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采用蒙特卡罗方法对闪烁光纤在快中子辐照下的特性进行了研究。利用Geant4模拟计算得到了快中子照射下,闪烁光纤中的能量沉积效率与光纤长度、半径及入射中子能量的变化曲线,同时对量子效率随上述参数的变化关系进行了模拟分析。研究结果表明选择合适尺寸的闪烁光纤和入射中子能量对于快中子成像技术具有重要的意义,并为实际测量工作中的参数选择提供了的理论指导。  相似文献   

马庆力  阴泽杰  吴孝义 《核技术》2005,28(2):118-122
利用Geant4系统对闪烁光纤中的γ粒子进行跟踪,模拟粒子与光纤的相互作用,给出粒子径迹,并计算出在闪烁光纤中的能量沉积,从而得到能量沉积效率与光纤长度及射线能量的关系,此工作对研究闪烁光纤的性质以及利用闪烁光纤进行实时成像有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

在能谱测量中,综合考虑塑料闪烁体的自吸收效应和α,β粒子在塑料闪烁体中的射程,选择适当厚度的塑料闪烁体,较显著地提高了能量分辨率。  相似文献   

采用蒙特卡罗方法对中子成像系统空间分辨率产生重要影响的三个参数(入射中子能量、样品靶与源的距离和探测器与样品靶的距离)进行了模拟研究。利用Geant4模拟计算得到了快中子照射下,调制传递函数随上述参数的变化曲线,这三个参数的选择对成像性能的优化有着很大的指导意义。同时,通过模拟还分析了利用铅隔离层抑制串扰在中子成像中的可行性。研究结果表明,选择合适的铅层厚度在一定程度上提高图像质量,这些结果可为实际工作中的参数选择提供参考。  相似文献   

开展基于塑料闪烁光纤的宇宙线缪子测量研究时,对闪烁光纤输出光脉冲的光子数定量分析,是读出电子学设计的前提。在无单光子源等弱光标定时,对缪子入射事件在光纤中产生光脉冲的光子数进行定量分析是本文的主要目标。首先利用硅光电倍增管(Silicon Photomultiplier Tube,SiPM)固有的非光生载流子特性标定光脉冲的测量值,获得缪子在直径1 mm和2 mm光纤中产生微弱光脉冲包含的光子数;然后结合Geant4软件模拟计算缪子在光纤中理论光子产额,并与实验结果对比验证。结果显示,在直径1 mm和2 mm光纤中光脉冲光子期望值分别为44个和85个,与模拟结果偏差分别为4.55%和10.59%,表明该低光子数测量方法可以在无额外标定设备时,实现对缪子入射光纤产生光子数的准确测量,并可以应用在其他弱光脉冲光子数测量场景中。  相似文献   

具有多层阵列结构的塑料闪烁光纤探测器可实现土壤中90Sr含量的直接、快速测量,闪烁光纤阵列结构和信号处理方式是提高90Sr含量测量精度和抗γ射线干扰能力的关键参数。本文利用蒙特卡罗方法对探测器建模和计算,优化了探测器的结构。推荐的闪烁光纤阵列探测器为5层结构,第4层为厚度不小于6 mm的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)吸收层,其他层为厚度1 mm的双涂层方形塑料闪烁光纤阵列。第1~3层信号符合后输出,可提高探测器对γ射线的甄别能力。  相似文献   

在强脉冲束中子、γ混合辐射场中,一般使用塑料闪烁体探测器测量中子注量,为了尽可能地减少γ辐射的干扰,需要提高塑料闪烁体的n/γ甄别能力.利用电子与质子在磁场中的偏转半径不同,提出一种提高塑料闪烁体n/γ甄别能力的新途径,并采用Geant4输运程序探讨了该探测方法的可行性,模拟结果表明:该方法使用较薄的闪烁体和磁铁构成探...  相似文献   

白光中子源及飞行时间谱仪的能量分辨率函数描述了谱仪装置测量中子能量的分辨率与所测中子的能量之间的函数关系。能量分辨率函数用于中子共振截面测量实验数据分析,对确定共振峰参数至关重要。本工作利用Geant4蒙特卡罗工具包构建了TMSR白光中子源的中子产生靶系统模型,模拟了中子在靶系统内由产生到溢出靶系统的整个物理过程,获得了不同能群中子从产生到溢出的时间分布。基于RPI能量分辨率函数形式,对时间分布进行拟合分析,获得了一套合适的参数,用于确定TMSR白光中子源飞行时间谱仪的中子能量分辨率函数。  相似文献   

硅光电倍增管(Silicon photomultiplier,SiPM)是一种新型的光电探测器件,由工作在盖革模式下的雪崩二极管阵列组成。利用GEANT4蒙特卡罗软件包对LaBr_3:10%Ce~(3+)、Na I(TI)闪烁晶体耦合SiPM测量γ射线能谱进行了细致的模拟,通过单色光LED光源照射SiPM,得到SiPM自身暗电流噪声经电子学放大后,与集成的盖革雪崩二极管之间的间隙引起吸收光子涨落对能谱的展宽。对模拟得到的662 keVγ射线能量分辨率进行修正,最后与实验结果对比能够很好地符合,还得到了一组对应闪烁晶体本征能量分辨率的程序参数Pr,s。结果验证了模拟程序设置的闪烁晶体与封装材料光学参数的合理性与可靠性,为闪烁体探测器设计提供了一套开发工具。  相似文献   

