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Eighteen Degree Water (EDW) is the dominant subtropical mode water of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre and is hypothesized as an interannual reservoir of anomalous heat, nutrients and CO2. Although isolated beneath the stratified upper-ocean at the end of each winter, EDW may re-emerge in subsequent years to influence mixed layer properties and consequently air–sea interaction and primary productivity. Here we report on recent quasi-Lagrangian measurements of EDW circulation and stratification in the western subtropical gyre using an array of acoustically-tracked, isotherm-following, bobbing profiling floats programmed to track and intensively sample the vertically homogenized EDW layer and directly measure velocity on the 18.5 °C isothermal surface.The majority of the CLIVAR Mode Water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE) bobbers drifted within the subtropical gyre for 2.5–3.5 years, many exhibiting complex looping patterns indicative of an energetic eddy field. Bobber-derived Lagrangian integral time and length scales (3 days, 68 km) associated with motion on 18.5 °C were consistent with previous measurements in the Gulf Stream extension region and fall between previous estimates at the ocean surface and thermocline depth. Several bobbers provided evidence of long-lived submesoscale coherent vortices associated with substantial EDW thickness. While the relative importance of such vortices remains to be determined, our observations indicate that these features can have a profound effect on EDW distribution. EDW thickness (defined using a vertical temperature gradient criterion) exhibits seasonal changes in opposition to a layer bounded by the 17 °C and 19 °C isotherms. In particular, EDW thickness is generally greatest in winter (as a result of buoyancy-forced convection), while the 17°–19 °C layer is thickest in summer consistent with seasonal Ekman pumping. Contrary to previous hypotheses, the bobber data suggest that a substantial fraction of subducted EDW is isolated from the atmosphere for periods of less than 24 months. Seasonal-to-biennial re-emergence (principally within the recirculation region south of the Gulf Stream) appears to be a common scenario which should be considered when assessing the climatic and biogeochemical consequences of EDW.  相似文献   

After reviewing the inverse method, we apply it to deducing the general circulation of the North Atlantic ocean. We argue that the method is purely classical in nature, being nothing more than a mathematical statement of the principles upon which nearly all previous circulation schemes have been based. The ‘smoothed’ solution is shown to represent the components of the flow field that are determinable independently of the initial reference level. We then produce two circulation schemes based upon two different initial reference levels — 2000 decibars and the bottom — called North Atlantic-1A and North Atlantic-1B respectively. The models share many features in common and are strikingly similar to several previous schemes, most notably those of Jacobsen and Defant in the region west of Bermuda. No simple level-of-no-motion emerges in the flow fields; rather the velocity sections exhibit a complex cellular structure. Zonally integrated meridional cells of models and of the uniquely determined components are very similar, showing a poleward movement of warm saline water compensated at depth by a return flow of cold, fresher water. The magnitudes of the implied polar sea overflows and the heat fluxes are in good agreement with previous estimates. Finally, it is argued that neither these model circulations nor any other circulation pattern based upon the existing data can be regarded as actually representing the true time average ocean circulation because the data are aliased in time; the frequency/wavenumber spectrum of the ocean is inadequately known to determine the resulting errors.  相似文献   

Analysis of Argo float trajectories at 1 000 m and temperature at 950 m in the North Atlantic between November 2003 and January 2005 demonstrates the existence of two different circulation modes with fast transition between them. Each mode has a pair of cyclonic - anticyclonic gyres. The difference is the location of the cyclonic gyre. The cyclonic gyre stretches from southeast to northwest in the first mode and from the southwest to the northeast in the second mode. The observed modes strongly affect the heat and salt transport in the North Atlantic. In particular, the second mode slows down the westward transport of the warm and saline water from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

On the basis of the hydrographic data observed within the Canary Basin in autumn 1985, temperature-salinity properties, distributions of water masses and barocltne flow field, as well as the volume transports in this area are described more detailly. The analyses indicate that the activity in the waters of the Canary Basin is mainly attributed to the interleaving and mixing between the originated water masses (e. g. Surface Water, North Atlantic Central Water, Mediterranean Water and Deep Water) and the modified water masses (Subpolar Mode Water, Labrador Sea Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water) from the outside of the study area and the variation of themselves. The east recirculation of the Subtropic Gyre in the North Atlantic consists of Azores Current and Canary Current.Azores Current is formed with several flow branches around the Azores Island, while the main flow lies at 35?N south of the Azores Island. It begins to diverge near the 15?W. The return flow found off the Portugal coast may be its  相似文献   

The meridional heat transport obtained from numerical experiments using the general circulation model for the North Atlantic encompassing the equatorial area is analysed. The surface turbulent layer is included in the model, and its realization is based on conservative difference schemes. It is shown that the upper 50 m layer plays a dominant role in the formation of meridional heat transport in the low latitudes.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

