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Applying a total energy absorption γ-ray detector composed of 12 bricks (5 × 5 cm2, 7.5 cm thick) of BGO scintillators, the absolute measurement of capture cross sections for Au and Sb has been made in an energy region between 0.01 and 10eV using the linac time-of-flight method. Incident thermal neutron flux was absolutely determined by using the BGO detection system with a Sm sample. To extend the neutron flux measurement from the thermal neutron region to higher neutron energies, the 10B(n, αγ) reaction was applied. Absolute capture yield for the relevant capture sample was obtained by the saturated capture yield at a large resonance of the sample.

Gold was selected to investigate the application of the BGO detection system to the absolute measurement of the capture cross sections, since the 197Au(n, γ)198 Au reaction cross section is a well known standard one. The result of the 197Au(n, γ)198 Au reaction cross section showed good agreement with the evaluated data in JENDL Dosimetry File and ENDF/B-VI. Then, the detection system was applied to the Sb(n, γ) cross section measurement. Antimony has a large scattering-to-capture cross section ratio comparing to that of gold. The result showed good agreement with the evaluated data in JENDL-3.2 and ENDF/B-VI.  相似文献   

热中子俘获截面测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用活化法测量了^71Ga(n,γ)^72Ga、^94Zr(n,γ)^95Zr、^191Ir(n,γ)^192Ir^m1+g,m2反应的热中子俘获截面,给出了最终结果,并与国外其他家的实验数据作了比较。  相似文献   

The process constituting the elements of the method for treating high-level liquid waste with addition of reducing agent at temperatures above 1,873 K were examined applying thermogravimetry and X-ray diffractometry to sample mixtures of the platinum metal oxides RuO2, Rh2O3, PdO and of Re2O7, with and without addition of TiN as reducing agent. The addition of TiN reducing agent proved to induce reduction of the platinum metal oxides at temperatures far below those of thermal decomposition occurring in the absence of reducing agent. The presence of reducing agent further proved to reduce Re2O7 to ReO3 at 373K, to ReO2 at 773 K and to Re metal at 1,073 K. At around 773 K disproportionation reconverted part of the ReO3 formed at 373K to ReO2 and Re2O7. Thus, sublimation of the Re2O7 in starting material which occurs at 523 K in the absence of TiN was eliminated, and occurred only at 773 K on the Re2O7 that was regenerated at that temperature by disproportionation of the converted ReO3. Alloys of Ru, Rh and Pd resulting from the above treatment with TiN proved to agree with what is indicated from phase diagrams. Among the alternative compounds existing in the Rh-Ti and Rh-Ti binary systems, however, solely Ru-Ti proved to have been produced.  相似文献   

The effective capture cross section of 243Am for thermal neutrons was measured with an activation method. A sample of 243Am was irradiated for 10 hrs at Kyoto University Reactor, KUR. After the irradiation, the sample was cooled for one month. In the cooling time, 244mAm and 244gAm produced by the irradiation decayed out to 244Cm. The α rays emitted from 243Am and 244Cm were measured with a silicon surface barrier detector. The neutron flux at the irradiation position was monitored using Au/Al and Co/Al wires. The effective capture cross section was deduced as 174.5±5.3b from the α-ray counts and the neutron flux. The quantity r√T/T0 in Westcott's convention was 0.037±0.004. The present result was compared with the effective capture cross sections from the JENDL-3.3 and the Mughabghab evaluations.  相似文献   

Neutron capture cross sections of europium isotopes 151Eu and 153Eu were measured in the neutron energy range of 3~100keV. Experiments were carried out with the time-of-flight facility at the 52 m station of the JAERI Electron Linear Accelerator. Prompt capture γ-rays were detected by a large liquid scintillation detector and the neutron flux shape was determined with a 6Li glass scintillation detector. The average capture cross sections were examined in terms of energy independent strength functions for 151Eu and 153Eu.  相似文献   

The neutron capture cross section of 96Zr at incident neutron energies from 15 to 100 keV has been measured by the time-of-flight method. Capture γ-rays were detected with an anti-Compton NaI(Tl) spectrometer, and the pulse-height weighting technique was applied to derive the neutron capture cross section. The present measurement provided the capture cross section as a function of incident neutron energy in the keV region. The results were compared with previous measurements and cross section data in the evaluated nuclear data libraries, JENDL-4.0, JENDL-3.3, ENDF/B-VII.0, and ENDF/B-VI.8. The present results revealed considerable underestimation of the evaluated cross sections in the high-energy region of 35–100 keV.  相似文献   

