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拇指掌指关节侧副韧带断裂临床较少见,对于急性及亚急性拇指掌指关节侧副韧带断裂,大部分临床医师主张早期手术修复以利功能恢复.自2007年12月~2010年6月,笔者对5例拇指掌指关节侧副韧带断裂,采用微型带线锚钉进行修复,疗效满意.1临床资料 1.1一般资料本组5例,男4例,女1例;年龄29~43岁,平均33.6岁.5例均为闭合伤,其中摔倒后手部着地损伤3例,电扇卷入损伤2例,合并手部其他开放性损伤1例.就诊时间:伤后2h~3 d.手术时机:伤后1~4 d,平均2.8 d.选用材料均为强生公司生产爱惜康不可吸收带线锚钉.  相似文献   

章德江  李栋 《实用骨科杂志》2007,13(11):683-683
从1996年10月至2005年10月,我科对26例拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带陈旧性损伤患者进行尺侧副韧带重建术,术后关节稳定性良好,疼痛解除,效果满意。1资料与方法1.1一般资料本组26例,男20例,女6例;年龄16~56岁。损伤时间3个月~4年,均有不同程度关节疼痛,握持无力,其中6例X线示掌指关节有不同程度骨质增生。1.2手术方法臂丛神经阻滞麻醉下,关节尺背侧作纵向弧形切口,充分暴露掌骨头和指骨基底部。咬除增生骨质,在尺侧面距关节0.5 cm处,各打一横行孔洞(见图1),切取长5.0~6.0 cm、宽0.3~0.5 cm的掌长肌腱,修整后将游离掌长肌腱穿行于孔内,两断端在桡…  相似文献   

拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带损伤的发生率远多于桡侧,损伤的早期如处理不当,晚期将出现掌指关节的不稳和疼痛。陈旧损伤病例多因韧带挛缩而无法直接缝合修补。我们于1999—2003年利用掌长肌腱移植的方法,对拇指掌指关节的韧带进行了重建,取得了良好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

拇指挫伤在日常生活中较常见,其中以尺侧侧副韧带损伤较为常见。目前临床上多以外固定等保守治疗为主,日后多出现掌指关节稳定性差,用拇、食指夹物时拇指偏向桡侧,夹力减弱。陈旧性病例可发生拇指掌骨头向尺侧半脱位,并发疼痛。我院自1995年以来共收治拇指挫伤患者15例,采用手术治疗,效果满意。  相似文献   

克氏针丝线张力带治疗拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带撕脱骨折   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨克氏针丝线张力带治疗拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带撕脱骨折的临床疗效。方法 2008年9月-2011年10月,收治14例拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带撕脱骨折患者。男8例,女6例;年龄23~55岁,平均40.8岁。致伤原因:机器扭转伤5例,人力扭转伤4例,跌伤4例,运动伤1例。受伤至手术时间2 h~14 d。患者拇指掌指关节疼痛,活动受限,掌指关节尺侧侧方应力试验阳性。采用克氏针丝线张力带固定骨折,2周后开始功能锻炼。结果术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,拇指掌指关节尺侧侧方应力试验阴性。患者均获随访,随访时间6~18个月,平均13.1个月。X线片检查示骨折复位、愈合良好,愈合时间为4~10周,平均7周。末次随访时,患指掌指关节屈伸活动稳定,对指功能正常,手指抓捏功能正常。按照Saetta等标准评价术后功能,获优11例,良3例,优良率达100%。结论克氏针丝线张力带具有手术操作简便、术后功能锻炼早、功能恢复满意的优点,是治疗拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带撕脱骨折的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

应用微型骨锚亚急诊修复指关节侧副韧带撕脱伤   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨微型骨锚在亚急诊指关节侧副韧带近点撕脱伤修复中的疗效.方法 对2例拇指掌指关节和7例手指近侧指间关节侧副韧带断裂伤的患者早期应用Mitek微型骨锚植入侧副韧带指骨附着处,再用锚尾部的Ethibond缝合线与撕脱的侧副韧带缝合.结果 9例术后随访10~12个月,平均11.1个月.按Saetta评定标准评定疗效,优6例,良3例.结论 微型骨锚用于修复指关节侧副韧带止点撕脱,操作简便,疗效可靠.  相似文献   

