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通过市场调研,把积木分为五个类别,并从这五个类别的单体特点、玩法、材质、收纳等方面进行分析。解析每个类别下的优秀产品特点,从中取长补短,大胆尝试,设计出一款大体量感的羊毛毡积木玩具,寓教于乐,希望给儿童带来快乐的同时,能更好地促进他们的身心发展。  相似文献   

Specification, design, and code can all be reused easily if handled as a building block. An IBM group recently developed this concept and applied it to systems programming – with success.  相似文献   

基于Docker的PaaS平台建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息化时代的进步,企业级系统越发庞大复杂,系统级研发面临巨大的挑战.从设计开发测试到实施,有着种种的困难,针对这一问题,提供一套基于Docker的企业私有PaaS云的建设思路.通过基于Docker的容器虚拟化、面向服务的分布式架构设计、基于Docker的服务发现、基于私有云的环境配置管理等技术手段,构建针对企业级系统研发的PaaS平台.实践应用表明,基于Docker的PaaS平台,能有效降低搭建研发环境的复杂度,降低系统升级成本,提高测试准确性,从而有效地提升企业级系统研发效率.  相似文献   

Kaiser  G.E. Garlan  D. 《Software, IEEE》1987,4(4):17-24
This declarative language takes the best features from the three most popular reusability approaches, but overcomes their flaws. It supports language independence, component composition, and tailoring.  相似文献   

ThingLab is a constraint-oriented, interactive graphical system for building simulations. A typical problem in ThingLab (and in systems like it) is that, to define an object with a new kind of constraint, the user must leave the graphical domain and write code in the underlying implementation language. This makes it difficult for less experienced users to add new kinds of constraints or to modify existing ones. As a step toward solving this problem, the system described here allows the graphical definition of objects that include new kinds of constraints. This is supported by an interface in which a user can open two views on an object being defined, a use view and a construction view. The use view shows the object's normal appearance; the construction view contains additional objects and constraints, which serve to graphically specify the new constraints on the defined object.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework for characterizing shapes by building blocks. We address two questions: First, how do shape correspondences induce building blocks? For this, we introduce a new representation for structuring partial symmetries (partial self‐correspondences), which we call “microtiles”. Starting from input correspondences that form point‐wise equivalence relations, microtiles are obtained by grouping connected components of points that share the same set of symmetry transformations. The decomposition is unique, requires no parameters beyond the input correspondences, and encodes the partial symmetries of all subsets of the input. The second question is: What is the class of shapes that can be assembled from these building blocks? Here, we specifically consider r‐similarity as correspondence model, i.e., matching of local r‐neighborhoods. Our main result is that the microtiles of the partial r‐symmetries of an object S can build all objects that are (r+ε)‐similar to S for any ε >0. Again, the construction is unique. Furthermore, we give necessary conditions for a set of assembly rules for the pairwise connection of tiles. We describe a practical algorithm for computing microtile decompositions under rigid motions, a corresponding prototype implementation, and conduct a number of experiments to visualize the structural properties in practice.  相似文献   

The embedded-object concept, EOC, applies common object-oriented software methods to Lego-like hardware-software entities. These modular entities, representing objects in object-oriented design, function as electronic building blocks that can be assembled into new embedded systems. The goal of the EOC is to make embedded-system design faster and easier while preserving the commercial applicability of the resulting devices.  相似文献   

Tobias  J.R. 《Computer》1981,14(8):83-101
More circuits will continue to be placed on smaller chips, resulting in modular building blocks with better performance, more functionality, higher yields, and lower costs.  相似文献   

进化算法中的模式定理及建筑块   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨海军  李敏强 《计算机学报》2003,26(11):1550-1554
探讨了进化算法中的模式定理及建筑块理论.通过引入模式进化、模式进化能力、适度模式等概念,以标准遗传算法为例,证明了在变异算子独立的条件下,进化算法中模式的构成与多点交叉和变异的顺序无关,然后证明了具有强进化能力的模式,将以指数阶增长.该文的模式理论有别于Holland等人提出的模式理论,特别是在交叉算子上采用了多点交叉算子,给出了相应的公式;并从这一推导过程论证了建筑块假设的合理性,可以称之为建筑块理论.  相似文献   

