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The Possibility of severe fetal malformations, including neural tube defects, secondary to early amniotic rupture followed by formation of fibrous bands (amniotic band syndrome) is a well-known entitity. The fact that these pregnancies are usually uneventful makes prenatal diagnosis difficult, but routine determination of serum alphafetoprotein, followed by ultrasound scanning, may detect some of the malformations. We present a case, where detection of a neural tube defect led to induced second trimester abortion of a fetus severely affected by this syndrome. There appeared to be a causal relationship between maternal trauma and the amniotic rupture.  相似文献   

Estimation of alpha-fetoprotein (A.F.P.) in maternal serum was used as a screening method for the detection of fetal neural tube defect (N.T.D.) in 7315 women over a four year period. Of these, 5668 pregnancies were tested between 15 and 21 weeks. Action was advised in 129 patients (2·3 per cent). In 74 patients, the only action required was reviewing the notes, including the report of any ultrasound examination, and repeating the blood A.F.P. Detailed ultrasound including scanning the fetal spine was requested in 47 patients and amniocentesis was advised in 19 of these (0·33 per cent). In practice the incidence of amniocentesis was 0·28 per cent as three patients declined our advice. The programme gave detection rates between 15 and 21 weeks of 100 per cent and 75 per cent respectively for anencephaly and open spina bifida. A high fetal mortality was associated with persistently elevated blood A.F.P. levels whether amniocentesis was performed or not.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid samples received for routine prenatal diagnosis of open neural tube defects were used for a study to compare amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase (AChE) determination using a monoclonal antibody (4F19) enzyme antigen immunoassay and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) measurement as diagnostic tests for open neural tube defects. The study was based on 9964 women with singleton pregnancies and known outcome (including 6 with anencephaly and 18 with open spina bifida) having an amniocentesis at 14–23 weeks of gestation. The AChE immunoassay yielded detection rates for anencephaly of 100 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 54·07–100 per cent), for open spina bifida of 100 per cent (95 per cent CI 81·47–100 per cent), for anterior abdominal wall defects of 20 per cent (95 per cent CI 0-51-71-64 per cent), and a false-positive rate of 0·22 percent (95 per cent CI 0·14–0·34 per cent) excluding anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects. For similar detection rates the false-positive rate of the AFP test was significantly higher, 0·74 per cent (95 per cent CI 0·58–0·94 per cent). On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that the technically simple AChE immunoassay should be used on all samples; the AFP test should only be used on the 0·5 per cent of the samples with concentrations of AChE activity ⩾ 8·5 nkat/1 for clear samples and blood-stained samples becoming clear after centrifugation, and ⩾ 25·0 nkat/1 for blood-stained samples that are discoloured after centrifugation; an AFP cut-off level of 2·0 MOM is recommended for this policy. Thereby, the detection rates for anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects would be 100, 100, and 20 per cent, respectively (95 per cent CIs 54·07–100, 81·47–100, and 0·51–71·64 per cent, respectively), and the false-positive rate would be 0·08 per cent (95 per cent CI 0·03–0·16 per cent) (excluding anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects).  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid cholinesterases tested on polyacrylamide gel and rapidly adhering cell analysis were compared in their efficiency at diagnosing fetal neural tube defects in three cases where the alphafetoprotein results were equivocal. While rapidly adhering cells were also equivocal, the cholinesterases consistently gave a clear indication of fetal abnormality.  相似文献   

The polypropylene tube immunoradiometric assay for alphafetoprotein (AFP) determination was applied to maternal serum along with a radioimmunoassay technique during the second trimester of pregnancy. Blood from pregnant women was collected by finger prick on strips of chromatography paper (Schleicher and Schuell No. 903C) and air dried. A 4·75 mm disc spot was eluted in anti-AFP coated tubes containing 1·0 ml of assay medium. After one hour the medium was vortexed and the tubes washed and counted on a Concept 4tm (Micro- medic Systems, Horsham, PA.19044). The sensitivity of the technique is about 9 μg/l (35 ng/l in the assay) by the Rodbard formula. The concordance between the dried blood and the serum RIA tests in normal pregnancies was over 90 per cent at the 95th and 97th percentiles. This assay on dried blood spotted on chromatography paper was tested on 1003 patients and proved to be an ideal alternative to whole serum screening techniques: it minimizes sample manipulations and can easily be integrated into an existing newborn screening programme.  相似文献   

