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患者,女,44岁。因右侧腰部酸痛5d于2006年7月9日入院。查体:腹部平坦,右下腹扪及8cm×7cm×7cm包块,囊性感,表面光滑、活动度较大,活动半径7cm,无压痛。瘤标系列示血清AFP10.2ng/ml,CEA、CA199、CA242、CA50均阴性。B超示右侧腹腔内84mm×70mm×50mm无回声包块,活动度大,提示右侧腹腔内囊性包块,肠系膜来源。  相似文献   

崔世友  王根权 《腹部外科》1995,8(2):F003-F003
副中肾管囊肿(苗勒氏管源性囊肿)在临床比较罕见,作者最近收治1例,并对本病的诊断和病理有关问题进行讨论和分析。 病例报告 患者:女,39岁。农民,已婚,生育4胎。患者于10年前因腹部肿块在外院手术摘除,肿块性质不详。术后排尿困难行膀胱造瘘术,20天后拔除造瘘管。术后至今排尿不畅,长期服用利尿药。4年前腹  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,5 1岁 ,因左侧腰部及下腹部疼痛 3个月余 ,加重 1个月于 2 0 0 4年1月 2日入院。查体 :体温 :37℃ ,血压 :12 0 / 80mmHg ,腹部软 ,脐左可触及一约6cm× 10cm包块 ,质硬 ,活动性差 ,腹部无明显压痛。妇检 :左侧附件可及一包块 ,压痛不明显 ,活动度差。B超示子宫后方不均质包块 ,左侧中下腹囊性包块 ,左肾积水。腹部CT检查示左侧卵巢占位性病变累及子宫 ,左肾输尿管积水 ,盆腔少量积液 ,左腹膜后囊性占位 ,胆囊结石。初步诊断为 :①左腹膜后囊性占位 ,②左肾输尿管积水 ,③左侧卵巢占位。经术前准备 ,在硬膜外麻醉下经腹行探查手…  相似文献   

患者男性,47岁。因“右上腹包块渐进性增大5年”入院。平日劳累后上腹胀痛不适,无发热、寒战及其它症状。既往健康,无外伤史,有在牧区生活史。查体:腹部膨隆,无红肿;上腹偏右扪及一  相似文献   

l病例报告 患者女性,38岁。因“左侧腰部间断性疼痛1年”入院。患者既往曾在外院行左侧上腹部包块切除术,术后诊断为畸胎瘤。查体:腰腹部未触及包块,左侧肾区叩击痛阳性。血尿常规及生化检查均未见异常。B超提示:左肾区15.3Cm×9.1cm巨大不均质回声。CT增强扫描所见囊实性肿块影,下部见条状明显强化,约12.0cmX8.5cmXl5.3cm,考虑左肾区肿瘤。IVP所见左侧肾门区见多发斑点状钙化影,左肾及输尿管未见显影。考虑为复发性腹膜后肿瘤。  相似文献   

附睾中肾管囊肿1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者,男,56岁。因右侧阴囊肿块进行性增大3个月入院。主诉右侧阴囊有坠胀感,无疼痛,无盗汗发热,无尿路刺激症状。体检:外生殖器发育正常。右侧阴囊内扪及一巨大包块,约10cm×8cm×6cm大小,囊性感、光滑,无触痛。透光试验阳性。右侧睾丸触诊清晰但附睾未能触及,左侧阴囊及阴茎检查正常。实验室检查:血常规、生化全套、AFP、HCG等均在正常范围内。B超显示右侧阴囊内液性包块,大小约80mm×55mm,不与腹腔相通,内部未见异常血流信号,右侧睾丸31mm×22mm,右侧附睾显示不清;左侧睾丸及附睾未见明显异常。拟诊右侧附睾头精液囊肿。在腰麻下行右侧…  相似文献   

