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This research paper presents an analysis of the undercut interference and inclination interference caused by complicated 3D workpiece during measurement. The objective of this research is to propose a solution to the collision between measuring probe and workpiece for the purpose of automation and interference-free measurement. The fundamental procedure is based on the 3D CAD model of workpiece and five-axis coordinate measuring machine (CMM) measuring facility to generate an interference-free stylus orientation through three phases—adjustment of inclination angle under linear contour, adjustment of inclination angle under non-linear contour, and definition of rotation-free angle. Such manner not only solves the interference problems but also incorporates the minimization of counts of measuring probe rotation. In terms of methodology, the research adopts projection of cutting plane to determine the interference status of the measuring point, and based on the measuring inclination angle on the proposition of self-intersected contour and cross-intersected contour concepts, the range of safe rotation range can be determined by sweeping operation. Following the presented methods and procedures, the five-axis CMM simulation system for automated measurement is finally developed to validate the feasibility of proposed solution.  相似文献   

Freeform profiles and surfaces have wider engineering applications. Designers use B-splines, Non-Uniform Rational B-splines, etc. to represent the freeform profiles in CAD, while the manufacturers employ machines with controllers based on approximating functions or splines that can cause deviations in manufactured parts. Deviations also creep in during the manufacturing operations. Therefore the manufactured freeform profiles have to be verified for conformance to design specification. Different points on the profile are probed using a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) and a substitute profile is established from the CMM data for comparison with design profile. The sample points are distributed according to different strategies. In the present work, two new strategies of distributing the points on the basis of curve length and dominant points are proposed considering the geometrical nature of the profiles. Metrological aspects such as probe contact and margins to be provided at the ends have also been included. The results are discussed in terms of form deviation with reference to substitute profile and positional deviation between design and substitute profiles, and compared with results of the strategies suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The present paper describes an artefact based approach to obtain traceability of freeform measurements on coordinate measuring machines. First, the requirements for the traceability of freeform measurements and a strategy for the development of a feasible solution are presented. A new concept of artefact, called the “Modular Freeform Gauge” (MFG) has been developed. It is based on physical modeling of a given freeform surface by a combination of items with regular geometry, well calibrated on their dimensions and form. The relative position is accounted for during the procedure; this information is used to generate a “calibrated” CAD model as reference for freeform measurements. The architecture of the artefact, its collocation in the traceability chain, and the calibration procedure are described.Finally, a procedure for the uncertainty assessment of actual freeform measurements is presented. The work here described has been focused on implementation of the uncertainty assessment procedure for freeform measurements on turbine blades. A task-specific Modular Freeform Gauge was developed for this application.  相似文献   

In this paper, the probe accessibility of coordinate measuring machines (CMM) in dimensional inspection is studied. Based on the previous methods of the accessibility map, the influence of the actual configuration of the probe on the accessibility is analyzed in detail. A method, which takes the effects of the probe length and volume into account, is proposed so that the shortcomings of abstracting the probe as an infinite half-line could be overcome completely. Finally, a feasible and efficient algorithm is given.  相似文献   

为了预测快速探测过程中产生的动态误差,提出了基于有限元分析的虚拟坐标测量机方法,有限元分析过程的自动执行是其关键组成部分。这里介绍了利用APDL(ANSYSParametricDesignLanguage)自动进行有限元分析计算并进行结果处理的方法,对于提高有限元分析的工作效率有着实际的意义。  相似文献   

三坐标测量机在逆向工程的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以对减速器箱体进行三维模型重构为例,介绍了WENZEL三坐标测量机在规则零件逆向工程中的应用.用三坐标测量机提取鼠标的表面数据,然后导入Pro/E软件进行模型重建,介绍了三坐标测量机在自由曲面逆向工程中的应用.把重建的曲面模型导入三坐标测量机的应用软件,通过测量实物与模型相比较,评定了重建后模型的精度.  相似文献   

