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The seakeeping characteristics of a Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) vehicle equipped with fixed stabilizing fins was investigated by experimental and numerical methods The calculation methods range from viscous CFD simulation based on an unsteady RANS approach to Boundary Element Method (BEM) based on Three Dimensional Translating-pulsating Source Green Function (3DTP). Responses of ship motions in head regular waves and nonlinear effects on motion responses with increasing wave amplitude were analyzed. Numerical simulations have been validated by comparisons with experimental tests. The results indicate that the heave and pitch transfer functions depict two peaks with the increase of wave length. Comparisons amongst experimental data and different numerical calculations illustrate that the RANS method predicts ship motions with higher accuracy and allows the detection of nonlinear effects. The heave and pitch transfer functions see a downward trend with the increasing wave amplitude in the resonant zone at low speed.  相似文献   

A seakeeping analysis in the frequency domain is presented to predict the motion response of an air-lifted vessel (ALV) in waves. The ALV is supported by pressurised air in two separate cushion chambers; the pressure variation in the cushions has a significant effect on the motions of the vessel. The adiabatic gas law is used to couple cushion pressure and the free-surface elevation of water inside the chamber. Attention is focused on the waves generated by the pressure, and a method is presented to compute the corresponding free-surface elevation. New numerical schemes are proposed for calculating the three-dimensional free-surface elevation for the four wave numbers. Numerical results of the free-surface elevation, escape area, escape volume and motion responses of the ALV are provided.  相似文献   

Model tests were conducted on two 1:100 scaled models of a typical concrete gravity substructure at the University of Western Australia. The two models had dimensions 0.5 m length×0.5 m width with the first model being a sealed closed bottom box of height 0.1 m and the second model being an open bottom box with skirt length of 0.1 m. The mass of the air cushion model was changed to accommodate various water plug heights within the skirt chamber. Each model was floated at a constant draft of 0.1 m and tested in water depths ranging between 0.03 m (shallow) and 0.8 m (deep). The environment comprised regular waves with periods ranging between 0.6 and 3.5 s and amplitude of 0.08–0.02 m. To quantify the dynamic response the heave and pitch motions of each model were measured.A simplified theoretical solution based on long wavelength, linear wave assumptions was developed and applied to the geometries in consideration. Improvements to the theory are sought using the forcing function from a boundary element code, as well as utilizing added mass coefficients from free decay experiments. Results show that experimental trends compare reasonably well with analytical solution in particular for periods longer than the natural period. The results show that introducing air cushion support into a CGS increases the pitch response, while having little effect of the heave motion.  相似文献   

A high-order finite-difference method solution of the linearized, potential flow, seakeeping problem for a ship at steady forward speed was recently presented by Amini-Afshar et al. [1,2]. In this paper, we provide a detailed matrix-based eigenvalue stability analysis of this model, highlighting the sources of instability and the effects of possible remedies. In particular, we illustrate how both boundary treatment and grid stretching are important factors which are not typically captured by a von Neumann-type analysis. The new analysis shows that when grid stretching is used together with centered finite difference schemes, the method is generally unstable. The source of the instability can in some cases be traced to an effective downwinding of the convective terms. Stable solutions can be obtained either by introducing upwind-biased schemes for computing the convective derivatives on the free-surface, or by application of a mild filter at each time-step. A second source of instability is associated with the treatment of the convective derivatives of the free-surface elevation at points close to the domain boundaries. Here it is necessary to consider whether the surrounding fluid points lie in an upwind or a downwind direction. For upwinded points, ordinary one-sided differencing can be used, but for downwinded points we instead impose a Neumann-type boundary condition derived from the body and free-surface boundary conditions. As an example application to complement those already given in [1], [2], the method is applied to solve the steady wave resistance problem and comparison is made to reference solutions for a two-dimensional floating cylinder and a submerged sphere. Estimates of the wave resistance of the Wigley hull are also compared with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

