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冬季南京北郊大气气溶胶中水溶性阴离子特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2009年冬季在南京北郊进行24 h采样,运用离子色谱法研究大气PM10中水溶性阴离子的分布特征。结果表明:PM10中阴离子的平均总质量浓度在白天和夜间分别为658.21、622.84 μg/m3;PM2.1则分别为337.86、319.97 μg/m3,阴离子主要存在于细粒子中;主要水溶性阴离子均为SO42-,且海盐对南京北郊大气PM10和PM2.1中的SO42-质量浓度影响很小。SO42-、Cl-和F-粒径谱分布相似,均呈双模态;NO3-和NO2-主要呈现单模态。SO42-与NO3-、F-与NO3-、SO42-与Cl-的相关系数均大于0.8,相关显著,说明其存在一定的同源性。NO3-/SO42-的平均值在白天、夜间分别为0.058 2、0.048 4,说明南京北郊大气污染以固定源为主。分析NO3-、SO42-前体物的转化率知道,采样期间SOR和NOR的平均值均大于10%,即SO42-部分来源于SO2的二次转化,而不是单一来源于一次污染物。  相似文献   

采用太湖地区水面光谱数据以及MODIS遥感影像数据,利用辐射传输模式6S,选择自定义气溶胶类型,反演得到太湖地区气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth,AOD)分布,将其与太阳光度计CE318实测气溶胶光学厚度分别应用于太湖区域的大气校正中,得到不同的水面反射率,并参考实测水面反射率进行对比分析。结果表明:反演的太湖地区气溶胶光学厚度分布较为合理,造成此分布的原因可能是太湖北岸工业较发达,污染较严重。太湖颗粒物的吸收特性和卫星接收到的表观反射率导致反演数据的差异,是反演气溶胶光学厚度分布不均匀的主要原因。使用MODIS数据反演得到的太湖地区AOD进行大气校正,更加精确。该研究方法和结果可为气溶胶光学厚度反演、精确卫星数据大气校正提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper clarifies the essence of the significance test of singular value decomposition analysis (SVD), and investigates four rules for testing the significance of coupled modes of SVD, including parallel analysis, nonparametric bootstrap, random-phase test, and a new rule named modified parallel analysis. A numerical experiment is conducted to quantitatively compare the performance of the four rules in judging whether a coupled mode of SVD is significant as parameters such as the sample size, the number of grid points, and the signal-to-noise ratio vary.
The results show that the four rules perform better with lower ratio of the number of grid points to sample size. Modified parallel analysis and nonparametric bootstrap perform best to abandon the spurious coupled modes, but the latter is better than the former to retain the significant coupled modes when the sample size is not much larger than the number of grid points. Parallel analysis and random-phase test are robust to abandon the spurious coupled modes only when either (1) the observations at the grid points are spatially uncorrelated, or (2) the coupled signal is very strong for parallel analysis and is not weak for random-phase test. The reasons affecting the accuracy of the test rules are discussed.  相似文献   

青藏高原地面加热及上空环流场与东侧旱涝预测的关系   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
李跃清 《大气科学》2003,27(1):107-114
应用奇异值分解(SVD)技术研究了青藏高原地面加热场与高原上空100 hPa高度场及其东侧川渝地区夏季降水场的时空联系和旱涝预测的关系.结果表明:地面加热场与高度场的第一模态代表了两场间的主要耦合特征,具有高度的时空相关;前期青藏高原地面加热场通过影响后期高原上空100 hPa高度场,导致未来高原东侧川渝地区夏季降水异常;加热场-高度场-降水场之间的这种非同步关系,反映了川渝地区旱涝灾害的影响因子和物理成因; 前期高原地面加热场与前期100 hPa高度场SVD第一模态的变化,是高原东侧地区未来夏季旱涝异常的预测信号.并由此提出了一种基于SVD技术的旱涝预测思路.  相似文献   

