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山西临汾震区地壳上地幔构造的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用郑州-临汾-靖边深地震测深剖面临汾,阳城炮点所获得的太行山至靖边段的观测资料,在以往解释的基础上重新进行了对比解释。研究结果表明:临汾与其东西两侧壳幔结构与构造的差异是极其明显的,其主要特征如下:(1)对仅在临汾以西出现的强震相P2进行了解释,并在PM波之前识别出一组来自下地壳的反射波P5;(2)根据临汾以西Pg与P2波的特征,我们确认在临汾盆地下方及其西侧,中地壳的上部8-12km深度内存在  相似文献   

通过对河北张家口地区的深地震测深宽角反射/折射剖面资料的研究表明:近东西向的张北-崇礼地壳断裂带与北西西向的张家口-渤海地壳深断裂带在张北6.2级地震区交汇。在这里延伸至莫霍面的地壳深断裂带和壳内界面的不连续处是汉诺坝大面积玄武岩溢出的通道。  相似文献   

通过对北西向的宁河—北京—涿鹿宽角反射/折射剖面西段测深资料的二维处理、计算以及综合解释研究,获得了该段壳幔速度结构和深部构造的基本特征。结果表明:不同区域的壳幔速度结构在纵向和横向上均具有明显的非均匀性,壳幔深部构造呈现明显的层状结构和东浅西深的倾斜状态,地壳厚度由香河以东的32~33km向西至北京西部的西山山区、怀来南部以及涿鹿迅速加深至39~40km,其中北京为36.5km左右,并且在香河的西侧存在着延伸至M界面的深断裂  相似文献   

利用文安~蔚县~察右中旗深地震测深剖面的资料,进行了一维,二维射线追踪时拟合与合成地震图计算,获得了本区地壳上地幔速度结构,结果表明,地壳上地幔速度结构在纵向和横向上具有明显的不均一性,M面起伏较大,其埋深由冀中坳陷的31.0km向西至山西隆起区北部天镇达42.0km左右。浅部断裂较发育,根据对应其地壳深部界面及速度等线在起伏变化程度和反映断裂带附近各波组特征,推测了地壳深部断裂。  相似文献   

利用地震波场研究地球内部壳、幔结构的方法主要包括天然地震波场中的远地震观测法、近地震观测法和人工源地震深部探测法.其中,由于人工源地震探测的震源位于浅表层介质中,且其震源位置、爆炸时间、接收条件等均为精确已知,因此其所得结果的精度最高、且最为准确.人工源深部地震探测分为深部地震宽角反射和折射剖面探测及深部近垂直反射波法探测.前者可求得壳、幔介质的分层结构和速度分布,后者可较详细了解地壳构造形态的细节.两种方法具有不同的特点、但却相辅相成.当今,将深地震宽角反射/折射和深反射法联合观测以取得较详细的速度结构和构造展布特征将必成地球内部研究的必然轨迹.  相似文献   

南北构造带中段的壳幔结构与岩石圈动力学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

山西高原北部地壳上地幔地震波速结构与深部构造   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
张建狮  祝治平 《地震地质》1997,19(3):29-226
对自河北文安经山西大同至内蒙古岱海的宽角反射/折射地震剖面资料进行了详细的研究。结果表明,地壳厚度由太行山山前地带的36.0km向山西高原增厚至44.0km。在太行山山前基底断裂、紫荆关断裂的下方和大同盆地的东侧存在着延伸至莫霍面的断裂带;太行山隆起区上地幔顶部的速度偏高,太行山山前地带和大同震区上地壳的下部有强烈的速度反转,大同地震与这里的异常的壳幔构造有关,太行山山前地带存在着发生潜在地震的深部构造条件  相似文献   