The overall performance of ships depends on the seakeeping performance in specified sea areas where the vessel is designed to operate. The seakeeping performance procedure is based upon the probability of exceeding specified ship motions in a sea environment particular to the vessel's mission. Given the operational area of the vessel, the percentage of time the vessel operates in a particular sea state can be determined from an oceanographic database through application of the response amplitude operators. The predicted motions are compared to the motion limiting criteria to obtain the operability indices. However, the operability indices are strongly affected by the chosen limiting criteria. This is particularly the case for passenger vessels where many conflicting criteria are used to assess the effect of motions and accelerations on comfort and well-being of passengers. This paper investigates the effect of seakeeping criteria on seakeeping performance assessment for passenger vessels. Conventional seakeeping performance measures are evaluated for various levels of vertical accelerations defined by the ISO 2631 standard. It is shown that the estimated seakeeping performance of a passenger vessel greatly depends on the level of limiting value selected as the seakeeping criteria.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the hydrodynamic performance of a planing craft with a fixed hydrofoil in regular waves. Numerical simulations are carried out based on a RANS-VOF solver to study the hydrodynamic performance of the planing craft and the influence of the fixed hydrofoil on its seakeeping. To validate the numerical method, a series of hydrodynamic experiments of a bare planing craft without the hydrofoil were carried out, from which the seakeeping performance of the planing craft was recorded, the numerical method based on overset grid was compared with the experiment and verified reliable. Eight hydrofoil design cases were then studied, whereby, their seakeeping performance in regular wave conditions were predicted through the numerical method which has been verified reliable and compared with each other. Effects of hydrofoil parameters, such as angle of attack and installation height, on the seakeeping performance were investigated. Finally, the suitable installation parameters which can optimize the performance of hydrofoil and reduce the negative influence are verified. The influence of the speed on the effect of the hydrofoil and the flow field around the planing craft are also investigated.  相似文献   

The scope of this paper is to develop the nonlinear meta-models for seakeeping behaviour, considering the fishing vessels. These models are intended to be inserted either in a multiattribute design selection process or in a comprehensive multiobjective optimization procedure. For this purpose, seakeeping data of fishing vessels in regular head waves are used to develop meta-models of transfer functions of heave, pitch and vertical acceleration by nonlinear analysis. A home-made software considers two databases; the first is composed by the ship dimensions and coefficients of fishing vessels, and the second is their ship motion data obtained by employing a strip-theory calculation. The meta-models are proposed to predict the vertical motion characteristics for given ranges of speed and wave length during the concept design stage. The independent variables are hull size (Δ), main dimensions (L, B, T), and some hydrostatic parameters (CWP, CVP, LCB, LCF, etc.). The results estimated by the software show good correspondences with the ones achieved by direct computations. The study provides additional insight on the influence of hull form parameters on seakeeping performance of small vessels having form properties and parametric range corresponding to the investigated vessels.  相似文献   

This study investigates the occurrence of irregular frequencies in a seakeeping analysis of a ship moving with forward speed. This is achieved by formulating the interior virtual flow Dirichlet or Neumann eigenvalue problem. A theoretical analysis of a rectangular box travelling and oscillating in waves reveals that in the forward speed case, apart from the singular irregular frequency at zero encounter frequency, no irregular frequencies exist whilst at zero forward speed multiple irregular frequencies are observed confirming previous findings. These theoretical predictions are further verified by numerical calculations involving the rectangular box and a Series 60, CB=0.70, hull.  相似文献   

沈国光  徐炯 《海洋工程》2005,23(2):21-25
提出了有关气浮结构的环境压力相似判据问题,指出了在模型试验时要达到完全相似的困难。计算结果表明,对尺度比为0.1的模型,若不考虑环境压力的相似,恢复力矩的误差可接近50%。根据4筒和25筒气浮结构的计算结果,给出了将实验结果转换到原型的修正方法。  相似文献   