The spatial resolution of a position sensitive gamma-ray detector configuration based on plastic scintillation fiber array was measured using a Monte Carlo simulation method. Both point spread function and modulation transfer function (MTF) were presented. The factors that influence the spatial resolution were also discussed. The results of the simulation showed that the intrinsic spatial resolution was consistent with the size of the physical pixels and a few centimeters spatial resolution could be obtained under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Characteristic gamma rays of 100 keV to about 6 MeV from different elements stimulated by neutrons have been applied to diagnosis biological imaging.In this paper,BGO detectors are used for the spectrum simulation. Signals from a single crystal and after correction are both obtained,and the energy spectrum summing adjacent signals seems possible to achieve excellent energy resolution for such high-energy photons.Some ideal suppositions are in- troduced and some other information,such as spatial resolution and difficult electronics,should be considered after this correction.  相似文献   

利用双端信号输出的塑料闪烁体与灵敏度高、时间响应快的硅光电倍增管构成塑料闪烁体探测器探头,并与后端的数字化转换器等电子学系统搭建成塑料闪烁体探测器系统。为了研究不同数据处理方法对真事件探测效率和能量分辨率的优化,分别使用标准γ源60Co和137Cs对塑料闪烁体探测器系统进行测试。研究了关联事件的符合时间窗对探测器真事件探测效率的影响,分析了波形的积分长度与脉冲信号甄别(Pulse Shape Discrimination,PSD)开窗法对能谱能量分辨率的改进。结果表明,在关联事件的符合时间窗为15 ns时,真事件探测效率最佳,当波形积分长度为80 ns时,通过PSD开窗后能量分辨率由原来的53.38%优化为42.21%。  相似文献   

In this work, characteristics of using PSFs (plastic scintillation fibers) coupled with CCD (charge-coupled devices ) to build area detectors for high energy X-ray imaging are studied with a Monte Carlo simulation, which cover an energy range of a few hundred keV to about 20 MeV. It was found that the efficiency of PSF in detecting X-ray with energy above a few hundred keV is low. We can use large incident flux to increase the output signal to noise ratio (SNR). The performance can also be improved by coating PSF with X-ray absorption layers and the MTF of the system is presented. By optimizing the absorption layer thickness, the crosstalk of the area detector built with PSF decreases.  相似文献   

The photoelectric device of a scintillation dosimeter converts photons produced by radiation into an electrical signal.Its features directly determine the overall performance of the dosimeter.For a plastic scintillation fiber dosimeter(PSFD)with a current readout mode,sys-tematic studies of the stability and light-dose response were performed for the photomultiplier tube(PMT),silicon photomultiplier(SiPM),avalanche photodiode(APD),and photodiode(PD).The temperature stability,long-term stability,repeatability,signal-to-noise ratio(SNR),and current dose response of the PSFD with the abovemen-tioned photoelectric devices were studied using a pulsed LED light source and the Small Animal Radiation Therapy platform.An exponential relationship between the dark/net current and temperature was obtained for all the devices.It is shown that the APD is the most sensitive device to temperature,with a current dependence on temperature reaching 6.5%℃-1 at room temperature,whereas for the other devices this dependence is always<0.6%℃-1.In terms of long-term stability,the net current of PD can change by up to 4%when working continuously for 8 h and 2%when working intermittently for 32 h,whereas for the other devices,the changes are all<1%.For the dose response,the PMT and SiPM exhibit excellent linear responses and SNRs within the range of 0.1-60 Gy/min.For the PSFD with a current readout mode,the perfor-mance of the PMT and SiPM is concluded to be better than that of the other devices in the study.In particular,the SiPM,which has a compact size,low bias voltage,and antimagnetic interference,has great advantages for further applications.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The plastic scintillating fiber (PSF) has many applications in different fields such as particle trackingin high-energy particle physics, calorimeters, etc., buusing PSF as an imaging detector is the main goal othis research. Therefore, we selected 10~400 keVmono-energy electromagnetic radiation that is used inmedical and non-medical imaging (e.g. non destructive testing). Some scintillation characteristics of plastic scintillating optic fiber have been discover…  相似文献   

为提高塑料闪烁探测器对低能中子的探测灵敏度,根据中子灵敏度补偿原理研制了载^6Li塑料闪烁探测器。利用串列加速器中子源对几种新研制的载^6Li塑料闪烁探测器中子能量响应进行了实验标定,获得了几种掺不同^6Li浓度的塑料闪烁探测器的中子能量响应曲线。实验结果表明,载^6Li塑料闪烁探测器对低能中子确有较高的探测灵敏度。  相似文献   

The distribution of energy deposition density in radiate region and its surrounding areas from y-rays was simulated and analyzed for a water-ball model with Geant4 package ( Geant4.7.0,2005 ) developed by CERN (the Center of European Research of Nucleus). The results show that the distribution depends strongly on the collimating condition of radiation beam. A well-collimated beam would reduce radiation effects on surrounding areas.  相似文献   

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