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In chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, inflammation-associated cytokines including proinflammatory cytokines are involved in the development and progression of liver fibrosis. The liver is a source of many cytokines that may influence liver function. High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) was identified as an inflammatory cytokine. HMGB1 is present in nuclei of all mammalian cells and is released both through active secretion from various cells and by passive release from necrotic cells. Here we explore the relationship between HMGB1 plasma levels and liver fibrosis. HMGB1 serum levels, HBV-DNA, and ALT values were significantly higher in patients with chronic HBV than in controls. In addition, HMGB1 serum levels were significantly higher in patients with low fibrosis (fibrosis score 1-2) compared to those with high fibrosis (fibrosis score 3-4). In the present study, we have shown that HMGB1 is a noninvasive, repeatable, and convenient marker for distinguishing advanced fibrosis from low fibrosis in chronic HBV patients. We believe that the inhibition of HMGB1 may reduce inflammation, apoptosis, and fibrosis, and may stop the progression of chronic liver disease. Furthermore, we are of the opinion that fibrotic progression in chronic liver patients may be prevented by the inhibition of HMGB1, and that this substance can be a new means of following chronic HBV treatment.  相似文献   

Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular tumour. Once haematogenous metastasis has occurred, there is no cure for the disease and there is an obvious need for new biological prognostic markers to estimate the risk of metastasis. In this study, the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) was characterized immunohistochemically in 29 human uveal melanomas. Enzyme-linked immunoassays and gelatin zymographies were assessed in order to quantify the expression of gelatinases A and B, as well as the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), in the vitreous body. A total of 49 per cent of the uveal melanomas displayed a positive immunoreaction for MMP-2 in melanoma cells, the epithelioid cells showing the most frequent staining. There was no correlation between the positivity of MMP-2 staining and the size of the primary tumour, gender or age. The expression of MMP-2 was associated with a dismal prognosis: the 5-year overall survival rate for MMP-2-positive cases was significantly inferior to that of the MMP-2 negative cases, 49 per cent vs. 86 per cent, respectively (p=0·02). A patient group at high risk of metastatic disease was identified; only 38 per cent of patients with a MMP-2-positive non-spindle cell uveal melanoma survived for 5 years. The analyses of MMPs or TIMPs in the vitreous body had no prognostic value. Positive immunostaining for MMP-2 was observed in the retinal pigment epithelium, corneal epithelium, and fibroblasts in the ciliary body and choroid. It is concluded that immunohistochemical analysis of MMP-2 may help to predict a risk of metastasis in uveal melanoma. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The LC Polscope facilitates visualization of the meiotic spindle in human oocyte. This study aimed to investigate meiotic spindle assembly in correlation to time elapsed after HCG administration, and to determine whether spindle imaging may serve to indicate the likelihood of fertilization and embryo cleavage. METHODS: Metaphase II (MII) oocytes from 103 couples who were being treated for male infertility were imaged with the Polscope prior to sperm injection. Spindle imaging was correlated to time elapsed from HCG administration, fertilization rate and embryo cleavage. The main outcome measures were spindle visualization, fertilization and embryo cleavage on day 3. RESULTS: A total of 770 MII oocytes were imaged. A spindle was imaged in a significantly higher number of oocytes from >or=38 h after HCG administration compared with those in the <38 h group (78.1-81.5% versus 61.6%; P < 0.001). The fertilization rate in oocytes with a visible spindle was statistically higher compared with oocytes in which spindle could not be detected (70.4% versus 62.2%; P = 0.035). We found no relationship between spindle imaging and embryo cleavage on day 3. CONCLUSIONS: Spindle imaging, in addition to first polar body appearance, is an accurate indicator for oocyte maturity. We suggest that spindle imaging be performed prior to sperm injection.  相似文献   