An empirical atmospheric model(EAM) based on the singular value decomposition(SVD) method is evaluated using the composite El Ni(?)o/Southern Oscillation(ENSO) patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind anomalies as the target scenario.Two versions of the SVD-based EAM were presented for comparisons.The first version estimates the wind anomalies in response to SST variations based on modes that were calculated from a pair of global wind and SST fields(i.e.,conventional EAM or CEAM).The second version utilizes the same model design but is based on modes that were calculated in a region-wise manner by separating the tropical domain from the remaining extratropical regions(i.e.,region-wise EAM or REAM). Our study shows that,while CEAM has shown successful model performance over some tropical areas, such as the equatorial eastern Pacific(EEP),the western North Pacific(WNP),and the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO),its performance over the North Pacific(NP) seems poor.When REAM is used to estimate the wind anomalies instead of CEAM,a marked improvement over NP readily emerges.Analyses of coupled modes indicate that such an improvement can be attributed to a much stronger coupled variability captured by the first region-wise SVD mode at higher latitudes compared with that captured by the conventional one. The newly proposed way of constructing the EAM(i.e.,REAM) can be very useful in the coupled studies because it gives the model a wider application beyond the commonly accepted tropical domain.  相似文献   

Aerosol optical properties are simulated using the Spectral Radiation Transport Model for Aerosol Species(SPRINTARS)coupled with the Non-hydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model(NICAM). The 3-year global mean all-sky aerosol optical thickness(AOT) at 550 nm, the ngstr m Exponent(AE) based on AOTs at 440 and 870 nm, and the single scattering albedo(SSA) at 550 nm are estimated at 0.123, 0.657 and 0.944, respectively. For each aerosol species, the mean AOT is within the range of the Aero Com models. Both the modeled all-sky and clear-sky results are compared with observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) and the Aerosol Robotic Network(AERONET). The simulated spatiotemporal distributions of all-sky AOTs can generally reproduce the MODIS retrievals, and the correlation and model skill can be slightly improved using the clear-sky results over most land regions. The differences between clear-sky and all-sky AOTs are larger over polluted regions. Compared with observations from AERONET, the modeled and observed all-sky AOTs and AEs are generally in reasonable agreement, whereas the SSA variation is not well captured. Although the spatiotemporal distributions of all-sky and clear-sky results are similar, the clear-sky results are generally better correlated with the observations. The clear-sky AOT and SSA are generally lower than the all-sky results, especially in those regions where the aerosol chemical composition is contributed to mostly by sulfate aerosol. The modeled clear-sky AE is larger than the all-sky AE over those regions dominated by hydrophilic aerosol, while the opposite is found over regions dominated by hydrophobic aerosol.  相似文献   

Nucleation scavenging and the formation of a cloud interstitial aerosol (CIA) were theoretically studied in terms of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol particles. For this study, we used our air-parcel cloud model, which includes the entrainment of air and detailed microphysics, for determining the growth and interaction of aerosol particles and drops. Maritime and remote continental aerosol particle spectrums were used whose size distributions were superpositions of three log-normal distributions, each of a prescribed chemical composition. Our results show (1) that the CIA exhibits a size distribution with a distinctive cut-off at a specific radius of the dry as well as of the wet particle size distribution. All particles above this limiting size become activated to cloud drops and, thus, are not present in the CIA spectrum. This limiting size was found to be independent of the chemical composition of the particles and only dependent on the prevailing supersaturation. Below this specific size, the CIA spectrum becomes depleted of dry aerosol particles in a manner which does depend on their chemical composition and on the supersaturation in the air. (2) The number of aerosol particles nucleated to cloud drops depends critically on the chemical composition of the particles and on the prevailing supersaturation.  相似文献   

对2004年南宁市的空气质量进行分析,结果表明:南宁市各种污染物(SO2、NO2、PM10)的变化有着明显季节性,SO2、NO2、PM10之间以及它们与气象要素有着密切的相关性,不同的监测点污染物的排放情况不同,清洁对照点需要重新选择。  相似文献   

