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Formerly, sand dune patterns were investigated mostly by aerial and satellite images, but more recently, geomorphometric analysis based on digital elevation models (DEMs) has become an important approach. In this paper, sand dune patterns of the Grand Erg Oriental (Sahara) are studied using the De Ferranti (2014) DEM, which is a blending of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) and other elevation datasets. In the Grand Erg Oriental, there are four large-scale dune pattern types with gradual transitions between them and with several subtypes, namely P1, consisting of large, branching linear dunes; P2, a complex pattern including small-size and widely spaced star and dome dunes; P3, a network type created mostly from crescentic dunes; and finally, P4, consisting of large and closely spaced star dunes. The largest dunes with 90–100-m mean height can be found in the southern parts of the Grand Erg Oriental, where P1 and P4 patterns dominate, and these areas are also characterised by the most intensive sand accumulation with 25–30-m equivalent sand thickness. In the present study, we use regression analysis to investigate the functional relationships between sand dune characteristics. Further on, we have elaborated a DEM-based method to delineate dunes and calculate sand volumes and dune orientations. Comparing wind rose data and sand dune axis rose diagrams, it is concluded that in some parts of the Grand Erg Oriental, the present dune types and patterns are in agreement with the actual wind regime, but in other cases, the present dune patterns are at least partially the results of former wind regimes.  相似文献   

伊朗Kashan地区古近系库姆组层序地层及盆地演化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
库姆组沉积时期伊朗Kashan地区为中伊朗盆地库姆盆地东南方向的弧后边缘海盆地,以浅海相的碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩沉积为主.受构造运动与全球海平面旋回变化控制,大部分地区的库姆组形成了5个三级层序S1~S5,上覆上红组底部蒸发岩层,在这5个三级层序之下,盆地沉降中心位置还可见S0a和S0b层序.对格架中层序地层特征的动态演化分析后认为,Kashan地区在库姆组及其上、下地层沉积时期经历了7次重要的地层演化阶段:低水位充填期、初次海侵期、沉降充填期、孤立泻湖期、再次海侵期、构造抬升期、完全孤立期.  相似文献   

认识沙漠土壤水分的时空变异性,是揭示沙漠生态系统生态-水文格局的基础。利用中子土壤水分仪的实测数据,对古尔班通古特沙漠树枝状沙丘土壤水分时空变异进行了系统分析。研究表明:① 沙丘不同部位土壤水分随时间具有一致性变化规律,上层土壤和下层土壤的变化趋势有所不同。0~1 m土层坡顶>坡中>坡脚,1~2 m土层坡脚>坡中>坡顶。② 土壤水分具有明显的季节变化和分层变化特征。春季是古尔班通古特沙漠土壤水分最丰富、变化最迅速的时期;0~40 cm、40~140 cm、140~200 cm土层土壤水分变异系数分别为13.56%、5.35%和0.80%,与不同土层水分来源和消耗以及植物根系分布相对应;不同土层土壤水分的变异强度要大于不同部位土壤水分的变异强度。③ 植被和地形对土壤水分的空间分异作用明显,沙丘坡脚处以及荒漠灌木梭梭根区始终存在土壤水分相对富集区。  相似文献   

伊朗Kashan地区库姆组沉积相及其对储层的控制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伊朗Kashan地区库姆组形成于混水碳酸盐岩台地沉积环境,以碳酸盐岩与陆源碎屑岩的混合沉积为主,沉积特征受陆源碎屑的影响较大.库姆组自身储集条件偏差,裂缝和溶孔在储集空间中占绝对优势,断裂活动及相伴生的溶蚀活动是控制储层发育的主要因素,而沉积相则为之提供物质基础.有利储集相带主要分布在应力集中区域和岩石破裂地区,其中局限台地滩相和三级层序界面之下的岩溶带是最佳储层发育位置.  相似文献   

This paper uses high-resolution images and field investigations, in conjunction with seismic reflection data, to constrain active structural deformation in the Kashan region of Central Iran. Offset stream beds and Qanats indicate right-lateral strike slip motion at a rate of about 2 mm/yr along the NW–SE trending Qom-Zefreh fault zone which has long been recognized as one of the major faults in Central Iran. However, the pattern of drainage systems across the active growing folds including deep incision of stream beds and deflected streams indicate uplift at depth on thrust faults dipping SW beneath the anticlines. Therefore, our studies in the Kashan region indicate that deformation occurs within Central Iran which is often considered to behave as a non-deforming block within the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone. The fact that the active Qom-Zefreh strike-slip fault runs parallel to the active folds, which overlie blind thrust faults, suggests that oblique motion of Arabia with respect to Eurasia is partitioned in this part of Central Iran.  相似文献   

