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We have developed an x-ray beam-position monitor for detecting the radiation properties of an x-ray free electron laser (FEL). It is composed of four PIN photodiodes that detect backscattered x-rays from a semitransparent diamond film placed in the beam path. The signal intensities from the photodiodes are used to compute the beam intensity and position. A proof-of-principle experiment at a synchrotron light source revealed that the error in the beam position is reduced to below 7 μm by using a nanocrystal diamond film prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Owing to high dose tolerance and transparency of the diamond film, the monitor is suitable for routine diagnostics of extremely intense x-ray pulses from the FEL.  相似文献   

We have developed a single-shot intensity-measurement system using a silicon positive-intrinsic-negative (PIN) photodiode for x-ray pulses from an x-ray free electron laser. A wide dynamic range (10(3)-10(11) photons/pulse) and long distance signal transmission (>100 m) were required for this measurement system. For this purpose, we developed charge-sensitive and shaping amplifiers, which can process charge pulses with a wide dynamic range and variable durations (ns-μs) and charge levels (pC-μC). Output signals from the amplifiers were transmitted to a data acquisition system through a long cable in the form of a differential signal. The x-ray pulse intensities were calculated from the peak values of the signals by a waveform fitting procedure. This system can measure 10(3)-10(9) photons/pulse of ~10 keV x-rays by direct irradiation of a silicon PIN photodiode, and from 10(7)-10(11) photons/pulse by detecting the x-rays scattered by a diamond film using the silicon PIN photodiode. This system gives a relative accuracy of ~10(-3) with a proper gain setting of the amplifiers for each measurement. Using this system, we succeeded in detecting weak light at the developmental phase of the light source, as well as intense light during lasing of the x-ray free electron laser.  相似文献   

In order to utilize hard x-ray free electron lasers (XFEL's) when they are extended to attosecond pulse lengths, it is necessary to choose optical elements with minimal response time. Specular grazing-incidence optics made of low-Z materials are popular candidates for reflectors since they are likely to withstand x-ray damage and provide sufficiently large reflectivities. Using linear-optics reflection theory, we calculated the transient reflectivity of a delta-function electric pulse from a homogenous semi-infinite medium as a function of angle of incidence for s- and p-polarized light. We specifically considered the pulse response of beryllium, diamond, silicon carbide, and silicon, all of which are of relevance to the XFEL's that are currently being built. We found that the media emit energy in a damped oscillatory way, and that the impulse-response times are shorter than 0.3 fs for normal incidence. For grazing incidence, the impulse-response time is substantially shorter, making grazing-incidence mirrors a good choice for deep subfemtosecond reflective optics.  相似文献   

X-ray spectra from laser fusion targets are normally measured with flat crystal (nonfocusing) spectrographs. We describe here the characteristics of a focusing spectrograph which is capable of recording wide band spectra with significantly higher sensitivity. Measuring spectra in the (10-11) A range from glass microballoons imploded by a two-beam Nd:Glass laser system we find intensity per unit area on film about 100 times higher with a curved mica than with a flat mica spectrograph.  相似文献   

The limits of applicability of geometrical optical methods of calculating diffractive optical elements for terahertz radiation are determined. Use of the method of hot pressing in vacuum chambers to produce polymer transmissive diffractive elements for controlling terahertz radiation is considered. The effect of radiation absorption on the focal spot size and the radiation resistance of the elements are estimated. Experimental study of the optical characteristics of diffraction lenses fabricated in polypropylene revealed 17 percent differences from the diffraction limit.  相似文献   

吴永刚  曹二华 《光学仪器》2001,23(5):144-148
用直流平面磁控溅射方法在抛光玻璃衬底上淀积Mo薄膜,将薄膜在真空环境中进行热处理,用扫描探针显微镜(SPM)方法观察了薄膜的表面形貌,X-射线衍射方法分析了薄膜中应力各向异性特征及其与淀积时溅射气体压强和真空热处理的关系.发现薄膜中晶粒具有明显的择优取向,内应力沿径向对称分布,切向应力比径向应力更具有压应力特性,应力的各向异性特征与溅射原子的入射方向有关.真空热处理对薄膜中压应力的释放作用不明显,然而能有效地释放薄膜中的张应力.用HF酸腐蚀衬底的方法制备了自支撑Mo薄膜,发现脱膜前后薄膜表面微观形貌未产生大的变化.  相似文献   