In this article we propose the use of the ADER methodology of solving generalized Riemann problems to obtain a numerical flux, which is high order accurate in time, for being used in the Discontinuous Galerkin framework for hyperbolic conservation laws. This allows direct integration of the semi-discrete scheme in time and can be done for arbitrary order of accuracy in space and time. The resulting fully discrete scheme in time does not need more memory than an explicit first order Euler time-stepping scheme. This becomes possible because of an extensive use of the governing equations inside the numerical scheme itself via the so-called Cauchy–Kovalewski procedure. We give an efficient algorithm for this procedure for the special case of the nonlinear two-dimensional Euler equations. Numerical convergence results for the nonlinear Euler equations results up to 8th order of accuracy in space and time are shown  相似文献   

Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The combination of the Internet and emerging technologies such as near-field communications, real-time localization, and embedded sensors lets us transform everyday objects into smart objects that can understand and react to their environment. Such objects are building blocks for the Internet of Things and enable novel computing applications. As a step toward design and architectural principles for smart objects, the authors introduce a hierarchy of architectures with increasing levels of real-world awareness and interactivity. In particular, they describe activity-, policy-, and process-aware smart objects and demonstrate how the respective architectural abstractions support increasingly complex application.  相似文献   

文章希望通过运用理论讲解与实例分析相结合的方式说明旧建筑改造的一系列问题,对现有城市旧建筑改造方式进行阐述。利用建筑美学原理的概念结合实际,归纳和总结不同的设计手法。并对其各要素在建筑改造中起到的作用和效果辅以分析图做充分的讲解,从而完善文章对于旧建筑改造方法及理论的探索。  相似文献   

按照国家涉密信息系统分级保护标准规范要求,涉密信息系统需要对用户上传的涉密表单附件标定密级,限制低密级用户访问,并且加密存储。针对这个共性需求,提出了一种涉密表单附件PaaS服务设计方案,为基于PaaS平台搭建的各类涉密应用提供统一的附件服务,实现涉密附件的上传、登记、加密、存储、下载和管理功能,按照保密标准严格控制附件的允许访问的人员范围,上传下载过程中自动加密、解密,加密过程对用户透明,同时利用PaaS技术平台提供的应用伸缩能力,解决大批量文件加解密带来的性能瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

The integration of cloud computing and mobile computing has recently resulted in the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) paradigm which is defined as the availability of \(c\) loud services over a mobile ecosystem. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a model of cloud computing that refers to high-level software systems delivered over Internet. This model typically enables developers to deliver Web applications as Software as a Service. With the aim of providing support to the MCC, in this work a PaaS called MobiCloUP! is proposed for mobile Web and native applications based on third-party cloud services such as Netflix, Instagram and Pinterest, to mention but a few. Unlike other commercial solutions such as force.com, Google \(^{\mathrm{TM}}\) App Engine and other academic proposals like MOSAIC, MobiCloUP! implements an automatic code generation programming model targeting rich mobile applications based on both Web standards such as HTML5, CSS3 and AJAX and Rich Internet Application frameworks like Adobe \(^{\textregistered }\) Flex. The MobiCloUP! core is a wizard tool that covers design, publish/deployment, development and maintenance phases for mobile development life-cycle. In order to validate our proposal, Web 2.0 services-based Web and native mobile applications were developed and deployed to the Cloud using MobiCloUP!. Finally, a qualitative-comparative evaluation was performed in order to validate the legitimacy of our proposal against other similar commercial proposals.  相似文献   

