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Detecting overlapping communities is a challenging task in analyzing networks, where nodes may belong to more than one community. Many present methods optimize quality functions to extract the communities from a network. In this paper, we present a probabilistic method for detecting overlapping communities using a generative model. The model describes the probability of generating a network with the model parameters, which reflect the communities in the network. The community memberships of each node are determined based on a probabilistic approach using those model parameters, whose values can be obtained by fitting the model to the network. This method has the advantage that the node participation degrees in each community are also computed. The proposed method is compared with some other community detection methods on both synthetic networks and real-world networks. The experiments show that this method is efficient at detecting overlapping communities and can provide better performance on the networks where a majority of nodes belong to more than one community.  相似文献   

The complexity of many community detection algorithms is usually an exponential function with the scale which hard to uncover community structure with high speed. Inspired by the ideas of the famous modularity optimization, in this paper, we proposed a proper weighting scheme utilizing a novel k-strength relationship which naturally represents the coupling distance between two nodes. Community structure detection using a generalized weighted modularity measure is refined based on the weighted k-strength matrix. We apply our algorithm on both the famous benchmark network and the real networks. Theoretical analysis and experiments show that the weighted algorithm can uncover communities fast and accurately and can be easily extended to large-scale real networks.  相似文献   

Xiaoke Ma  Lin Gao  Lidong Fu 《Physica A》2010,389(1):187-197
Discovering a community structure is fundamental for uncovering the links between structure and function in complex networks. In this paper, we discuss an equivalence of the objective functions of the symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization (SNMF) and the maximum optimization of modularity density. Based on this equivalence, we develop a new algorithm, named the so-called SNMF-SS, by combining SNMF and a semi-supervised clustering approach. Previous NMF-based algorithms often suffer from the restriction of measuring network topology from only one perspective, but our algorithm uses a semi-supervised mechanism to get rid of the restriction. The algorithm is illustrated and compared with spectral clustering and NMF by using artificial examples and other classic real world networks. Experimental results show the significance of the proposed approach, particularly, in the cases when community structure is obscure.  相似文献   

Community detection has become an important methodology to understand the organization and function of various real-world networks. The label propagation algorithm (LPA) is an almost linear time algorithm proved to be effective in finding a good community structure. However, LPA has a limitation caused by its one-hop horizon. Specifically, each node in LPA adopts the label shared by most of its one-hop neighbors; much network topology information is lost in this process, which we believe is one of the main reasons for its instability and poor performance. Therefore in this paper we introduce a measure named weighted coherent neighborhood propinquity (weighted-CNP) to represent the probability that a pair of vertices are involved in the same community. In label update, a node adopts the label that has the maximum weighted-CNP instead of the one that is shared by most of its neighbors. We propose a dynamic and adaptive weighted-CNP called entropic-CNP by using the principal of entropy to modulate the weights. Furthermore, we propose a framework to integrate the weighted-CNP in other algorithms in detecting community structure. We test our algorithm on both computer-generated networks and real-world networks. The experimental results show that our algorithm is more robust and effective than LPA in large-scale networks.  相似文献   

Robust network community detection using balanced propagation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Label propagation has proven to be an extremely fast method for detecting communities in large complex networks. Furthermore, due to its simplicity, it is also currently one of the most commonly adopted algorithms in the literature. Despite various subsequent advances, an important issue of the algorithm has not yet been properly addressed. Random (node) update orders within the algorithm severely hamper its robustness, and consequently also the stability of the identified community structure. We note that an update order can be seen as increasing propagation preferences from certain nodes, and propose a balanced propagation that counteracts for the introduced randomness by utilizing node balancers. We have evaluated the proposed approach on synthetic networks with planted partition, and on several real-world networks with community structure. The results confirm that balanced propagation is significantly more robust than label propagation, when the performance of community detection is even improved. Thus, balanced propagation retains high scalability and algorithmic simplicity of label propagation, but improves on its stability and performance.  相似文献   

We study the consensus problem in a weighted and directed network composed of self-propelled agents. The weight which quantifies the relationship between the agents is adjusted according to their state incoherence to suppress the heterogeneity in state. The proposed consensus protocol enhances the convergence efficiency of consensus greatly and has better performance than that of two other protocols. The convergence efficiency can be further improved by adjusting the parameter of this protocol. Furthermore, the robustness of the system against coupling time-delay is significantly increased. Unlike most consensus acceleration methods, no topological information is needed in our model. Networks with different stuctures are investigated to demonstrate the generality of the method.  相似文献   