坐标测量机的新发展——并联运动机构坐标测量机   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
从空间机构学的角度出发,可将坐标测量机分为串联机构坐标测量机和并联机坐标测量机两大类.由于并联机构坐标测量机测量精度高,测头位姿灵活,同时又具有“硬件”简单,“软件”复杂的特点,因而,正在成为坐标测量机领域研究的新热点.文章首先分析了普通笛卡尔串联机构坐标测量机的发展现状及存在问题,然后介绍了并联机构坐标测量机的结构及特点,并对国内外有关并联运动机构理论及其在坐标测量机领域的研究现状与发展趋势进行了综述,最后,对并联机构坐标测量机研究过程中应注意的主要问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

针对目前便携式坐标测量机测量大齿轮的采样策略和评定算法存在的不足,设计了两种特殊的辅助标尺一渐开线标尺及螺旋线标尺.利用设计的两种标尺在大齿轮齿面上对齿廓及螺旋线的测量点进行标注,开展了齿轮的在位重复性测量的实验研究.利用关节臂坐标测量机及激光跟踪仪测量系统在德国计量研究院研制的1 m外径齿轮样板上开展了测量实验,采用INVOLUTE Pro对采样数据点进行评定,给出了测量结果及测量不确定度.测量实验表明,基于新的齿轮测量方法,关节臂坐标测量机比激光跟踪仪测量系统测量结果更为精确,测试结果与标定值最大相差8.16 μm.实验结果验证了提出方法的有效性,为便携式坐标测量机在大齿轮测量领域的应用提供了依据.  相似文献   

张文建  彭一男  张琦 《机械》2010,37(8):18-20
零件原型数字化就是通过特定的数字化测量工具来获得零件几何数据的过程。以某汽轮机叶片为基础,介绍了利用接触式三坐标测量机获取零件三维数据的步骤和方法,即通过装夹零件、标定测头测杆、工件坐标系的建立、测量打点、数据输出等步骤得到零件的几何三维数据。最后通过实例的操作,得到了叶片的点云数据,并分析了在手动打点过程中产生测量误差的原因及其改善措施。实例表明,确定合理的测量路径、建立合适的零件坐标系、确定合适的测点个数、均匀的测力及其操作经验,可以提高点云的精度。  相似文献   

一种利用坐标测量机实现圆度误差评价的方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对直角坐标系下圆周截面形状误差评价,介绍了一种圆柱体截面圆度误差的测量与评定方法.在研究了圆度误差定义及测量方法的基础上,建立了基于三坐标测量机的最小外接圆圆度误差三维评测模型.利用双截面最小二乘拟合轴线调整坐标系位置,减少了位姿误差对测量结果的影响.对模型进行坐标系统一转换,使得变换后的模型能更适用于计算机数据处理.然后在坐标变换的前提下,提出了一种利用几何关系搜索最小外接圆圆心的方法,开发了相应的数据分析软件.实验和数据证明,此算法优于传统最小外接圆算法,实现了在直角坐标系下三坐标测量机对圆度误差的最小外接圆法评价.  相似文献   

传统的光学测量定中心法受限于光源、转台大小和装调误差传递性而不适用于大口径、多透镜光学系统的装调,为此本文提出了使用三坐标测量仪接触式测定透镜中心的精密机械测量法。介绍了使用三坐标测量仪测量大口径透镜中心偏的原理,即在测量透镜上表面与基准轴等距离各点坐标的基础上拟合得到透镜光轴与基准轴的夹角,从而解算出透镜的中心偏。通过大口径长焦距镜头的装调对该方法进行了检验。检验结果表明:该透镜的装调偏差为6.47″,重复性误差为(1.16×10-4)″。该方法将光学测量变为机械测量,利于装调,可在保证装调精度的同时简化装调难度,提升装调效率,满足大口径多透镜光学系统对高精度装调的要求。  相似文献   

储伟俊 《机械》2002,29(1):67-68
介绍了一种在坐标测量机CAI系统中确定机械零件表面上测量点和测量路径自动生成的方法,该方法提高了测量的自动化,有利于测量、设计和制造过程的相集成。  相似文献   

对于严重磨损的凸轮,用三坐标测量机接触式测量,提取凸轮轮廓的数据,然后导入Pro/E软件进行模型重建和局部修正,在UG软件中完成了数控加工程序编制.实现了凸轮的快速反求.利用WENZEL三坐标测量机的自动测量封闭自由曲线功能,减小了提取凸轮轮廓数据的工作量.  相似文献   

