暴(ALmin~ -4046 nT)事件特征.该强磁暴在大振幅(IMF Bz min~ -55.57 nT)、短持续时间(~90 min)的行星际磁场条件下产生,有明显的磁暴急始(SSC),强度较大且持续时间较短.发生在磁暴主相期间的亚暴发展的主要特征如下:亚暴增长相期间,C1—C4卫星先后穿越中心等离子体片;亚暴膨胀相触发后,在近地磁尾(X~-6RE)可观测到磁场偶极化现象;等离子体无色散注入区在亚暴onset开始后迅速沿经向扩展,但被限制在有限的经度范围;磁纬60°附近,Pi2地磁脉动振幅超过了100 nT.膨胀相开始后,在中、高磁纬地磁台站可观测到负湾扰,近地磁尾可观测到Pi2空间脉动,中磁尾区域可观测到尾向流、磁重联以及O+/H+数密度比值在亚暴onset之后增大等现象.分析表明该强磁暴主相期间的强亚暴现象发生时序是自内向外:X~-6RE处TC-2观测到磁场偶极化(~09:42:30 UT),同步轨道卫星LANL1994-084观测到等离子体无色散注入(~09:44:30 UT),X~-17.8RE处C1观测到磁场重联(~09:45:30 UT),由此推断该亚暴事件很可能是近地磁尾不稳定性触发产生,其发生区域距离地球很近.  相似文献   

TC-1在近磁尾观测到地向流的偏转   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用TC-1卫星在2004年到2007年磁尾探测数据,将以往高速流的研究拓宽到较低的速度,统计分析其从-13.4RE到-5RE地心距离内的空间演化. 研究发现: (1) 在向着地球运动的过程中,地向流发生率在日地连线附近减小,但在晨昏两翼的发生率增加,且在黄昏侧的发生率最高;这表明地向流在运动到近地时向着晨昏两翼偏转. (2) 越靠近地球,流速V和Vx越小,Vy和Vz的变化幅度较小并且具有明显的晨昏不对称性;所以地向流在近地运动过程中,不仅在晨昏方向上偏转,而且在南北方向上偏转. (3) 地向流期间,等离子体密度整体偏小;但是随地心距离的减小,密度整体上逐步增加. (4) 平行和垂直于磁场的流速具有明显的晨昏不对称性.在黎明侧的平行流速比黄昏侧大,在黄昏侧的垂直流速比黎明侧大. 鉴于较大的垂直流速易触发与电流中断关系密切的不稳定性,我们推测电流中断更容易出现在黄昏侧. (5) 除个别位置处的热压和磁压相当外, 磁压在总压中一直占据主导地位.日地连线附近的总压较大,晨昏两翼处的总压相对较小; 从而在晨昏向上产生较大的压力梯度,导致地向流在晨昏两翼偏转和发生率增大. 在晨昏两翼,距离地球较近的位置处观测到了较小的压力;而在日地连线附近,距离地球较远的位置才可以观测到较小的压力;压力分布的这个统计特征说明过去事例研究中电流中断出现在不同的位置可能是由近地磁尾的压力分布造成的.  相似文献   

探测一号卫星在近地磁尾观测到的尾向流统计特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在磁静和亚暴期间,TC-1卫星在近地磁尾,包括晨昏两侧和夜侧的尾瓣、等离子体片边界层和等离子体片区域都观测到大量来自电离层的尾向流事件.尾向流在赤道面附近最强,在夜侧较晨昏两侧强;尾向流有从晨昏两侧向夜侧运动的趋势;尾向流随距地球距离增加而逐渐增强.与来自中磁尾的地向流相比,近地磁尾近赤道区域来自电离层的尾向流具有低温高密特性.2004年7月1日至2004年10月31日期间TC-1卫星在近地磁尾(7RE~13RE之间,RE为地球半径)观测到持续时间超过3 min的尾向流共516起.对这516起尾向流的统计研究结果显示:(1)尾向流在从等离子体片边界层向等离子体片的运动过程中流速会逐渐减弱、密度逐渐增高,温度有逐渐下降的趋势;(2)对尾向流平行温度和垂直温度的分析显示不同等离子体区域的尾向流都有较明显的各向异性;(3)在从等离子体片边界层向等离子体片的运动过程中,尾向流逐渐趋向各向同性.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of the plasma bulk velocity across the plasma sheet are studied using single-point measurements from the Corall instrument on board the Interball/Tail satellite. Several hour-long intervals of continuous data corresponding to quiet geomagnetic conditions and different phases of isolated substorms are analyzed. The plasma sheet flow appears to be strongly turbulent, i.e. dominated by fluctuations that are unpredictable. Corresponding eddy diffusion coefficients were obtained as a function of the autocorrelation time and rms velocity of the fluctuations. It was found that the amplitude of the turbulence and the values of eddy-diffusion coefficients increase significantly during substorm growth and expansion phases and they decrease to their initial level during the recovery phase. We also studied a relationship between the eddy-diffusion coefficients and the absolute value of the geomagnetic field, also measured by the Interball/Tail satellite. It was found that this relationship varies depending on the phase of substorm, indicating possible change in the turbulence regimen with substorm phase.  相似文献   