用直流平面磁控溅射方法在抛光玻璃衬底上淀积Mo薄膜,将薄膜在真空环境中进行热处理,用扫描探针显微镜(SPM)方法观察了薄膜的表面形貌,X-射线衍射方法分析了薄膜中应力各向异性特征及其与淀积时溅射气体压强和真空热处理的关系.发现薄膜中晶粒具有明显的择优取向,内应力沿径向对称分布,切向应力比径向应力更具有压应力特性,应力的各向异性特征与溅射原子的入射方向有关.真空热处理对薄膜中压应力的释放作用不明显,然而能有效地释放薄膜中的张应力.用HF酸腐蚀衬底的方法制备了自支撑Mo薄膜,发现脱膜前后薄膜表面微观形貌未产生大的变化.  相似文献   

用直流平面磁控溅射方法在抛光玻璃衬底上淀积 Mo薄膜 ,将薄膜在真空环境中进行热处理 ,用扫描探针显微镜 ( SPM)方法观察了薄膜的表面形貌 ,X-射线衍射方法分析了薄膜中应力各向异性特征及其与淀积时溅射气体压强和真空热处理的关系。发现薄膜中晶粒具有明显的择优取向 ,内应力沿径向对称分布 ,切向应力比径向应力更具有压应力特性 ,应力的各向异性特征与溅射原子的入射方向有关。真空热处理对薄膜中压应力的释放作用不明显 ,然而能有效地释放薄膜中的张应力。用 HF酸腐蚀衬底的方法制备了自支撑 Mo薄膜 ,发现脱膜前后薄膜表面微观形貌未产生大的变化。  相似文献   

A 2400 lines/mm variable-spaced grating spectrometer has been used to measure soft x-ray emission (8-22 A?) from laser-produced plasma experiments at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Compact Multipulse Terrawatt (COMET) Laser Facility. The spectrometer was coupled to a Kentech x-ray streak camera to study the temporal evolution of soft x rays emitted from the back of the Mylar and the copper foils irradiated at 10(15)?W/cm(2). The instrument demonstrated a resolving power of ~120 at 19 A? with a time resolution of 31 ps. The time-resolved copper emission spectrum was consistent with a photodiode monitoring the laser temporal pulse shape and indicated that the soft x-ray emission follows the laser heating of the target. The time and spectral resolutions of this diagnostic make it useful for studies of high temperature plasmas.  相似文献   

The aberration of a multipole Wien filter for energy-filtered x-ray photoemission electron microscopy was analyzed and the optimized Fourier components of the electric and magnetic fields for the third-order aperture aberration corrections were obtained. It was found that the third-order aperture aberration correction requires 12 electrodes and magnetic poles.  相似文献   

Photonuclear methods used earlier in experiments at electron accelerators have been adapted for femtosecond pulsed lasers. In particular, the problem of measuring wide electron spectra under conditions of a high counting rate and, hence, a high probability of pulse pileup has been solved. To provide long-term stability of electron beams from plasma, a magnetic spectrometer combined with a magnetic-induction sensor has been developed. This spectrometer is capable of measuring the electron-beam characteristics in each ultrashort laser pulse. The results of the experiments carried out with the femtosecond laser system at the International Laser Center of the Moscow State University are presented.  相似文献   

