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Despite the progressive use of ecodesign in the industrial world, taking into account environmental constraints remains problematical for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which seem to be remaining on the fringe of the movement. Beyond the lack of environmental culture in the enterprises, the problem stems from the ecodesign tools which have not been designed with any thought of integrating them into the enterprises' organisation. There is indeed no method for ecodesign integration in companies. We show in this article that, while in fact there is a thorough and varied set of ecodesign tools available, they will not allow ecodesign to become more widespread while they remain tools for experts. We are therefore putting forward a method to carry out the integration of ecodesign in SMEs during demonstration projects implemented with the assistance of advisory centres specialised in the industrial sector of the company.  相似文献   

Although it had been about 10 years since eco-efficiency and Factor X were proposed, these concepts were not actually utilized in companies. Accordingly, the author proposed eco-efficiency (Factor X) indicators and has actually utilized them since 2001 in companies, and has conducted many case studies of eco-efficiency and Factor X using these indicators. However, there remains an argument: the improvement of eco-efficiency (Factor X) is due to an improvement in functions and there is still a possibility that environmental impacts increase. So, this paper begins with a brief explanation of the proposed eco-efficiency (Factor X) indicators and the case studies. Next, eco-efficiency and ecodesign are discussed. This paper analyzes the relationship between functions and environmental impacts using results of quantitative evaluations and verifies the argument quantitatively. From this analysis result, the author found that most products improved the product's functions while reducing environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic processes have increased the exposure of humans and wildlife to toxic methyl mercury (MeHg). Mercury emissions will increase by about 25% between 2005 and 2020, if the present trajectory is maintained. A global assessment of societal damages caused by the ingestion of methyl mercury, based merely on loss of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), suggests that the annual cost will be approximately US$3.7 billion (2005 dollars) in 2020. The corresponding cost of damages resulting from the inhalation of methyl mercury is estimated at US$2.9 million (2005 dollars). Under a higher degree of emission control such as in the case of the Extended Emission Control (EXEC) and the Maximum Feasible Technological Reduction (MFTR) scenarios, total emissions could decrease in the period 2005–2020 by about 50–60%. The corresponding annual benefits in 2020 are estimated to be about US$1.8–2.2 billion (2005 dollars). Large economic benefits can be achieved by reducing global mercury emissions.  相似文献   

The methodologies are fundamental in the design process, tracing guidelines for the new products development. In this sense, the present work “Methodology of ecodesign for the development of more sustainable electro-electronic equipments” considers the application of a methodology with emphasis in the Design for Environment.  相似文献   

We can find numerous case studies showing eco-efficiency being used as an analytical tool in ecodesign. But, all of these studies show that eco-efficiency being used only as an evaluation tool for design alternatives, not as a tool for the identification of key ecodesign issues. Here, we propose that producer-based eco-efficiency and consumer-based eco-efficiency can be used in identifying key ecodesign issues, which encompass not only the environmental aspects of a product, but also other aspects such as product quality and consumer satisfaction. The applicability of the proposed method was evaluated using 19 digital cameras. The results show that it is possible to identify weak points of a product in relation to the environment, product quality, and consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, it is possible to design a product that is environmentally friendly, while still maintaining a high level of quality and consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study examines the monetary value of social costs—private costs and negative externalities—that could be avoided by energy conservation actions. A novel Air Resource Co-Benefits (ARCoB) model has been developed in this study to assess the comprehensive social benefits of greenhouse gas GHG mitigation policy. The rollback model is used to estimate changes in air pollutant concentrations attributed to the emission reductions. Change in ozone concentration is converted from non-methane hydrocarbons based on the maximum ozone increment reactivity. In addition to saved medical expenditure, years of potential life lost (YPLL) is estimated based on the exposure-response coefficients for mortality and is calculated with abridged life table. Two cases of energy efficiency improvement in different scales are analyzed to estimate the annual co-benefits of abatements of air pollutants and greenhouse gas in 2009: 1) the energy intensity reduction in the industrial sector and 2) energy saving at Taipei Taiwan City Hall. Results indicate the saved energy cost accounted for 66 % and 70 % in the first and second case, respectively, and was a major part of the total benefit from energy conservation. The saved air pollution fee was 7.8–8.5 times lower than the averted health cost of medical expenditure, which was US$10.34 million in the first case, in which there were also averted YPLL of 3,478 person-years or averted deaths of 311 persons per year.  相似文献   