Hemangiomas are endothelial neoplasms that affected about 8–12% of one-year-old children. Their life cycle is characterized by a rapid endothelial proliferation phase, followed by a slow involution phase. About 10% of the hemangiomas will cause functional complications or psychological concern requiring active treatments. Current therapy methods, such as intra-lesional or systemic administration of corticosteroids, systemic interferon treatment, or surgery, are diverse but uncertainty. To date, the etiology of hemangiomas is still controversial. However, general consensus on the importance of the endothelial cells leads hemangioma pathogenesis to angiogenesis. Thus, local delivery of anti-angiogenic agents may be of great interest for the treatment of hemangiomas.Bisphosphonates are potent in inhibiting osteoclast activity and promoting apoptosis, which are widely used for the treatment of osteoporosis and osteolysis diseases with minor adverse side effects. In addition to its anti-osteolytic effect, bisphosphonates are currently shown to be capable of anti-angiogenesis and induction of apoptosis in tumor cells. Experimental evidences demonstrated that bisphosphonates can inhibit capillary tube formation and vessel sprouting by impairing endothelial proliferation and migration, as well as reducing the serum fibroblast growth factor-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor. Moreover, it is not impossible to deliver bisphosphonates to local lesion by a new local drug delivery system (DDS), which employed the biocompatible calcium phosphate as the drug carriers for clinical use. This local drug delivery system is a suitable carrier for loading and releasing of bioactive bisphosphonates.Therefore, we hypothesis that local deliver of bisphosphonates by fine calcium phosphate particles may be a potential treatment of hemangiomas. By employing proper calcium phosphate particles, bioactive bisphosphonates will be gradually released and exert their anti-angiogenesis effect, destructing rapid proliferation of epithelial cells and promoting the involution of hemangiomas without systematic adverse side effects.  相似文献   

Malignant Mesothelioma presents with a characteristic heterogeneous growth pattern. Response to treatment is often only partial, which may be related to tumor cell heterogeneity. Molecular screening methods have revealed profound differences in the driving mechanisms of the variously differentiated mesothelioma cells. Characterization of these differences has made it possible to identify novel drug targets which are effective for both phenotypes.  相似文献   

Sun S  Liu X  Ma B  Zhou Y  Sun H 《Medical hypotheses》2011,76(2):237-238
The Gorham-Stout Syndrome is a rare condition in which spontaneous, progressive resorption of bone occurs. Even though the prognosis of the condition is generally considered to be good, Gorham-Stout syndrome can cause severe debilitation. In approximately 13% of recorded cases, death ensues. The treatment modalities for Gorham-Stout Syndrome include surgery, radiation therapy, anti-osteoclastic medications, however there is no known successful treatment. To date, the etiology of Gorham-Stout Syndrome is still controversial. However, general consensus on the importance of the derangement of osteoclastic activity and angiomatosis of blood vessels. Thus, local deliver of anti-osteoclastic and anti-angiogenic agents may be of great interest for the treatment of Gorham-Stout Syndrome. Bisphosphonates are potent in inhibiting osteoclast activity and promoting apoptosis, which has been widely used for the treatment of osteoporosis and osteolysis diseases and proved to be able to decrease the speed of bone destruction in Gorham-Stout Syndrome through systemic administration. In addition to its anti-osteolytic effect, bisphosphonates are currently shown to be capable of anti-angiogenesis and induction of apoptosis in tumor cells. Furthermore biocompatible calcium phosphate which is widely used for bone reconstruction in clinical has also been reported to be a suitable carrier for loading and releasing of bioactive bisphosphonates. Therefore, we hypothesis that local deliver of bisphosphonates by calcium phosphate may be a potential treatment of Gorham-Stout Syndrome.  相似文献   