青藏高原上空环流变化与其东侧 旱涝异常分析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
李跃清 《大气科学》2000,24(4):470-476
应用奇异值分解(SVD)技术研究了青藏高原上空100 hPa高度场与高原东侧地区夏季降水场的时空结构及相互关系。结果表明: 第一模态代表了两场间的主要耦合特征,具有高度的时空相关;前期10~12月、1~4月青藏高原上空100 hPa高度场与高原东侧地区6~8月降水场具有显著的联系,前期高度场变化引起后期南亚高压状况异常,导致高原东侧地区旱涝灾害;高原东侧地区严重干旱(洪涝)年,其上空100 hPa高度场为负(正)距平控制; 高度场与降水场的这种非同步联系,时空相关显著,时间间隔长,物理意义明确,是高原东侧地区夏季旱涝异常的一种预测信号。  相似文献   

During the winters of 1981 and 1982, measurements were taken on two Japanese islands of the aerosol and gaseous species which had been carried by northwesterly monsoons over the Pacific Ocean. The aerosols were characterized as sea-salt particles; soil particles, and as particles of sulfate, nitrate, organics and elemental carbon. At Chichi-jima island, which is about 800 km away from the main islands of Japan, it was found that the level of the anthropogenic components of the aerosols was considerably higher than their background level. The mean concentrations of the species on the islands are given in tabular forms. According to a survey made on board a ferry boat, the aerosol and gaseous species were fairly uniformly distributed along the southern coast of the main Japanese islands.  相似文献   

王星茹  蒋惠  何川  陈魁 《气象科学》2024,44(1):138-146
为深入了解我国不同背景地区大气冰核浓度特征,本文通过在我国不同地区进行大气冰核及气溶胶的采样观测。研究发现:观测期间,黄山光明顶的冰核浓度数值均值为2.208 L-1;南京地区的冰核浓度数值均值为7.16 L-1;泰山山顶的冰核浓度数值均值为3.455 L-1;泰山山底的冰核浓度数值均值为4.818 L-1;新疆地区无沙尘天气冰核浓度数值均值为11.27 L-1;新疆有沙尘天气冰核浓度数值均值为51.812 5 L-1。研究给出了不同背景地区的大气冰核浓度的温度谱和湿度谱的分布。同时,研究发现,冰核数浓度与粒径大于0.5μm的气溶胶粒子数浓度的相关性较高,也就是气溶胶粒子中大颗粒所占比例越高,冰核数浓度越高。此外,还建立了基于活化温度、过饱和度以及大于0.5μm气溶胶粒子数浓度的冰核参数化方案,它们可以分别适用于沙漠地表,相对清洁的背景区域和人为污染较多的城市背景。  相似文献   

高玮  屈文军 《山东气象》2018,38(4):81-92
研究了非洲地区大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的时空变化及沙尘气溶胶越大西洋海区的传输。结果表明:1)源于撒哈拉沙漠的沙尘及其随赤道东风向西输送使得沙尘气溶胶成为非洲沙漠地区和紧邻的大西洋海区的主要气溶胶组分;AOD高值区和沙尘气溶胶光学厚度高值区在1—7月随赤道辐合带北移同步向北移动,而在8—12月则向南回撤。2)刚果盆地大气气溶胶主要为热带雨林和稀树草原排放的有机碳(OC)和黑碳(BC)气溶胶;其中与生物质燃烧源排放有关的OC、BC高值主要集中在干季(6—9月)的后半段(8—9月);而生物源OC排放全年连续,其排放峰值出现于雨季开始时;生物质燃烧排放高值期与生物源排放高值期前后相继,形成干季(尤其是后半段)时期的OC、BC光学厚度高值。3)亚马逊河入海口地区主要气溶胶组分为海盐气溶胶,9—11月该区风力输送增强,风向由东南风转变为东风,海盐进入亚马逊河入海口处,形成AOD和海盐气溶胶光学厚度高值区。4)撒哈拉沙漠沙尘气溶胶向大西洋传输的偏北月份为7—9月、偏南月份为1—3月;2000—2016年海区沙尘气溶胶的传输路径存在向南移动的变化趋势,与同期亚速尔高压的增强和沙尘传输路径以北北风分量的增强以及赤道辐合带的移动一致。上述研究结果揭示了利用大气气溶胶时空变化特征反映区域大气环流和气候变化的可能性。  相似文献   