Features of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation response to periodic, stochastic, and instantaneous forcing are studied using a four-box model. The present-day circulation is shown to be characterized by a stable quasi-periodic oscillatory mode that manifests itself as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. The thermohaline catastrophe is unlikely in the modern climate epoch.  相似文献   

New perspectives on eighteen-degree water formation in the North Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this report, eighteen-degree water (EDW) formation will be discussed, with emphasis on advances in understanding emerging within the past decade. In particular, a recently completed field study of EDW (CLIMODE) is suggesting that EDW formation within a given winter can have at least two different dominant physics and distinct locations: one type formed in the northern Sargasso Sea, largely away from the strong flows of the Gulf Stream where 1D physics may apply, and a second type formed along the southern flank of the Gulf Stream, in a region where the background vorticity of the flow and cross-frontal mixing play key roles in the convective formation process.  相似文献   

Calculation results are presented for long-term mean annual surface currents in the North Atlantic based on direct drifter measurements and numerical experiments with the ocean general circulation model using both climatic arrays of hydrological data World Ocean Atlas 2009 and Argo profiling data. The calculations show that the technique suggested for model calculations of oceanographic characteristics of the World Ocean with the use of Argo data significantly improves the climatic fields of the temperature and salinity even on a coarse grid. The comparison of the model calculation results with drifter data showed that the temperature and salinity fields found from Argo data with the use of data variational interpolation on a regular grid allow the calculation of realistic currents and can be successfully used as initial conditions in hydrodynamic models of the ocean dynamics.  相似文献   

Three eddy-permitting (1/4°) versions and one eddy-resolving (1/12°) version of the OCCAM ocean model are used to simulate the World Ocean circulation since 1985. The first eddy-permitting simulation has been used extensively in previous studies, and provides a point of reference. A second, improved, eddy-permitting simulation is forced in the same manner as the eddy-resolving simulation, with a dataset based on a blend of NCEP re-analysis and satellite data. The third eddy-permitting simulation is forced with a different dataset, based on the ERA-40 re-analysis data. Inter-comparison of these simulations in the North Atlantic clarifies the relative importance of resolution and choice of forcing dataset, for simulating the mean state and recent variability of the basin-scale circulation in that region. Differences between the first and second eddy-permitting simulations additionally reveal an erroneous influence of sea ice on surface salinity, dense water formation, and the meridional overturning circulation. Simulations are further evaluated in terms of long-term mean ocean heat transport at selected latitudes (for which hydrographic estimates are available) and sea surface temperature errors (relative to observations). By these criteria, closest agreement with observations is obtained for the eddy-resolving simulation. In this simulation, there is also a weak decadal variation in mid-latitudes, with heat transport strongest, by around 0.2 PW, in the mid-1990s. In two of the eddy-permitting simulations, by contrast, heat transport weakens through the study period, by up to 0.4 PW in mid-latitudes. The most notable changes of heat transport in all simulations are linked to a weakening of the subpolar gyre, rather than changes in the meridional overturning circulation. It is concluded that recent changes in the structure of mid-latitude heat transport in the North Atlantic are more accurately represented if eddies are explicitly resolved.  相似文献   

The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 (expressed as per mille deviations from Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, δ18O) is reported for seawater samples collected from seven full-depth CTD casts in the northern North Atlantic between 20° and 41°W, 52° and 60°N. Water masses in the study region are distinguished by their δ18O composition, as are the processes involved in their formation. The isotopically heaviest surface waters occur in the eastern region where values of δ18O and salinity (S) lie on an evaporation–precipitation line with slope of 0.6 in δ18O–S space. Surface isotopic values become progressively lighter to the west of the region due to the addition of 18O-depleted precipitation. This appears to be mainly the meteoric water outflow from the Arctic rather than local precipitation. Surface samples near the southwest of the survey area (close to the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone) show a deviation in δ18O–S space from the precipitation mixing line due to the influence of sea ice meltwater. We speculate that this is the effect of the sea ice meltwater efflux from the Labrador Sea. Subpolar Mode Water (SPMW) is modified en route to the Labrador Sea where it forms Labrador Sea Water (LSW). LSW lies to the right (saline) side of the precipitation mixing line, indicating that there is a positive net sea ice formation from its source waters. We estimate that a sea ice deficit of ≈250 km3 is incorporated annually into LSW. This ice forms further north from the Labrador Sea, but its effect is transferred to the Labrador Sea via, e.g. the East Greenland Current. East Greenland Current waters are relatively fresh due to dilution with a large amount of meteoric water, but also contain waters that have had a significant amount of sea ice formed from them. The Northeast Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW, δ18O=0.22‰) and Northwest Atlantic Bottom Waters (NWABW, δ18O=0.13‰) are isotopically distinct reflecting different formation and mixing processes. NEADW lies on the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line in δ18O–salinity space, whereas NWABW lies between NEADW and LSW on δ18O–salinity plots. The offset of NWABW relative to the North Atlantic precipitation mixing line is partially due to entrainment of LSW by the Denmark Strait overflow water during its overflow of the Denmark Strait sill. In the eastern basin, lower deep water (LDW, modified Antarctic bottom water) is identified as far north as 55°N. This LDW has δ18O of 0.13‰, making it quite distinct from NEADW. It is also warmer than NWABW, despite having a similar isotopic composition to this latter water mass.  相似文献   