A quantitative method for cholinesterases in amniotic fluid using the non-specific substrate α naphthyl acetate and the cholinesterase-specific inhibitor, eserine, is described. This assay was used to test 671 samples of amniotic fluid. The diagnoses for fetal ONTDs, based on the levels of AChE + ChE, were compared with those made for the same samples by the AFP method. Correct diagnoses were made by both methods with amniotic fluid from 35 women carrying fetuses with ONTDs and 631 carrying normal fetuses. There were five false-positive test results for normal fetuses by both methods when the cut-off points were 5 standard deviations above the mean for AFP and above the upper limit of the normal range (7. 5 milliunits) for cholinesterase (AChE + ChE). None of the false-positive samples from either method had the acetylcholinesterase band of activity characteristic of ONTDs after gel electrophoresis. In addition to the above 671 samples, 37 pregnancies with serious fetal abnormalities other than ONTDs were tested. Two were identified by both the AFP and AChE + ChE methods, two more by AFP assay and one other by the AChE + ChE assay.  相似文献   

The reproductive history of 45 couples at increased risk for neural tube defect (NTD) who came for genetic counselling in 1970 and 1971 were compared with a similar number counselled in 1975 and 1976, when prenatal diagnostic tests were freely offered. They were subsequently interviewed in their homes and had their reproductive history recorded to the end of 1973 and 1978 respectively. Nearly all had a previous child with an NTD and none of the women were pregnant at the time of counselling. The effect of prenatal diagnosis was to speed somewhat the decision about further pregnancies, but the number of couples deciding on no further children and on having further pregnancies were almost identical in the two groups. The average number of pregnancies was 2·8 per family, with only 1·2 surviving children. The pregnancy outcomes are discussed as are the reasons for not attempting further pregnancies in both groups, which included very high risk of recurrence, a surviving spina bifida child, inability to accept the tests or its implications. Ninety per cent of the second group had tests. Their reactions to the tests were favourable but all complained of the waiting time between amniocentesis and obtaining the results. They all would have tests again in any future pregnancy. The reason for women not having prenatal diagnostic tests included inability to accept termination. It is concluded that couples in South Wales decide either to have no more children or to have further pregnancies regardless of tests. but tests speed a decision and enable the women to enjoy the pregnancy after obtaining the results, and that an NTD greatly reduces the number of children per family. A termination for an NTD is much more acceptable to most than an NTD at term. The reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The sonographic diagnosis of fetal neural tube defects (NTDs) has been enhanced by the recognition of associated brain and skull anomalies. Previous reports have found these anomalies to be accurate in predicting spina bifida after 16 weeks' gestation, and an inverse correlation was suggested between the presence of these sonographic markers and gestational age. Therefore, we assumed that early second-trimester sonography would be at least as accurate as that performed after 16 weeks' gestation. To examine this hypothesis, we looked for the presence of these cranial sonographic markers suggestive of open NTDs in 8011 low-risk cases, using transvaginal sonography (TVS), between the 12th and 17th week of gestation (menstrual age). Fetal NTDs were identified in ten cases (l.25%o). The NTDs were cervico-cranial in three, lumbo-sacral in six, and thoracal in one of the ten cases. None of the seven cases examined was dyskaryotic. Cerebellar dysmorphism, ‘banana’ sign, cerebellar absence, and hypoplasia were detected in all the low NTDs, usually before the detection of the spinal lesion. All the sonographically diagnosed malformations were confirmed by post-abortal examination except in one case, where the patient decided to continue the pregnancy and refused follow-up. We therefore conclude that transvaginal sonographic examination of the fetal skull before the 17th week of gestation is an accurate method for the detection of low NTDs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether there is increased leakage of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein into amniotic fluid in pregnancies with neural tube defects, since both these proteins are produced by neural tissue, and to compare the value of these substances for detecting such defects with that of the more conventional techniques of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gel electrophoresis. Amniotic samples from 25 mid-pregnancies (15–17 weeks' gestation) with neural tube defects (14 with open spina bifida and 11 with anencephaly) and from seven mid-pregnancies with abdominal wall defects were compared with a control material consisting of 80 amniotic fluid samples from 80 consecutive mid-pregnancy amniocenteses, with normal karyotypes and AFP concentrations. All of the above cases of abnormalities were primarily detected through increased AFP levels in the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid samples from 13 pregnancies with fetuses with autosomal chromosomal abnormalities and seven amniotic fluid samples contaminated with blood were also included in the investigation. It is concluded from the results that the conventional AFP assay combined with AChE gel electrophoresis is the best method for screening amniotic fluid for neural tube defects and defects of the abdominal wall. Neither NSE nor S-100 assay alone proved to be superior for the detection of these cases in mid-trimester amniotic fluid. The S-100 assay, however, could give additional information in cases where AChE gel electrophoresis is not decisive; for example, in samples contaminated with blood.  相似文献   