双体船由于其优良的快速性和横稳性等特性,在民用和军用中应用广泛。针对无限水深下迎浪、斜浪中自由运动的WigleyⅢ双体船,利用线性势流软件WAMIT,通过调整片体间距,对双体船的水动力系数及船体运动响应进行计算和比较,分析不同片体间距的双体船的耐波性。结果发现,片体间距较小的双体船附加质量系数较小,垂荡、纵摇阻尼系数显著增大,垂荡和纵摇运动响应幅值增大,且附加质量系数为负值时的系数绝对大小和频率范围随着片体间距的减小而变大。同时,片体间距越小的双体船间的流体干扰作用令自由面运动响应更加剧烈,迎浪下船体垂荡运动响应略有增大,纵摇运动响应略有减小;而斜浪下垂荡、纵摇、横摇运动响应均增大,船体的耐波性较差。当片体间距较大,在某一频率入射波下,双体船运动响应接近为零,且该频率随着片体间距的增大而减小。另外说明,相较于阻尼系数,附加质量系数对船体运动的影响更大。  相似文献   

The paper presents methodology and results of the development of sea states statistics for the Adriatic Sea. Such statistics is still lacking despite a need of the shipping industry. The presented study is based on the Atlas of Climatology containing statistics of sea states observations in the Adriatic Sea made by merchant ships during the period of 15 years. The results, presented in the Atlas in the form of “wave roses”, are digitalized and empirical frequencies of sea state occurrences are obtained. The 3-parametric Weibull distribution is then fitted through empirical data points enabling the “smoothening” of the histogram. The resulting histogram is compared with other studies for the long-term prediction of the sea states in the Adriatic Sea. The paper concludes with the discussion on the accuracy and applicability of the results.  相似文献   

潜器在水下发射火箭时会产生复杂的运动变化,对其研究很有实际意义。参照格特勒运动方程,建立潜器运动的非线性数学模型。导入实验模型的参数,对其六自由度基本运动进行了仿真,并与水池实验结果相比较,验证了仿真模型的有效性。导入发射火箭时潜器受到的完整载荷,计算分析了不同航速下潜器的运动响应和运动控制。结果表明,发射载荷对潜器运动将产生较长时间的显著影响,包括速度损失、升沉运动和纵倾角振荡。航速越小,运动变化越大,恢复所需时间越长,控制越困难。  相似文献   

The applicability of an efficient 3D numerical method for the evaluatfion of the seakeeping performance and structural loads of advanced high-speed vessels is investigated. A semi-empirical approach to account for the viscous flow effects on ship's behavior at speed is presented and discussed. Numerical results are compared with model tests for two high-speed monohull vessels with satisfactory agreement.  相似文献   

The paper presents an approach to investigate the effects of some parameters on seakeeping assessment of fast ships in conceptual design stage. Hull form parameters have been classified into two groups: main dimensions (L, B and T) and secondary form parameters (LCB and CP). To demonstrate the approach a fast ship is redesigned as parent hull and alternative hull forms are generated by changing these parameters systematically. Some hull forms are selected related the geometric limits and seakeeping analyzes are here investigated and discussed. The obtained results are satisfactory for seakeeping predictions during the conceptual design stage.  相似文献   

A numerical study was undertaken in order to assess the capability of an unsteady RANS code to predict the seakeeping characteristics of a high-speed multi-hull vessel in high sea states. Numerical analysis includes evaluation of ship motions, effects of wave steepness on ship response, catamaran natural frequency and added resistance in waves. Computations were performed for the DELFT 372 catamaran by the URANS solver CFDSHIP-Iowa V.4. The code was validated with encouraging results for high ship speeds (0.3≤Fn≤0.75) and high wave amplitudes (0.025≤Ak≤0.1). Comparison with strip theory solutions shows that the RANS method predicts ship motions with higher accuracy and allows the detection of nonlinear effects. Current computations evidence that heave peaks occur at resonance for all Fn, and reach the absolute maximum at Fn=0.75. Maximum pitch occurs at frequencies lower than resonance, for each speed, and absolute maximum occurs at medium Fn=0.6. Maximum added resistance, Raw, was computed at Fn=0.45, which, interestingly, is near the catamaran Fncoincidence. Overall, we found similar results as Simonsen et al. (2008) for KCS containership, though, herein, a multi-hull geometry and higher speeds were tested. Also, our results are useful to further evaluate the exciting forces and their correlation with fe and λ/Lpp.  相似文献   

