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Studies report that between 6 per cent and 29 per cent of survivors of sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are rejected by their families and communities. This research project was designed to provide insights into survivors' experiences of stigmatisation and rejection. Surveys were conducted with 310 women as they sought psychosocial services in eastern DRC. In total, 44.3 per cent of women reported suffering rejection after sexual violence. The majority of women felt that their status in the household (58.0 per cent) and community (54.9 per cent) diminished after rape. The odds of rejection were greater among women reporting ongoing displacement, pregnancy owing to sexual violence, worsening family relations, and diminished community status. This work highlights the extremely high levels of loss associated with the war in eastern DRC, particularly among survivors of sexual violence. The rejection of a survivor of rape has concrete and devastating psychosocial consequences.  相似文献   

The United Nations' Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism is charged with documenting six grave violations against children in a time of conflict, including attacks on schools. Many of these incidents, however, remain unreported across the globe. This study explores whether or not a local knowledge base of education and child protection actors in North and South Kivu Provinces, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Mogadishu, Somalia, could contribute to a more complete record of attacks on education in those areas. Hundreds of semi‐structured interviews were conducted with key informants across the three settings, and in total 432 attacks on education were documented. Purposive samples of these reports were verified and a large majority was confirmed. Local non‐governmental organisations and education institutions were most knowledgeable about these incidents, but most never reported them to a monitoring authority. The study concludes that attack surveillance and response were largely insufficient, and recommends investing in mechanisms that utilise local knowledge to address these shortcomings.  相似文献   

Prospective, community-based surveillance systems for measuring birth, death, and population movement rates may have advantages over the ‘gold-standard’ retrospective household survey in humanitarian contexts. A community-based, monthly surveillance system was established in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, in partnership with a local implementing partner and the national ministry of health. Data were collected on the occurrence of births, deaths, arrivals, and departures over the course of one year, and a retrospective survey was conducted at the end of the period to validate the information. Discrepancies between the two approaches were resolved by a third visit to the households with discordant records. The study found that the surveillance system was superior in terms of its specificity and sensitivity in measuring crude mortality and birth rates as compared to the survey, demonstrating the method's potential to measure accurately important population-level health metrics in an insecure setting in a timely, community-acceptable manner.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the discourse on state fragility affects the preferences of key actors in humanitarian governance for different types of health‐sector interventions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It argues that, instead of focusing on the actual meaning of state fragility, attention should be paid to interactive processes around the discourse among stakeholders in the health sector. The lack of consensus on state fragility influences humanitarian governance, especially the perceptions of and interactions between the host government, donors, and international non‐governmental organisations. The latter have legitimised the persistence of vertical, emergency‐based interventions by emphasising state fragility, whereas state officials have preferred to assert political statehood and a higher degree of control. Nevertheless, they agree that donors’ financial contributions ensure the survival of the public health sector. Looking ahead, a policy coalition based on harmonised views about addressing fragility is necessary for effective engagement and the sustainability of interventions, but this is unlikely to happen any time soon.  相似文献   

Scientists and global commentators watched African countries closely in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, predicting an impending disaster: the virus was projected to overwhelm already weak health systems. These expectations were informed by imaginaries of Africa as an inevitable site of epidemic disaster. This paper draws on accounts from Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Democratic Republic of the Congo to contrast global catastrophe framings with everyday imaginations and experiences of crisis and crisis management. Utilising ethnographic research, the paper initially explores how COVID-19 was understood in relation to previous epidemics, from HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) to Ebola, as well as political conflict. It then considers how global crisis narratives both inform and are in tension with everyday collective and personal experiences. The paper brings these empirical reflections into a conversation with theoretical debates on the discursive construction of crisis and its effects, and argues that these tensions matter because crisis framings have consequences.  相似文献   

Cox TP 《Disasters》2012,36(2):233-248
Prior to 1996 and the Congolese wars, exploitative land policies pushed farmers in the eastern highlands of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) into a vulnerable position, with cattle manure sustaining intensive cultivation. This exposed households to a complete breakdown in mixed farming as cattle became targets of war. This study of villages in South Kivu offers an inside understanding of continuity and change in farming practices in a region where there are no easy solutions, and it assesses how the province lost its present and where farmers look when they glance to the future. For farmers, who hold a broad view of soil fertility, the casualties of war were not only people and cattle but also the land itself, which has enduring scars. Perceiving a rupture in tradition, South Kivu farmers are searching desperately for new livelihoods that are built on education instead of livestock, setting aside old ethnic signifiers to seek a future beyond protracted conflict.  相似文献   