目的:探讨手部动力支具配合舒筋洗外用颗粒治疗掌指关节侧副韧带挛缩的临床疗效。方法:自2017年6月至2019年1月将收治的50例掌指关节侧副韧带挛缩患者分为试验组和对照组,每组25例。试验组男17例,女8例;年龄19~63(40.53±9.42)岁;患指36指;病程23~82(52.37±11.20) d;予手部动力支具配合舒筋洗外用颗粒熏洗治疗。对照组男15例,女10例;年龄21~58(42.11±8.36)岁;患指32指;病程18~71(48.24±12.50) d;予掌指关节松动训练治疗。观察两组患指疼痛症状、屈伸功能等情况,采用疼痛评分(VAS)评价疼痛缓解程度,采用握力大小评价患手握力恢复情况,采用关节总主动活动度(TAM)评价患指掌指关节功能恢复情况,并且记录两组患者二次手术及并发症发生情况。结果:所有患者获得8周的随访。治疗前后试验组VAS评分、掌指关节TAM、患手握力分别为(4.22±1.09)分vs (1.98±1.01)分,(17.40±6.31)°vs (70.95±7.68)°,(4.83±3.09) kg vs (23.17±10.54) kg,对照组分别为(4.66±0.95)分vs (2.84±1.06)分,(16.25±5.66)°vs (59.14±10.61)°,(5.06±4.05) kg vs (16.25±9.66) kg;两组治疗后均较治疗前改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);治疗后试验组VAS、TAM、握力较对照组明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。治疗后两组均无并发症发生。试验组1例,对照组8例需二次手术治疗,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:手部动力支具配合舒筋洗外用颗粒能够明显缓解患指疼痛症状,促进患手握力的恢复,增加关节主动活动度,安全性好,为治疗掌指关节侧副韧带挛缩行之有效的保守治疗方法之一。  相似文献   

目的 研究在体示、中、环、小指掌指关节屈伸运动时尺桡侧侧副韧带的长度变化.方法 以螺旋CT扫描6例志愿者的示、中、环、小指的掌指关节,分别获得各掌指关节在0°至屈曲90°内每隔30°的运动范围内掌骨中段以远至近节指骨中段的图像,三维重建骨结构图像后经软件处理得到在各掌指关节屈伸运动时尺桡侧侧副韧带的长度变化.结果 掌指关节屈曲时,尺桡侧侧副韧带的背侧束逐渐伸长,而掌侧束相对缩短,中间束长度无明显的变化规律.结论 掌指关节屈伸活动时侧副韧带都处于紧张状态,只是韧带内部相对紧张、松弛的部位及程度不同.它屈曲时主要存在2种相对的运动:侧副韧带的背侧束伸长,紧张性增大;掌侧束缩短,紧张性相对减小;而中间束始终保持了合适的紧张度,共同限制和调节关节的运动.  相似文献   

[目的]介绍掌指关节掌侧脱位的治疗方法及其疗效.[方法]自2000年以来,对3例掌指关节掌侧脱位的患者采用切开复位克氏针固定及关节囊修复、侧副韧带修复或重建的方法进行治疗.[结果]术后全部病例均获得24~72个月的随访,平均50个月.术后掌指关节复位良好,拇指掌指关节主动屈曲45°~60°,其他掌指关节主动屈曲80°;各掌指关节伸直均可达到0°及0°以上.[结论]采用切开复位克氏针固定及关节囊修复、侧副韧带修复或重建的方法是治疗掌指关节掌侧脱位的一种理想治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的研究微型骨锚用于修复和重建手指侧副韧带损伤的临床疗效。方法对15例手指侧副韧带损伤采用微型骨锚进行修复或重建,术后随访6~12个月。按Saetta评定标准进行疗效评定。结果术后功能恢复总体优良率为93.3。复查X线片未见骨锚松动、脱落。结论微型骨锚用于修复与重建手指侧副韧带损伤操作简便、疗效可靠。  相似文献   



Although injury to the collateral ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal joint (MPJ) of the fingers is less common than corresponding injuries in the thumb, similar disability may result from chronic untreated injuries. We evaluated injury characteristics and the outcome after primary repair of subacute to chronic grade III collateral ligament injuries of the MPJs of the fingers.