患者女 ,40岁。主因尿频伴排尿困难 3年 ,加重 2个月入院。体检 :一般状态尚可 ,外生殖器发育正常 ,尿道外口无异常 ,尿道周围组织无明显纤维硬化表现。距尿道口 1cm处阴道前壁可触及 3cm× 2cm囊性肿物 ,无触痛 ,光滑 ,略可活动。检查尿常规 :白细胞 0~ 3个 /HP。膀胱镜检查见膀胱粘膜光滑 ,未见新生物 ,膀胱颈口无狭窄。B超提示阴道前壁有 3cm× 2cm囊性肿物 ,包膜完整。于 2 0 0 2年 8月 1 8日行阴道前壁囊肿切除术。术中见囊肿位于阴道前壁及尿道之间 ,压迫尿道 ,与尿道无瘘道 ,包膜完整 ,局部轻度粘连 ,将囊肿完整切除。…  相似文献   

<正>在胚胎发育过程中,苗勒氏管蜕化不全所残留的囊性结构称之为苗勒氏管源性囊肿,囊肿内壁衬有能够分泌囊液的薄层上皮[1]。腹膜后苗勒氏管源性囊肿较少见,多发囊肿并与直肠相通者极为罕见,报道如下。1病例介绍患者女,24岁,因"查体发现盆腔肿物3个月"入院,无发热,无腹痛、腹胀,无脓血便及里急后重感,无尿频、尿急、尿痛。既往月经规律,1年前行"剖宫产"育有1子。查体:腹部平坦,下腹部可见长约  相似文献   

患者 患者女,49岁.因体检发现上腹部肿物3个月入院.B超示上腹部囊性占位,倾向良性.CT示食管下端贲门胃小弯侧占位病变,大部突出于胃腔外,略呈分叶状,密度均匀,与周围组织分界较清晰,不除外间质瘤.  相似文献   

支气管源性囊肿是一种罕见先天发育异常性疾病,为先天性肠源性囊肿的亚型之一,多发生于纵膈,异位于腹部者极少见。腹膜后支气管源性囊肿国内外文献仅见少量报道,且大多为个案报道。本文对收治的1例腹膜后支气管源性囊肿进行报道与探讨。  相似文献   

In case 1, a 24-year-old man was admitted with left lumbago. Abdominal computed tomographic (CT) scan showed the huge mass (8 x 10 x 13 cm in diameter) in the left retroperitoneal space, which lack enhancement and had a irregular margin. Percutaneous needle biopsy guided by ultrasonography was performed. In case 2, a 74-year-old woman was admitted with right lower abdominal pain. Laboratory data showed the renal failure. Imaging study revealed bilateral hydronephroses and bilateral masses at both common iliac vessels. A retroperitoneoscopic biopsy was performed. We diagnosed both cases as retroperitoneal fibrosis and administered prednisolone for 10 months. The masses decreased in size and the symptoms disappeared in both cases.  相似文献   

We present two cases that demonstrate the occurrence of symptomatic arachnoid cysts after craniotomy. Both patients presented 1 year postoperatively with generalized seizures as the only symptom. Focal or localizing neurological signs were not present. Both patients responded well to shunting procedures.  相似文献   

A rare case of retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst is presented. A 50-year-old man was referred to our hospital for an investigation of a retroperitoneal mass. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a retroperitoneal mass, about 4 cm in diameter, adjacent to the left kidney and spleen. On the basis of these imaging modalities, a definitive diagnosis of this mass could not be made. So, resection of the mass was performed. The removed mass was an unilocular cyst and filled with mucinous fluid. Histopathologically, the cyst wall was composed of a fibrovascular connective tissue containing mucus-secreting glands and cartilages and was lined by ciliated pseudostratified columnar epitherium. Thus, a diagnosis of bronchogenic cyst was made. Bronchogenic cysts are rare congenital anomalies of the primitive foregut and usually develop in the mediastinum and lung.  相似文献   