马本  刘侗一  马中 《中国环境科学》2021,41(6):2964-2976
为定量测算环境收益及其受益归宿,理解经济增长与环境保护的复杂耦合关系,匹配了中国工业企业数据库与环境统计数据库,用2011~2013年微观面板数据估计了企业治污成本函数,分介质、分行业加总得到了工业环境收益,采用受约束模型估计了其在企业利润、工资与税收间的分配.结果发现中国年度工业环境收益约9000亿元,是当年GDP和...  相似文献   

In this paper, an assessment method is proposed for ecodesign improvement options using global warming and economic performance indicators. A reduction in the GHG emissions in the entire life cycle stages of a product was chosen as the global warming performance of the product. The external cost which converts the external effect of global warming into a monetary value was chosen as the global warming performance indicator in order to measure the performance of the GHG reduction of the product. The life cycle cost (LCC) of the product was chosen as the economic performance indicator to measure the performance of the life cycle cost reduction of the product. The assessment method based on the two performance indicators was applied to the liquid crystal display (LCD) panel for a case study.  相似文献   

A Spanish ecodesign standard (the UNE 150301) is being used as a basic reference point in paving the way for the future ISO 14006 ecodesign standard which may foreseeably be passed in 2011. This article aims to analyze the experience regarding adoption of the UNE 150301 in Spain.Following an analysis of the standard’s structure, its objectives and scope, its real implementation process is then analyzed based on an exploratory qualitative study carried out in four Spanish companies that have been pioneers in adopting this environmental standard. The conclusion is drawn in the article that in all the cases analyzed, the greatest source of impact occurs in the phase in which the product is used and is related to energy consumption. Companies appear to be satisfied with the adoption of this standard and, in particular, point out that they have managed to reduce the environmental impact of their products. However, they draw attention to the fact that, to deal with certain instances of impact that increases in cost entail, administrative bodies need to establish mandatory regulations, as environmentally-friendly companies would otherwise lose competitiveness.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on ecodesign and its application in the footwear industry aiming to identify how the ecodesign can be applied to the redesign of a shoe component in order to minimize the environmental impact and simultaneously reduce costs of production and assembling. The factors that influence the use of ecodesign, the benefits and the difficulties were also investigated. A longitudinal case study was developed in a company that produces shoe stiffeners. The process of ecodesign implementation and the practices of ecodesign considered during the product redesign were analyzed. A cost reduction of about 10% was observed (in relation to the use of natural fibers and polymers in its composition-31% of biomass and 69% of fossil material). Toxic materials were completely eliminated and a reduction of energy consumption was also noticed (during the injection process). The main contributions of this study are: ecodesign constructs to be further researched the conjoint analysis of technological ability and market potential in a redesign project, and the requirements to gain managerial support for a redesign project.  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the study of combustion of brown coal,pine sawdust,and their mixtures in a fluidized bed of catalyst at 600–750°С.It is shown that an increase in the content of sawdust in a mixture with brown coal leads to an increase in the burnout degree of solid fuel from 94.4%to 99.9%,while the emission of greenhouse gases in the form of CO2CO and NOxis reduced (CO2from the biomass is not included in the balance).The high content of alkaline earth meta...  相似文献   

The effects of a 1.5 °C global change on irrigation costs and carbon emissions in a groundwater-dependent irrigation system were assessed in the northwestern region of Bangladesh and examined at the global scale to determine possible global impacts and propose necessary adaptation measures. Downscaled climate projections were obtained from an ensemble of eight general circulation models (GCMs) for three representative concentration pathways (RCPs), RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 and were used to generate the 1.5 °C warming scenarios. A water balance model was used to estimate irrigation demand, a support vector machine (SVM) model was used to simulate groundwater levels, an energy-use model was used to estimate carbon emissions from the irrigation pump, and a multiple linear regression (MLR) model was used to simulate the irrigation costs. The results showed that groundwater levels would likely drop by only 0.03 to 0.4 m under a 1.5 °C temperature increase, which would result in an increase in irrigation costs and carbon emissions ranging from 11.14 to 148.4 Bangladesh taka (BDT) and 0.3 to 4% CO2 emissions/ha, respectively, in northwestern Bangladesh. The results indicate that the impacts of climate change on irrigation costs for groundwater-dependent irrigation would be negligible if warming is limited to 1.5 °C; however, increased emissions, up to 4%, from irrigation pumps can have a significant impact on the total emissions from agriculture. This study revealed that similar impacts from irrigation pumps worldwide would result in an increase in carbon emissions by 4.65 to 65.06 thousand tons, based only on emissions from groundwater-dependent rice fields. Restricting groundwater-based irrigation in regions where the groundwater is already vulnerable, improving irrigation efficiency by educating farmers and enhancing pump efficiency by following optimum pumping guidelines can mitigate the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources, increase farmers’ profits, and reduce carbon emissions in regions with groundwater-dependent irrigation.  相似文献   

