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李婧  高美玲  车帅 《酿酒科技》2012,(10):87-89
采用赤霞珠、玫瑰香为原料,单品种发酵酿造干红葡萄酒,发酵期间葡萄酒中的白藜芦醇的变化情况直接采用HPLC直接进样方法检测。主发酵温度控制在26℃左右,主发酵前添加60mg/L的二氧化硫,在后发酵时补充加入10mg/L的SO2,能有效降低白藜芦醇的损失。两个单品种酿造的干红葡萄酒经过苹果酸一乳酸发酵后白藜芦醇总量都略微提高,分别达到4.92mg/L和3.87mg/L。  相似文献   

干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的含量与分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对影响葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的因素进行了系统的研究.结果表明:葡萄浆果中的白藜芦醇主要分布在果皮上;发酵温度及酵母菌、乳酸菌种类对葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量有一定的影响,而果胶酶对其几乎没有影响;产地、年份等生态条件的差异导致了葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的差异;国产干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量差异明显.  相似文献   

研究了传统法和热浸渍法在不同条件下对白藜芦醇和总酚含量的影响,结果表明SO2、果胶酶有利于白藜芦醇和总酚的积累,热浸溃法对白藜芦醇的含量无显著影响,但有利于总酚的增加。  相似文献   

影响干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了葡萄品种、年份、酿酒酵母、果胶酶、SO2、澄清剂等对干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的影响。结果表明,葡萄品种对白藜芦醇含量有显著影响,年份的影响不显著。以2005年梅鹿辄葡萄为原料,用3号酿酒酵母发酵酿制的酒中白藜芦醇含量最高。果胶酶有利于白藜芦醇的浸出,SO2可防止白藜芦醇的氧化,明胶处理白藜芦醇损失最小。  相似文献   

分子蒸馏生产无醇干红葡萄酒的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张健 《食品科技》2007,32(2):193-196
利用分子蒸馏对干红葡萄酒进行脱醇实验,通过参数优化,使成品酒的乙醇含量由11.5%降至0.5%以下,同时最大程度地保持了原酒的风味、口感和色泽。  相似文献   

干红葡萄酒中顺、反白藜芦醇及其苷的HPLC分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用PolarisC18-A色谱柱(100×2.0mmid,3μm),PhenomenexC18预柱(4×3.0mmid),乙腈、水为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速0.4mL/min,柱温40℃,荧光检测器:激发波长334nm;发射波长404nm,直接进样,同时分离了顺、反白藜芦醇及其苷。结果显示:在选定色谱条件下,白藜芦醇及其苷的顺、反异构体线性关系良好,加样平均回收率为90.7% ̄98.5%;相对标准偏差为0.51% ̄1.68%。该方法精密度好,结果可靠,适合于红酒中顺、反白藜芦醇及其苷的定量分析。  相似文献   

山葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛洁 《酿酒科技》2004,(5):103-104
采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定山葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的含量,发现不同品种的山葡萄酒白藜芦醇的含量不同,陈酿期间白藜芦醇的含量下降,山葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的含量高于普通葡萄酒中的含量。  相似文献   

杨晶  朱圣陶  周莉  朱瑛 《食品工业科技》2012,33(18):355-358
目的:葡萄酒中的多酚类生物活性物质对人体具有重要的保健功效,为了提升葡萄酒品质,有利于消费者健康,我们探讨将多酚类生物活性物质作为干红葡萄酒营养质量指标。方法:选取了消费者购买量较大的国产干红葡萄酒,测定了其生物活性成分、糖度、酸度、酒精度、干浸出物以及矿物质的含量,并尝试推荐了营养质量指标及其含量。结果及结论:总酚、钾、白藜芦醇可作为干红葡萄酒的营养质量指标,首选总酚(1300mg/L)和钾(900mg/L),二者可以反映葡萄酒生产过程中葡萄的用量和品质,同时由于二者之间正相关(r=0.484,p<0.01),设立这两个指标可以明显增加掺假的难度,次选白藜芦醇(2mg/L),白藜芦醇虽然含量较低,但可能是总酚中的重要活性物质。   相似文献   

浅谈干红葡萄酒与健康   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘春宪  钱荣生 《酿酒》1998,(2):9-10
浅谈干红葡萄酒与健康刘春宪(黑龙江省轻工业研究所)钱荣生(中国海外贸易哈尔滨葡萄酒制造公司)孔繁伟(哈尔滨市第四医院)一、葡萄酒的历史据考古记载,6000年前葡萄酒已成为人类的饮料。多数历史学家都认为波斯可能是最早酿造葡萄酒的国家。波斯即今日的伊朗,...  相似文献   

葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的含量及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白藜芦醇是一种天然植物抗毒素,对人体具有很多保健作用,它广泛地存在于葡萄属植物中,并且在葡萄酒中含量相对丰富。本文主要介绍了葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的含量及其影响因素  相似文献   