Identification and characterization of aeolian deposits in arid environments provide information on mechanisms of loess and sand accumulation. The objectives of this study were to (i) identify the distribution of aeolian deposits, (ii) discriminate loess and sand deposits using granulometric data, and (iii) describe the aeolian deposition in Sarakhs area, northeastern Iran. Particle size distributions of 26 surface samples were determined using a laser grain-size analyzer. Fine sand, very fine sand, and very coarse silt were dominant fractions in studied sediments, and the sum of these fractions ranged from 46.9% in loess deposits to 93.8% in sand dunes. The mean grain size (M z ) of sand dunes ranged from 3.31 to 3.54 ?, which gradually changed to 4.09 to 5.50 ? in loess deposits. Sorting, skewness, and kurtosis ranged from 0.84 to 1.94 ?, 0.18 to 0.49, and 0.76 to 2.38, respectively. Aeolian deposits in the area resulted in the incorporation of Hariroud River system and Kopeh Dagh Mountains for aeolian particle production and accumulation. Alluvial comminution in Hariroud River is suggested the main mechanism of sand and silt production and flood plain environment the main reservoir of these particles. The mountains of Kopeh Dagh act as a barrier and play a key role for sand and loess accumulation.  相似文献   

Detecting the paleoseismological specifications as well as seismic capability of faults has specific importance in estimating the earthquake hazard in any region. The geomorphic indices are used as indirect procedures in the mountainous area. They are appropriate and applicable methods in recognizing the specifications of active tectonics and evaluating fault seismicity in the mountainous areas. In this regard, giant landslides can be pointed out as proper indices. These landslides are usually related to tectonics and triggered by earthquakes in many cases. In this research, giant landslides existed in Noor valley (central Alborz) have been considered as geomorphological indices for recognizing the seismicity of the region and the seismic capability of its faults. There are four giant landslides in this region (Baladeh, Razan, Vakamar, and Iva) used for the mentioned purpose. No historical earthquake has been reported around Noor valley. However, the existence of giant and old landslides, related to earthquake, indicates the occurrence of numerous prehistoric earthquakes. In this research, three different age classes have been determined (Late Holocene, Early Holocene, and Late Pleistocene) for landslides. By the way, the possibility of identifying multiple earthquakes is provided in this area. The magnitudes of earthquakes are estimated as 7.7 ± 0.49 to 7.9 ± 0.49 based on their relations with maximum volume of displaced material. Regarding the distribution of landslides and other evidences, the eastern segment of Baladeh fault has probably been the main cause of the earthquakes.  相似文献   

骆冠勇  钟淼  曹洪  潘泓 《岩土力学》2022,43(Z2):563-574
相对于其他土层,盾构在富水砂层中掘进的风险更大,但目前盾构掘进引起砂层变形的机制并不清楚。依托广州某电力隧道项目,选取一典型富水砂性地层断面对盾构隧道施工引起的地层变形进行高频率、近距离的监测,得到以下几点认识可供类似的工程参考:(1)富水环境下,相对于均质砂层,隧道处于粉砂+粗砂地层组合更容易发生渗透破坏。此情况下,粉砂层在承受更大渗透力同时,又受粗砂层强烈补给供水,非常容易被侵蚀甚至掏空。(2)地层均匀损失与局部集中损失引起地层扰动规律有较大的不同。地层均匀损失时由于拱效应没集中局部损失的强,其扰动范围、地表沉降及水平位移均更大。水平位移最大值的位置与地层损失的非均匀化也密切相关。地层均匀损失时,隧道两边最大水平位移发生在隧道高程范围内;但地层非均匀损失(隧道顶部局部塌落)时,发生最大的水平位移的位置会明显上移。(3)渗透力的作用使得地层扰动范围扩大。(4)地层损失率受注浆影响严重,隧道附近大,地表最小,隧道上方土体呈松散化趋势。  相似文献   