应用腹膜后腹腔镜手术治疗肾上腺囊肿(附27例报告)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨腹膜后腹腔镜手术治疗肾上腺囊肿的方法及临床意义。方法:回顾分析2000年3月至2008年7月采用腹膜后腹腔镜手术治疗肾上腺囊肿27例患者的临床资料。结果:所有手术均获成功,21例行肾上腺部分切除术,6例行肾上腺全切除术,手术时间平均(35.1±11.6)min,术中平均出血(27.9±13.6)ml,平均住院(4.3±1.8)d。术后无严重并发症发生,随访12~36个月,无一例复发。结论:腹膜后腹腔镜手术可作为治疗肾上腺囊肿的标准术式。  相似文献   

A 41-year-old man and a 47-year-old man presented with an intrascrotal mass. The routine studies and ultrasonography showed that the mass was not associated with the testis, epididymis or spermatic cord, but the magnetic resonance imaging was the most useful for making a preoperative diagnosis. Both patients received transscrotal resection of the mass, the histopathological diagnosis of which was epidermoid cyst. A total of 24 cases of epidermoid cyst have been reported in the Japanese literature.  相似文献   

Nasofrontal dermoid sinus cyst: report of two cases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zerris VA  Annino D  Heilman CB 《Neurosurgery》2002,51(3):811-4; discussion 814
OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Nasofrontal dermoid sinus cysts are rare. The embryological origin, presentation, treatment, and genetic associations of two cases of these cysts are discussed. Emphasis is placed on physical findings and the importance of addressing both the intracranial and extracranial components. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: The first patient, a 33-year-old woman, sought care for chemical meningitis. As a child, she was differentiated from her identical twin sister by a dimple on the tip of her nose. The second patient, a 34-year-old man, sought care for new-onset seizures. Since birth, he had a dimple on the tip of his nose. As a child, he had undergone resection of a nasal cyst. Imaging studies in both patients indicated a midline anterior cranial base mass within the falx and a defect in the crista galli. INTERVENTION: Both patients underwent biorbitofrontal nasal craniotomy. A bifrontal craniotomy was performed first, then removal of the orbitonasal ridge. The dermoid and involved falx were resected. The sinus tract was followed through the crista galli and resected up to the osteocartilaginous junction in the nose. The remainder of the tract was resected via a small incision through the nares. The dura was closed primarily by mobilizing the dura along the sides of the crista galli. After surgery, both patients still possessed their sense of smell. CONCLUSION: Nasofrontal dermoid sinus cysts have a unique embryological origin. A midline basal frontal dermoid associated with a dimple on the nasal surface with or without protruding hair and sebaceous discharge is the pathognomonic presentation. It is important to address both the intracranial and extracranial component surgically. Although concomitant anomalies and familial clustering have been described, most cases are spontaneous occurrences.  相似文献   

正腹膜后的巨大囊性肿块诊断困难,比较常见的原因有胰腺假性囊肿、肾囊肿、卵巢囊肿等,罕见的有尿生殖残余源性囊肿,如Muller氏管囊肿、Wolff氏管囊肿。苗勒氏管囊肿大多见于男性,少数见于女性。株洲市中心医院肝胆胰脾外科2018年3月收治一名女性腹膜后苗勒氏管源性囊肿患者,经手术探查和病理检查确诊,现报道如下。病例患者女性,77岁,因"反复左上腹痛1年余"于2018年3月收入院。患者自述既往"发现左上腹肿块"病史20余年,  相似文献   

目的:探讨后腹腔镜囊肿去顶减压术治疗肾脏囊性疾病的临床疗效及手术方法。方法:对57例肾脏囊性疾病患者行后腹腔镜囊肿去顶减压术,其中单纯性肾囊肿51例,多囊肾6例,回顾分析相关资料。结果:57例手术均获成功,无严重并发症发生。镜下操作时间单纯性肾囊肿15~35 min,多囊肾90~120 min;单纯性肾囊肿术中出血5~20 ml,多囊肾30~60 ml。术后随访3~24个月,单纯性囊肿无复发;多囊肾患者术后腰部胀痛缓解,3例合并肾功能不全的患者肾功能改善。结论:后腹腔镜囊肿去顶减压术治疗肾脏囊性疾病患者创伤小,康复快,疗效确切,可作为治疗肾脏囊性疾病的首选方法。  相似文献   

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