Neuropilin-2, a cell surface receptor involved in angiogenesis and axonal guidance, has recently been shown to be a critical mediator of tumor-associated lymphangiogenesis. Given that lymphangiogenesis is a major conduit of metastasis in melanomas and that blocking neuropilin-2 function in vivo is effective in inhibiting tumor cell metastasis, we sought to determine the clinical relevance of neuropilin-2 expression in cutaneous melanoma. Immunohistochemical analysis of neuropilin-2 expression was evaluated in nevomelanocytic proliferations that included a tissue microarray and histologic sections from samples of primary melanomas (n = 42; 40 for tissue microarray, 2 for histologic sections), metastatic melanomas (n = 30; 22 for tissue microarray, 8 for histologic sections), and nevi (n = 30; 5 for tissue microarray, 25 for histologic sections), as well as a panel of normal human tissues and select nonmelanocytic tumors. Staining for grading and intensity of neuropilin-2 expression was estimated semiquantitatively as follows for the former: less than 20%, 20% to 60%, and more than 60% of tissue present, and for the latter from 0 to 3, with 3 being the highest and 0 the lowest intensity. In nevomelanocytic proliferations, more than 20% staining for neuropilin-2 was noted in 36 (86%) of 42 cases of primary melanoma, in 27 (90%) of 30 cases of metastatic melanoma, and in 9 (30%) of 30 cases of nevi with differences achieving statistical significance between melanoma (primary and metastatic) and nevi (P < .0001). For staining intensity, an intensity of 2 or more was noted in 36 (86%) of 42 cases of primary melanoma, in 17 (57%) of 30 cases of metastatic melanoma and in 7 (30%) of 23 cases of nevi, with differences achieving statistical significance between melanoma (primary and metastatic) and nevi (P < .0001). In normal human tissue, consistently strong neuropilin-2 staining was noted in kidney (glomerular endothelial cells, collecting tubules, and collecting ducts), skin (epidermal keratinocytes), and testes (epithelium of the seminiferous tubules), whereas in tumoral tissue, consistently strong staining was noted only in renal cell carcinoma but not in any of the other tumors studied. More recently, using a heterotypic coculture methodology with melanoma and endothelial cells, we have demonstrated successful up-regulation of neuropilin-2 and confirmed the critical role of neuropilin-2 in melanoma-endothelial interactions. Because these coculture methods were developed to model melanoma metastasis, the significantly increased and enhanced expression of neuropilin-2 staining in primary and metastatic melanoma versus nevi in the current study suggests that it is also relevant in vivo.  相似文献   

The key-enzyme for the metabolism of diamines in man is diamine oxidase (DAO). Its highest activities are in the intestinal mucosa, localized in the cytoplasm of the mature enterocytes of the small and large bowel. If the gut is affected by inflammation in Crohn's disease macroscopical changes are observed. This prospective study investigated if these mucosal alterations are also reflected in changes of mucosal diamine oxidase activity and/or mucosal histamine content respectively. Twenty patients (12 female, 8 male; age: , range 18 49 years) undergoing gut resection because of complications in Crohn's disease (Jan.–Dec. 1988) formed the basis of the study. Tissue samples of the resected material from areas inflamed and histologically not involved in the disease were investigated for diamine oxidase activities and histamine content. Diamine oxidase activities in the mucosa obtained from the macroscopically normal proximal (155.6; (76–393) mU/g ( range)) and distal (132; (58.5–295) mU/g) resection margins were similar to our previous findings. In all patients, however, samples from the diseased mucosa had significantly (ca. 50%) lower diamine oxidase activities (74.5; (5–262) mU/g) compared to the healthy tissue. Similar differences were found in material obtained either from whole intestinal wall or from the mucosa. The determination of diamine oxidase activity constitutes possibly a more unambiguous and earlier parameter for assessing the extent of the inflamed area than histological disease presentations. Using biopsies the necessary extent of resection could be estimatedbefore operation: this may influence operative strategies and help in the definition of the minimum amount of inflamed gut to be removed.Supported by grant of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Lo 199/15-2).  相似文献   

