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Sweetpotato is an important staple crop in East Africa with great potential for introducing improved cultivars, but little is known about which sensory characteristics are desirable. Over a 2 year period, 600 consumers were interviewed at three locations (urban and rural) in the Lake Zone of Tanzania and their preference of 14 locally available sweetpotato cultivars in cooked form was evaluated. A simple questionnaire based on consumers first‐choice preference was used followed by socio‐economic questions. A trained sensory panel profiled the cooked sweetpotato samples, enabling comparisons with preference, location and season. Cluster analysis based on the sensory attributes was used to classify the cultivars into three groups; one cluster comprised the most preferred cultivars and another contained the least. Some cultivars were consistently preferred over the 2 year period while others were not. The location where the cultivars were grown also influenced preference. Stepwise regression indicated that the most discriminating sensory attributes were starch and stickiness. Target levels based on the mean intensity scores of these attributes are suggested as a means of screening new cultivars. The implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary α‐tocopheryl acetate and β‐carotene supplementation on lipid oxidation of breast meat from broilers fed lard as the fat source. Supplementation of broilers with 100 mg kg?1 α‐tocopheryl acetate increased the vitamin E levels in raw breast samples significantly (p < 0.05), whereas the presence of 1.5 mg kg?1 dietary β‐carotene tended to decrease vitamin E deposition. The presence of vitamin E delayed lipid oxidation significantly, but thiobarbituric acid values of samples from broilers fed the β‐carotene‐supplemented diet did not differ from those of control samples. Vitamin E reduced sensory meat rancidity, whilst vitamin E, β‐carotene and their combination modified meat texture. The results show the effectiveness of dietary α‐tocopheryl acetate supplementation in protecting broiler meat against lipid oxidation. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A set of 54 rice landrace samples was compiled from various Asian countries, including six red/brownish and eight black/purple varieties. Brown rice samples were analyzed for lipid content and fatty acid profile, as well as all‐trans‐β‐carotene content. Black/purple varieties were found to be higher in crude lipid content than the red/brownish and colorless varieties. They also had a higher β‐carotene content than the other two color classes. The highest β‐carotene content determined was 0.22 mg kg−1. Black/purple varieties tended to have a higher proportion of saturated fatty acids in their lipid fraction and a lower proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. The differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05) for oleic acid, which accounted for 42.1% of the lipid fraction in black/purple varieties and for 45.3% and 46.3% in red/brownish and colorless varieties, respectively. β‐Carotene content showed a significantly positive correlation with the crude lipid content (P < 0.001) and the content of saturated fatty acids (P < 0.001) on a dry matter basis. However, it was not correlated with the unsaturated fatty acids content on a dry matter basis. Within the total lipid extract, β‐carotene showed a significantly positive correlation with the proportion of saturated fatty acids (P < 0.01), especially palmitic acid (P < 0.01), and a significantly negative correlation with unsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.001), especially oleic acid (P < 0.01). Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Effect of heat treatment involved in domestic cooking on the bioaccessibility of β‐carotene from yellow‐orange as well as green leafy vegetables was evaluated. Heat treatment of these vegetables by pressure‐cooking, stir‐frying and open‐pan boiling had a beneficial influence on the bioaccessibility of β‐carotene. The extent of increase in the per cent bioaccessibility of β‐carotene as a result of pressure‐cooking was 21–84%. Stir‐frying in presence of a small quantity of oil brought about an enormous increase in the bioaccessibility of β‐carotene from these vegetables, the extent of increase being 67–191%. Open‐pan boiling of vegetables increased the bioaccessibility of β‐carotene in the range 23–36%. Thus, among the three domestic heat processing methods, stir‐frying results in maximum bioaccessibility of this provitamin. The use of suitably heat‐processed vegetable sources of β‐carotene could form a dietary strategy to derive this micronutrient maximally by the population dependent on plant foods.  相似文献   

Drying of orange‐fleshed sweet potato was evaluated under African rural conditions. Three locally built dryers (open‐air sun, tunnel and shade) were tested using Resisto and MGCL01 varieties in Mozambique. Total carotenoid losses were low in all dryers being 9.2% on average. After drying, sweet potato chips were stored in a traditional way (jute bags inside a mud house). Chip size (thin, thick chip or slice) had a significant effect on drying (P < 0.05) but not on storage and variety had an effect on both. Total carotenoid losses during storage were much higher being 83.7% on average, after 4 months, with main individual carotenoids fitting a first‐order kinetics degradation. Globally, carotenoid losses on‐farm or on‐research station were of similar level.  相似文献   