This article describes the findings of a participatory assessment of Burundian and Rwandan refugees' perceptions of the quality of health services in camps in Ngara, Tanzania. Taking a beneficiary-centred approach, it examines a collaborative effort by several agencies to develop a generic field guide to analyse refugees' views of healthcare services. The objective was to gather information that would contribute to significant improvements in the care offered in the camps. Although the primary focus was on healthcare, several broader questions considered other general apprehensions that might influence the way refugees perceive their healthcare. Findings indicated that while refugees in Ngara were generally satisfied with the quality of healthcare provided and healthcare promotion activities, recognition of some key refugee concerns would assist healthcare providers in enhancing services. With increasing need for refugee community participation in evaluating humanitarian assistance, this assessment has relevance both in the context of Ngara and beyond.  相似文献   

The international community has compelling humanitarian, political, security and economic reasons to engage in rebuilding and strengthening health systems in fragile states. Improvements in health services and systems help to strengthen civil society and to restore legitimacy to governments. Effective engagement with fragile states to inform the design of health programmes and selection of interventions depends on donor coordination and an understanding of health system challenges. Planning requires consideration of allocation (services to be delivered), production (organisation of services), distribution (beneficiaries of services) and financing. The criteria for selecting interventions are: their impact on major health problems; effectiveness; the possibility of scale-up; equity; and sustainability. There are various options for financing and models of engagement, but support should always combine short-term relief with longer-term development. Stakeholders should aim not only to save lives and protect health but also to bolster nations' ability to deliver good-quality services in the long run.  相似文献   

Jibum Chung 《Disasters》2016,40(3):554-572
The purpose of this research is to analyse the conflicts that arise among major stakeholders during the process of disaster management and to suggest policy recommendations for improving disaster management systems. It describes several important conflict cases that have occurred among major stakeholders, such as governments, private‐sector entities, and non‐governmental organisations, during natural disaster management. In addition, it probes the similarities and the differences between such conflicts in the Republic of Korea and the United States. The differences between them may originate from a range of factors, such as the disaster itself, cultural features, management practices, and government organisation. However, the conflicts also are very similar in some ways, as the motivations and the behaviour of stakeholders during a disaster are alike in both countries. Based on this comparison, the study presents some common and important implications for successful disaster management practices in Korea and the US, as well as in many other nations around the world.  相似文献   

Kolen B  Helsloot I 《Disasters》2012,36(4):700-722
On 30 May 2008, the Government of the Netherlands informed the national parliament about the effectiveness of preventive evacuation of coastal and river areas in case of flooding. Analysis of a case study showed that it is impossible to evacuate coastal areas preventively within a 48-hour time span preceding a worst credible scenario flood caused by a storm surge. This fact illustrates the need for alternative evacuation strategies, such as vertical evacuation (evacuating to safe havens, inside the flood zone) or shelter-in-place (hiding), to reduce loss of life and the impact of the evacuation. This paper defines these strategies and demonstrates, by returning to the case study used by the Dutch government, that they require different measures, methods of approach, and crisis management processes. In addition, it addresses the need for flexible and scalable preparation so that after detecting and understanding the threat, authorities and citizens can make decisions about different evacuation strategies.  相似文献   

Maxwell D  Watkins B 《Disasters》2003,27(1):72-90
Natural and man-made emergencies are regular occurrences in the Greater Horn of Africa region. The underlying impoverishment of whole populations is increasing, making it more difficult to distinguish between humanitarian crises triggered by shocks and those resulting from chronic poverty. Shocks and hazards can no longer be seen as one-off events that trigger a one-time response. In countries that are both poor and exposed to frequent episodes of debilitating drought or chronic conflict, information needs tend to be different from the straightforward early warning/commodity accounting models of information systems that have proven reliable in past emergencies. This paper describes the interdependent components of a humanitarian information system appropriate for this kind of complex environment, noting the analytical links between the components and operational links to programme and policy. By examining a series of case studies from the Greater Horn region, the paper demonstrates that systems lacking one or more of these components will fail to provide adequate information--and thus incur humanitarian costs. While information always comes with a cost, the price of poor information--or none--is higher. And in situations of chronic vulnerability, in which development interventions are likely to be interspersed with both safety nets and emergency interventions on a recurrent basis, investment in improved information is a good investment from both a humanitarian and a financial viewpoint.  相似文献   

试图通过分析台湾地区与赣粤闽交界及其沿海地区的地质构造背景、动力环境、地震活动的相关性来探讨台湾强震对赣粤闽交界及其沿海地区地震形势的影响 ,从而分析赣粤闽交界及其沿海地区近期的地震趋势。  相似文献   