将边界层相似性理论同线性热力学理论结合,间接地以观测实验事实证明大气边界层内线性唯象关系是成立的,而且线性湍流输送系数同相应的线性唯象系数成正比关系。但实验事实表明,大涡对流的混合层线性唯象系数成正比关系。但实验事实表明,大涡对流的混合层线性唯象关系是不成立的,混合层内湍流输送过程是一种强的非线性过程。所以,对流边界层是一种远离平衡态非线性区的热力学状态。地转风和热成风是一种大气系统特有的动力过程和热力过程和交叉耦合现象,这是大气系统交叉耦合现象的一个实际例证。  相似文献   

俞海洋  张杰  李婷  魏军  赵亮 《气象科学》2018,38(4):512-522
利用NASA Terra卫星搭载的MODIS传感器观测到的2000—2013年气溶胶光学厚度数据和河北省142个观测站同期的气象数据,对北京及周边区域大气气溶胶的时空变化特征进行了分析,并通过研究光学厚度与各气象要素的关系,对影响大气气溶胶时空变化的关键气象因素进行探讨。结果表明:北京以南区域的气溶胶光学厚度在夏季最大,其次为春季,秋冬季相对较低,河北省西北部低于东南部;坝上地区的光学厚度年际变化小于其他地区,平原区与沿海地区的年际变化基本一致,春夏高于秋冬。春季相对湿度是影响光学厚度值的重要因素,气溶胶光学厚度的高值出现在5—7月,并伴随较高的相对湿度、较低的能见度、南风、较低的地面风速和稳定的大气层结。北京以南的河北省各台站污染程度与北京类似,南部站点的光学厚度高于东北部,这与人为气溶胶的排放主要集中于北京南部的工业城市,以及南风控制的污染物扩散方向有关。  相似文献   

北京市区大气气溶胶散射系数亲水增长的观测研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
利用自制的"进样气流湿度调节"装置,2005年12月7-22日在中国气象局科技大楼测点(记为CAMS)对北京市区冬季气溶胶散射系数随湿度的变化关系进行了观测试验,结果显示,观测期间北京市区气溶胶散射系数亲水增长因子f(U)(定义为一定湿度下的气溶胶散射系数与"干"气溶胶散射系数的比值)在湿度从低到高的变化过程中,主要表现出"平滑连续"的增长特点.总体上,当相对湿度(U)从小于40%增大到93%左右时,平均气溶胶散射系数亲水增长因子可达2.10,而平均散射系数亲水增长因子f(U=80%±1%)为1.26±0.15.按照污染情况把观测期间划分为"相对污染"时段和"清洁"时段,则在"相对污染"情况时,北京市区CAMS测点的气溶胶散射系数增长因子f(U=80%)大约为1.48,而在"清洁"时段约为1.2.与国外有关观测相比,北京冬季"清洁"时段气溶胶的散射系数亲水增长因子f(U=80%)在数值上与生物质燃烧型和扬尘类型气溶胶的亲水增长相似.反映了在不同天气背景下北京市区的气溶胶类型有不同的特点.  相似文献   

利用2008年5月16日至2009年4月17日太湖地区多光谱旋转遮光辐射仪(multi—filter ro—tating shadow—band radiometer,简称MFRSR)的观测资料进行反演,得出415、500、615、675和870nm5个波段大气气溶胶光学厚度(aerosol optical depth,简称AOD)及各季节浑浊度系数和波长指数的统计结果。结果表明,5个波段AOD的最大值分别为1.9、1.6、1.3、1.2和1.0;它们谱分布的半宽度分别为0.90、0.70、0.55、0.45和0.25;AOD频率分布极大值处所对应的AOD值分别为0.750、0.550、0.475、0.425和0.425。5个波段AOD的平均值在春季最大,夏季次之,除870nm外,均为冬季最小。浑浊度系数变化范围为0~1.25,其中大于0.2的占97%以上,大于0.4的占66%以上。春季、夏季、秋季和冬季的波长指数变化范围分别为0~3.0、0~2.8、0.2~2.0和0.2~2.0,表明太湖地区大气污染较为严重,且受人为源的影响显著。相对于秋冬季,春夏季有较大粒径的气溶胶粒子存在。  相似文献   