Community detection is a fundamental work to analyse the structural and functional properties of complex networks.The label propagation algorithm(LPA) is a near linear time algorithm to find a good community structure. Despite various ubsequent advances, an important issue of this algorithm has not yet been properly addressed. Random update orders within the algorithm severely hamper the stability of the identified community structure. In this paper, we executed the asic label propagation algorithm on networks multiple times, to obtain a set of consensus partitions. Based on these onsensus partitions, we created a consensus weighted graph. In this consensus weighted graph, the weight value of the dge was the proportion value that the number of node pairs allocated in the same cluster was divided by the total number f partitions. Then, we introduced consensus weight to indicate the direction of label propagation. In label update steps,y computing the mixing value of consensus weight and label frequency, a node adopted the label which has the maximum mixing value instead of the most frequent one. For extending to different networks, we introduced a proportion parameter o adjust the proportion of consensus weight and label frequency in computing mixing value. Finally, we proposed an pproach named the label propagation algorithm with consensus weight(LPAcw), and the experimental results showed that he LPAcw could enhance considerably both the stability and the accuracy of community partitions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a weighted self-propelled agent system, wherein each agent’s direction is affected by its spatial neighbors with different impacts. In the model, a tunable parameter α≥0α0 is introduced to weight the different impacts of spatial neighbors: if α=0α=0, the agent’s direction is updated by averaging all of neighbors directions and own direction, i.e., Vicsek model. Otherwise, with the increase of the value of αα, the agent’s direction is more affected by the agent who has small view angle between them. Interestingly, simulation results show that there exists an optimal αα leading to the shortest convergence time. Thus, our findings provide a powerful mechanism for collective motions in biological and technological multiagent systems.  相似文献   

沈毅  徐焕良 《物理学报》2010,59(9):6022-6028
提出了权重自相似性加权网络社团结构评判函数,并基于该函数提出一种谱分析算法检测社团结构,结果表明算法能将加权网络划分为同一社团内边权值分布均匀,而社团间边权值分布随机的社团结构.通过建立具有社团结构的加权随机网络分析了该算法的准确性,与WEO和WGN算法相比,在评判权重自相似的阈值系数取较小时,该算法具有较高的准确性.对于一个具有n个节点和c个社团的加权网络,社团结构检测的复杂度为O(cn2/2).通过设置评判权重自相似的阈值系数,可检测出能反映节点联系稳定性的层化性社团结构.这与传统意义上只将加权网络划分为社团中边权值较大而社团间边权值较小的标准不同,从另一个角度更好地提取了加权网络的结构信息.  相似文献   

Community structure detection in complex networks has been intensively investigated in recent years. In this paper, we propose an adaptive approach based on ant colony clustering to discover communities in a complex network. The focus of the method is the clustering process of an ant colony in a virtual grid, where each ant represents a node in the complex network. During the ant colony search, the method uses a new fitness function to percept local environment and employs a pheromone diffusion model as a global information feedback mechanism to realize information exchange among ants. A significant advantage of our method is that the locations in the grid environment and the connections of the complex network structure are simultaneously taken into account in ants moving. Experimental results on computer-generated and real-world networks show the capability of our method to successfully detect community structures.  相似文献   

一种可大范围调节聚类系数的加权无标度网络模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
潘灶烽  汪小帆 《物理学报》2006,55(8):4058-4064
在Barrat, Barthélemy 和 Vespignani (BBV)加权无标度网络模型的基础上,提出了一种可大范围调节聚类系数的加权无标度网络模型——广义BBV模型(GBBV模型).理论分析和仿真实验表明,GBBV模型保留了BBV模型的许多特征,节点度、节点权重和边权值等都服从幂律分布.但是,GBBV模型克服了BBV模型只能小范围调节聚类系数的缺陷,从而可以用于具有大聚类系数网络的建模. 关键词: 无标度网络 加权网络 聚类系数  相似文献   

Many social and biological networks consist of communities–groups of nodes within which links are dense but among which links are sparse. It turns out that most of these networks are best described by weighted networks, whose properties and dynamics depend not only on their structures but also on the link weights among their nodes. Recently, there are considerable interests in the study of properties as well as modelling of such networks with community structures. To our knowledge, however, no study of any weighted network model with such a community structure has been presented in the literature to date. In this paper, we propose a weighted evolving network model with a community structure. The new network model is based on the inner-community and inter-community preferential attachments and preferential strengthening mechanism. Simulation results indicate that this network model indeed reflect the intrinsic community structure, with various power-law distributions of the node degrees, link weights, and node strengths.  相似文献   