按地震在空间上的相似活动过程排列的华北与闽粤沿海及银川地震区 (带 )地震活动周期表 ,以华北地震活动为主线 ,将公元前 2 80年咸阳 5 级地震至 1 988年 2月 2 5日彰武 4 8级地震间 2 2 6 7年的华北地震活动划分为 4个时间层次。其组合关系是 ,一个超长地震周期由初、前、主、余震期 4个地震期组成 ;除前震期只有一个地震周期外 ,初、主、余震期都包含前弱后强两个地震周期 ;每个地震周期多分为初、前、主、余震段 4个地震段。闽粤沿海地震区和银川地震带的主震段分别与华北初、余震段同期活动。地震周期是介于前人划分的地震幕与地震活动期之间一个新的更为重要的时间层次。华北 7个地震周期的起止时间是 :-2 80 .5 0~ 8.2 2~ 880 .1 2~ 1 337.6 9~ 1 5 6 8.37~ 1 730 .75~ 1 85 5 .95~ 1 988.1 5年。并从时空强 3方面阐述了华北地震周期性活动规律 ,分析了 3个地震区、带地震周期的相互关系。华北地震周期可作为标准地震周期与不同地区地震周期相对比 ,具有重要的预报意义  相似文献   

提出一种基于灾害演化网络的风险分析方法,针对城市暴雨灾害的演化过程进行了风险分析。利用复杂网络理论构建北方城市暴雨灾害演化网络模型,将危机事件分为三个等级,并探讨了事件级别和出入度的关系;分析城市暴雨灾害链演化特点和暴雨危机事件后果蔓延规律,得到关键危机事件和演化链。结果表明,交通堵塞是我国北方城市暴雨灾害系统中关键危机事件;暴雨灾害演化系统存在短链、长直链和循环链三种结构,其中循环链中的危机事件互为因果,可自行激化,是灾害演化网络控制的关键结构。  相似文献   

应用两种描述地震活动平静的特征参数Wq 和σH 对华东地区 1972年以来ML≥ 2 .3地震进行时空扫描。结果表明 :Wq 在华东地区大多数M >5地震之前均出现 1年左右或稍长时间的平静异常 ,震中一般在平静异常区的边缘或内部。对Wq 空间异常区σH 的时间扫描在某些地区也能够较好地显示1年左右的平静异常。这可能说明了地震活动平静也是中强地震的一种中短期预报指标  相似文献   

2004.7.20云南盈江滑坡泥石流山洪灾害成因及减灾对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
云南省德宏州盈江县位于横断山区西南部.2004年7月18日~19日,该县北部的的支那、盏西、芒璋等地遭受特大暴雨袭击,引起7.20滑坡泥石流山洪灾害,造成59人死亡失踪和15 857万元财产损失.60年一遇、19小时186.2mm的特大暴雨,是该次滑坡泥石流山洪灾害形成的根本原因.针对灾害的特征、现状和发展趋势,提出了拟采取的减灾措施.  相似文献   

Nathan F 《Disasters》2008,32(3):337-357
The article begins by describing the difficult living conditions of many people in the hill slopes (laderas) of La Paz, Bolivia, demonstrating that they are exposed to a combination of natural and social hazards. 1 It shows that residents, community leaders and city planners tend to underestimate or deny risk, with important consequences for risk management, such as a failure to raise risk awareness. The article then proposes some hypotheses to explain risk perceptions in La Paz, discarding the usual single-approach interpretations and suggesting instead more nuanced theoretical explanations to account for why people build their homes in such hazardous environments.  相似文献   

江苏省地震应急指挥决策演示系统是江苏省地震局 “九五” 重点课题──江苏省地震应急指挥系统的一个组成部分。 它主要集成了测震数据库及测震学预报软件(CAPSEIS)、 前兆数据库及前兆学预报软件(JSOMEN)、 强震中短期预报动态图像系统、 台站基础信息数据库、 地震烈度分布计算等软件系统,一旦出现震情时可以为地震研究人员提供常用的基础资料,震情分析判断工具和震害快速预测等。 本文重点介绍笔者对基础图件和基础资料信息等系统数据库整理所做的工作,同时介绍该系统的功能及其使用。  相似文献   

长江中下游地区高温热害对水稻的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以长江中下游地区的气象资料和水稻生长发育观测资料为基础,应用WOFOST作物模型模拟了不同发育时段高温热害对早稻和中稻生长发育及产量的影响,评估了长江中下游地区高温热害对水稻的影响程度.研究表明:高温主要影响早稻和中稻的孕穗、开花和灌浆,受高温影响减产程度依次为灌浆期最大,开花期次之,孕穗期最小;当高温强度和持续日数增...  相似文献   

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