During a follow-up study of 19 790 pregnancies at risk for a genetic disease, from 1968 to 1989, 1083 fetuses were found to have an anomaly during the second trimester, leading to 977 terminations of pregnancy. Neural tube defects (31.4 per cent), chromosomal disorders (27.1 per cent), and Mendelian or multifactorial diseases (10.6 per cent) were the main causes of fetal anomaly. More than half (52.9 per cent) of the fetal anomalies were detected by routine ultrasound examination. Forty-two per cent of cystic hygromas were secondary to a chromosomal defect. We stress the importance of a comprehensive fetal and newborn examination to ensure an accurate diagnosis so that subsequently accurate counselling can be provided.  相似文献   

Folic acid (5 mg) was given daily, for not less than one menstrual period before conception and until the tenth week of pregnancy, to 81 women (FS) with a history of a previous neural tube defect (NTD) birth. There was no NTD recurrence among this group or among the offspring of a further 20 women (PS) whose folic acid supplementation fell short of the full regime. In another 114 women who became pregnant without folic acid supplementation (US), there were four NTD recurrences (3.5 per cent). Our results suggest that folic acid supplementation might be an effective method of primary prevention of neural tube defects.  相似文献   

Estimation of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was used as a screening method for the detection of neural tube defects (NTDs) in 6344 women over three years. Of 88 (1.4 per cent) who had one or more serum AFP levels equal to, or greater than, 2.5 multiples of the median (MoM) for the relevant gestational age, 43 (0.68 per cent) underwent amniocentesis. There were eight NTDs. Four of these were screened by serum AFP, and all cases of spina bifida had serum AFP levels greater than 3.0 MoM, including one small open defect which was not seen on ultrasound. The other four cases of NTD, which were not screened, were identified by ultrasound. Of 64 singleton pregnancies 32 (50 per cent) had serum AFP levels between 2.5 and 3.0 MoM, and low birthweight (⪕2500 g) occurred in 29 per cent. Because of improvements in ultrasound techniques and the apparent falling incidence of NTD, the role of serum AFP as the primary screening procedure should be regularly reviewed. Effective screening is dependent on mothers booking early.  相似文献   

Three twin pregnancies, each with one affected fetus (by microcephaly, haemophilia A and spina bifida respectively) were encountered. Selective feticide was performed at the patient's request by injection of filtered air into an umbilical vessel by fetoscopy. The method was successful in all three pregnancies two of which resulted in a live, healthy baby.  相似文献   

Using information derived from the voluntary system of notification of congenital malformations in England and Wales, the birth prevalence of anencephaly and spina bifida was estimated to have declined by 80 per cent from 31.5 to 6.2 per 10 000 between 1964–1972 and 1985. Over the same period, notified terminations of pregnancy with a suspected fetal central nervous system abnormality increased from less than 1 per cent to 56 per cent of neural tube defect births and central nervous system terminations combined, accounting for 31 per cent of the decline in births. Routinely collected national statistics provide a method for monitoring the impact of screening for open neural tube defects. However because they are incomplete and lack detail an alternative method of monitoring is needed. This paper includes an outline of such a method, together with the results of a pilot study designed to assess the feasibility of monitoring screening in the Oxford Region.  相似文献   

This paper reports eight cases of non-mosaic, rare, and typically lethal trisomies diagnosed in chorionic villi and not confirmed by amniocentesis. Four cases were 47,XX, + 16; two cases were 47,XX, +2; one was 47,XX, + 12; and one was 47,XY, +7. There have been no known complications in any of these gestations. These eight cases were found in a series of approximately 12 000 samples processed in our laboratory (0.07 per cent). We conclude that (1) rare non-mosaic trisomy not reflecting the fetal condition is an occasional source of diagnostic ambiguity in chorionic villus sampling; and (2) when encountered, a follow-up amniocentesis should be recommended to the patient to confirm or rule out the abnormality. We propose the term ‘confined placental abnormality’ to describe non-mosaic trisomies and other related abnormalities found only in chorionic tissue.  相似文献   

This paper describes a sensitive method for the detection of precipitation bands in the qualitative acetylcholinesterase (AChe) gel test. This method–dark field illumination–is compared with two existing methods of detection: epi-illumination of unstained gels and transillumination of dithio-oxamide stained gels. The comparison has been carried out on a selected series of 271 amniotic fluid samples, taken before the 22nd week of gestation. All 96 samples from normal pregnancies were scored as negative with all three visualization methods. For the detection of neural tube defects (NTD) and omphaloceles, dark field illumination proved to be more efficient than epi-illumination or dithio-oxamide staining. In one case of another congenital defect, we obtained a positive result with dark field illumination, and a negative one with the other detection methods. It is concluded that dark field illumination was shown to be the most sensitive method for the detection of precipitation bands.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis was performed because of a fetal abdominal wall defect, and a 45,X karyotype was obtained. A near-normal male infant with no features of Turner syndrome was delivered. The karyotype of the infant was 45,X/46,X, dic(Y)(q11), with each of the cell lines present in approximately 50 per cent of the lymphocytes and fibroblasts examined.  相似文献   

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