泉州盆地及其邻区地壳深部结构的探测与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
泉州盆地及其邻区地处我国大陆东南沿海地震带北段。通过对泉州盆地进行深地震反射探测,获得了该地区近地表至Moho面的精细几何结构及其深浅构造关系图像。这是该区第一条深地震反射探测剖面。分析结果表明,泉州盆地及其邻区地壳厚度变化在29.5~31.0km,由上地壳和下地壳组成。上地壳和下地壳又可以各分为2层。泉州盆地及其邻区近地表至浅部断裂发育,这些断裂向地壳深部最大延伸深度为6-12km,断裂的倾角随深度增加而逐渐变小,呈铲形正断层终止于上地壳上部反射界面C1,以上。在永安-晋江断裂带之下的上地壳下部和下地壳中,存在着切割上、下地壳分界面和Moho面的高倾角深断裂,尽管深浅部断裂构造不相连接,但由于深部存在深断裂,具有发生中强以上地震的深部构造环境。这一深地震反射探测成果的获得,使得泉州盆地及其邻区深部资料解释的可靠性和探测精度比以往显著提高;深浅部构造组合取得了统一的解释结果;地壳的分层和结构特征更为确切和精细;首次发现了上地壳的拉张性构造及铲式正断层组合特征。不仅有助于泉州及其邻区地震危险性的综合判定,而且对深化东南沿海地震带及台湾海峡深部动力学过程的认识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

地球壳幔结构构造与老王寨超大型金矿床形成关系探索   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
控制老王寨金矿床形成的地壳浅层结构构造要素包括 :有利的大地构造和区域构造部位 ,地球大量能量的释放口 ,良好的控矿构造系统 ,质优量大的矿源岩 ,韧性剪切作用以及壳幔广大范围丰富的成矿物质来源 .控制此矿床形成的深层壳幔结构构造要素有 :壳内低速透镜体 ,中地壳下部及下地壳高速体 ,莫霍面斜坡中的台阶 ,幔隆的交会部位 ,壳幔过渡层 ,软流圈隆起和低速柱 .有利的深、浅层壳幔结构构造要素的耦合以及与岩石圈演化和地质事件的耦合是老王寨超大型金矿床形成的根本原因 .  相似文献   

利用文安~蔚县~察右中旗深地震测深剖面的资料,进行了一维、二维射线追踪走时拟合与合成地震图计算,获得了本区地壳上地幔速度结构。结果表明,地壳上地幔速度结构在纵向和横向上具有明显的不均一性。M面起伏较大,其埋深由冀中拗陷的31.0km向西至山西隆起区北部天镇达42.0km左右。浅部断裂较发育,根据对应其地壳深部界面及速度等值线起伏变化程度和反映断裂带附近各波组特征,推测了地壳深部断裂。  相似文献   

利用遗传算法反演山西中南部地区14个地震震源谱的低频水平、拐角频率和7个台站的场地响应。结果表明,Q(f)与频率的关系是:Q(f)=299.4f0.563;7个基岩台中岢岚、东山、阳城台在3 Hz~6 Hz附近有6~8倍的放大、离石台在2 Hz~10 Hz有2~3倍的放大。标量地震矩M。与ML震级线性相关较好,震源半径在230 m~508 m之间;拐角频率和地震矩之间的关系表现为拐角频率随地震矩的减小而增大;应力降和地震矩之间存在着应力降随地震矩的增大而增大的关系。  相似文献   

简要介绍山西夏县中心地震台断层土壤气氡、气汞、痕量氢测量仪器运行、产出数据情况,对三个测项从潮汐、气温、气压、降雨方面进行对比分析,并对气氡、气汞在地震前的变化特征进行总结。  相似文献   

The Shanxi reservoir earthquakes are significant seismic events in southern Zhejiang Province in recent years, an area with fewer and weaker earthquakes. The seismicity showed an intermittent characteristic and group distribution. The epicenters located by the seismic network did not show a predominant direction and the seismogenic structure is not clear. In the study, the nonlinear imaginary wave travel time equation was linearized and solved, and the source position, initial imaginary velocity and travel ...  相似文献   