齐宇轩  周杨 《山东气象》2021,41(2):1-13
生物活性铁(Fe) 进入生物地球化学循环中能够调节碳循环,影响海洋初级生产力,间接影响全球气候变化。决定 Fe生物可利用度的关键因子是可溶Fe含量,其中大气气溶胶的长距离传输是上层海洋获取生物可利用Fe的重要来源。近年来,对气溶胶中的Fe及溶解度的研究取得了重要进展,包括对不同区域Fe质量浓度和溶解度的观测以及对Fe溶解度影响因素的讨论。基于以上研究成果,汇总了近二十年全球部分陆地和海洋站点观测所得的不同粒径气溶胶颗粒物中的Fe质量浓度及其溶解度数据;重点介绍了气溶胶沉降入海洋前影响Fe溶解度的主要因素,包括Fe的来源、大气物理过程以及大气化学和传输混合过程等,并就各影响因素间的关联及相对重要性展开讨论;对未来气溶胶 Fe的研究方向和方法提出建议。  相似文献   

基于相对湿度、能见度等气象数据,分析气溶胶吸湿增长特性,有助于了解气溶胶对大气环境和区域气候的影响.利用南京地区2016年1-12月、2017年2-12月、2018年1-8月和12月相对湿度和能见度等数据,通过非线性拟合研究气溶胶吸湿增长因子(f(RH))与相对湿度(RH)之间的关系.结果表明,吸湿增长因子在RH值较低...  相似文献   

Precipitable water measurements made coincident in time and space with direct broadband solar irradiance measurements are used in conjunction with an atmospheric transmission model to derive a parameter whose major dependence is on total aerosol extinction. Irradiance measurements are used to calculate an atmospheric transmission factor (ATF) that is independent of the instrument calibration and the extraterrestrial solar constant. The dependency of the ATF on precipitable water is determined using LOWTRAN5, an atmospheric transmission model with high spectral resolution. Precipitable water measurements are then used to adjust the measured ATF to correspond to an ATF value obtained for a constant precipitable water amount. The remaining variability in the adjusted ATF is due mostly to aerosol extinction. The technique is applied to a 6-year period (1978–1983) for clear-sky mornings at Mauna Loa, Hawaii (MLO). MLO ATF aerosol residuals are compared with independently measured monochromatic aerosol optical depth. Results show that the ATF aerosol residual is nearly equal to the 500 nm aerosol optical depth prior to the eruption of E1 Chichon, at which time a nonlinear time-dependent relationship between the two quantities is evident. ATF aerosol residuals reflect the spectrally integrated aerosol influence on transmission and, therefore, could indicate better than monochromatic optical depth the radiation balance perturbations due to aerosols. The 6-year precipitable water record for MLO, determined from a dual-channel sunphotometer, has a mean value of 0.3 cm. An annual cycle in precipitable water is evident, as is a 4-month 5-standard-deviation drought from December 1982 through March 1983.  相似文献   

冬季大气环流对北太平洋海冰和黑潮暖流海温的强迫作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用奇异值分解等统计方法,探讨冬季北太平洋海冰浓度、海温与大尺度大气环流型间的联系。分析结果表明:冬季北太平洋海域海冰存在一个主要的分布型,即鄂霍次克海和白令海的海冰呈反位相。海冰的该种分布特征是与大气中的WP型紧密联系的,并以大气超前海冰一个月最为明显。同时,WP型强迫作用于黑潮暖流区的海温,海温滞后大气一个月。具体表现为在东亚冬季风较弱的年份,鄂霍次克海海冰增多,白令海海冰减少,黑潮暖流区海温增高,反之则相反。  相似文献   

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