An efficient exploitation of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs) is needed to deal with the data deluge that the scientific community is facing, in particular the Astrophysics one due to the emerging Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope that will reach data rates in the exascale domain. Hence, Science Gateways are being enriched with advanced tools that not only enable the scientists to build their experiments but also to optimize their adaptation to different infrastructures. In this work we present a method, called “two-level workflow system”, to build this kind of tools and we apply it to a set of analysis tasks of interest for some use applications to the SKA. This method uses the Software-as-a-Service model to keep the scientists insulated from technical complexity of DCIs, and the COMPSs programming model to achieve an efficient use of the computing resources.  相似文献   

We discuss the basic concepts of computer vision with stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). In typical approaches based on partial differential equations (PDEs), the end result in the best case is usually one value per pixel, the “expected” value. Error estimates or even full probability density functions PDFs are usually not available. This paper provides a framework allowing one to derive such PDFs, rendering computer vision approaches into measurements fulfilling scientific standards due to full error propagation. We identify the image data with random fields in order to model images and image sequences which carry uncertainty in their gray values, e.g. due to noise in the acquisition process. The noisy behaviors of gray values is modeled as stochastic processes which are approximated with the method of generalized polynomial chaos (Wiener-Askey-Chaos). The Wiener-Askey polynomial chaos is combined with a standard spatial approximation based upon piecewise multi-linear finite elements. We present the basic building blocks needed for computer vision and image processing in this stochastic setting, i.e. we discuss the computation of stochastic moments, projections, gradient magnitudes, edge indicators, structure tensors, etc. Finally we show applications of our framework to derive stochastic analogs of well known PDEs for de-noising and optical flow extraction. These models are discretized with the stochastic Galerkin method. Our selection of SPDE models allows us to draw connections to the classical deterministic models as well as to stochastic image processing not based on PDEs. Several examples guide the reader through the presentation and show the usefulness of the framework.  相似文献   

陈静杰  肖晨  钱文高 《控制工程》2013,20(5):818-820
提出了一种模拟机遮光板的模块化设计方法。该方法在归类系统功能的基础上,通过适当降低操作板与控制板模块间的相对依赖性连接,实现功能与结构的分离、模块的再分割以及数据在各模块间的通信,进而达到独立功能模块设计的目的。进一步,以模块间的通信为例,设计了独立的通信模块,通过加入斯密特触发器而有效抑制了由于通信乱码而致死机的频繁发生。在实际应用中,通过操作实验,证实了该模块化设计方法可大大提高模拟机遮光板通信的可靠性; 同时该方法也可用于模拟机前头顶板和中央操纵台的设计中。  相似文献   

In this paper we continue our previous research on the development of the current model of higher education, which pointed out that the labor market is looking for people with competencies and skills reflecting a T-shape model. As a consequence, universities should include a wider mix of disciplines in the curricula of their courses. Hence, to overcome existing criticisms and to provide some suggestions on how to enhance universities׳ performances, we thought of education as a process with inputs, outputs, and relevant dependencies. We called such a university a “smarter university” in which knowledge is a common heritage of teachers and students. In our research the smarter university model is based on a smart-city-like model, due to the fact that next generation networks and relevant services are going to be more and more integrated with existing infrastructure and information management systems. Thus, it is mandatory that smart solutions are the most prominent assets of modern university environments to improve the effectiveness of higher education. In this paper, we report the experimental results from a specific case study of collaboration between industry and university, which could be used as a reference for the definition of patterns to be applied in the redesign of the current education systems, even though the experiment refers to a technological application scenario.  相似文献   

移动互联网应用产生了海量的用户数据行为,这些数据所蕴含的价值能够推进应用和商业模式创新。电信运营商作为移动互联网应用用户的第一触点,可以有效结合运营商智能管道和云计算资源优势,打造面向企业合作伙伴的数据采集、挖掘、共享的生态价值链。从大数据PaaS平台切入,分析如何构建大数据服务环境,并给出后续研究建议和思考。  相似文献   

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