土壤污染治理与开发的环境经济调控对策研究   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
尝试从环境经济角度出发,对比分析国内外土壤污染治理与开发过程中的经济责任认定体系,指出我国存在着土壤污染责任主体不明确、污染治理费用无人负担、市场化机制有待完善等问题,提出在土壤污染治理与开发过程中明确政府、污染者、新地块开发商以及当地社区和居民的经济责任、建立污染治理基金管理模式以及完善土壤污染治理资金筹措与管理机制等方面的调控对策。  相似文献   

If a ‘Renaturing of Cities’ strategy is to maximise the ecosystem service provision of urban green infrastructure (UGI), then detailed consideration of a habitat services, biodiversity-led approach and multifunctionality are necessary rather than relying on the assumed benefits of UGI per se. The paper presents preliminary data from three case studies, two in England and one in Germany, that explore how multifunctionality can be achieved, the stakeholders required, the usefulness of an experimental approach for demonstrating transformation, and how this can be fed back into policy. We argue that incorporating locally contextualised biodiversity-led UGI design into the planning and policy spheres contributes to the functioning and resilience of the city and provides the adaptability to respond to locally contextualised challenges, such as overheating, flooding, air pollution, health and wellbeing as well as biodiversity loss. Framing our research to encompass both the science of biodiversity-led UGI and co-developing methods for incorporating a strategic approach to implementation of biodiversity-led UGI by planners and developers addresses a gap in current knowledge and begins to address barriers to UGI implementation. By combining scientific with policy learning and defined urban environmental targets with community needs, our research to date has begun to demonstrate how nature-based solutions to building resilience and adaptive governance can be strategically incorporated within cities through UGI.  相似文献   

当前经济研究中对环境问题越来越重视 ,已经有多种不同方法可以用来研究材料和物质流在经济中的运转 ,偏经济平衡分析就是其中一种。将PEA应用于一个单一的、假设的污染问题中 ,这样以实践的方式来评价模型的结果。结果显示 ,PEA模型能够寻找环境问题中最有效益的政策实施方法。  相似文献   

Environmental benefits of underground coal gasification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionCoalisthemainenergyresourceinChinaandtakesmorethan 70 %oftheprimaryenergyresourcecomposition.Buttheenvironmentalpollutionarisenfromcoalmining ,transportation ,andburningisbecomingmoreandmoreserious .Therefore ,inordertoacceleratethecoordinatedde…  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1253-1258
Alcohol fuel is generally presented as a sustainable fuel in comparison with other fossil fuel due to lower emissions during production and combustion steps as well as due to its (assumed) closed carbon cycle. However, assessing the Brazilian traditional alcohol production cycle, many social and environmental impacts may still be indicated: burning, pesticides, biodiversity, labor exploration, high water consumption, erosion and others. Based on the strategy of an agro-industrial networking and symbiosis, a project was designed to optimize the system by means of polygeneration and total integration of production steps. The case presented in this paper is the project for a social and ecological agro-industry model, named GERIPA (Geração de Energia Renovável Integrada à Produção de Alimentos), which produces renewable fuel, electricity and organic food. Besides the technical project, an economic evaluation is also presented, resulting into a five year pay back time. In addition, environmental and social aspects were evaluated by means the Emergy Synthesis methodology (Odum, 1996), which assesses the value of all inputs through an estimate of the environmental work directly and indirectly required for their production and sustainable supply. The emergy-based comparison of GERIPA system and a traditional system in Brazil indicates better performance of GERIPA, with an eMergy Sustainability Index of 1.26, much higher than for a traditional system, 0.22. The project is presently under discussion with investors and Government and, if approved, will be carried out in marginal and presently unused land. In addition to providing an environmentally friendly process for food and energy production, the project would generate new jobs opportunities for Brazilian rural workers presently unemployed.  相似文献   

水污染造成的环境经济损失分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
立足于我国水资源现状,对造成水污染损失的主要影响因素进行分析。探讨适合于我国国情的水污染损失的计算方法。以南方某市为例,计算该市水污染损失,得到了一些有益的结论.给政府部门提供了一个较为准确的损失数据。通过政府的干预或经济法律手段,加大水资源保护管理工作的力度。  相似文献   

依据GB11914-89标准分析方法的原理,在保持实验统一性的条件下,用JHR-2型节能恒温加热器代替标准方法中的加热回流冷凝装置进行化学需氧量(简称COD)的测定,通过重新分析实验的准确性和精密性,来证明此仪器在监测分析中的使用是可靠的,准确的,简便而节能的.  相似文献   

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