We retrospectively reviewed all patients who underwent primary repair of a finger MPJ collateral ligament over a 3-year period. Twenty-five digits in 23 patients with subacute to chronic injuries were identified, all of which had complete MPJ collateral ligament tear. Postoperatively, we assessed disability using DASH scores and evaluated joint stability, range of motion, and grip strength. These measures were compared to preoperative data to assess results. Post hoc analysis was used to compare the level of disability between index and small radial collateral ligaments and other finger CL injuries.


Intraoperative findings revealed complete tears in all cases and all ligaments were of sufficient quality to permit primary repair using a suture anchor. The average preoperative DASH score was 40 (range 17–77) in 7 patients (nine fingers) where this was available. Postoperative DASH scores were available in 19 patients (21 fingers). The average postoperative DASH score was 19 (range 0–65). In the subgroup of patients with preoperative and postoperative DASH scores, there was no statistically significant difference after surgery (preop DASH 39.1 vs. postop DASH 23.8, p = 0.17). The average grip strength as a percentage of the contralateral hand was 68 % (range 32–100 %). The average postoperative MPJ arc of motion was 75° (range 50–90°). Post hoc analysis showed statistically significant higher postoperative DASH scores among small finger RCL repairs compared to other finger CL repairs (p = 0.007).


Primary repair of complete MPJ collateral ligament injuries of the fingers may be performed in the subacute to chronic setting. Although joint stability was restored, patients continued to have decreased grip strength and residual disability.  相似文献   


Study Design

Basic research (biomechanics).


The high degree of motion that occurs at the thumb metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint must be taken into account when immobilizing a partially torn or repaired thumb ulnar collateral ligament.

Purpose of the Study

To determine the efficacy of a radial-based thumb MCP-stabilizing orthosis in resisting abduction across the thumb ulnar collateral ligament.


Ten fresh cadaveric hands were mounted to a custom board. An anteroposterior radiograph of the thumb was obtained with a 2 N preload valgus force applied to the thumb, and the angle between the Kirschner wires was measured as a baseline. Subsequently, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 N valgus forces were applied 15 mm distal to the MCP joint. Anteroposterior radiographs of the thumb were obtained after each force was applied. The angle of displacement between the wires was measured and compared with the baseline angle. The angles were measured with an imaging processing tool. A custom radial-based thumb MCP-stabilizing orthosis was fashioned for each cadaveric thumb by a certified hand therapist. The aforementioned loading protocol was then repeated.


The radial-based thumb MCP-stabilizing orthosis significantly reduced mean abduction angles at each applied load.


We found that our orthosis, despite being hand-based and leaving the thumb IP and CMC joints free, significantly reduced mean abduction angles at each applied load.


This investigation provides objective evidence that our radial-based thumb MCP-stabilizing orthosis effectively reduces the degree of abduction that occurs at the thumb MCP joint up to at least 100 N.

Level of Evidence

n/a (cadaveric).  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to compare postoperative immobilization techniques of the thumb metacarpophalangeal (MP) ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) in a cadaver model of a noncompliant patient.


A cadaveric model with fresh-frozen forearms was used to simulate pinch under two immobilization conditions: (1) forearm-based thumb spica splint alone and (2) forearm-based thumb spica splint with supplemental transarticular MP Kirschner wire fixation. Pinch was simulated by thumb valgus loading and flexor pollicis longus (FPL) loading. Ulnar collateral ligament displacements were measured and strain values calculated. Statistical analysis was performed using a repeated measures analysis of variance model.


With valgus thumb loading, we noted a significantly lower UCL strain in the splint and pin group compared to splint immobilization alone. Increased load was associated with a statistically significant increase in UCL strain within each immobilization condition. FPL loading resulted in negative displacement, or paradoxical shortening, of the UCL in both immobilization groups.


While immobilized, valgus thumb force, as opposed to MP flexion, is a likely contributor to UCL strain during simulated pinch representing noncompliance during the postoperative period. Supplemental thumb MP pin fixation more effectively protects the UCL from valgus strain. UCL shortening with FPL loading likely represents paradoxical MP extension due to flexion of the distal phalanx against the distal splint, suggesting attempted thumb flexion with splint immobilization alone does not jeopardize UCL repair.