Compressional waves with periods greater than 2 min (about 10–30 min) at low geomagnetic latitudes, namely compressional Pc5 waves, are studied. The data set obtained with magnetometer MIF-M and plasma analyzer instrument CORALL on board the Interball-1 are analyzed. Measurements performed in October 1995 and October 1996 in the dawn plasma sheet at −30 RE ≤ XGSM and |ZGSM| ≤ 10 RE are considered. Anti-phase variations of magnetic field and ion plasma pressures are analyzed by searching for morphological similarities in the two time series. It is found that longitudinal and transverse magnetic field variations with respect to the background magnetic field are of the same order of magnitude. Plasma velocities are processed for each time period of the local dissimilarity in the pressure time series. VeloCity disturbances occur mainly transversely to the local field line. The data reveal the rotation of the veloCity vector. Because of the field line curvature, there is no fixed position of the rotational plane in the space. These vortices are localized in the regions of anti-phase variations of the magnetic field and plasma pressures, and the vortical flows are associated with the compressional Pc5 wave process. A theoretical model is proposed to explain the main features of the nonlinear wave processes. Our main goal is to study coupling of drift Alfven wave and magnetosonic wave in a warm inhomogeneous plasma. A vortex is the partial solution of the set of the equations when the compression is neglected. A compression effect gives rise to a nonlinear soliton-like solution.  相似文献   

2004年8月3日近地TC-1卫星在磁尾XGSM~-12RE的等离子体片内,观测到了伴随着高速流的低于离子回旋频率的波,即超低频波(ULF,Ultra Low Frequency).该波垂直分量的振幅在高速流及其振荡减速期间大致相当;而平行分量振幅在高速流时明显大于其振荡减速时. 利用一个扰动双流模型对完全磁化离子横场漂移驱动的电磁不稳定性计算后,预测结果表明:(1)对于垂直分量来说,横场漂移速度与Alfvén速度的比值影响不稳定性增长率和激发波频率,随其比值增加,增长率变大,激发波频率从负值增加到正值.(2)对于平行分量来说,温度各向异性时等离子体热速度与Alfvén速度比值只影响不稳定性增长率和激发波频率,未改变不稳定性模类别;而温度各向同性时离子横场漂移速度与Alfvén速度比值既影响不稳定性模的种类及其分支,又影响激发波频率.进一步将卫星观测到的等离子体密度、温度、整体流速和磁场代入模型方程,进行数值计算与上述预测结果对比后发现:卫星观测中垂直分量的功率谱密度(PSD,Power Spectrum Density)增强时间和频段与理论模型中由β//、β和v/VA引起不稳定性激发的波一致;卫星观测中平行分量的功率谱密度增强时间与理论模型基本相符,但是前者的频率明显地低于后者.因此,除了需考虑平行磁场的离子整体流速对不稳定性激发波频率的可能影响,还需要统计上进一步核实伴随有高速流的ULF波与不稳定性的相关性.  相似文献   

The stable longitudinal dunes in the northern Simpson Desert, Australia, were observed in satellite imagery to become more active after vegetation cover was reduced by fire and drought. Subsequent rainfall events also resulted in significant vegetation regrowth and dune stabilization. These switches between more active and stable conditions have not been previously described in the largely vegetated dune fields of central Australia. The observations, made on 12 dune sites, relied on high spatial resolution satellite imagery to observe dune crest activity, and seasonal Landsat fractional cover imagery to observe vegetation cover changes. The non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) component of the fractional vegetation cover images revealed significant changes in hummock grass cover on the dunes between 1988 and 2018, with a positive relationship with the three-year cumulative rainfall, disrupted by two periods of patchy burning. Only those sites that had burnt became active, and only after vegetation cover had remained low (NPV < 16%) during the ‘Millennium Drought’. There is no threshold in vegetation cover, below which dune crests become active, but active dune features require four-years of low NPV cover (< 16%) to develop. The large rainfall event that ended the drought increased NPV cover, stabilizing the dunes. Similar hummock grass covered dunes are present across large areas of the arid zone, and are likely to respond in similar ways, given that fire and drought are common occurrences in Australia. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The degradation reactions of two monoazo pigments, namely, Red 53:1 and Red 48:2, by Fenton, photo‐Fenton and UV/H2O2 systems have been studied. The efficiencies of the Fenton reactions increased with temperature, but the formation of solid agglomerates was observed when the reactions were carried out above 50°C indicating a coagulant action of Fe+2 or Fe+3. Photo‐Fenton reactions irradiated by sunlight presented the best rate constants for cleavage of the azo bond and the naphthalene rings. The UV/H2O2 system exhibited the highest efficiency with respect to the consumption of H2O2. The presence of a carbonyl group in the ortho position of the naphthol ring hampered the oxidation of pigment Red 48:2 by hydroxyl radicals. This finding may be explained in terms of the acceptor character of the COOH group, and suggests the formation of a complex containing two six‐membered rings between Fe+3 and the pigment molecule.  相似文献   

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