Fermentation tests were performed with cooked and/or uncooked, polished aromatic red rice (Oryza sativa var. Indica, Tapol) and aromatic red rice bran using compressed baker's yeast and a preparation of glucoamylase produced by Rhizopus, sp. as saccharifying agent. The quality in terms of both aroma and taste of the red rice wine made with uncooked, unpolished aromatic red rice was much higher than that of rice wine made with cooked, unpolished aromatic red rice. However, the bran fraction of aromatic red rice was fairly resistant to the cooking process and this fraction was hardly affected or degraded by the cooking process. Furthermore, the bran fraction improved the quality of rice wine made from mash that contained cooked, polished rice which had a rather lower-quality aroma. In red rice wine brewing, the polished rice fraction of aromatic red rice may suffer from undesirable effects during the cooking process.  相似文献   

The quality of rice wine made from uncooked, unpolished aromatic red rice grain was improved by use of a commercial preparation of acid protease from Aspergillus niger during ethanol fermentation. The fermentation rate of the mash which contained the acid protease was much higher than that of mash that did not contain the preparation of acid protease. The rice wine made from uncooked, polished aromatic red rice, which usually had a less acceptable aroma, was improved by use of the preparation of acid protease, and large amounts of isobutyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol and ethyl acetate were detected in the resultant rice wine. By contrast, the quality of rice wine made from the bran fraction of aromatic red rice was not improved by the preparation of acid protease. The polished rice fraction of aromatic red rice was affected by the acid protease and the aromatic quality of the rice wine was improved. The aromatic characteristics of red rice wine made from cooked, unpolished aromatic red rice grains, which was rather inferior in terms of both aroma and color, were also improved by the addition of the preparation of acid protease during ethanol fermentation. Thus acid protease has beneficial effects on the production of aromatic red rice wine.  相似文献   

低度杨梅果酒的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨梅发酵酒和杨梅清果汁经复配制成低度杨梅果酒。工艺为:杨梅原果汁中加入0.4‰活化的葡萄酒活性干酵母,于20~24℃下主发酵7~10d,20℃下后发酵3周~6周,上清液再经澄清处理,然后加热使发酵终止,室温下密闭陈酿6个月以上,发酵酒与杨梅清果汁以1:1复配后冷处理,再经调配灌装后即得低度杨梅果酒成品。  相似文献   

白藜芦醇和白藜芦醇苷抗氧化作用的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用亚油酸体系、H2O2诱导的红细胞溶血试验研究白藜芦醇、白藜芦醇苷的体外抗氧化作用。研究结果表明:白藜芦醇、白藜芦醇苷能抑制亚油酸的过氧化作用,其抑制率高于VC、BHT、虎杖粗提物。白藜芦醇、白藜芦醇苷均可降低H2O2诱导红细胞氧化性溶血率,其作用效果好于VC、VE和虎杖粗提物,抑制率具有剂量效应。  相似文献   

The pigment in the bran layer of aromatic red rice (Oryza sativa var. Indica, Tapol) is rather stable, has a characteristic red color just like that of grape wine and has a peak of absorbance at 530 nm at an acidic pH. A commercial saccharifying agent, glucoamylase AN-2, produced by Aspergillus niger was fractionated to separate glucoamylase and β-glucosidase activities by column chromatography on CM Sephadex C-50. The red rice wine made from uncooked, unpolished aromatic red rice using the fractionated, β-glucosidase-free preparation of glucoamylase had a characteristic red color. By contrast, red rice wine made with glucoamylase AN-2, which contained β-glucosidase activity, was inferior in color. The red pigment of aromatic red rice wine was decolorized and glucose originating from the red pigment was released by enzymatic digestion with the fractionated preparation of β-glucosidase. The partial decolorization of aromatic red rice wine was ascribed to the enzymatic action of β-glucosidase that was present in glucoamylase AN-2. Thus β-glucosidase activity has an undesirable effect on the brewing of aromatic red rice wine.  相似文献   

超声波提取月季花红色素的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用超声波作用,提取月季花红色素,考察了影响月季花红色素提取的因素,包括提取溶剂、提取酸度、提取时间、料液比等,结果表明,超声波作用下提取月季花红色素的最佳条件是:溶剂为50%乙醇、pH=1~2、料液比为1∶40、提取时间为10min、提取级数为二级。  相似文献   

高玉荣  李大鹏 《酿酒》2004,31(5):100-102
以黑米、大米为原料,采用液态发酵法,通过正交实验,确定黑米清酒的最佳发酵条件,发酵液初始pH值为5.0:酒母添加量为5%;米曲添加量为0.2%.获得16°、口味协调、玫瑰红色的黑米清酒,并对黑米清酒的理化指标、感官指标进行了分析.  相似文献   

超高压处理新鲜干红葡萄酒紫外可见光谱分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文研究了超高压处理新鲜干红葡萄酒的紫外可见光谱以及感官特性变化情况.从紫外可见吸收谱图中可看出,随着处理压力的增大葡萄酒的吸收曲线变化逐渐明显,300MPa的处理压力使吸收曲线变化最显著.口感分析得出300MPa压力下处理2h葡萄酒的口感风味最好,压力大于500MPa后破坏了葡萄酒的风格.  相似文献   

以柑子汁为主要原料,研制发酵型果酒,运用正交实验确定其最佳工艺参数为酵母菌接种量为10%,加糖量3%,培养温度25℃,发酵时间为4d。所得产品营养保健,风味独特,其开发前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

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