Many realistic networks have community structures, namely, a network consists of groups of nodes within which links are dense but among which links are sparse. This paper proposes a growing network model based on local processes, the addition of new nodes intra-community and new links intra- or inter-community. Also, it utilizes the preferential attachment for building connections determined by nodes' strengths, which evolves dynamically during the growth of the system. The resulting network reflects the intrinsic community structure with generalized power-law distributions of nodes' degrees and strengths.  相似文献   

王丹  郝彬彬 《物理学报》2013,62(22):220506-220506
针对真实世界中大规模网络都具有明显聚类效应的特点, 提出一类具有高聚类系数的加权无标度网络演化模型, 该模型同时考虑了优先连接、三角结构、随机连接和社团结构等四种演化机制. 在模型演化规则中, 以概率p增加单个节点, 以概率1–p增加一个社团. 与以往研究的不同在于新边的建立, 以概率φ在旧节点之间进行三角连接, 以概率1–φ进行随机连接. 仿真分析表明, 所提出的网络度、强度和权值分布都是服从幂律分布的形式, 且具有高聚类系数的特性, 聚类系数的提高与社团结构和随机连接机制有直接的关系. 最后通过数值仿真分析了网络演化机制对同步动态特性的影响, 数值仿真结果表明, 网络的平均聚类系数越小, 网络的同步能力越强. 关键词: 无标度网络 加权网络 聚类系数 同步能力  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of most species in ecosystems is nonuniform. New theories try to explain patterns observed at multiple scales in terms of neutral processes such as birth, death, and migration. We have devised an experimental, niche-free ecosystem where the amplitude of neutral patchiness can be precisely measured. Spatial distribution of species in this system is extremely clustered. We demonstrate that this clustering is entirely attributed to neutral causes and show that the most basic properties of life can provoke intricate spatial structures without clues from the environment.  相似文献   

Communities are groups of nodes forming tightly connected units in networks. Some nodes can be shared between different communities of a network. The presence of overlapping nodes and their associated membership diversity is a common characteristic of social networks. Analyzing these overlapping structures can reveal valuable information about the intrinsic features of realistic complex networks, especially social networks.  相似文献   

Temporal clustering analysis (TCA) has been proposed recently as a method to detect time windows of brain responses in functional MRI (fMRI) studies when the timing and location of the activation are completely unknown. Modifications to the TCA technique are introduced in this report to further improve the sensitivity in detecting brain activation. The modified TCA is based on the integrated signal intensity of a temporal cluster at each time point, while the original TCA is based only on the size of a temporal cluster at each time point. A temporal cluster at each time point is defined, in both TCA methods, as a group of pixels reaching their maximum (or minimum) values at the same time. Both computer simulation and in vivo fMRI experiments have been performed. Compared with the original TCA, the modified TCA shows a significant improvement in the sensitivity to detect activation peaks for determining time windows of brain responses.  相似文献   

A novel morphological edge detector based on adaptive weighted morphological operators is presented. It judges image edge and direction by adaptive weighted morphological structuring elements (SEs). If the edge direction exists, a big weight factor in SE is put; if it does not exist, a small weight factor in SE is put. Thus we can achieve an intensified edge detector. Experimental results prove that the new operator's performance dominates those of classical operators for images in edge detection, and obtains superbly detail edges.  相似文献   

As the method of improving the discrimination in character recognition using holographic spatial filtering, this paper proposes a pattern weighting technique which emphasizes differences between characters. Its merit is in the capability of optimally setting the correlations which leads to the feasibility of discrimination. By using weighted patterns obtained by computer calculations, its effectiveness is experimentally proved.  相似文献   

Detection of community structures in the weighted complex networks is significant to understand the network structures and analysis of the network properties. We present a unique algorithm to detect overlapping communities in the weighted complex networks with considerable accuracy. For a given weighted network, all the seed communities are first extracted. Then to each seed community, more community members are absorbed using the absorbing degree function. In addition, our algorithm successfully finds common nodes between communities. The experiments using some real-world networks show that the performance of our algorithm is satisfactory.  相似文献   

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