Th是Th-U燃料循环的起始核素,其核数据精度关系到Th-U转换性能。基于TMSR-PNS中子源采用透射法对高纯ThO2样品进行测量,得到ThO2的全截面实验数据。利用ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1库中氧的评价数据,扣除氧的全截面,得到Th的全截面。测量结果显示,Th的全截面在0.02~0.1 eV能量范围测量数据的不确定度为3.25%~4.51%,与ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1库评价数据差异在实验误差范围内。中子能量小于0.02 eV时Th的全截面实验数据出现了布拉格散射结构,其与ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1库UO2的U热中子散射截面类似。  相似文献   

本文基于最小二乘不确定度传递方法,建立235U中子裂变核反应截面模型依赖型与非模型依赖型协方差评价体系。通过针对实验测量较丰富的中子反应总截面、辐射俘获、(n,2n)等核反应实验数据不确定度源项分析,为协方差评价提供实验基础,并给出对应核反应截面的非模型依赖型协方差评价数据。通过开展快中子能区235U核反应理论模型参数灵敏度计算与分析,导出实验测量缺乏的核反应截面模型依赖型协方差评价数据。经上述系统评价,所得协方差数据与核反应截面中心值研究过程自洽、物理合理,并按国际标准ENDF-6格式输出,便于核工程用户使用。  相似文献   

In order to determine the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np, the relevant γ emission probabilities of the 312-keV γ-ray from the decay of 233Pa and the 984-keV γ-ray from the decay of 238Np are deduced from the ratio of the emission rate to the activity. The emission rate and activity are measured with a Ge detector and a Si detector, respectively. The measured emission probability for 312-keV γ-ray is 41.6±0.9% and that for 984-keV γ-ray is 25.2±0.5%. The emission probabilities are used to correct the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np reported previously, and gives 168±6b. The neutron capture cross section is also determined as 169±6b by α-ray spectroscopic method. The measured emission probabilities and capture cross section are compared with others from references. By averaging these values deduced by different methods, the value of 169±4b is recommended as the thermal neutron capture cross section of 237Np for 2,200 m/s neutrons.  相似文献   

The neutron capture cross section of 237Np has been measured for fast neutrons supplied at the center of the core in the Yayoi reactor. The activation method was used for the measurement, in which the amount of the product 238Np was determined by γ-ray spectroscopy using a Ge detector. The neutron flux at the center of the core calculated by the Monte Carlo simulation code MCNP was renormalized by using the activity of a gold activation foil irradiated simultaneously. The new convention is proposed in this paper to make possible a definite comparison of the integral measurement by the activation method using fast reactor neutrons with differential measurements using accelerator-based neutrons. “Representative neutron energy” is defined in the convention at which the cross section deduced by the activation measurement has a high sensitivity. The capture cross section of 237Np corresponding to the representative neutron energy was deduced as 0:80 ± 0:04b at 214 ± 9 keV from the measured reaction rate and the energy dependence of the cross section in the nuclear data library ENDF/B-VII.0. The deduced cross section of 237Np at the representative neutron energy agrees with the evaluated data of ENDF/B-VII.0, but is 15% higher than that of JENDL-3.3 and 13% higher than that of JENDL/AC-2008.  相似文献   


The results of the 239Pu high resolution neutron transmission measurements of Harvey et al. and of the 239Pu high resolution fission cross section measurements of Weston & Todd performed at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) were analysed in the energy range from 1 keV to 2. 5 keV by the Bayesian code SAMMY using the Reich-Moore approximation of the R-matrix theory. The results obtained in a previous analysis in the energy range from thermal to 1 keV were updated by taking into account the recent renormalization of the experimental fission data by Weston & Todd. The statistical properties of the parameters of the resonances identified in the energy range from thermal to 2. 5 keV were examined and improved values of the average parameters were obtained. The resonance parameters are given in an ENDF-6 format file available from JAERI Nuclear Data Center and from NEA Data Bank (OECD).  相似文献   

The neutron capture cross sections and capture γ-ray spectra of 167Er were measured in the neutron energy region of 10 to 90keV and at 550 keV. Using a neutron time-of-flight method with a 1.5-ns pulsed neutron source by the 7Li(p, n)7Be reaction, the measurement was performed by detecting prompt γ rays from an enriched capture sample with a large anti-Compton Nal(Tl) spectrometer. A pulse-height weighting technique was applied to observed capture γ-ray pulse-height spectra to extract capture yields. The capture cross sections were derived with the error of about 5% by using the standard capture cross sections of 197Au. The present results were compared with the evaluated values of ENDF/B-VI and the previous measurement. The present measurement at 550 keV was the first one. The capture γ-ray spectra were obtained by unfolding the observed capture γ-ray pulse-height spectra. An anomalous shoulder was clearly observed around 3 MeV in the γ-ray spectra and the energy position of the shoulder was consistent with the systematics obtained in our previous work. The multiplicities of the observed γ rays were derived from the γ-ray spectra.  相似文献   