The retention of carotenoids was studied in roots from yellow‐fleshed, high carotene cassava clones in four different processing methods. The results indicated that the extent of retention varied with the method of processing. The highest retention was observed in oven drying (total carotenoids 54.70–84.01% and β‐carotene 63.90–94.53%) followed by boiling (total carotenoids 47.87–83.79% and β‐carotene 51.31–81.04%) and frying (total carotenoids 48.76–79.77% and β‐carotene 44.11–83.87%). The lowest retention of total carotenoids (32.86–56.40%) and β‐carotene (21.47–56.68%) was recorded in the sun drying method. The variation in the total carotenoids and β‐carotene content depends on variety, processing method and initial carotene content of the fresh root.  相似文献   

Beta‐carotene was microencapsulated by freeze‐drying using native pinhão starch, hydrolysed pinhão starch 6 dextrose equivalent (DE), hydrolysed pinhão starch 12 DE and the mixture of these materials with gelatin as coating material. The purpose of this research was to produce and characterize these microcapsules. The capsules’ efficiency, surface content, moisture, morphology, solubility, particle size and glass transition temperature were analysed. The hydrolysed pinhão starch 12 DE showed the highest total β‐carotene content and the lowest surface β‐carotene content, unlike the native starch. Using scanning electron microscopy, it was observed that all microcapsules presented undefined shapes. The samples with gelatin had wider particle size distribution, higher diameters, lower solubility and higher glass transition temperature when compared with other the samples. Results obtained suggest that the modified pinhão starch can be considered as potential wall material for encapsulation of β‐carotene.  相似文献   

β‐Carotene is found to be more effective as an antioxidant in phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes when protecting against hydrophilic radicals compared to lipophilic radicals, as measured by the rate of formation of conjugated dienes. Daidzein alone is without effect, but decreases the antioxidative effect of β‐carotene for hydrophilic initiation and increases the effect for lipophilic initiation. The newly synthesized 7‐cholesterylglycol daidzein has the opposite effect for β‐carotene as antioxidant, with a strong enhancement for hydrophilic initiation and a slight decrease for lipophilic initiation. Redistributing β‐carotene to membrane surfaces by cholesterol‐anchoring of daidzein enhances protection against aqueous radicals significantly at the expense of protection against lipid‐derived radicals. Anchoring of daidzein to cholesterol is concluded to be useful as a mechanistic tool for controlling antioxidant distribution in membranes sensitive to radical damage, as supported by quantum mechanical calculation within the density function theory and further supported by fluorescence probes and fluorescence polarization probes.  相似文献   

Carotenoids in edible portions of plants can provide health benefits to humans. How growing conditions affect levels of carotenoids in pepper fruits as they mature is not well known. Five cvs of bell pepper (Bell Captain, Melody, North Star, Ranger, Red Beauty) and five cvs of pungent‐type peppers (Anaheim, Ancho, Cayenne, Pimento, Red Cherry) were grown in a glasshouse and in the field. Fruits were harvested at the green, turning (50% green) and mature red stages and analysed for levels of the carotenoids β‐cryptoxanthin, α‐carotene, β‐carotene, capsanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin and totals of these carotenoids. Levels of provitamin A: retinol equivalents (RE) were derived from levels of β‐cryptoxanthin, α‐carotene and β‐carotene. Levels of most carotenoids and RE were significantly higher in glasshouse‐grown plants, and most were higher in fruits at the red stage. Fruits of Ancho type had the most β‐cryptoxanthin, α‐carotene, β‐carotene, total carotenoids and RE, while fruits of Red Cherry type had the most capsanthin and zeaxanthin, and fruits of Bell Captain had the most lutein. Interactions of the main effects variables, ie location of production (field vs glasshouse), stage of development and cultivar, indicated differences in patterns of carotenoid levels and RE. The data indicated that growing conditions influenced carotenoid levels. The more consistent and protected conditions in the glasshouse may have caused carotenoid levels to be increased, especially at the red stage. Published in 2002 for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is an important issue for public health in Sri Lanka, where pro‐vitamin A carotenoids from green leafy vegetables provide most of the dietary vitamin A. The objective of this study was to analyse the β‐carotene content of seven types of green leafy vegetables and calculate the contribution of one traditionally cooked portion to the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of retinol. The total amount and in vitro accessibility of β‐carotene were determined using HPLC. The in vitro method simulates the conditions in the human intestinal tract. The all‐trans‐β‐carotene content in the fresh blanched vegetables ranged from 149 µg g?1 dry weight (DW) in leaves of Alternanthera sessilis (mukunuwanna) to 565 µg g?1 DW in Amaranthus caudatus (thampala). One portion (100 g) of green leaves cooked without fat (coconut) only contributed from 140 to 180 µg mg?1 of the recommended daily allowance. A. sessilis, Centella asiatica (gotukola), Spinacea oleracea (nivithi) and A. caudatus, cooked with coconut fat contributed 140–680 µg mg?1. However, stir‐fried or ‘malluma’ preparations (with coconut products) of Sesbania grandiflora (kathurumurunga) and Manihot esculenta (manioc) may provide more than 1.59–4.37 times the RDA of retinol. These results show that not only the choice of green leaves used but also the addition of fat while cooking is of great importance. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Iso‐α‐acids and their chemically modified variants play a large role in evoking the bitter sensory attributes of lager character, but individual consumers may vary in their perception of bitterness. Sixteen lagers were scored in rank‐rating for bitterness by 14 trained assessors and the concentrations of the six bitter components in these beers were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Relationships between bitterness intensity and the bitter components were modelled well using partial least square regression with a correlation value of 0.92. When 8 assessors carried out time‐intensity scoring of bitterness, profiles for single products were very different. However, single assessor profiles for multiple products showed qualitative similarities but quantitative differences. That individual assessors perceived bitter characters differently in relation to time has implications for new product development.  相似文献   