Clinical Relevance

This study provides a foundation to aid clinical decision-making after UCL repair. It reinforces the practice of surgeons who routinely pin their MP joints, but also brings to attention that the use of temporary MP pin fixation may be considered in difficult cases, such as those with potential noncompliance or tenuous repair.  相似文献   

Summary A three stage study of the metacarpophalangeal joint was performed. First, a triaxial goniometer was designed which allowed direct measurement of joint motion in living and cadaveric hands. Then, based on the above data, a computer simulated model of the joint was developed. This permitted an analysis of the orientation of the joint for any given point in the axis of motion, the effects of the collateral ligaments and their contribution to joint motion and stability. Finally the metacarpal head was analysed using a shadow profilometer and anatomical dissections. From 0° to 70°, the metacarpal head demonstrated a curved configuration. At approximately 70°, the metacarpal head assumed a bicondylar shape which produced a bony block to lateral deviation. Dissection of the collateral ligaments demonstrated that they ran diagonally from the metacarpal head to the proximal phalanx. We conclude that the metacarpophalangeal joint has an instant axis. From 0° to 70° of flexion, in any given hand, the angle of lateral deviation is constant. Beyond 70° there is a marked decrease in lateral deviation. The joint has two degrees of freedom and the collateral ligament is taut in all positions.
Résumé Etude en trois étapes de l'articulation métacarpo-phalangienne. D'abord, un goniomètre axial a été mis au point, permettant la mesure directe de la mobilité articulaire tant sur le vivant que sur le cadavre. Puis, grâce aux données ainsi recueillies, on a réalisé un modèle simulé par ordinateur de l'articulation. Ceci a permis l'analyse de l'orientation de l'articulation pour chaque point donné dans l'axe de la mobilité, de l'action des ligaments latéraux et de leur rôle dans la mobilité et la stabilité articulaire. Enfin, la tête du métacarpien a été étudiée à l'aide d'un fantôme et de dissections anatomiques. De 0° à 70°, la tête métacarpienne est incurvée. A 70° environ elle prend une forme bicondylienne qui constitute un butoir osseux empêchant les mouvements de latéralité.La dissection des ligaments latéraux a montré qu'ils suivent un trajet oblique depuis la tête du méta jusqu'à la première phalange.On en conclut que l'articulation MP a un axe instantané. De 0° à 70° de flexion, pour une main donnée, l'angle de déviation latérale est constant. Au delà de 70° il diminue notablement. L'articulation a deux degrés de liberté et les ligaments latéraux sont en tension dans toutes les positions.

AT Lee  MG Carlson 《Hand Clinics》2012,28(3):361-370
The thumb collateral ligaments at the metacarpophalangeal joint are important to the elite athlete for precision grip and pinch. Injuries to these ligaments can result in pain and instability and are seen at a higher frequency at the elite level. Whereas the collateral ligament tears used to be associated primarily with recreational skier's injury, these injuries have been reported with increasing frequency in major professional sports. The ulnar collateral and radial collateral ligament injuries of the thumb occur through different mechanisms and are described in separate sections given the differences in their anatomy.  相似文献   

The management of injury to the ulnar and radial collateral ligaments at the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb is complex. Treatment is dependent upon a number of factors with a wide variety of options for each ligament. Inadequate treatment has the potential to lead to a poor functional outcome. We present the relevant clinical anatomy, mechanism of injury, methods of treatment available and suggest a single treatment algorithm for use in the management of these injuries.  相似文献   

目的 研究近侧指间关节侧副韧带陈旧性损伤的治疗方法及疗效。方法 自1995—2005年间,对17例18指近侧指间关节侧副韧带陈旧性损伤的患者,采用关节囊修复及侧副韧带重建的方法进行治疗。结果 术后全部病例均获得2~7年的随访,平均4.3年。按Saetta等评定标准评定疗效,优良率为94.4%。结论 关节囊修复及侧副韧带重建术是治疗手部关节侧副韧带陈旧性损伤的一种理想治疗方法。  相似文献   

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