Based on the models of non-uniform earthquake distribution in the potential source,the seismic zonation of Western Panzhihua and Central and Southern Shanxi Province is studied.The results show that the usual uniform distribution model may underestimate the seismic risk and result in a reduction of the areas of high intensity.The influence of each non-uniform probabilistic distribution method on the result of seismic zoning is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a new regional three-layer crustal model for the Central and Southern Asia and surroundings (AsCRUST-08). The model provides Moho boundary, thickness of different layers of consolidated crust and P-velocity distribution in these layers. A large volume of new data on seismic reflections and refractions as well as on surface waves generated by earthquakes or blasts was analyzed. All these data were incorporated into a unified digital 3D integrated model with 1° × 1° resolution. Results are represented as seven numerical maps imaging the distributions of the Moho depth, the thickness of the upper, middle, and lower layers of the consolidated crust, and the P-wave velocities therein.  相似文献   

2009年至今,山西境内及周边地区相继发生多次有感地震,文章着重分析几次地震前临汾台水平摆观测资料出现的异常变化和同震响应能力,并对资料在映震中存在的相关问题进行探讨,为准确利用水平摆资料预测、预报地震提供依据。  相似文献   

本文利用山西省数字台网的深源远震S波记录,利用直接拟合S波波形的方法反演得到了山西境内山自皂(113.71,40.08)、右玉(112.37,40.02)、苛岚(111.72,38.78)、昔阳(113.72,37.57)、离石(111.24,37.53)、夏县(111.24,35.12)共6个台站下的剪切波速度结构.  相似文献   

利用纯S波波形拟合方法,输入纯S波波形,使用传递矩阵计算了层状介质自底面传到地表约100 km厚度、32 s的理论地震波形;引进快速模拟退火法进行反演搜索理想模型,用理论波形与观测波形的相关系数作为约束函数,选择同一台站几个震例的理论波形与实际波形吻合最好的模型作为该台站下方的可接受速度结构模型.收集深源远震的清晰S波记录波形,我们共得到了陕西省境内秦岭造山带中段及其邻近区域13个地震台站下方的S波速度结构.结果显示,秦岭造山地带、渭河盆地及鄂尔多斯块体的地壳结构之间存在很大的差异,各个块体有其各自的构造特点;不过三个块体的地壳厚度都显示了由东向西逐渐增加的变化趋势.  相似文献   

—In the last decade temporary teleseismic transects have become a powerful tool for investigating the crustal and upper mantle structure. In order to gain a clearer picture of the lithosphere-asthenosphere structure in peninsular Italy, between 1994 and 1996, we have deployed three teleseismic transects in northern, central, and southern Apennines, in the framework of the project GeoModAp (European Community contract EV5V-CT94–0464). Some hundreds of teleseisms were recorded at each deployment which lasted between 3 and 4 months. Although many analyses are still in progress, the availability of this high quality data allowed us to refine tomographic images of the lithosphere-asthenosphere structure with an improved resolution in the northern and central Apennines, and to study the deformation of the upper mantle looking at seismic anisotropy through shear-wave splitting analysis. Also, a study of the depth and geometry of the Moho through the receiver function technique is in progress. Tomographic results from the northernmost 1994 and the central 1995 teleseismic experiments confirm that a high-velocity anomaly (HVA) does exist in the upper 200–250 km and is confined to the northern Apenninic arc. This HVA, already interpreted as a fragment of subducted lithosphere is better defined by the new temporary data, compared to previous works, based only on data from permanent stations. No clear high-velocity anomalies are detected in the upper 250 km below the central Apennines, suggesting either a slab window due to a detachment below southern peninsular Italy, or a thinner, perhaps continental slab of Adriatic lithosphere not detectable by standard tomography. We found clear evidence of seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle, related to the main tectonic processes which affected the studied regions, either NE–SW compressional deformation of the lithosphere beneath the mountain belt, or arc-parallel asthenospheric flow (both giving NW–SE fast polarization direction), and successive extensional deformation (~E–W trending) in the back-arc basin of northern Tyrrhenian and Tuscany. Preliminary results of receiver function studies in the northern Apennines show that the Moho depth is well defined in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic regions while its geometry underneath the mountain belt is not yet well constrained, due to the observed high complexity.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The physicochemical characteristics of bottom sediments in inland water bodies in the Central and Southern Vietnam are presented for the first time, including particle-size...  相似文献   

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