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Managing the integrity of tailings infrastructure is an important aspect of handling mine tailings. Unfortunately, little research is directed towards its efficient modeling. This paper presents salient aspects of tailings management. It proposes an integrated geographic information systems (GIS)-based conceptual model for efficient handling of these aspects. The paper also discusses the various integrated modules and comments on the systematic implementation of the model to achieve desired results. The modules include: structural integrity management (SIM), release impact assessment (RIA), and hazardous risk assessment and control (HRAC).  相似文献   

Currently, the integration of carbon and water values of forest ecosystems into forest management planning models has become increasingly important in sustainable forest management. This study focuses on developing a multiple-use forest management planning model to examine the interactions of timber and water production as well as net carbon sequestration in a forest ecosystem. Each forest value is functionally linked to stand structure and quantified economically. A number of forest management planning strategies varying in the amount of water, carbon, and timber targets and flows as constraints are developed and implemented in a linear programming (LP) environment. The outputs of each strategy are evaluated with a number of performance indicators such as standing timber volume, ending forest inventory, area harvested, and net present value (NPV) of water, timber, and carbon over time. Results showed that the cycling time of forest stands for renewal has important implications for timber, water, and carbon values. The management strategies indicated that net carbon sequestration can be attained at a significant cost in terms of foregone timber harvest and financial returns. The standing timber volumes and ending forest inventories were among the most important factors determining whether the forest constitutes a net carbon sink or source. Finally, the interactions among the forest values were generally found to be complementary, yet sometimes contradictory (i.e., negatively affecting each other), depending on the assumed relationship between forest values and stand structure.  相似文献   

分析了数据管理系统在生态环境领域的应用现状,以及页岩气开发生态环境数据的特性和管理需求,提出了基于地理信息系统和关系型数据库有效集成的数据管理系统框架,实现对页岩气开发区域水环境、土壤环境、环境空气及污染源负荷在时间和空间尺度的分析与评价,指出大数据、物联网技术的运用是系统发展的重要方向.  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统技术,在空间数据库平台的支持下,对四川省20世纪90年代中期到2000年间的草地动态变化特征、草地动态变化的背景特征及其空间分布特征进行了分析。研究表明,净增草地部分主要来源于耕地,净减草地部分的主要去向是林地。总体上,净增草地面积3812公顷,净增草地部分主要是在轻度土壤侵蚀区、中度土壤侵蚀区、剧烈土壤侵蚀区和强度土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级5、6和1的区域,环境等级5、6、4和1的区域;净减草地部分主要是在微度土壤侵蚀区和极强土壤侵蚀区,坡度等级3、2和4的区域,环境质量等级7和8的区域。净增草地的区域为川西北高原、丘陵和川西南山区,净增草地面积的前四个地州市是遂宁市、泸州市、巴中地区和广安市,净减少草地的区域为盆周山地和平原,净减少草地面积的前四个地州市是广元市、绵阳市、达川市和宜宾市。  相似文献   

In this study, an interval-fuzzy two-stage chance-constrained integer programming (IFTCIP) method is developed for supporting environmental management under uncertainty. The IFTCIP improves upon the existing interval, fuzzy, and two-stage programming approaches by allowing uncertainties expressed as probability distributions, fuzzy sets, and discrete intervals to be directly incorporated within a general mixed integer linear programming framework. It has advantages in uncertainty reflection, policy investigation, risk assessment, and capacity-expansion analysis in comparison to the other optimization methods. Moreover, it can help examine the risk of violating system constraints and the associated consequences. The developed method is applied to the planning for facility expansion and waste-flow allocation within a municipal solid waste management system. Violations of capacity constraints are allowed under a range of significance levels, which reflects tradeoffs between the system cost and the constraint-violation risk. The results indicate that reasonable solutions for both binary and continuous variables have been generated under different risk levels. They are useful for generating desired decision alternatives with minimized system cost and constraint-violation risk under various environmental, economic, and system-reliability conditions. Generally, willingness to take a higher risk of constraint violation will guarantee a lower system cost; a strong desire to acquire a lower risk will run into a higher system cost.  相似文献   