Nadia Ayoub   《Ocean Modelling》2006,12(3-4):319-347
A 1° × 1° resolution version of the MIT-GCM in the North Atlantic is used to test whether open-boundary conditions can be constrained by observations inside the domain using an adjoint method. In this preliminary feasibility study, the model is run during 1993 with a simplified vertical mixing physics. It is constrained by monthly SST fields, monthly climatological θ, S fields and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry. The adjoint model is built using automatic differentiation software. The method aims at bringing the model’s trajectory to consistency with data, by adjusting the initial θ, S fields, the time-varying atmospheric forcing fields and the time-varying open-boundary values. An originality of the work is the ‘nested approach’, which uses optimized fields from a global, coarser resolution model for the open-boundary conditions and for the prior estimates of the surface conditions adjustments. A solution is obtained after 75 iterations. This study shows that significant changes can be obtained on the open-boundary values, and that a general improvement in the circulation is achieved in the constrained solution, mainly in the Gulf Stream and equatorial regions. Changes at the open boundaries are characterized by a large temporal variability and small spatial scales. Large local adjustments are found close to the bottom and are likely unrealistic. There, the method tends to compensate for some model’s deficiencies by computing large corrections on the open-boundary values. The analysis of the cost function gradients with respect to the controls allows us to explore the local consistency between the constraints from the different data sets. This study suggests that no fundamental difficulty emerges when constraining open-boundary values. Its extension to a longer run with complete mixing physics can be envisaged.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(3-4):309-330
The link between smectite composition in sediments from the northern North Atlantic and Labrador Sea, and deep circulation is being further investigated through detailed studies of the X-ray pattern of smectites and cation saturations. This allows clear distinction of dominant terrigenous sources associated to the main components of the modern Western Boundary Undercurrent. Time variations of smectite characteristics in two piston cores from the inlet and outlet of the Western Boundary Undercurrent gyre in the Labrador Sea indicate: (1) a more southern circulation of North East Atlantic Deep Water during the Late Glacial; (2) a step by step transition to the modern pattern of deep circulation during the Late Glacial/Holocene transition, with intensification of North East Atlantic Deep Water and Davis Strait Overflow; (3) an expansion of Davis Strait Overflow and Labrador Sea Water circulation in relation to ice surges and deposition of detrital layers; (4) an intensified circulation of North East Atlantic Deep Water during the Younger Dryas; and (5) a very recent increased influence of Denmark Strait Overflow Water beginning between 4.4 and <1 kyr.  相似文献   

A conclusion about two extreme regimes existing in the large-scale circulation in the North Atlantic has been drawn based on an analysis of the inter-annual variability of the analogue to the Rossby index, as well as that of the heat and dynamic characteristics in separate areas of the north subtropical circulation. The former is defined by a high level of circulation both in the atmosphere and in the subtropical water circulation. In the current century this regime was realized mainly in the years pertaining to the middle and end of a 22-year solar activity cycle (a 22-year cycle). The relatively low level of atmospheric circulation and the slackened water mass transport are typical of the second regime. It dominated mainly during the years relevant to the beginning and second half of a 22-year solar activity cycle.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

虽然全球平均表面气温不断升高,但在冬季欧亚大陆经常出现年际-年代际尺度上的变冷趋势。利用美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NCEP)再分析资料,指出冬季影响欧亚大陆变冷的大气环流主要是北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO)和乌拉尔山阻塞(Ural blocking, UB)的环流组合。其中,NAO环流可以在年际尺度上作为背景环流影响UB过程对欧亚低温天气的作用。统计分析发现,在NAO正(负)位相(NAO+/NAO-)环流背景下UB的发生频率可以解释冬季平均UB发生频率的52%(13%),表明NAO+环流有利于下游阻塞形势出现。尽管如此,研究发现在NAO-环流背景下的UB事件平均给欧亚地区带来的降温幅度更强,约是NAO+环流背景下的2倍,而且亚洲降温区的位置偏北约5°、偏东约13.5°。中等强度的NAO+环流背景下UB事件对欧亚降温的贡献...  相似文献   

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