电子束泵浦准分子激光放大器的双程光路自动准直   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种电子束泵浦准分子激光放大器的双程光路准直方法,以保证光束在放大器中按照预定方向传输,并使多路光束稳定精确地照射靶面.首先,鉴于准分子放大器中无天然准直基准提出了利用双叉丝像传递光路进行准直的方法,即把输入光束叉丝基准作为“近场点”,把输出光束叉丝基准作为“远场点”,并设计了放大器准直光路,编写了相应的软件.然后,在现有实验室条件下开展了电子束泵浦准分子激光放大器双程光路的自动准直实验.最后,分析了影响该方法的相关因素及准直精度.实验及分析表明,设计的准直系统在较短时间内实现了预定传输光路的自动准直,系统自身精度为0.63μrad,光束最大复位误差为13.75 μm,满足了电子束泵浦准分子激光放大器双程光路自动准直的要求.  相似文献   

X-ray line spectra ranging from 17 to 77 keV were quantitatively measured with a Laue spectrometer, composed of a cylindrically curved crystal and a detector. Either a visible CCD detector coupled with a CsI phosphor screen or an imaging plate can be chosen, depending on the signal intensities and exposure times. The absolute sensitivity of the spectrometer system was calibrated using pre-characterized laser-produced x-ray sources and radioisotopes. The integrated reflectivity for the crystal is in good agreement with predictions by an open code for x-ray diffraction. The energy transfer efficiency from incident laser beams to hot electrons, as the energy transfer agency for specific x-ray line emissions, is derived as a consequence of this work.  相似文献   

Nanosecond pulses of quasimonochromatic x-rays emitted from the K shell of ions within a laser-produced plasma are of sufficient spectral brightness to allow single-shot recording of powder diffraction patterns from thin foils of order millimeter diameter. Strong diffraction signals have been observed in a cylindrical pinhole camera arrangement from both polycrystalline and amorphous foils, and the experimental arrangement and foil dimensions are such that they allow for laser shocking or quasi-isentropic loading of the foil during the diffraction process.  相似文献   

滤光片是荧光分析类设备中的关键部件,与滤光片相关的结构设计和滤片自动切换功能的上下位机实现也就成为荧光类仪器设备的必备功能。  相似文献   

We present a compact modular apparatus with a flexible design that will be operated at the DiProI beamline of the Fermi@Elettra free electron laser (FEL) for performing static and time-resolved coherent diffraction imaging experiments, taking advantage of the full coherence and variable polarization of the short seeded FEL pulses. The apparatus has been assembled and the potential of the experimental setup is demonstrated by commissioning tests with coherent synchrotron radiation. This multipurpose experimental station will be open to general users after installation at the Fermi@Elettra free electron laser in 2011.  相似文献   

In applying a coordinate measuring machine to measure a mechanical object, many factors affect the measurement uncertainty. Although a number of studies have been reported in evaluating measurement uncertainty, few have applied the factorial design of experiments (DOE) to examine the measurement uncertainty, as defined in the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). This research applies the DOE approach to investigate the impact of the factors and their interactions on the uncertainty while following the fundamental rules of the GUM. The measurement uncertainty of the location of a hole measured by a coordinate measuring machine is used to demonstrate our methodology.  相似文献   

针对激光聚变冲击波速度测量的需求,设计了一种集被动式扫描高温计和主动式冲击波速度测量于一体的复合冲击波速度测量系统.通过采用多种耐辐射光学玻璃材料,实现了共用光路的400~700 nm耐辐射消色差设计;通过采用自动控制干涉仪简化了系统操作;主动测速系统通过切换不同焦距的中继成像镜头,实现了不同放大倍率的切换.系统的物方...  相似文献   

A method is described for the generation of software tunable patterns of nanosecond electrical pulses. The bipolar, high repetition rate (up to 250 MHz), fast rise time (<30 ps), square pulses are suitable for applications such as the excitation sequence in dynamic pump-probe experiments. Synchronization with the time structure of a synchrotron facility is possible as well as fine control of the relative delay in steps of 10 ps. The pulse generator described here is used to excite magnetic nanostructures with current pulses. Having an excitation system which can match the high repetition rate of a synchrotron allows for utilization of the full x-ray flux and is needed in experiments which require a large photon flux. The fast rise times allow for picosecond time resolution in pump-probe experiments. All pulse pattern parameters are configurable by software.  相似文献   

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