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Terrestrial vertebrates in the western United States are functionally linked to environmental settings, as revealed by principal components analyses. Species number in five major vertebrate feeding guilds increases as vegetation structure becomes more complex and environmental conditions become more varied, and as evolutionary history has promoted species richness. Two other major vertebrate feeding guilds increase with temperature and evolutionary factors. Results support the view of animals as adapted parts of deterministic environmental systems, although complete explanations of species distributions require consideration of evolutionary history and stochastic processes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the surprisingly great variation in demographic character across the states, utilizing data on fertility, mortality, age, sex, mobility, household character, abortion, race and ethnicity. A fairly simple regional pattern is revealed that is less related to levels of economic development than to long-standing historical cultural differences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Levels of alcohol consumption are a major public health issue. This study aims to gain a better understanding of how geographical patterns of religious affiliation in the United States relate to geographical patterns of alcohol consumption. We explored state‐level correlations between alcohol consumption and religious adherence. Although we found no statistically significant correlation between overall religious adherence rates and current or binge drinking rates, states with higher adherence rates were significantly more likely to have high proportions of binge drinking among current drinkers. Yet, regionally, we found a strong inverse correlation in the Southeast and a strong positive correlation in the Midwest and Northeast between adherence rates and current and binge drinking rates. These geographical differences were largely explained after stratifying by major religious denominational groupings. States with high Catholic adherence rates tended to have higher drinking rates, whereas states with high Evangelical Protestant adherence rates tended to have lower drinking rates. These findings suggest that the relationship between religion and alcohol may be denomination‐specific and challenge the lay perception that religious adherence per se is associated with less alcohol consumption and less excessive drinking among those who drink.  相似文献   

美国西部滑坡坝的合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沟谷的滑坡成坝已成为美国西部山地中一个值得注意的问题。1985年作者们考察了美国西部六州九个滑坡坝的特点。这是执行1979年中美科学技术合作协议(特别是1980年地学合作补充议定书)的部分内容。中美两国科学家和工程专家考察九个滑坡坝后,取得了一些研究成果,即论述了滑坡坝(尤其是近代滑坡坝)的成因与稳定性,并列举了灾变性溃坝防止措施的若干成功经验。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the nineteenth century Alexander von Humboldt was acclaimed as “the second Columbus” and “the scientific discoverer of America.” His prestige and fame were such that on 14 September 1869, the hundredth anniversary of his birth, a grand celebration was held with parades, speeches, concerts, and the unveiling of memorials in cities across the country. Humboldt's popularity in the United States endured for the remainder of the nineteenth century, but he dropped from public consciousness in the twentieth century. To account for the eclipse of Humboldt's fame in the United States three hypotheses are discussed: a shift in the character of scientific endeavor; the quality of Humboldt's written work; and the rise of anti‐German sentiment with a concurrent rush to “de‐Germanize” the United States in the early twentieth century.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The geography of terrorism remains underexplored. By focusing on the spatial patterns of terrorist attacks, the settings and land uses in which attacks occur, and the methods used to perpetrate violence, this analysis helps build a theory of terrorism geography. Between 1 January 1997 and 11 September 2005, 178 terrorist incidents occurred in the United States. Analysis of these incidents suggests three insights. At the national scale, terrorism in the United States clustered in large urban areas, with regional differentiation of terrorist motives and targets. At the scale of individual attack sites, terrorist motivations pinpointed offices, clinics, and public spaces; right‐wing violence, military, government, and infrastructural targets; and religious terrorism, commercial and special land uses. At the scale of individual interactions, terrorists crossed paths with victims in various ways. For example, the 2001 anthrax‐attack letters and lone‐wolf terrorism created alternative intersections of perpetrators with victims.  相似文献   

图们江开发区组团式国际性中心城市构想   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张平宇 《地理科学》1997,17(2):183-188
从城市布局原理,中外港口城市而已实例对比,以及区域自然,环境,社会,文化和多国合作开发的特殊性等方面,论证了组团式多中中心国际性中心城市是图们江开发区的最佳选择。  相似文献   

广东城市化进程的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄镇国  张伟强 《热带地理》2001,21(2):135-138
认为广东至2010年的城市化目标以50%为宜,在城市化进程中,下列问题值得重视;加速发展中小城市;采取城乡一体化发展模式;逐步建立若干个大都市圈;依法做好土地利用规划;注意城市分质供水的发展趋势;建设多功能的城市;国家、企业、个人多元化参与城市化的进程。  相似文献   