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are the most prevalent metabolic diseases in the western world. Alarmingly, the cluster of pathologies characteristic of obesity-induced disease have started to emerge in children, a phenomenon that up until a decade ago was inconceivable. Hence, the development of new strategies to treat 'metabolic disease' is most warranted. Growing evidence suggests that during type 2 diabetes, a state of chronic low-grade inflammation exists in metabolically active tissues such as the liver, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. This inflammation is often secondary to lipid accumulation in insulin-responsive tissues. Recent studies have focused on the therapeutic potential of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). CNTF is a pluripotent neurocytokine and, has shown promise as a potential anti-obesogenic therapy. CNTF acts both centrally and peripherally, mimics the biological actions of leptin while overcoming "leptin resistance", remains effective even after termination of therapy if administered centrally, and appears to reduce inflammatory signaling cascades associated with lipid accumulation in liver and skeletal muscle. The advantages and disadvantages of CNTF as a therapeutic strategy to alleviate obesity-associated diseases will be highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

Although in previous studies no clear demonstration was found of the efficacy of azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and methotrexate as immunoprophylactic agents in cases of multiple sclerosis (MS), over the past five years a number of well-designed clinical trials utilizing immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory agents have shown partial efficacy regarding the drugs involved, but they have not been able to determine in what way these drugs can modify the natural course of this disease. Among the immunosuppressors, mitoxantrone is of particular interest as during the past two years three controlled trials have taken place in Europe and have demonstrated its efficacy both as regards clinical (frequency of symptoms, progression of the disease) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) criteria. Due to its potentially severe cardiotoxicity related to total cumulative dose, mitoxantrone is only prescribed for a limited period, and its use is limited to selected patients with a high relapse rate and incomplete remission, or to those who do not respond to beta-interferon treatment. The immunomodulatory agents have less immediate efficacy, but because they are well tolerated they can be used early in the course of the disease and over a prolonged period of time. The beta-interferons (1a or 1b) have been given market approval for use in the treatment of MS: three large, randomized, double-blind studies have demonstrated their capacity to reduce by 30% the frequency of symptoms and the appearance of disabilities associated with relapse and with the progression of the disease. Glatirameracetate or copolymer 1, which is available in France (ATU), has been found to reduce the frequency of relapse by 30%. It constitutes an alternative immunomodulatory treatment for relapsing-remitting patients without major functional disabilities and who suffer from severe side effects with beta-interferon treatment. In the future, the early use of immunomodulatory agents and therapeutic drug combinations may be introduced. Therapeutic trials are currently in progress to determine the viability of this approach.  相似文献   

Chromosomal distribution of the Fat element that was isolated from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences of wheat chromosome 3B was studied in 45 species representing eight genera of Poaceae (Aegilops, Triticum, Agropyron, Elymus, Secale, Hordeum, Avena and Triticale) using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). The Fat sequence was not present in oats and in two barley species, Hordeum vulgare and Hordeum spontaneum, that we investigated. Only very low amounts of the Fat element were detected on the chromosomes of two other barley species, Hordeum geniculatum and Hordeum chilense, with different genome compositions. The chromosomes of other cereal species exhibited distinct hybridisation patterns with the Fat probe, and labelling intensity varied significantly depending on the species or genome. The highest amount of hybridisation was detected on chromosomes of the D genome of Aegilops and Triticum and on chromosomes of the S genome of Agropyron. Despite the bioinformatics analysis of several BAC clones that revealed the tandem organisation of the Fat element, hybridisation with the Fat probe produces uneven, diffuse signals in the proximal regions of chromosomes. In some of the genomes we investigated, however, it also forms distinct, sharp clusters in chromosome-specific positions, and the brightest fluorescence was always observed on group 4 chromosomes. Thus, the Fat element represents a new family of Triticeae-specific, highly repeated DNA elements with a clustered–dispersed distribution pattern. These elements may have first emerged in cereal genomes at the time of divergence of the genus Hordeum from the last common ancestor. During subsequent evolution, the amount and chromosomal distribution of the Fat element changed due to amplification, elimination and re-distribution of this sequence. Because the labelling patterns that we detected were highly specific, the Fat element can be used as an accessory probe in FISH analysis for chromosome identification and investigation of evolutionary processes at the chromosomal level.  相似文献   