Vessels operating in shallow waters require careful observation of the finite-depth effect. In present study, a Rankine source method that includes the shallow water effect and double body steady flow effect is developed in frequency domain. In order to verify present numerical methods, two experiments were carried out respectively to measure the wave loads and free motions for ship advancing with forward speed in head regular waves. Numerical results are systematically compared with experiments and other solutions using the double body basis flow approach, the Neumann-Kelvin approach with simplified m-terms, and linearized free surface boundary conditions with double-body m-terms. Furthermore, the influence of water depths on added mass and damping coefficients, wave excitation forces, motions and unsteady wave patterns are deeply investigated. It is found that finite-depth effect is important and unsteady wave pattern in shallow water is dependent on both of the Brard number τ and depth Froude number Fh.  相似文献   

The paper describes an analytical method to determine an operability index for a marine vehicle when its geometric characteristics, the geographical area in which the vessel is supposed to operate, and the limiting criteria for operations are known. The computer program based on strip theory provides reliable results not only for conventional hullforms, but also for catamarans, offshore vehicles, etc. The results are presented in the form of figures for different vessels, namely, crane barge, naval vessels and SWATH type catamarans. The authors are of the opinion that the proposed method would provide the designer with a valid tool to improve the seakeeping qualities of a vessel, while taking into account the limiting conditions imposed due to seaway operations.  相似文献   

The behavior of a long cable towed at slow speeds through the ocean depends in a complex fashion on the path followed by the towing ship relative to the water. A cable simulation program was used to characterize the response of the cable by using idealized towing ship maneuvers as input to the program. The response of the cable was noted and it was found that the behavior of the cable was strongly dependent on the fundamental period of the towing vessel maneuvers. Sinusoidal deviations of the towing ship from a straight towing track resulted in delayed and reduced excursions of the towed vehicle from the tract; the estimated response ratio varied from 0·002 to 0·800, depending both on the period of the deviations (periods ranged from 5·5 to 4·0 hr) and on the towing depth (2 or 6 km). The ship's speed was 3 km/hr. The time lag between ship motion and vehicle response was approximately 0·5 hr for the shallow case and 1·3 hr for the deep case. Simulations runs of a low dragk (faired) cable showed that the behavior of the vehicle when towed at a depth of 6 km was similar to that obtained with a conventional cable at 2 km depth. The response of the towed vehicle to a right-angle turn of the towing ship was investigated and a generalized model of the response developed. The effects of a controllable side force on the towed vehicle were also simulated and it was noted that a deviation (2-hr period) of the towed vehicle from a straight-line track could be reduced from 40 to 2 m by impressing a side force on the vehicle with an average magnitude of 150 newtons (30 lb).  相似文献   

水下机器人的耐压舱设计要求在满足总体指标的前提下,最大限度地提高设计强度与稳定性,同时尽可能降低质量。本文使用ANSYS Workbench中的Design Explorer模块,对耐压舱进行快速优化设计,一次获得多个优化候选结果,经过对比分析得到最优设计方案。然后,针对装配形式进行接触分析,确保大压力条件下结构不会在接触面发生失效破坏。最后,对舱体结构进行稳定性分析,确保结构能够在大深度环境中不发生失稳破坏。本研究为水下机器人耐压舱体快速优化设计、强度和稳定性校核提供了参考。  相似文献   

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