Sand was marked by fluorescent dye in order to trace sand movement and deposition on a longitudinal (seif) sand dune in the Sinai desert. The wind regime was monitored simultaneously. Tracing the dyed sand was possible after light to moderate sand storms and was graphically represented on maps.The dune was subjected to a seasonally bidirectional wind regime, with the wind hitting the dune obliquely on either side. On the windward flank the sand was transported parallel to the wind direction. On the lee flank sand movement was deflected towards parallelism with the crest line. Sand movement was deflected if the dune had a sharp profile which favored separation of wind flow on the lee flank. The deflection depended on the angle of incidence between the wind and the crest line: when the angle of incidence was < 40°, sand on the lee flank was transported parallel to the crest line; when the angle of incidence was nearly perpendicular to the crest, movement along the lee flank abated and deposition occurred. Where the dune was low, flat and blunt, as in a zibar dune, there was no boundary-layer separation and no deflection of sand movement on the lee flank. The deflected movement along the lee flank resulted in elongation of the longitudinal (seif) dune.  相似文献   

The region of Ain Sefra is an arid region suffering from sand encroachment. In this study, we are calculating the shifted sand quantity and efficient wind directions during a period of 30 years (1985 to 2015) in order to classify the danger. The study shows that efficient winds in the region are characterized by their potential drift estimated at 220 till 329. This classifies the region as medium. Besides, the resultant drift potential is 76 to 99 with a migration coefficient of 0.3 which gives a medium classification to the zone and proves the Aeolian erosion complex system and its interrelation with other factors. Efficient winds generally blow from South-west to North-east with an angle of 234°. Furthermore, there are other directions causing sand drifting. Sand movement quantity is estimated between 23.03 and 15,224 m3/m/year according to effective wind threshold speed, which is 5 to 6 m/s. Autumn is the period when sand mobility is higher, but it decreases in winter. On the other hand, sand potential movement was well shown through satellite imagery between 1985 and 2015. Indeed, it closely corresponded to the previous study. It showed sand movement direction from South-west to North-east, and sand surface increase reached 16.44% of the global zone surface. Whereas, it decreased ??2.5% between 1985 and 2015. There is an important concentration of sand accumulation under the western mountain foothills along which sand moves. This shows that the ground particularities play a crucial role in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

马登辉  韩迅  关云飞  唐译 《岩土力学》2022,43(Z2):223-230
珊瑚砂的孔隙结构对珊瑚砂的力学性质和渗透特性影响显著,采用高分辨率计算机断层扫描仪(computed tomography,简称CT)对珊瑚砂颗粒进行了扫描,建立了珊瑚砂颗粒的三维孔隙结构模型,并对孔隙的直径、体积、紧密度、球度进行了定量分析,采用数值模拟方法探究了松散堆积珊瑚砂及单颗粒珊瑚砂内孔隙结构的渗透特性。试验结果表明:孔隙数量随着孔隙直径的增加显著减少,且微孔数量较多,大孔数量较少;孔隙的直径与紧密度之间为幂函数关系,与球度之间则表现为线性关系。渗流分析结果显示,松散堆积珊瑚砂的渗透能力显示出各向异性,Z方向的绝对渗透率小于X、Y方向。珊瑚砂颗粒内的孔隙渗流速度较慢,不同颗粒之间渗流能力差距较大,部分颗粒不能发生渗流,且颗粒内孔隙的绝对渗透率仅占总绝对渗透率的1.26%。  相似文献   

Grade estimation is an important phase of mining projects, and one that is considered a challenge due in part to the structural complexities in mineral ore deposits. To overcome this challenge, various techniques have been used in the past. This paper introduces an approach for estimating Au ore grades within a mining deposit using k-means and principal component analysis (PCA). The Khooni district was selected as the case study. This region is interesting geologically, in part because it is considered an important gold source. The study area is situated approximately 60 km northeast of the Anarak city and 270 km from Esfahan. Through PCA, we sought to understand the relationship between the elements of gold, arsenic, and antimony. Then, by clustering, the behavior of these elements was investigated. One of the most famous and efficient clustering methods is k-means, based on minimizing the total Euclidean distance from each class center. Using the combined results and characteristics of the cluster centers, the gold grade was determined with a correlation coefficient of 91%. An estimation equation for gold grade was derived based on four parameters: arsenic and antimony content, and length and width of the sampling points. The results demonstrate that this approach is faster and more accurate than existing methodologies for ore grade estimation.  相似文献   

The Tirgan Formation (Barremian — Aptian) is exposed in the Kopet Dagh in northeast Iran. Two stratigraphic sections in Radkan and Chenaran were measured. Their thickness are 238 m and 119 m, respectively. This formation in measured sections consists of three parts (including lower carbonate, middle limy shale — marl and upper carbonate rocks). Based on study of 164 thin-sections, 15 carbonate and 2 siliciclastic lithofacies have been identified. Carbonate lithofacies are deposited in a ramp platform in fore shoal, shoal, lagoon and tidal flat environments. Sea level changes during lower Cretaceous led to the formation of different large-scale depositional sequences Radkan (two) and Chenaran (two) respectively. The present study highlights the reconstruction of tectonic history of the area during lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