昆仑山北坡河流水文水资源特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许有鹏  高蕴珏 《地理科学》1994,14(4):338-346

湛江市雨水资源有效化技术途径探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何春林  王季槐 《热带地理》2002,22(4):363-366
在分析湛江市降水特点的基础上,提出将汛期(4-9月)渲泄入海、不可利用的丰富降水资源有效化是解决湛江地区干旱缺水问题的经济、有效途径,并结合实际探讨了雨水资源有效化的技术措施。  相似文献   

任国玉 《地理研究》1987,6(4):70-76
应用修订的康拉德公式计算美国中东部温带地区日均温稳定≥10℃积温,并同我国相应纬度地区作了对比。这一对比揭示出我国东部温带并非世界同纬度地带夏半年热量资源最丰富。  相似文献   

我国蚕桑丝织业探源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宾泓 《地理研究》1989,8(2):28-34
本文根据历史传说、古籍记载、考古发掘,阐述我国蚕丝织业的起源是多中心多源头的,并从蚕、桑生长的适宜生态环境分析,说明黄河中下游及长江下游地区为蚕桑丝织业发源地的合理性.  相似文献   

湄洲湾中央深槽及白牛浅滩的成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过流场和地形特征的分析,研究湄洲湾中央深槽及白牛浅滩的形成机理。从湾顶延伸至口外的中央深槽,在半岛、岛屿和岬角控制下,由潮流塑造而成,但发育过程各段不尽相同,有涨潮流作用为主、落潮流作用为主和涨落潮流共同作用的三种类型。白牛浅滩的地貌形态,似沙嘴,如沙脊,又像独立的堆积体,形成模式与众不同,是湄洲湾中一个特殊的浅滩。  相似文献   

Owing to the decline in rainfall and intensified land use in the Sahel during the past 25 years, wind erosion is causing increasing problems in this region. The aim of the present paper is to identify possible sources for the material found in nebkhas in northern Burkina Faso. Nebkhas are plant-obstacle dunes that frequently occur in semi-arid areas. Grain-size distributions of nebkha sediments and five other subenvironments were analyzed using univariate and multivariate methods. Quartz-grain surface textures were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).

The SEM and grain-size analyses together indicate that the nebkhas have experienced considerable recent aeolian abrasion and sorting as compared with the five other sub-environments. It was concluded that the material in the nebkhas investigated is local in origin and that it mainly has been eroded by wind from adjacent disturbed soils or deflated from loose material made available for wind erosion by sheet-wash processes. This means that wind erosion is an important process in the removal of topsoil in this Sahelian environment and that measures to reduce wind erosion should be taken to protect sensitive soils. [Key words: Nebkhas, wind erosion, Sahel, Burkina Faso.]  相似文献   

采用线性倾向估计、累积距平、M—K检验法,利用乌鲁木齐地区市区及近郊气象站近50年的年平均气温数据,分析了乌鲁木齐地区气温的年代际变化及突变;采用相关分析方法与趋势拟合等方法,生成乌鲁木齐年平均温度与指征其城市化6项指标的函数关系图。结果发现:(1)近50年乌鲁木齐地区的年平均气温缓慢上升,城区气温高于郊区,城区站增温率为0.2℃/10a,郊区站为0.245℃/10a,总增温率为0.225℃/10a。(2)采用Mann—Kendall检验法分析得出年平均气温在2000年发生了由低到高的突变。(3)乌鲁木齐市城市人口、GDP、全社会固定资产投资总额、建成区面积、能源消耗与年平均气温有着显著的相关性,表明城市化进程与气温变化有密切关系。  相似文献   

陈发祖 《地理研究》1990,9(2):76-84
本文用近年来的大量观测结果,揭示了被长期使用的梯度扩散理论的问题和局限性。讨论了它的成立条件:只有当湍流的涡旋尺度远小于梯度变化的空间尺度时,梯度扩散理论才可以正确使用。对于几种典型的近地层条件,计算了它们的湍流的涡旋尺度,从而说明了梯度扩散理论在这些条件下失败的原因。  相似文献   

蒋忠信 《地理研究》1990,9(1):10-17
作为趋势面分析方法的一个试例,本文用海拔高度与局部地势二个参数表征地势特征,将云南省按经纬方格划分为214个区域,讨论了绝对地势和局部地势的宏观特征。  相似文献   

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