“3S”技术的城市环境监测与管理系统研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)、全球定位系统(GPS)(简称“3S”技术),辅以常规环境监测与分析手段建立的城市环境监测缠环境保护与区域可持续发展强有力的技术支持,对以“3S”技术建立的城市环境监测与管理系统的构成及其应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The objective of this study was to develop an integrated geographic information system (GIS) cellular automata (CA) model for simulating insect-induced tree mortality patterns in order to evaluate the influence of different forest management activities to control insect outbreaks. High-resolution multispectral images were used to determine susceptibility of trees to attack, whereas the GIS-based CA model simulated the effectiveness of clear-cuts and thinning practices for reducing insect-induced tree mortality. The results indicate that thinning susceptible forests should be more effective than clear-cutting for reducing tree loss to insect outbreaks. This study demonstrates the benefits of an integrated approach for understanding and evaluating forest management activities and expresses the need for spatial analysis and modeling for improving forest management practices.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship of local air pollution pattern with urban land use and with urban thermal landscape using a GIS approach. Ambient air quality measurements for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, total suspended particles, and dust level were obtained for Guangzhou City in South China between 1981 and 2000. Landsat TM images and aerial photo derived maps were used to examine city's land use and land cover at different times and changes. Landsat thermal infrared data were employed to compute land surface temperatures and to assess urban thermal patterns. Relationships among the spatial patterns of air pollution, land use, and thermal landscape were sought through GIS and correlation analyses. Results show that the spatial patterns of air pollutants probed were positively correlated with urban built-up density, and with satellite derived land surface temperature values, particularly with measurements taken during the summer. It is suggested that further studies investigate the mechanisms of this linkage, and that remote sensing of air pollution delves into how the energy interacts with the atmosphere and the environment and how sensors see pollutants. Thermal infrared imagery could play a unique role in monitoring and modeling atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

An overview of the structure and elements of integrated models aimed at studying fishery management policies using static and dynamic optimisation techniques is presented. Continuous and discrete time models are considered under both open-access and sole-owner settings. A variety of economic and biological processes that affect the fishery as a whole is examined. It turns out that overseeing important fish population characteristics such as metapopulation dynamics and multi-species interaction can lead to serious misrepresentation of the fishery and suboptimal controls. Adequate understanding of the economic conditions and considerations potentially affecting the fishermen is necessary to model their behaviour and address their concerns. Misrepresentation of these economic and biologic processes will have an impact on the success of management policies in attaining a sustainable fish population.  相似文献   

Forests make up large ecosystems and can play an important role in mitigating the emissions of CO2, the most important greenhouse gas. However, they are sources of atmospheric carbon when they are disturbed by human or natural causes. Storage of carbon through expansion and adaptive management of forest ecosystems can assist in reducing carbon concentrations in atmosphere. This study proposes a methodology to produce spatially explicit estimates of the carbon storages (aboveground plus belowground) depending on land use/cover changes in two different forest ecosystems during various periods. Carbon storages for each forest ecosystem were projected according to inventory data, and carbon storages were mapped in a geographic information system (GIS). Results showed that total carbon stored in above and belowground of both forest ecosystems increased from one period to other because of especially increase of productive forest areas and decline of degraded forest areas as well as protection of spruce forests subject to insect attacks.  相似文献   

适应环境监测数据管理需求,开发了环境质量监测数据综合管理平台(以下简称“综合管理平台”)并在业务工作中推广应用。介绍了综合管理平台在监测数据传输与审核、数据库有效管理等方面的功能特点,并通过与传统的数据传输校验、审核管理方式的对比,重点阐述了综合管理平台在加强数据管理规范性、提高数据管理效率、保障监测数据质量等方面所具有的优势。  相似文献   

简述了建设实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)的意义,介绍了南京市环境监测中心站基于LIMS平台建设的监测业务管理系统,分析了环境监测实验室在LIMS项目实施过程中需要把握的关键步骤以及实验室岗位配置和流程调整。  相似文献   

分析了海口市污染源动态管理系统建设需求与主要目标,介绍了基于GIS的系统总体架构、技术路线和空间数据库。系统具有信息管理、数据采集、监察执法、查询统计、档案管理、"环保一张图"、专题图绘制、运维管理等功能,具备污染源全生命周期管理、信息共享、绩效评价等特色。  相似文献   