The capture cross sections and capture γ-ray spectra of 209Bi were measured in a neutron energy region from 5 to 80keV and at 520 keV, using pulsed keV neutrons from the 7Li(p, n)7Be reaction and a time-of-flight method. The capture γrays from a bismuth or standard gold sample were detected with a large anti-Compton NaI(Tl) spectrometer. The capture yield of the bismuth or gold sample was obtained by applying a pulse-height weighting technique to the corresponding capture y-ray pulse-height spectrum. The derived capture cross sections from 5 to 80 keV were in good agreement with recent measurements, but that at 520 keV was about half of previous measurements. This large discrepancy at 520 keV was ascribed to the incorrect background-subtraction in the previous measurements from a comparison between the present and previous capture γray spectra. Strong transitions from the capture states to low lying states of 210Bi were observed in the present γray spectra. The multiplicities of observed y rays were obtained from the γray spectra.  相似文献   

Neutron transmission measurements were performed on natural tantalum (abundance ratio 99.988% for 181Ta) in the energy range of 100–4,300 eV using the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute linac. The transmissions were measured using 55 and 190 m time-of-flight spectrometers for two and three samples of different thicknesses, respectively. These transmission data were simultaneously analyzed with a least squares fitting program based on a multl-level Breit-Wigner formula, and resonance energies and neutron width were obtained for 696 resonances of 181Ta.

The statistical analysis of these parameters gave the s-wave average level spacing of D=4.10±0.14 eV and s-wave neutron strength functions of (1.67±0.13) × 10?4, (1.09 ± 0.09) × 10?4 and (1.42 ± 0.20) × 10?4 for the energy intervals from 100 ? 1,700 eV, 1,700–3,400 eV and 3,400–4,300 eV, respectively. This significant difference among the neutron strength function for each energy interval is a prominent result of the present experiments and is of great interest.  相似文献   

We have measured the neutron capture cross sections of 151Eu and 153Eu by the time-of-flight (TOF) method in the range from 0.005 eV to keV region using the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute - Linear Accelerator (KURRI-LINAC). We employed a pair of C6D6 liquid scintillators for the prompt capture γ-ray measurement. The pulse-height weighting technique was employed to obtain the capture yields from the γ-ray spectra of 151,153Eu. The obtained thermal cross sections at 0.0253 eV are 9051 ± 683 b for 151Eu and 364 ± 44 b for 153Eu, respectively. The resonance integrals have been derived as 3490 ± 162 b for 151Eu and 1538 ± 106 b for 153Eu.

The obtained capture cross sections were compared with the previously reported experimental data and the evaluated data. The evaluated data in JENDL-4.0 and JEFF-3.2 show good agreement with the present experiment results of 151Eu, however, the evaluated data in ENDF/B-VII.1 are larger than the present experiment results of 151Eu about 10% to 20% in the energy region from 0.03 to 0.2 eV. For the neutron capture cross sections of 153Eu, the evaluated data in ENDF/B-VII.1 and Widder's data are in good agreement with the present results in the energy region below 0.35 eV.  相似文献   

Total neutron cross sections of Mg, Al, Si, Zr, Nb and Mo at room temperature have been measured in the energy range of 0.001–0.3 eV using a chopper and TOF facility of the Musashi Institute of Technology Research Reactor. The experiments were performed for solid and powdered samples. For these samples inelastic and elastic scattering cross sections were respectively calculated with the THRUSH code assuming Debye-type frequency spectrum and with the UNCLE-TOM code using crystal structure and lattice constants of each sample.

For solid samples the measured cross sections agreed well with the calculations below the Bragg cut-off energies. For the powdered samples there were good agreements above the Bragg cut-off, and the measurements were larger than the calculations below the Bragg cut-off.

The experimental cross section, adopting the results of powdered and solid samples for energy ranges above and below the Bragg cut-off respectively, agreed well with the calculation which was performed for the samples in perfect polycrystalline state.  相似文献   

Fission cross section ratios of 240Pu and 242Pu relative to 235U were measured by using the 4.5 MV Dynamitron accelerator of Tohoku University. The measurement using mono-energetic neutrons was performed in the neutron energy range of 0.6–7 MeV with the time-of-flight method. Prior to the measurement, a fast timing back-to-back fission chamber was developed with good time resolution to reduce the backgrounds due to α-particles and spontaneous fissions. Furthermore, we took account of the effect of the nonuniformity of fission sample thickness for accurate determination of fission cross section ratio. The uncertainty was estimated by analyzing the correlation between the error sources. The correlation matrix between the measured data was given. The overall uncertainty of the present results is about 2%. For both nuclides, the present results agree well with those by Meadows and by Kuprijanov et al. The JENDL-3 evaluation generally has good agreement with the present results. However, the evaluated data are slightly higher around 1 MeV and lower above 6 MeV than the present results.  相似文献   

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