For many years it was accepted that 6 mg of β‐carotene were required to produce 1 mg of vitamin A in the form of retinol. The equivalence was based on the assumptions that two‐thirds of dietary β‐carotene are not absorbed, while in the metabolism of the remaining third 1 mol of β‐carotene is converted to 1 mol retinol. Recently, the bioequivalence was raised to 12 mg β‐carotene and 1 mg retinol. The objective of this review was to re‐examine the data that were used to support the new equivalence ratio, especially since some of these data were obtained in developing countries where infestation with gut parasites and exposure to other infections is common, yet the influence of inflammation on plasma carotenoid and retinol concentrations is frequently ignored. Bioequivalence studies examined in this review include those done in developing and developed countries, depletion and repletion studies, feeding with vegetable sources of β‐carotene or pure supplements, influence of helminths, carotenoid interactions and matrix effects and studies using stable isotopes (SI). SI studies show the bioefficacy of β‐carotene conversion to retinol is generally poor even for pure β‐carotene unless the dose is small and fed regularly until equilibration is reached. Retinol formation appears to be inversely influenced by previous vitamin A intake, the amount of material given and current vitamin A status. In spite of technical complexities, more SI studies where liver reserves of vitamin A are determined pre and post intervention are needed to evaluate β‐carotene bioefficacy of different vegetable sources. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to evaluate infrared (IR) dry blanching in comparison with conventional water blanching prior to hot air drying of mango to inactivate polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) enzymes, and to study its effect on color change and retention of vitamin C and β‐carotene. Mango cylinders were blanched under similar temperature–time conditions either by IR heating or by immersion in a water bath during 2 min at 90 °C (high‐temperature‐short‐time—HTST) or for 10 min at 65 °C (low‐temperature‐long‐time—LTLT). After blanching mango was hot air dried at 70 °C. PPO was completely inactivated during the blanching treatments, but AAO had a moderate remaining activity after LTLT treatment (~30%) and a low remaining activity after HTST treatment (9% to 15%). A higher retention of vitamin C was observed in mango subjected to IR dry blanching, 88.3 ± 1.0% (HTST) and 69.2 ± 2.9% (LTLT), compared with water blanching, 61.4 ± 5.3% (HTST) and 50.7 ± 9.6% (LTLT). All‐trans‐β‐carotene retention was significantly higher in water blanched dried mango, 93.2 ± 5.2% (LTLT) and 91.4 ± 5.1% (HTST), compared with IR dry blanched, 73.6 ± 3.6% (LTLT) and 76.9 ± 2.9% (HTST). Increased levels of 13‐cis‐β‐carotene isomer were detected only in IR dry blanched mango, and the corresponding dried mango also had a slightly darker color. IR blanching of mango prior to drying can improve the retention of vitamin C, but not the retention of carotenoids, which showed to be more dependent on the temperature than the blanching process. A reduction of drying time was observed in LTLT IR‐blanching mango.  相似文献   

The inhibition mechanism of soybean lipoxygenase (LOX) by β‐carotene was studied. Addition of β‐carotene into the reaction mixture decreased the rate of conjugated diene formation. Increasing the concentration of β‐carotene in the reaction mixture resulted in a decrease in the rate of conjugated diene formation. Although the rate of conjugated diene formation was lower in the presence of β‐carotene, the same amounts of linoleic acid hydroperoxides were formed by the enzyme at the end of the reaction, both with and without β‐carotene in the reaction medium. The rates of conjugated diene formation for 40, 20, 10 and 4 U mL?1 LOX enzyme were almost equal to zero when the concentrations of β‐carotene were 20, 17.5, 15 and 10 µmol L?1 in model reaction systems, respectively. β‐Carotene directly influences the amount of enzyme in the reaction medium available for the catalytic conversion of linoleic acid into corresponding hydroperoxides. The results obtained here suggest that β‐carotene reacts with linoleyl radical (L?) at the beginning of the chain reaction, preventing the accumulation of conjugated diene forms (LOO?, LOO? and LOOH). Since L? transforms back to its original form of LH, the enzyme cannot complete the chain reaction and thus remains at inactive Fe(II) form. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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