国内外尾矿管理制度比较研究和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2020年,《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》修订完成,对固体废物的污染防治提出了新的要求。尾矿作为一般工业固体废物中产生量和贮存量最大的种类,存在突出的生态环境问题,已成为当前固体废物管理领域不可忽视的治理短板。通过梳理近年来尾矿产生和处置现状以及尾矿环境风险的特点,对比了国内外尾矿管理制度,并针对完善环境管理法规体系,落实尾矿减量化、资源化以及管控尾矿环境风险提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Tsetse flies are the vectors of trypanosomes, the causal agent of trypanosomiasis, a widespread disease of livestock and people in Africa. Control of tsetse may open vast areas of land to livestock-keeping, with the associated benefits of developing mixed crop-livestock production systems. However, as well as possible positive impacts there are also risks: bush clearing would accelerate and cattle numbers would rise, leading to a reduction of vegetation cover, and an increase in runoff and erosion; there may also be increased pressure on conserved areas and reductions in biodiversity. The objective of this study is to show how remotely sensed and other environmental data can be combined in a decision support system to help inform tsetse control programmes in a manner that could be used to limit possible detrimental effects of tsetse control. For Zambia, a methodology is developed that combines a tree-based decision-support approach with the use of Multiple-Criteria Evaluation (MCE), within a Geographical Information System (GIS), in order to target areas for tsetse control. The results show clear differentiation of priority areas under a series of hypothetical scenarios, and some areas (e.g. northwest of Petauke in the Eastern Province of Zambia) are consistently flagged as high priority for control. It is also demonstrated that priority areas do not comprise isolated tsetse populations, meaning that disease control using an integrated approach is likely to be more economically viable than local eradication.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for assessing the value of water in the different stages in the water cycle. It is hypothesised that if a cubic metre of water provides some benefit in some spot at a certain moment, this cubic metre of water has a certain value not only at that point in space and time, but in its previous stages within the water cycle as well. This means that, while water particles flow from upstream to downstream, water values ‘flow’ in exactly the opposite direction. The value of water in a certain place is equal to its value in situ plus an accumulated value derived from downstream. This value-flow concept is elaborated for the Zambezi basin. It is found that water produces the smallest direct economic benefits in the upper part of the Zambezi basin. However, water flows in this part of the basin − due to their upstream location − have the highest indirect values. Return flows from the water-using sectors are particularly valuable in the upstream sub-basins. The analysis shows that the value per unit of river water increases if we go from downstream to upstream. Another finding of the study is that percolation of rainwater is generally more valuable than surface runoff. Finally, a plan to export water from the river Zambezi to South Africa is evaluated in terms of its opportunity costs. The results of this study show that the value-flow concept offers the possibility of accounting for the cyclic nature of water when estimating its value. It is stressed, however, that for the current study many crude assumptions had to be made, so that the exact numbers presented should be regarded with extreme caution. Further research is necessary to provide more precise and validated estimates. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

简述了环境监测档案在环境保护、生态建设、社会经济发展中的重要价值,分析了当前四级环境监测档案管理中人员培养、信息化建设、保密管理等存在问题,提出,应完善档案管理设备,引进档案管理专业人才,落实档案管理职责,制定相关制度,加强档案密级管理,加快档案信息化建设.  相似文献   

"十三五"期间,大气网格化监测快速发展,为环境精细化管理提供了技术支撑.由于其相对于国家环境空气质量自动监测标准站具有设备小型化、无站房、点站数量大、运维人员技术水平偏低、管理人员少等特点,难以应用已有标准站运行维护管理机制.该文以北京市大气PM2.5网格化监测工作为例,回顾了我国在大气网格化监测领域开展的工作与现状,...  相似文献   

土壤环境样品库建设及样品信息数据库管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤样品携载丰富的环境特征信息,对于掌握不同历史阶段土壤环境状况及变化趋势有着不可替代的作用。环境保护部国家土壤环境样品库于2010年建成,是中国环境保护重要基础设施,具有储存专业化、管理集中化、信息系统化、质控标准化等特点,创新性地集合了土壤样品保存和应用的现代技术,已成为中国最大的土壤环境资源和信息平台。通过开展国家土壤样品库建设和样品信息数据库管理研究,集成国家土壤样品库建设技术和土壤样品数据库信息管理成果,为各地建立省级土壤样品库提供借鉴,对于规范和指导全国土壤环境样品库建设和样品保存、数据库信息管理和应用等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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