Rituximab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, is widely used in the treatment of B-cell lymphoma. Some reports have outlined histologic modifications in bone marrow specimens from patients treated with this antibody, notably the presence of CD3(+) lymphoid aggregates morphologically mimicking residual lymphoma. To gain insight into the significance of such infiltrates, serial BM trephines obtained in 39 patients with B-cell follicular lymphoma treated by rituximab and enrolled in the GOELAMS-GELA intergroup FL2000 protocol were reexamined. The 39 patients were 22 women and 17 men with a median age of 50 years (range, 29-75 years). All pretreatment bone marrow biopsies showed CD20(+) lymphomatous cells. A second biopsy was obtained between 30 and 100 days after the last rituximab injection: 19 (48%) were morphologically diagnosed as negative (no lymphoid infiltrates or only minor lymphoid aggregates) and 20 (51%) as positive because of persistent lymphoid nodules. After immunohistochemical analysis, 13 (33%) cases were reinterpreted as false-positive because of the complete absence of CD20(+) cells, with the lymphoid nodules consisting of CD3(+) and CD5(+) T cells. Most of them also expressed CD4(+), whereas only a few CD8(+) cells were present. Among these 13 false-positive cases, 12 were BCL2-IGH polymerase chain reaction-negative in the bone marrow aspirate at the time of biopsy. The 13th case turned out to be negative in the 18th-month bone marrow aspirate. In all of these cases, lymphoid aggregates had disappeared on bone marrow biopsies performed 18 months after treatment. After a mean follow-up of 4.5 years, 9 of 13 patients were in remission as compared with only 2 among the 7 patients with postrituximab persistent CD20(+) lymphomatous cells. There was no statistically significant difference between this false-positive group of patients and that with negative postrituximab bone marrow regarding sex, age, medullar involvement pattern before treatment, delay between rituximab treatment, and molecular status. Interestingly, we noted a more favorable outcome (70% versus 52% remission) for the false-positive cases, suggesting that these T-cell reactions could be the hallmark of specific antitumoral immunity after rituximab treatment and should be properly investigated.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of nicotine abuse suggest that preferential attention allocation towards smoking-related stimuli plays an important role in the development and maintenance of smoking behavior. However, little is known about the impact of standard treatment programs for nicotine cessation on this effect. In the current study, we investigated smoking-related attentional bias using a visual dot probe task and an emotional Stroop task before and after a standard behavioral group therapy. Smokers (n=39) who received treatment, a smoker control group without treatment (n=20) and a non-smoker control group (n=20) were investigated. Although we found a reduction in attentional bias scores after successful treatment, this effect failed to reach statistical significance. Of note, we observed a low test-retest reliability in low-dependence smokers in both tasks which is a substantial limitation for using these paradigms in longitudinal studies. Additionally, there was no significant correlation between the attentional bias scores from both tasks.  相似文献   

Denner J 《Archives of virology》2008,153(8):1421-1426
PERVs are integrated in the genome of all pigs. Some of them infect human cells and represent therefore a potential risk for xenotransplantation using pig cells or organs. Three replication-competent subtypes have been described, PERV-A, PERV-B and PERV-C. Whereas PERV-A and PERV-B are polytropic viruses and infect, among others, human cells, PERV-C is an ecotropic virus, infecting only pig cells. Recombinant PERV-A/C are able to infect human cells, they are characterised by high-titre replication and their proviruses have been found de novo integrated in the genome of somatic pig cells, but not in the germ line. This review compares recombinant PERVs with other recombinant retroviruses in order to evaluate their potential pathogenicity.  相似文献   

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