为了完成新型五自由度4-虎克铰-移动副-球铰/虎克铰-移动副-虎克铰并联式坐标测量机机构的灵敏度分析,建立了该测量机机构的雅克比矩阵,并推导出了其无量纲雅克比矩阵,得到了该机构7个不同的灵巧度指标。在此基础上,定义了评价不同位形下灵巧度的综合灵巧度系数指标,并分别研究了不同灵巧度评价指标在工作空间内的分布规律。以上研究为该测量机机构的优化尺度综合和轨迹规划奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Experience gained with a coordinate measuring machine at the author's company is described. The programming and operation of an LK Granite 80 are explained and a typical machine program and printout of inspection results are given.  相似文献   

Time saving is the primary justification for a CMM. The data acquisition activity (probing), in general, occupies over 95% of the real cycle time, and is dictated by the characteristics of the machine and its servo control system. Considering all the requirements, a control system based on a microprocessor was chosen. The microprocessor can be programmed to suit the system requirements in a way which cannot be achieved in pure hardware systems. The control program can even be edited in real time by passing relevant parameters from the supervising computer, if required.  相似文献   

胡毅  江超  黄炜  胡鹏浩 《光学精密工程》2017,25(6):1486-1493
本文提出了一种求解最佳测量区的方法,以进一步提高关节式坐标测量机的测量精度。首先,根据关节式坐标测量机的测量模型,建立了基于圆编码器测角误差的关节式坐标测量机误差模型。利用蒙特卡洛理论得到6个关节转角的随机数,采用数值法仿真分析测量机的测量空间。然后将包含测量空间的一立方体区域等间隔切割成343个小立方体区域,采用蚁群算法确定每个小区域由于圆编码器误差所引起的最大测量误差。最后,通过比较找到其中最大测量误差最小的区域,即为最佳测量区。研究结果表明,对于所研究的关节式坐标测量机,各个小区域的最大误差为0.069 9~0.189 6mm,其中最小值为0.069 9mm的区域为-100mm≤x≤100mm,-100mm≤y≤100mm,400mm≤z≤600mm。采用本文方法确定的最佳测量区在测量空间内为一个立方体区域,故在最佳测量区进行较高精度的测量具有实用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

主要研究三坐标测量机联机检测系统的方案设计、工作流程和系统各模块的功能和组成,系统数据通讯。提出微机图形工作站与三坐标测量机通讯方案,详细说明硬件连接和软件实现,测量数据的处理,使用OLE自动化技术实现测量数据的自动处理和报表生成。  相似文献   

借鉴国外ScanMax测量机所具有的优势,研发了RRP结构(即两个转动和一个直线运动)的平行双关节坐标测量机,并研究了该仪器的误差模型、标定方法和不确定度评定方法。首先,根据平行双关节坐标测量机的机械结构建立了仪器的数学模型和误差模型。然后,基于全误差分析技术设计了仪器的标定方案并分别介绍了对重力和扭矩变形、平行度、臂长、零位等参数的标定。最后,根据国家坐标测量机校准规范,提出了通过评价测量重复性和长度测量精度的方法来评定测量不确定度。实验结果表明:在1 000mm×250mm(直径×高度)的测量范围内,平行双关节坐标测量机的测量不确定度可达到12μm(k=2)。得到的结果验证了平行双关节坐标测量技术及全误差分析技术的可行性,为非正交坐标测量机的标定探索了新的方法。  相似文献   

新型并联机器人坐标测量机仿真建模的实现   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
为了验证新型5自由度并联机器人坐标测量机的设计方案和理论模型,缩短开发周期,降低开发费用,提高一次性设计成功率,将虚拟样机技术应用于该并联机器人坐标测量机的设计开发过程。利用SolidWorks软件建立该型并联坐标测量机的虚拟样机模型,应用OLE接口技术实现了该型并联坐标测量机的运动仿真和测量仿真,采用ADAMS软件实现了该型并联坐标测量机的动力学分析和仿真,并给出了仿真建模过程中关键问题的解决方案。计算机仿真结果证实了理论模型的正确性,验证了设计的合理性和可靠性。为此新型并联机器人坐标测量机的结构设计和数控系统设计提供了主要参数和理论依据,为并联坐标测量机的工程设计提供了一套有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

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