N. LANCASTER 《Sedimentology》1985,32(4):581-593
The magnitudes of increases in wind velocity, or speed-up factors, have been measured on the windward flanks of transverse and linear dunes of varying height. On transverse dunes, velocity speed-up varied with dune shape and height. For linear dunes, speed-up factors varied principally with wind direction relative to the dune, with dune shape and dune height. The main effect of velocity speed-up on the windward flanks of dunes is to increase potential sand transport rates considerably in crestal areas. This is greatest for large dunes, with winds of moderate velocity blowing at a large angle to the dune. Changing ratios of base to crest sand-transport rates on transverse dunes tend to reduce dune steepness as overall wind velocities increase. On linear dunes, the tendency for crestal lowering is counteracted by deposition in this area when winds reverse in a bi-directional wind regime.  相似文献   

To answer the question ??Whether the North-Tehran tectonic wedge is a dynamic tectonic wedge or not??? we applied paleostress techniques to investigate fault slip data. The mean reduced stress tensor is defined for all stabilized stress regions. Unscaled Mohr??s circles drawn for fault slip data were used to obtain the relative slip tendency of clusters on diagrams. It showed that the slip tendency in the vicinity of fault junction is much lower than expected. The mean??1 defined for a combination of fault slip data trends N14°E nearly parallel with the overall pressure in Iranian crust at the latitude of Central Alborz. This trend suggests the least effect of boundary faults and the wedge between them on stress orientations inside the wedge. Finally, the stress trajectory map was prepared showing the configuration and relative intensity of ??1. The map did not illustrate any convergence in ??1 trajectories and the consequent concentration of stress and seismic potential in fault junction. That is a direct evidence for disagreeing the dynamicity of this tectonic wedge.  相似文献   

Dust storms in Khuzestan province (Iran) are causing problems in industries and human health. To mitigate the impact of those phenomena, it is vital to know the physical and chemical characteristics of airborne dusts. In this paper, we give an overview of the spatio-temporal occurrences and geochemical characteristics of airborne dusts in Khuzestan. Meteorological data from 10 stations in Khuzestan during 1996–2009 indicate (a) an average of 47 dust storm days per year, (b) a lowest annual average of 13 dust storm days in 1998, (c) a highest annual average of 104 dust storm days in 2008, and (d) an average increase of two dust storm days per year. Above-average number of dust storm days usually occurred in the cities of Dezful, Ahvaz, Masjed-e-Soleiman, Abadan and Bostan, whereas below-average number of dust storm days usually occurred in the cities of Mahshahr, Ramhormoz, Behbahan, Shoushtar and Izeh. XRD analyses of airborne dust samples collected in 2008 and 2009 show that the mineralogy of airborne dusts is dominated by calcite, followed by quartz and then kaolinite, with minor gypsum. SEM analyses of the samples indicate that airborne dusts have rounded irregular, prismatic and rhombic shapes. The sizes of airborne dusts vary from 2 to 52 μm, but 10 to 22 μm are the dominant sizes. The smallest and largest dust particles are clays, sulfates or carbonates. XRF and ICP analyses of the samples show that the most important oxide compositions of airborne dusts are SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO and MgO. Estimates of enrichment factors (EF) for all studied elements show that Mn, Hf, U, Sc, K, V and Sr, with EF < 10, are of natural origin, whereas Na, Ni, Co, Ba and Cr, with EF > 10, are of anthropogenic origin. Flat REE patterns with depletion in Th, V, Nb, Zr and enrichment in Al, Rb, Sr and Mn indicate that airborne dusts in Khuzestan come from the same source, which is likely an eroded sedimentary environment outside Iran. In general, airborne dusts in Khuzestan are geochemically similar to airborne dusts elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

根据岩芯、电测曲线、录井、分析化验、地震等资料,分析了呼和湖凹陷下白垩统南屯组沉积相类型、沉积特征以及分布规律。研究表明,南屯组发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖底扇和湖泊4种沉积相。扇三角洲主要分布在南一段的西北缓坡带和东南陡坡带,辫状河三角洲主要分布在南二段以及南一段的北部斜坡带,而在深湖-半深湖相中发育湖底扇。指出呼和湖凹陷南部沉积砂体为较有利的勘探区域,其中扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲前缘亚相带是油气聚集的重要相带。  相似文献   

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